Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131332 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #540 on: July 14, 2012, 03:28:48 PM »
Thank you, loveSims.  Our resident teen, aka squeakyclean on this forum, is currently away at Interlochen Center for the Arts.  She fluctuates between having "an absolutely horrible time and I DON'T BELONG HERE!", and "hey I swam a thousand today and went kayaking after my theory class!"  She's a very family oriented person and this is her first time where she is really away from home.  We've had to resist very hard bringing her home, with all the many tearful phone calls we've received, but this is an opportunity not to be missed.  I miss terribly hearing her sing around the house but I so do NOT miss the teen age angst and drama that comes along with that time of life.  I know she'll survive it and turn out quite well.  The question is, will we?  lol

Yes, the gnomes are up to something for sure.  Next post, Gnolympics!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #541 on: July 15, 2012, 12:45:14 AM »
Chrissy sounds like some of the kids at my drama college. :P I think arty kids are usually worse. I have the benefit of a jump of a few years on them, and I keep telling them that when they get older, it won't be so bad. You've captured the teenage mind perfectly. :)

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #542 on: July 15, 2012, 05:46:52 PM »
I agree!  Arty kids are the worst!  Such drama!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #543 on: July 16, 2012, 05:01:00 AM »
I'm a teen, but I can't say I'm very like Christmas at all. :P I'd use my parents being away to play sims all day, I hate parties. ;D Great updates!


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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #544 on: July 16, 2012, 11:50:46 AM »
I agree!  Arty kids are the worst!  Such drama!

Indeed. When I was in my late teens, I used the stage to get my feelings out and otherwise I was introverted. I'm still much the same way. I study IT as well as drama and so I hang around with the computer people and my housemates. Back then I never partied, I just stayed home with my books and my writing.

My sister who is a teen now is the total opposite of me. She's a musician, she's extroverted and everything is a big deal. If her parents went away for two days, you can bet she'd do everything Chrissy did and more. :P I love her but I keep wondering, was I ever that dramatic?!

Anyway, I can't wait to see further into Chrissy's teen mind. Maybe it will help me understand how all the arty kids think. ;)

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #545 on: July 16, 2012, 01:37:39 PM »
Understanding how arty kids think is like understanding why the Mona Lisa was painted and who she really was.  It's all a beautiful mystery meant to be observed and loved.  Or so I hope!  I doubt I'll ever truly understand the teen age mind.  Heck, I never even understood my own!

I'm like you Fez.  I'm not a party person but would much rather do a one on one or me and my Sims.  My teen is party enough for me, and trust me, she can be a party all rolled up in one.  Works hard at not letting us see how shy she really is.  She does have a terrific sense of humor though, unlike myself who seldom gets jokes and usually finds them offensive rather than funny, especially if they "poke fun" at people. 


*Reading the writings of my predecessors, and seeing the photos they've taken, I've come to a conclusion.  Gnomes are real, true, life forms.  As I peruse the diaries and random writings left behind, I came upon this one section focused entirely on the Gnomish population.  I've come to believe each family of humans can have their own resident clan of Gnomes.  Some are rather eclectic with a mix of various gnomish races, others are more staid and standard, and perhaps even insular, with only one race in obvious residence.  They are a rather quiet and secretive group of peoples so we don't always understand what they are about, but one thing I know,  they ARE real, and they do tend to observe and perhaps even mimic their human hosts.  This is why they are so often involved in watching human tv, attending major human events, and lurking in various places around the home.  They have their own culture as well.  For instance, one day they were overheard and observed practicing for the "Gnolympics", a great event that took place winter and summer in different years...........*

"Mai oui, mes amis!  We air so ready for ze Gnolympics zis year?  Oui?"

"Yes, Maurice.  I think we've got a good team in place.  I'd like to see a few more events for us, but we take what we can get.  I think Team Thyme is ready to pack up and head to Gnome, Gnolaska for this years events."

