Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131237 times)

Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #555 on: July 25, 2012, 09:18:28 PM »
Ha, I love that last picture with arrows coming out of the time machine  ;D, I've mostly only gone to the future so I've never seen that before, because the one time I went to the past it changed another Sims career, so I gave up on the past. 

I love your writing and this story, and the gnomelympics really made me laugh. Great updates.
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #556 on: July 28, 2012, 04:08:40 PM »
Thank you, Juxt, and all who read and/or post.  It keeps me going on the story when the pc decides to be ugly to me, or when the game files get all mucked up.  I'm still trying to avoid a reinstall but it is looking more and more like I will have to do just that.  (heavy sigh)  Meanwhile, back at the ranch............errrr, mansion........ 

Actually, I'm not sure how to do this.  I've a bit of catching up to do with three, (Possibly 4), separate things going on and pictures everywhere, so there may be three or more posts in one day with time out to watch some Olympic events.  Definitely hope to see fencing!  Mariel Zagunis is a hometown girl for us, who actually went to the same school my kid is attending, so it's kind of important to cheer for the hometown girl.  I guess I'll start with our teen ager, Christmas Thyme.....

My So Called Love Life and Party Thyme

Honestly.  Did I catch the stupid and ugly bug or something?  It seems I just can't get a break where guys are concerned.  They either can't stand me, want to be my big brother and best friend, or just aren't into girls.  Anyways, there is this really cute guy in school, name is Pietro Gepetto.  His dad is a toy maker or something and works at the open air market in town.  I really liked Pietro from day one so I decided I'd give it a shot and invited him over.  Things started off really well......although he was late showing up!

He seemed to be really cool and it looked like he wanted to be more than my big brother/best friend and he was DEFINITELY into girls.  We kind of snuggled for awhile....

and one thing sort of lead into another......

and I even got him to go for the "Watch the stars" thing......

Things were really looking good!  I'm gonna have a boyfriend I thought!  So I figured maybe he'd like to kiss me, just a little friendly kiss?  WELL!  He pushes me away, says I obviously have "issues" I need to deal with and call him if I ever get myself straightened out! 

Issues?  I am the one with "ISSUES"?  Like, he got invited to kiss a girl every day?  So there I was once more with my so called love life down the tubes.  I decided I'd talk with my dad and maybe get some advice.  What was I doing wrong?

Unfortunately, Dad was clueless.  Shuffled me off to Nana Winter but there was no way I was ready to embarrass myself further.  Dad just figured I should stick to writing books and not make myself part of one.  I admit it, I was pretty upset with him, but hey, he's my dad and what do guys know about these things anyways?

I took out my frustration and anger on some space rocks.  Every time I busted one it was "HI YA, Pietro!  Off with your head!" , and another gem stone would pop out.  It got to be kind of fun but I was still stuck with no boyfriend and no love life at MY age!  My life was definitely over.

Dad wasn't a total bust after all though.  He surprised me with a really cool party to which he and Mom invited just about every boy in school!  A couple of girls too, but it was obvious they wanted me to feel better about myself.  If all these guys came to the party I couldn't be that much of a waste of space, now could I?  I should have known something was up when the clan all began to gather around a table just covered with all kinds of food.

Everyone showed up!  At first they were pretty stiff and uncomfortable, but Mom and Dad broke out their instruments and things started to warm up a lot.  The ice cream machine didn't hurt either!

I played it cool for awhile.  Danced with Puggsley and Scooter and then casually made my way over to you know who.....



"Soooooo, wassup?"

"Nuthin.  Cool party."

"Yeah.  My Dad can be pretty cool sometime.  Sooooo have you tried any of the food?  They made my fav.....grilled cheese sandwiches."

"Cookies were good.  I really, really love cookies."

"I've missed your texts.   Sorry I was such a jerk the other day. Had a lot of tests coming up, got in trouble with the rents,  you know.....anyway.....uh.....I......uh....."

"S'ok.  So, maybe we can like, call or something?"

