Author Topic: The Specialist Family - Graveyard Please  (Read 4865 times)

Offline Deklitch

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The Specialist Family - Graveyard Please
« on: April 09, 2014, 02:24:36 AM »
This is a new Immortal Dynasty for me. The Oids are still going, but I wanted to try Barnacle Bay for Immortal Dynasties. I am going to see what I can do about getting some of those other special seeds in that town.

The settings I have used for this try are:
  • Seasons - Summer only (28 days)
  • Population Control
    • Pets - On
    • Horses - On
    • Witches - On
    • Vampires - On
    • Werewolves - On
    • Celebrities - On
    • Fairies - On
  • Include family in Celebrities - Yes
  • All Weather - Off

Chapter 1 - All Washed Up
Chapter 2 - Ahoy There Mateys!
Watcher Notes 14 April 2014
Chapter 3 - Before the Mast

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - Statistics
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 02:34:42 AM »
Current Family
  • Lewis-Charlie Darwin - Sculptor/Gardener - Elder
  • Preethi Darwin - Photographer/Angler/Chef/Police - Elder
  • Visionary Specialist - Founder (Painting Supermax) - Adult
  • Juliet Specialist - Founder's Wife (Painter/Photographer/Musician) - Adult
Pets et al
  • Franklyn - Baby Green Dragon
Immortal Stats
Founder - Visionary Specialist - Adult
Partner - Juliet Specialist
Heir - None Yet
Traits - Artistic, Photographic Eye, Book Worm, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Rebel Social Group Trait - Avant Garde
Life Time Wish - Visionary (completed)
Supermaxed Skill - Painting - Level 10 (Completed Skill Challenges: Proficient Painter, Master Painter) (completed)
Other Maxed Skills - Photography
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Painter - Level 10 Acrylic Ace (completed); Transferred into Art Appraiser Career - Level 2 Savvy Scanner
6 Black Ops - Make a Dream, Save the Herding, Authorized Biography, Tear Up the Dance Floor, Business Model, Broadway Cameo (completed)
6 Best Friends - Flora Annan, Fawn Annan, Phillip Annan, Juliet Specialist, Lewis-Charlie Darwin, Preethie Darwin
3 Life Time Rewards - Extra Creative, No Bills Ever, Motive Mobile (completed)
Other Life Time Rewards - Steel Bladder, Rebel Social Group Influence
Property Owned - Elixir Consignment Store (Level 3)
Building Owned - Fortune Telling Wagon (fully owned)
Museum Pieces
  • Young Adult - Portrait, Photograph, Sculpture
  • Adult - Portrait, Photograph, Sculpture
  • Elder -
Other - 4 star celebrity, level 10 rebel social group, witch

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - All Washed Up
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2014, 05:01:37 AM »
All Washed Up

Sunday of week 1 dawned reached 0800 for the citizens of Barnacle Bay. Yes, that's right, Barnacle Bay, and yes, this is the immortal dynasty board, and yes, I'm in the right place, I am doing an immortal dynasty in Barnacle Bay.

Anyway, 0800 hours on Sunday of week 1 saw the townies, both residential and homeless, going about their everyday business. Down on Founders Beach, a sim washed up on the shore, dressed in tattered clothes and clasping an egg and a camera in his hands. In a town of celebrities, he was a nobody, and no one saw him arrive. He stumbled about, but the townfolk ignored him, as he wasn't well known in a positive sense. So he stumbled and stumbled until he, his egg and his camera reached a large plot of land with a mailbox and rubbish bin on it. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled the egg out and began to speak to it ... Hey, it beats speaking to himself!

"I don't know the first thing about gardening, I wish I did, I suppose that I was always too busy reading and satisfying my bookworm tendencies to ever get out and do any gardening. I was always artistic and loved to paint gardens, but they were never perfect enough for my liking. I'm pleased I have a camera, because I have a photographic eye, and you know, I'll probably take a few photographs of gardens. I'm ambitious as well, you know, I know I'm no one at the moment, but wait and see, I'll be a star before long. I just can't garden or fish, but you're just interested in knowing about gardening, of course."

He looked at the egg, sighed and put it away, speaking to an egg, good grief, Visionary Specialist he berated himself, next thing you'll be speaking to yourself. He stopped, and said out loud, "now I'm going crazy, I'm speaking to myself."

A disembodied voice replied, "if you begin responding to yourself, you know you are crazy. Now, you need to get it together man. You need people who can fish, garden, cook and paint. Oh and sculpt and photograph. There are a townsfolk full of people here, and I've picked out a house for you to visit."

"But I can paint and photograph"

"You can't paint and photograph yourself, though, and that's why you need another person for those two tasks."

Visionary Specialist looked around, "and who are you?"

"I am your Watcher, I am here to guide you gently and when necessary push you forward roughly to achieve the greatness that is yours to grasp. But go, your broom awaits."