"But monsieur, I sought zis year we haf it on zat island country?  Ze von across from my homeland?  No?"

"Oh!  Too right that!  I need to get my places sorted out.  Anyone have any events they wish to talk about?"

" I think we need to get our rears in gear and work on our athletes!  How many of them have actually gone to the trials?  This is outrageous!  We need to work, work, work!"

"Errrrrm, yes, Dagnabbit.  Duly noted.  Now, anyone else?"

"Ummm, I'm not sure I'm ready.  They asked me to be a judge this year but I thought I was doing strength training awhile back.  Remember?  Not sure I remember......"

"It's ok, Tinker.  I'm sure you'll do just fine.  Natasha?  Svetlana?  Anyone?....."

"Hahahaha!  I've gotten Louis here in shape.  He'll be in the marathon races.  All I have to do is visper, "I vant to suck your blud" and off he goes!  Hahahaha.  Run, Louis, run!"

"Uh, Sir?  Where do we register a complaint?  The beds are too short, and as you can see, Maurice here snores.  I need better accommodations.  I mean, how is an athlete like myself going to get any rest?"

"Duly noted Snuggles, but I think you gymnasts don't have a worry.  You are a bit vertically challenged after all.  No offense.  I see you guys are doing well for this event."

"Stick and finish!  Vatch der dismount!"

"Vakey, vakey liddle Gnome.  I haf some traing for zu! Hahahahaha"

"C'mon, Gnomio!  You can do it boy!  Like this! ............ This kid will never make it."

"I heard they put golf in for the games this year?  That true?  I might just miss it and go to the Open instead.  Got my swing all perfected now."

"How's this form for the javelin?"

"I said a TWO hundred yard dash! Two hundred!  Move those feet!  RUN!"

"I KNOW it's not a net!  Just practice your moves or we'll never win in volleyball!  Be the wall!  Over, over, over!"

"Is it nap time yet?  Why is it so dark?  Hat? Oh, it's my hat putting me to sleep?"

"Three little maids who all unwary,
Come from a gnomish seminary,
Freed from it's genial tutillary,
Three little maids......."

"Right.  Well done you lot.  Bofor, Bifor and Gloin.  Good job on the opening ceremony bit.  I assume you'll be in costume?  What?  These ARE your costumes?   Errrrr, right.  Well, good job."

"I think I'm in love!  They are SUCH great performers!"

"I'm getting it!  I'm getting it!!  I'll do the side stroke!  Or free style!"

"Svim?  You vant me to svim?  Ve don' svim dollink!  Ve fly! Dot vater is too vet!"

"Well, you lot are as ready as you'll ever be.  Thyme to pack up and go, go, Gnomes!"

"Vait!  I forgot my make up!"

*Or maybe my predecessors just had a too active imagination...........Will we ever, know?"

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #546 on: July 16, 2012, 02:33:27 PM »
My So Called Love Life and More

Dear Diary,  Chrissy here as if you didn't know.  So, I get permission to go visit the new hottie in school.  Like, I had just barely met him but he was really cute and seemed ok.  So I go over to his house. 

We got to his house.  A really cute little place, well cared for and all.  I could hear the dog barking so I knew they must be really nice people, right?  I mean, they had a dog which is more than I have for sure!

We no sooner get inside then derpaderp splits, like RUNS off with a "C'ya!", leaving me alone with the dog who wants no part of me except what he maybe could bite!

Talk about a major LOSER!  Cross one so called "hottie" off my list of possible boy friends!  So does it get better?  Well, if you consider once again being left home alone while the family goes off to some strange vacay "better"!  I was on the phone with Pietro when......

and they were off!

I figured maybe it was some kind of test.  I mean, last thyme I just chilled and then had a party and they got all bent over that.  I'm still ticked over being grounded for no good reason!  Anyways, this time I figured FINE THEN, I'll play it cool.  I cleaned the ENTIRE house, (ok, maybe just my room), did ALL the laundry, (well, maybe MOST of it was mine and I needed clean socks for school tomorrow), and worked in the garden.