",  I really like you, you know?  Like, I mean,  LIKE you."

Do I have to tell you this was the BEST party evah!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #557 on: July 28, 2012, 04:29:56 PM »
I honestly don't know how exactly to work the following screenies into the story.  They were just so hilarious to me, (but I have a very warped sense of humor), that I decided to just show them to you and let them speak for themselves.

"Bull.....yer goin' down"

"Oh yeah?  Dude, you haven't met anyone like El Torito of West Riverview!  Prepare to meet your doom."

"Come at me bro!"

"Let's see whatcha got moo cow.  I'm hankering for a good steak dinner tonight and you look like you might be on the menu."

"Hoooooooo eeeee!  Whoopy ki yay!"


"Yeee hah!  That all you got Hamburgers?"

"I'll show you!  No gringo is going to barbecue this steer!  Hold on to your sombrero dude!  I'm shakin' you loose right now!"

"hahahahaha!  Whooopeeee!  Ride 'em cowboy!"

"I got you by the horns now Bossy!  You are done, done, done!  Hey, did I ever tell you about how an ancestor of ours bested the minotaur?...."

"Baaaaaahhhhhllll!   Nooooooo!   It's impossible!"

"I learned me a thing or three in that time machine and you are DONE, cow!"

"Tah dah!"

"And a big, stick finish!"

Author's note:  No steers, cows, or any other animals were injured or in anyway endangered in the filming of this episode.  Justin conquered the bull at the hardest level his first time around and now walks with a definite cowboy swagger.  The thing is, I did not initiate this series of events.  Just had a blast watching it unfold and taking the shots.  Sims do the strangest things.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #558 on: July 28, 2012, 05:14:01 PM »
My Now Wonderful Love Life

It's Prom time, and I really needed a date, ya know?  No more going to dances with girl friends for me!  So I asked Pete over, you know, Pietro?  It was good from the get go!

"Hey gorgeous!"

"Hiya handsome.  How's about a hug?"

"Anytime sweet cheeks."

"You got some butter to go with that corn?  Haha.  Seriously dude, I asked you over because, well, it's kind of rude to just ask on the phone, ya know?  So, will you take me to the prom?"

"Hon, I'll take you anywhere you want to go.  Of course, I'll go to the prom with you.  I thought you didn't want to go with me and I was too scared to ask myself."

"Oh, really are the sweetest guy.  (sigh)  This really is perfect, isn't it?"

"Yeah.  Perfect."

"Ok you two!  Break it up!  Chrissie, don't you have homework to do or something?"

"Hi Poppa Thyme.  Did it already.  We were just....."

"Yeah, I know all about what you were just....."

"It's getting late.  You don't want to be out past curfew young man.  Cya."

"Poppa!  That was incredibly rude!  Honestly could you have embarassed me more?  I LIKE Pietro and for your information, I think he is the ONE.  You all have been all over me about this stupid dynasty thing and having to find a good mate and I've chosen mine! 

"He's smart, and kind and he'd do anything for me.  He makes me laugh and he listens when I talk, which is more than most of you guys do!  I think I love him."

He makes me feel the way you said Nana Aurora made you feel.

Now can't you try to get along with him?"

"Well now!  That has made me very happy!  I was just worried he might be the wrong kind of guy for you.  I'll try to be more friendly toward him, and maybe even trust you a bit more as well.  We do love you, you know.  Not just because you're the heir, either."

And that, dear Diary, is that. 

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline JudesSims

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All the Thyme Family
« Reply #559 on: July 28, 2012, 05:52:09 PM »
Very nice, Joria! You had me chuckling through the entire thing.


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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #560 on: July 28, 2012, 06:34:34 PM »
Justin is looking good riding the bull lol!
I'm glad she find someone for the prom, young love are so cute. :)

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #561 on: July 29, 2012, 01:27:26 PM »
Justin is quite the adventurous guy!  He loves that gyroscope thing and now the bull.  He's mastered all three levels/speeds on each and the hardest part is keeping him off them.  I'm really kind of sorry I didn't give him any cowboy clothes because he really looks good in them.  Maybe it's mirror thyme!  lol  Thanks for the input Jude and loveSims!