"Right, I am not going mad, I am not going mad, I am not going mad," Visionary Specialist repeated to himself even as he got onto his broom and went to a Watcher chosen house ...

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Specialist Family - All Washed Up
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2014, 11:41:41 PM »
Dek, I always love the characters in your dynasties!  Break a plumbob, my friend!
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - Ahoy there Mateys!
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2014, 08:47:45 PM »
Thank you Tiamet, I intend to!

Ahoy there Mateys!

Visionary went to a stone house that seemed rather rundown.

"What is this place"

The Watcher replied, "The Darwins live here, Lewis-Charlie and his wife Preethie. They both have fishing skill, and he's a green thumb. They are also just one star celebrities. Go and impress them, Visionary, become their friends, invite them to move in and have them fund your house."

"You are rather cold-blooded about this."

"Thank you for the compliment, now, remember, impress and charm and if you can, talk about the business career and the law enforcement career and fishing ..." the Watcher commented, even as Visionary ran over to the door and rang the chime. He was greeted by a man in a pirate hat, the previously mentioned Lewis-Charlie Darwin.

"I'm sorry do I know you? Please don't bore me, go unless you have something interesting to talk about." Was the greeting that Visionary received.

"I really wanted to talk to you about gardening ... and fishing ... and business career ... and gardening again." Visionary tried.

It must have worked because before long, Lewis-Charlie changed his tune, "Oh it is Visionary Specialist, it is great to meet someone as famous as myself. Please, Visionary, won't you come inside? Do you know my wife, Preethie?"

Visionary Specialist spoke for a while to Lewis-Charlie and Preethie, and then, he popped the question, "You know, this house is rather small, and I'm sure the stone walls must be cold. Why don't you two come and live with me? Preethie, I'll make sure you have an opportunity to chase your dreams of becoming a photographer, Lewis-Charlie, I'll make sure there's a garden and we'll have a nice big house with wonderful views of the ocean. So, what do you say?"

Lewis-Charlie and Preethie spoke together, before Lewis-Charlie turned back to Visionary and said, "we say, yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Excellent," the voice of the Watcher said, "and when they get there we can sell their car and other stuff and build the house."

"What?" Visionary said, "no no no you don't."

"Who are you talking to, Visionary?" Preethie asked.

"Umm, my Watcher. He wants to ... I ... I'm sorry Preethie, Lewis-Charlie, but I suggest you run, apparently this is part of some kind of trap."

"Watcher?" Lewis-Charlie said and then squealed in delight before doing a jig with Preethie, "you mean you're a founder and we're going to be part of an immortal dynasty? An immortal dynasty in Barnacle Bay? Take that Riverview! Take that Sunset Valley! Yay! I just hope the random car we move out with is worthwhile and expensive so the house is as good as possible."

Preethie added "the Coastal house has lots of Life Fruit in it, and there's a death flower bush at lookout point. Death Fish, I heard tales of them near those old piers. You'll need a painter though, and probably a sculptor." After that, she looked meaningfully at Lewis-Charlie.

"I never wanted to be in business, I always wanted to be ..." Lewis-Charlie began.

"a lumberjack" asked Visionary, after being prompted by his Watcher.

"No, not a lumberjack, a Self Employed Sculptor," Lewis-Charlie ended.

"Spend a day or so working, get some more money and then perhaps change to self employed sculptor," Preethie suggested, "now then Visionary, we need to get you a wife. One who can paint. I know just the lady. She has a current love interest, but given that you're an immortal dynasty founder, I'm sure she'll gladly jump into your arms. She has painting skill and the artistic trait. She is also a 4 star celebrity. Go to the bistro and look for Juliet Verona, while we go to our new property. Juliet is in the music career. Come along Lewis."

Preethie and Lewis-Charlie headed off to their new property, while Visionary headed towards the town's bistro.

On reaching the bistro, he walked up to a woman, and said, "hello, are you Juliet Verona."

"I am, who are you? Look, you are boring me, if you don't have something interesting to say, just leave me alone."

"I just wanted to talk to you about the music career, and the painting skill and the music career some more, and wow aren't those masterpieces wonderful, and thanks to the Darwins I now have a bit of a fortune, you do know Preethie and Lewis-Charlie, don't you? And you have really done some great things in the music industry, I have all your CDs and I would love to see you painting."

Her bored look became suddenly very enthralled and interested, until suddenly "Oh, you're Visionary Specialist, it is a pleasure to meet someone as famous as I am."

They continued to talk and laugh and talk some more about their artistic tendencies and the music career until they became friends. At that point, he invited her to a meal at the bistro, she accepted the offer, and after the exited, she said to Visionary, "why is your pocket shaking?"

"Oh, the egg, I forgot I had that on me. Wait a moment ..."

Visionary pulled the egg out of his pocket, put it on the ground until it cracked and out popped a little green dragon that Visionary called Franklyn.

