Thank you Tiamet, I intend to!
Ahoy there Mateys!
Visionary went to a stone house that seemed rather rundown.
"What is this place"
The Watcher replied, "The Darwins live here, Lewis-Charlie and his wife Preethie. They both have fishing skill, and he's a green thumb. They are also just one star celebrities. Go and impress them, Visionary, become their friends, invite them to move in and have them fund your house."
"You are rather cold-blooded about this."
"Thank you for the compliment, now, remember, impress and charm and if you can, talk about the business career and the law enforcement career and fishing ..." the Watcher commented, even as Visionary ran over to the door and rang the chime. He was greeted by a man in a pirate hat, the previously mentioned Lewis-Charlie Darwin.
"I'm sorry do I know you? Please don't bore me, go unless you have something interesting to talk about." Was the greeting that Visionary received.
"I really wanted to talk to you about gardening ... and fishing ... and business career ... and gardening again." Visionary tried.
It must have worked because before long, Lewis-Charlie changed his tune, "Oh it is Visionary Specialist, it is great to meet someone as famous as myself. Please, Visionary, won't you come inside? Do you know my wife, Preethie?"
Visionary Specialist spoke for a while to Lewis-Charlie and Preethie, and then, he popped the question, "You know, this house is rather small, and I'm sure the stone walls must be cold. Why don't you two come and live with me? Preethie, I'll make sure you have an opportunity to chase your dreams of becoming a photographer, Lewis-Charlie, I'll make sure there's a garden and we'll have a nice big house with wonderful views of the ocean. So, what do you say?"
Lewis-Charlie and Preethie spoke together, before Lewis-Charlie turned back to Visionary and said, "we say, yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Excellent," the voice of the Watcher said, "and when they get there we can sell their car and other stuff and build the house."
"What?" Visionary said, "no no no you don't."
"Who are you talking to, Visionary?" Preethie asked.
"Umm, my Watcher. He wants to ... I ... I'm sorry Preethie, Lewis-Charlie, but I suggest you run, apparently this is part of some kind of trap."
"Watcher?" Lewis-Charlie said and then squealed in delight before doing a jig with Preethie, "you mean you're a founder and we're going to be part of an immortal dynasty? An immortal dynasty in Barnacle Bay? Take that Riverview! Take that Sunset Valley! Yay! I just hope the random car we move out with is worthwhile and expensive so the house is as good as possible."
Preethie added "the Coastal house has lots of Life Fruit in it, and there's a death flower bush at lookout point. Death Fish, I heard tales of them near those old piers. You'll need a painter though, and probably a sculptor." After that, she looked meaningfully at Lewis-Charlie.
"I never wanted to be in business, I always wanted to be ..." Lewis-Charlie began.
"a lumberjack" asked Visionary, after being prompted by his Watcher.
"No, not a lumberjack, a Self Employed Sculptor," Lewis-Charlie ended.
"Spend a day or so working, get some more money and then perhaps change to self employed sculptor," Preethie suggested, "now then Visionary, we need to get you a wife. One who can paint. I know just the lady. She has a current love interest, but given that you're an immortal dynasty founder, I'm sure she'll gladly jump into your arms. She has painting skill and the artistic trait. She is also a 4 star celebrity. Go to the bistro and look for Juliet Verona, while we go to our new property. Juliet is in the music career. Come along Lewis."
Preethie and Lewis-Charlie headed off to their new property, while Visionary headed towards the town's bistro.
On reaching the bistro, he walked up to a woman, and said, "hello, are you Juliet Verona."
"I am, who are you? Look, you are boring me, if you don't have something interesting to say, just leave me alone."
"I just wanted to talk to you about the music career, and the painting skill and the music career some more, and wow aren't those masterpieces wonderful, and thanks to the Darwins I now have a bit of a fortune, you do know Preethie and Lewis-Charlie, don't you? And you have really done some great things in the music industry, I have all your CDs and I would love to see you painting."
Her bored look became suddenly very enthralled and interested, until suddenly "Oh, you're Visionary Specialist, it is a pleasure to meet someone as famous as I am."
They continued to talk and laugh and talk some more about their artistic tendencies and the music career until they became friends. At that point, he invited her to a meal at the bistro, she accepted the offer, and after the exited, she said to Visionary, "why is your pocket shaking?"
"Oh, the egg, I forgot I had that on me. Wait a moment ..."
Visionary pulled the egg out of his pocket, put it on the ground until it cracked and out popped a little green dragon that Visionary called Franklyn.

"You have dragons?" Juliet asked, "cool, I want to move in and help and paint you and play with Franklyn."
And so, by the end of day 1, Visionary had 3 housemates and a baby dragon and a house which gave a brilliant opportunity for
Preethie to fish from the front landing ...

Juliet and Visionary to paint ...

Lewis-Charlie to Sculpt ...
<Apparently I forgot to take this picture, sorry>
Franklyn to look cute ...

And the Watcher to build one of his famous box houses ...

Ground Floor

Top Floor
NB - Since these screenshots, I removed the tube elevators and replaced them with ladders. I have also put in the sculpting station and an additional painting easel.