Birthday at Last!

Dear Diary, well, the day has finally arrived.  My darling little girl, Summer, has now reached the time of her life when she will become an elder like Justin and myself.  She will always be a little girl to me, even though she is my granddaughter and a mom herself.  Justin planned on a huge bash for her and it turned out quite well.  The food and drink was terrific.  Jude put out some glasses of his perfect vintage of banana and meloire grape wine and made a lovely key lime pie, and I did my famous tri-tip steak.

The sweetest thing was Jude serenading Summer, letting her know with his music how much he loved her and always would.  They are eternally faithful to one another, you know.

She stared at that cake for the longest thyme!  I think she really didn't want to age up before Jude did but he would catch up with her soon, and she knew her fate was to become an elder and help the family dynasty by eating our special dish afterward.  It was a frightening experience.  Would aging hurt?  Would she lose Jude's love? 

Finally, screwing up her courage and giving in to the inevitable, she blew the candles out to the cheering of her friends and family.

She always had to do things a little differently, so even though it began with sparkles it surely ended with a big bang!  I was concerned, thinking she had caught fire from the cake, but all was well as it could be.

My beautiful grandchild aged up looking pretty much like me!  What a shock that was!



Looking at her beautiful face I could clearly see her grandfather Jon Lessen.  His genes are so strong!  It made me happy to see my beloved's blood ran so clearly in her.

The party ran on for quite some time with none of the guests anxious to leave.  I think I got a picture of most of them at the party, although I can clearly see I missed a few, like Lurch Adams.
Pam Marsden was there, and Angela Buznik, (Alan had a school event and couldn't attend).  Oh yes, also her first, best friend James Douglas,Barbie (Doll) Roberts and Moira Deneir O'Carter and several others.  Too many for me to remember!  It was really a great party and NO VISIT FROM GRIMM! 

The only unfortunate incident was when Moira decided to put a few moves on Justin!

Apparently taking her down to show her the gallery was a big mistake!  He was still eternally faithful to his beloved Aurora though and wanted none of Moira.  She was crushed and left soon after.

Party over, that thyme had arrived when Summer really became a part of us.  Jude went off to do other errands we had for him.  We didn't want to rub in the fact that she would live forever, but he would not. 

I prepared her dish of ambrosia with great love in my heart and a great sadness as well.  I had experienced twice in my life how terrible it was to lose the spouse of your heart.

We sat silently around the table as she ate.  Even Christmas so she could see it was not a painful change after all, and to give her an insight into what she too would ultimately experience, surrounded by loving family.

As the glow began, I got up in case she needed some assistance or comforting, but she did just fine.  The Clan arrived just at that moment to cheer her on and add their support.  Fine little fellows they are!

After that it was easel thyme.  Justin began on her elder portrait immediately.

And that, was that.

Author's note:   And this may very well be that.  The travel bug has hit and now I must decide do I want to catch up to this point with an older file or just finally close the book and walk away.  The Thyme's have been with me for over a year now and it really would be hard to say good bye to them.  It's something I'll be thinking about and deciding in the next day or so and will depend on whether I can still work with this file or have the tenacity to use the other one.  They really don't NEED to travel anymore and the file seems to work ok in their hometown but I fear problems in the future if it isn't corrected.  We'll see how it goes.

Summer does look a lot like her grandmother but her dad's strong jaw, a legacy from Jon Lessen, really shows up both in her and in Christmas.  Her hair style won't always be the same as Winter's but the hair and dress are a hint for future updates.  Her hair is quite white with turquoise highlights and tips, while Winter's is pretty much pure white.  My wish for the future from EA is they would please make clothing for elders that isn't quite so ugly!  I certainly wouldn't wear most of what they offer!  Even at 73 it's jeans and t-shirts or denim shirts for me!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #562 on: July 29, 2012, 08:16:54 PM »
Happy birthday Summer! Congrats on eating ambrosia. :D
I'm sorry about the travel bug. :(

Offline Schipperke

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #563 on: July 29, 2012, 08:37:42 PM »
Happy birthday, Summer! 

