Dear Diary, I can't be more excited! I am now officially a grown up! What's more, I don't have to go to school anymore, although that's kind of sad because I'll miss seeing all my bffs every day and learning new stuff from the coolest teachers ever.
BUT, even better, I'm getting married!!!! OMG!!! The cutest, sweetest, handsomest, more adorable guy in the entire Simiverse said yes and is going to be Mr. Christmas Thyme!!! I am the luckiest girl in the entire world. Of course, there is the itty bitty but every so crucial thing of all the wedding plans. Should I wear white? What about borrowing Mom's dress? How many guests should I invite? Oh, and another ever so crucial detail, I have never met Mr. Gepetto! Will he like me? Will he refuse to let Pietro marry me? (Fat chance of that! We'll elope!) There was the original issue of Grampy Justin absolutely hating Pietro, but he's chill about it now and the entire family is on board for this wedding shtick.
Well, first things first. Here's what happened at graduation:
It was a gorgeous day. Sun was shining and the ENTIRE family came to see me graduate! I was chosen class Valedictorian and most likely to write some great book or something. I can hardly remember what all was said. My dad looked particularly handsome and so young!

I couldn't help it. I was so happy I just threw my diploma up in the air, (and of course caught it again on the way down!). Dad wasn't exactly thrilled by this but he didn't say anything. Didn't want to spoil my day.

I kept looking around for Pietro and didn't see him. I guess he hadn't come out yet. But over by the doors there was his dad. GULP! "Ok, you can do this!", I said to myself, and just waltzed right over and introduced myself.

"Good morning, Mr. Gepetto. I'm Christmas Thyme. I'm very close to your son, Pietro. Has he ever mentioned me?"
"Hello there, young lady. Yes, as a matter of fact it seems you are all he talks about. Oh, and congratulations on the fine showing in school. Valedictorian! Quite an honor."
"Errrr, yes. An honor. Thank you. Ummmm, Pietro did very well as well. I'm really proud of him. You see......I.....well.....I really care a lot about him....."

"Yes, yes. Fine lad. A father couldn't be more proud of him, you know."
"Uhhh, yes. Proud. Ummm, sir.......well......Pietro and I.......well.....sir....we want to get married and I'd really like your blessing for it.....would you?......"

"Hahahah! I thought you'd never get to the point! Young lady, that boy is so in love with you he can't think straight. I know your family very well and you come from very good stock. I couldn't be happier at his choice of a bride. Of course you have my blessing. Although.....I will be really lonely without him. He's all I've had for years since Mrs. G passed. But, enough sad tales. When is the wedding?"
"Oh thank you, thank you! May I call you Dad? Yes? Ok, well Dad, I've been working on the wedding plans and I'm really excited. Of course, I'll have to talk things over with Pietro but he did say whatever I wanted to do would be fine with him."

"I'm sure it will be lovely. Now, if you'll excuse me I see your grandfather over there and I want to talk with him about a family portrait.. Why don't you find Pietro and get things firmed up?"
WELL! I was so surprised things went so well. Mr. G. is such a sweet man. No wonder my Pietro is so wonderful with a parent like that. Pietro and I chatted for awhile but then it was time to go home. My family had this huge surprise for me they said and boy, what a surprise it was!
They bought me an entirely new wardrobe of clothes!!!! WHOO HOOO! Every girl's dream. A great guy, a soon to be wedding, and NEW CLOTHES! Here' some pics of the clothes. I feel so glam!
Every day number 1:

Every day number 2: (I love my Shakira shirt! She's my favorite singer!)

Every day number 3: I bet I could wear this if Pietro and I go clubbing!

Formal number 1. This one is HOT!

Formal number 2. Love the colors!

Formal number 3. I borrowed Mom's hat but I don't think it goes with the dress.

Sleepwear number 1.

Sleepwear number 2. Mom, what were you thinking?

Athletic number 1. Ok, moderately normal.

Athletic number 2.

Athletic number 3. Mom says for the trampoline???

Swim number 1. Pietro likes this one.

Swim number 2.

Swim number 3.

and last, but DEFINITELY not least, the one dress that hat really goes with.......

Yes, mom asked me if I would like to wear her dress since it brought her so much joy and of course, I said yes. She got all teary eyed when she saw it on me, with the addition of my favorite yellow in small touches. She and Dad both said I looked just like her. Those strong Lessen genes I guess. It was declared perfect and now all I had to do was get the party started!