"You have dragons?" Juliet asked, "cool, I want to move in and help and paint you and play with Franklyn."

And so, by the end of day 1, Visionary had 3 housemates and a baby dragon and a house which gave a brilliant opportunity for

Preethie to fish from the front landing ...

Juliet and Visionary to paint ...

Lewis-Charlie to Sculpt ...
<Apparently I forgot to take this picture, sorry>

Franklyn to look cute ...

And the Watcher to build one of his famous box houses ...

Ground Floor

Top Floor

NB - Since these screenshots, I removed the tube elevators and replaced them with ladders. I have also put in the sculpting station and an additional painting easel.

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Specialist Family - Ahoy There Mateys!
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2014, 10:23:16 PM »
"Go and impress them, Visionary, become their friends, invite them to move in and have them fund your house."

For now and forever, the Watcher's voice shall be a combination of Brian Blessed and John Rhys-Davis in my head!

Also loved the lumberjack quote  ;)
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
Pika-la-Cynique, GND

I Wanna Be A Disney Princess Base Game Dynasty
Goblin King Dynasty The Backup Has Been Found!
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - Watcher Notes 14 April 2014
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2014, 08:15:39 PM »
Watcher Notes

For now and forever, the Watcher's voice shall be a combination of Brian Blessed and John Rhys-Davis in my head!

Awesome! Thanks, I love both of their voices.

Also loved the lumberjack quote  ;)

I've always said I can fit a monty python quote into anything. :)

I have played on a fair bit in this game, Gen 2 is now a toddler, and I got some unexpected 'surprises' with regards to Gen 2. It is rather interesting, exciting, and kind of scary at the same time. The surprises will be revealed in ... oh about Chapter 4, I suppose. I don't know whether it was from what I read up on regarding painting for the 'Portrait of my town' challenge or not, but I actually found painting to be rather straight forward to supermax this time. Basically, my founder supermaxed it prior to his adult birthday.

In personal, non-story related news I have a job interview today for an accounting position. Looking forward to it. My current boss (dad) knows about the interview and is very supportive of me going for it as he is looking at retiring and closing down his business sooner rather than later.

Anyway, just really wanted to thank Tiamet for her comments.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - Before The Mast
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2014, 06:48:40 AM »
Before The Mast

As time went on, the skilling went on, the four of them worked endlessly at their skills in between: going to work

- Preethie to the police station ...
"Gosh, I wish they would find someone else to check out that new evidence that had just come in, I have to catch that deathfish."

- Juliet to the theatre ...
"Painting is a lot of fun, but my learning the guitar is important to my changed Life Time Wish as well."

- Visionary from his very own easel ...
"I am nicely raising through the ranks as a self employed painter, and I am also pleased to be so rebellious, it makes being an Art Appraiser a possibility in time."

- Lewis-Charlie at the business offices before resigning to take up a life as a self-employed sculptor;
"I get to use a chainsaw as an ice sculptor! A CHAINSAW! What self respecting sim wouldn't prefer that over a stuffy job in an office?"

Juliet and Visionary getting married at home in front of a painting easel;

"Before our easels I wed you Juliet, and I give you this ring as a token of my dedication to you and my love for you. I hope you can find it in your heart to love me."
"Of course I love you and dedicate my life to the future of our line, Visionary. And I promise my ghost will return from time to time after I leave with Grim to check up on your and our descendants."

Franklyn working his magic on the garden; and
* Insert cute baby dragon noises here *

The two couples 'testing out' their beds.
Following the successful tests, the two ladies developed very particular appetites ...

Juliet for apples; and

"An apple a day brings a lad our way."

Preethie for watermelons.
"Sugar and Spice and Watermelons are nice. That's what our little girl will be made of."

NB: Before the Mast is an expression of pirates/sailors which means to take an oath as a loyal crewman, usually done while standing on deck before the commanding officer and seemed appropriate for a chapter which featured the first wedding.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Specialist Family - Before the Mast 18/04/2014
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2014, 09:05:16 AM »
Dek I love the way you write it makes me want to wipe the dust of Barnacle Bay and play there.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - Before the Mast 18/04/2014
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2014, 06:35:53 PM »
Thank you for your comment, Rachel.

Barnacle Bay is certainly fun, a lot more fun than I was anticipating!

Also, in sad news: I'm experiencing technical problems with the Specialists and the Oids. :(

However, I am not asking for either story to be moved to the graveyard until I know for sure that's the only option


Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - Before the Mast 18/04/2014
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2014, 02:41:05 PM »
I do, don't I?

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Specialist Family - Before the Mast 18/04/2014
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2014, 04:11:38 PM »
Please move this to the graveyard.

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Re: The Specialist Family - Graveyard Please
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2014, 03:29:53 PM »
Moving this story to the graveyard as requested.  I hope you have better luck with your next venture, Deklitch!
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