Sorry about that travel bug, Joria.  It's a real nuisance, and it's the reason my dynasty members didn't travel at all in the later generations.  But I managed to carry on, despite increasingly long load times, and I hope you and the Thymes will be able to continue.
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #564 on: July 30, 2012, 12:22:36 PM »
Thank you Schip and loveSims!  The main reason for travel for me, besides tomb raiding, is it fills my desire to remodel and make extravagant homes!  I really love my French chateau, (it's my wallpaper on my desktop!), and my home in Shang Simla is pretty awesome as well.  I was rather looking forward to remodeling one of the palaces in Egypt but it looks like that isn't going to happen.  If long load time and a bit more stubborness on the part of my Sims is all I have to worry about then the travel bug isn't going to bite me too hard anyway.  True that Christmas won't have filled all her visa levels for every country, but all the cook books were bought in each country and all the various machinery was acquired, so it's really not such a big deal.  Maybe some future spin off will be able to complete collections, who knows.  I'll already have two in mind, one in UC and another who knows where, but it will have something to do with Show Time.

One of the fun parts of continuing on with this is watching the imported Sims age, grow and change.  The original townies in Riverview had all died off and the newcomers were really quite a bore for the most part.  So I imported UC townies, which I had saved to my library, and filled Riverview with them and the few descendants of original townies that were left, most of them elderly.  As I play with my Thymes they interact with the imported families, mostly through Christmas who meets the offspring of the importees in school.  Pugsley and Wednesday Adams are a hoot.  He is really quite a nice guy though definitely eccentric and is unfortunately in love with Christmas who only has eyes for Gepetto.  Wednesday is funny because she creates mischief wherever she goes and since she is also evil has the most delightful cackle.  Alan Buznik as a teen runs around in a bear suit and brown dress shoes and is very shy and withdrawn and would so love to be accepted by the rest of the gang who tend to ignore him.  I just want to give him a hug!  Ayame Jin is really miffed because Christmas has been avoiding her, (awkward moments at a prom!), and gets very upset when she sees Christmas and Pietro holding hands.  Evelyn Murro has died and her husband is starting to think Winter is VERY nice indeed, while the rebellious punk style teen they were raising is turning out to be a very serious and intelligent guy who does the "look" because he wants to be a musician.  He really isn't so rebellious after all!  Pam and Joe Marsden have aged up and one of their cats has gone with Grimm, very sad all around.  Panther Character has aged up but the Jades have not!  Strange!  Morticia Adams has aged up but where Gomez is, is anyone's guess.  Meanwhile Lurch is still looking pretty good. James Douglas just looks as young and handsome as ever but you rarely see him unless you go fishing or invite him to a party.  I really like his character a lot.  Drey Kular just kind of hangs around being a celebrity.  You can occasionally find him chatting with vampires and attending Sim Fests, but he's fairly aloof.  The Thyme's are friends with him but only sort of.  Watching these characters, and others, change and grow has really been interesting since it is totally whatever the game decides for them.  Some, like Wednesday Adams and James Douglas, are just like I imagine them or the way they seemed to be in their own story, (as in James' case).
Others, like Pugsley and Scooter Johnson, (Muro grandson), are quite a surprise.

Later on today there will be an update.  Big things happening at the Thyme household!  Just so folks won't wonder how age has affected Summer and Jude, I'll leave you with these shots.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #565 on: August 01, 2012, 07:45:49 PM »
Thyme is moving on, and our Christmas is slowly growing up.  One final prom night before she graduates?  Here she is after a fabulous night with her boyfriend, Pietro.  It is such a sizziling romance everyone at the dance was talking, and it was all good things.

One more good memory to place in her special places in her room.  This one goes up on her desk where she spends so much of her thyme writing.