Prom was coming up and no way I wanted to be grounded then!  All I can say is,  SCORE!  When they got home, finally, they were so pleased at how "good" I was, honor roll and all, Gramps decided it was thyme to teach me how to drive, IN HIS SPORTS CAR!  I cool was that?  Of course, I aced it and now am officially allowed to drive.  I wonder if they'll buy me a car?

Gramps also decided it was thyme to do my teenage ice sculpture.  You know, we have this weird gallery where we show off our stuff from age to age.

I snuck a few peeks at what he was doing when he wasn't looking.  Not bad! 

"I really love it Gramps!  You did a great job!  Thank you so much."

Things were going great again and this thyme I KNEW I would have a great time at Ayame's house.  She has this really adorably cute brother.  I hoped maybe we could hit it off and I was seriously looking for a date for the prom.....

Yeah.....sure......hit it off all right.  If you call doing homework together "hitting it off".  This brainiac just wanted to work and was totally NOT into me.  Once again my so called love life is on hold I guess.  He just wanted to be best friends, so I guess that's ok.  Two best friends in one family, why not?  My age too so hopefully they'll still be around when I need six of them.

Meanwhile, I was still dateless and so was Ayame.  Well, we're best buds and all so we decided we'd go together.  Better than being solo, right?  More on that later.

Meanwhile, I caught Nana Winter pulling some pretty weird pranks.  Who knew she had it in her?  Now I know where I get my mischievous nature from!

Not nice, Nana!  But this was worse.......  notice what's close to Gramps' leg......

Fortunately one of the Chinese gnomes, Ping I think he was called, moved the fireworks before they did any harm.  Nana, you really are naughty some thyme!

Ooops!  School bus is here.  More on my love life later!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #547 on: July 16, 2012, 04:49:42 PM »
The gnomes Olympics was hilarious! Chrissy is such a typical teen, it take me back to when my twins was teens. ;D
I hope she doesn't really go with a girl to the prom, they will end up as romantic interests and that won't work well for dynasty! :P

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #548 on: July 18, 2012, 01:37:28 PM »
Dear Diary,  Prom was a mix of disaster and delight.  The delight part was I was made Prom Queen although I was by no means a shoo in for it.  Still, it made me feel really great.  I should have known things would not go as planned when I dashed out the gate.....

Really have to get that lock fixed!  Ah well, at least the limo was awesome, only problem was my "date" wasn't in it as I expected.

On the ride over I had a chance to really think about how lucky I was.  Great ride, cool parents, faboo house and the neighborhood was pretty terrific too.  Now if only everything goes smoothly at the dance I'll be happy.

I should have known.  So here I stand waiting, and waiting, and waiting.  I almost missed the prom altogether!

Did I mention my "date" was my best friend forever in the whole world?  Big mistake that one!  We were dancing and BAM!, she plants one right on my mouth!  I mean, how do I tell my bff I just don't roll that way?  I love her dearly but not like that.  AWKWARD!  I had no clue how to deal with this but I figured my best shot was my Nana Winter.  I mean, like she'd been around forever so must know something about this kind of thing and besides, it was a great chance to mend our relationship.  I found her in her favorite spot......

"Hi, Nana!  Ummmm, do you have a sec?  I have this thing I need some advice on and ......"

"Of course, sweetheart!  I'll always have Thyme for you.  Family first!"

"You know my bff, Ayame, right?  Well, we didn't have dates for the prom so we went together.  Or at least I thought it was because she didn't have a date.  Really, she had planned on going with me only I didn't know.  While we were dancing she........well, she kissed me!"

"Oh dear!  Awkward!  Do you have feelings for her?  You know for the dynasty you must have a child of your body and I'm afraid a relationship with Ayame just wouldn't...... well, the only thing I can say is you have to follow your heart.  But if you love Ayame in that way it could very well mean the end of our family.  You know the rules now.  You don't?  Well then, you have to be very careful to not hurt Ayame.  She's been your bff forever.  I think you'll just have to carefully explain it to her as gently as you can."

