Sometimes I make myself follow my Sims wishes when they're contrary to mine, just to see how it turns out. For example I was just starting out on a legacy style game where I was intending to have the kids inherit traits from their parents via a random system I'd designed (at birth one trait from each parent, at childhood inherit trait from mother, at teenager inherit from father at young adult from mother again, trait chosen by rolling a six-sided dice, results of 1 - 5 being the trait at that spot in the parents list of traits, a 6 being any trait, chosen with the in game randomizer, duplicate traits or ones not available at that age rerolled), so obviously I wanted my founder to get herself a nice husband with good traits...
A day or two into the game she got a wish to go on a date specifically with Hunter Cottoneye (I think that's his name) who she had had no contact with other than he was her co-worker, I'd never seen that before, a Sim autonomously wanting to date someone they hadn't even been formally introduced to, so I figured, okay, one date, what harm can it do? (clearly I failed my genre savvy roll right there). So they went to the bistro, ate, chatted, my girl Eloise had the observant reward by this point and I got my first look at this guy's traits. Now I forget exactly which three appeared as found out, except that one of them was Mean-Spirited and the others weren't particularly positive either, plus this guy was obviously quite a bit older than her, I was like 'Are you sure this is the guy for you, honey?' Eloise promptly gets a wish to kiss him (not having had any romantic interactions except possibly the ask if single one), I gave in, clearly she'd made her mind up and wasn't going to be dissuaded. As it turned out it worked out rather well, they made a sweet couple, he moved in, gave up work to concentrate on fishing and a day or two after that he got a wish to get engaged even though he had the loner trait, it was like he was telling me that he wasn't really a bad person, just misunderstood and now he'd met someone who saw him for who he was and he was happy. I could even sort of see why she understood him, most of her traits were like more positive versions of his, she had Adventurous to his Loner for example (that's the one I remember), all in all they were much more fun to play than the 'perfect' match I'd had in mind. His genes did go on to wreak havoc with future generations though.
Something else I like doing is mixing traits which don't seem to go together on the same Sim, like Charismatic and Loner (works better than you'd think), Unflirty and Hopeless Romantic, Evil and Friendly. One of my favourite Sims from a different game where I was rolling traits randomly had Workaholic, Party Animal and Couch Potato (plus I forget which two others) I figured she worked hard, played hard and then crashed. I think she was a Rock Star, it kind of worked.