The next day was her birthday.  After a good night's sleep, she was ready for the big birthday bash her Mom and Dad had planned for her.  She was full of both joy, and trepidation.  Getting older and having real responsibilities, especially to the dynasty was a scary thing, but not so scary you couldn't have fun!

All her best friends were there.  Friends she hoped to keep for as long as they lived, especially that one very special friend, Pietro.  Puggsley seemed more interested in the cake, but hey, let the good times roll!

At last, the moment of truth. 

"Oh wow!  This is awesome!  It tickles!!"

And now, for that last quick spin......

And....voila!  A lovely young adult rises in Riverview!  (and Puggsley just KNOWS cake is soon to come his way....yay! cake!)

Now, just before you think, ho hum, another boring birthday, everyone had a huge surprise.  No, it wasn't the typical appearance of Grim, thank heaven.  Instead, Chrissies heart throb, Pietro, decided it was such fun to become an young adult, that unannounced he had his birthday as well!
No cake, but hey, there was already one on the premises, right?

Not a bad lookin' guy.  It didn't even take away anything from the party which was declared epic!

That night Chrissie couldn't sleep.  It took forever to get all the guests to leave, especially the Adams kids.  However, they finally left and Chrissie called up Pietro and invited him over.  She was taking no chances on her future or the future of this family.

"Hey, Pietro."

"Hey, Chrissie.  What's up honey?  I didn't expect you to call at this hour."

"Well, I have something important to ask you, but first, do you really care for me?  I know we've talked about our future, getting married, having kids and all, but now we're old enough, is it still something you want?"

"Barzo!  Gwardeegash!  Are you kidding me?  I love you, and always will.  Of course I want us to get married."

"Ok, then........

"Pietro Gepetto, will you........

"Omigosh, omigosh!  Yes!  Yes, yes, yes!  Of course I'll marry you!"

"Wow!  This is beautiful!  Almost as beautiful as you are!  But I thought the guy was supposed to ask?"

"Mmmm, traditionally in most families that would be yes.  But in our family it's usually the heir who asks, no matter if it is male or female.  Do you mind?"

"Heck no!  This is just so gorgeous and such a great end to a perfect day.   Ummm, do we get married now?"

"No, silly.  I want a big wedding with all our friends in formal dress and a cake for Puggsley, (Pietro snickers),  and a lovely dress and flowers and the whole shtick!"

"Well, give me a big hug then babe because I'm all yours and I'm willing to have whatever kind of wedding you want!"

"You've made me so happy, Pietro."

"Me too.  And just think......NO HOMEWORK!"

"Too funny!  Ok, you've gotta go.  No spending over till we're married.  I'm pretty old fashioned that way and I have lots of things to do.  G'night lover."

"'Night sweetie.  Cya tomorrow!"

The next day brought a final recital for Christmas.  All the family attended and had a great thyme.  They are all so proud of her.  Off she goes to work on wedding plans, and to figure out how to tell the family she's engaged!  She figures she'll work it all out on her podcast thingie.  It must have features for a wedding planner, no?

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline JudesSims

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All the Thyme Family
« Reply #566 on: August 01, 2012, 07:53:51 PM »
One word....SMILE

Offline Schipperke

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #567 on: August 01, 2012, 07:58:23 PM »
Happy birthday, Christmas!  And congratulations to Christmas and Pietro.  I just love the male Sims with their diamond rings.  True gender equality, friends! 
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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #568 on: August 02, 2012, 04:47:09 AM »
Christmas and Pietro are so cute together, they have the same birthday even, they are just perfectly matched!

Pugsly did seem to be very interested in that cake, good thing the time family has the simoleons to feed such an appetite.  It sounds like a fun idea to have imported familiar sims to your town, I'm glad that injected some more fun for you.

Yay for wedding parties, I'm betting Christmas' will be awesome.
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #569 on: August 02, 2012, 08:00:00 AM »
Happy birthday Christmas! Pugsly was really eyeing that cake lol.

Congrats on the engagement! Cant wait for the wedding. ;D