"Ok, Nana.  Thanks I guess.  I just don't know what to say but I guess it will all work out."

"Anythyme, sweety!  Hey, did you hear the latest gossip?"

"Nana you are too funny!  Of course I knew Mom was rich!  You're just cheering me up, aren't you?"

Well, things went along quite well after that.  Nana and I talked about so many things, like fishing......

(she's a little over the top on that one), possible things for me to do with my thyme now I've succeeded with my LTW.......

and even a bit about clothes.  Really, she could use a make over!

Ah well.  Guess she really likes herself just the way she is.  That's my Nana, changeless for eternity.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #549 on: July 18, 2012, 02:29:27 PM »

Ladies and gentlegnomes.  We interrupt this meaningless dialogue between humans for some shocking and tragic gnews.    Unfortunately, it is the sad job of this reporter to tell you of the tragic events that occurred today in Riverview.   Our Wee Free Men have had a terrible set back.  Grim has taken our beloved compatriots home with him.  Our three little maids, Gimli, Gloin and Bofur were the first to go.  You'll remember them from their outstanding performance at the opening ceremonies at the Gnolympics.......(fade to shot of performers......)

Word has it the Clan Thyme are simply prostrate with grief over the loss of their friends and fellow Gnolympians.

Our French correspondent had these words to say......

"Ahhhh, Mon Dieu!  Je suis desole!  Incroyable.  How such a zing could 'appen to our family!  Pardon.  I am, how you say, triste?  So sad,  yes, so ver' sad."

Meanwhile, our friends from Shang Simla who have studied the mysteries of the east at the temple are encouraging peaceful and prayerful gatherings to honor the souls of those who have progressed."

One of the locals,  I believe his name is Dagnabbit,  had this to say.....

"It's a conspiracy I tell you!  A conspiracy!  It's all run by those dratted flying plasma eaters!  They are out to do no good I tell you!  We gotta get a handle on this before we're all gone!"

"Vot?  Me?  Ve vould nefer do such a ting!  How could you even tink it?  I am in mourning and you say dis to us? "

"Sorry, Natasha.  I was just overcome with grief.  Like poor little Gnomio over there.  It was his dad you know.  Mum too.  He just breaks my heart."

" more......I don't think could handle any controversy right now....My dear friends......gone.....and no sarcophagus or tomb for them.....too tragic"

"Now, now, Tut.  Be at peace.  That isn't really our way here ya know.  They will be fine in the afterlife.  Unicorns you know.....that's the ticket for us."

Errrrr, yes, thank you Dagnabbit and errrrr, Natasha.  We go now to the scene of the sad events.

Our friends gather for the final ceremony for one of their own......

"Ok, we all gotta buck up now!  They wouldn't want us falling down on our jobs.  We'll have a chat with the Big Jobs and see what they have to say.....ok?"

"Pardon me, Big Job Momma.  Just wanted to let you know we appreciate what you did for us.  We know you aren't supposed to show you hear us but.......well......thanks.   We know you loved them too."

Rest in peace, Bifor, Bofur, Bombur, Bafur, Gloin, Joan and Mysterious Mr.

Author's Note:  I did not pose any of these guys.  Since we made the Gnomish Resting Garden, the little guys go there regularly and just sit or lay around.  I tell ya, people,  Gnomes are real.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #550 on: July 18, 2012, 02:41:46 PM »
Oh my goodness!  I absolutely love the gnomes.  I have been building a Gnome Army in one of my older files (with a Sim based on J.F. Sebastian, the child-like genius inventor from Blade Runner,) but I haven't got nearly this many, and I haven't seen these sorts of antics. 

Great chapter, Joria!  :)


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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #551 on: July 18, 2012, 06:13:41 PM »
In two of the pictures it look like the gnome are crying! :o  That last picturte is amazing.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #552 on: July 23, 2012, 10:25:39 PM »
Thank you for reading and replying.  Right now we are at the stage of incredibly boring waiting for the heir to age up.  19 Sim days to go!  So not much to say about them.  Teaser:  I think Christmas has met her life mate at school!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #553 on: July 23, 2012, 10:31:55 PM »
19 more days?  Geez.  Are you playing on a longer life setting now too? 

I love your gnomes by the way.  Reminds me of Artie's house.  Wonderful updates Joria.  Christmas is such a beautiful young lady.   I can't wait to see if we can meet her life mate too!
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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #554 on: July 24, 2012, 02:11:21 PM »
19 more days?  Geez.  Are you playing on a longer life setting now too? 

I love your gnomes by the way.  Reminds me of Artie's house.  Wonderful updates Joria.  Christmas is such a beautiful young lady.   I can't wait to see if we can meet her life mate too!

Yeah.   Hmmm, I suppose I could always reset back to normal to speed things up.  I think I had it on long for one of Metro's challenges and just never thought to check and set it back!  Since I'm not doing the challenges any more, (got too stressed out), it would make sense to put it on normal again, although I do like playing longer.

Thyme and Thyme Again

Dear Diary,  Sometimes I have an awful sense of humor, but often times some of my more outrageous pranks are due to things others have done.  Or, anyway that's my excuse!  Remember when I set off that rocket by Justin?  Here's what happened first......

"Honestly, Mom.  It works!  No more having to make that awful death fish concoction.  Now that we're immortal, why not stay that way with a simple, home made potion?"

"You sure this will work, Justin?  I mean, did you try it yourself?"

"Absolutely and it was delicious!"

"Gee, I don't know.  It's  Smells funny too.  It does look nice and fizzy though."

"Go ahead, Mom!  Bottom's up!"

"Hmmm.  Ok, bottom's up it is!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaghhh!   JUSSSSS TINNNNN! "

"Relax.  It only hurts for a little while and you really WON'T throw it up."

"See?  Sparkles!  And now you won't ever have to make ambrosia for yourself or me again."

*thinks to self*  Mmmhmm.  And I am SOOOOO going to get even for that pain!

Well, that's how it happened.  While I do appreciate not having to make ambrosia for the two of us there is still the rest of the family to think of and all that stored ambrosia, not to mention hundreds of life fruit and death fish!  I guess I really should have tried something safer than a rocket by his feet though.....

Here at the house Jude is really getting into his music.  I'm sure he'll soon have piano maxed as well.  If this kid was an immortal he'd supermax everything.  Sure is trying hard enough!

Christmas thinks we don't know she's been sneaking down to the Time Machine.  Really girl?  As if those new outfits didn't give us a clue, like the one you don't think we have!

And now ladies and gentlemen,    who is behind curtain A?.......


Not too fond of the headgear but the dress is awesome!  I mean, they really put things like this on their heads?  Oh well, could be worse.  Could have been one of those tall hennin things, or worse, one of the butterfly shapes!

Even Jude got into the act.  I think he wants one of those cave man outfits but so far he only comes back with books that are worth a small fortune.

So far Justin has totally failed at getting anything except cash from his travels.  Maybe he should try the future next time.

Well, now that I've bored you to death with our misadventures in time travel,  here's a little tidbit you might find more interesting.  Now who is that kid anyway?

The family is planning a trip to Egypt soon.  Not that we really need more vacations.  We just want Christmas to have time to cool her jets a bit  and see if this kid can handle her not calling every day, several thymes a day!  Justin wants to build another vacation house, not that we need it, but he can't face the romantic palace he built for Aurora so looks like we'll have to save our pennies.  Not hard with the money trees bringing in around $90,000 per harvest.

Maybe this will get Justin moving on getting those travel plans ready!  See you next thyme!

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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