Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131238 times)


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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #525 on: July 06, 2012, 11:52:52 AM »
Justin is looking good! ;) The cheek pinching is so funny lol, I love when elders do it.
Christmas is so cute, I want to pinch that little cheeks! Awesome update. ;D

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #526 on: July 08, 2012, 12:17:24 PM »
Dear Diary,  After much discussion it has been decided that Summer is allowed to quit her job.  It is bringing her no joy and removes her from her family too much.  For the good of the dynasty she will not seek a different career in entertainment, at least not until a future heir has supermaxed singing, if that is even possible.  Christmas has already achieved her LTW so while she has not yet applied for a job, (Professional Writer), she agrees entertainment work is also out for her.  Instead she will use her time learning all the things that have already been maxed or super maxed, per our new rule that allows such.  No pressure though.  If she wishes to fish, she can up to a point.  If she wishes to cook, or garden, paint or sculpt, learn guitar or piano she can.

So what will our family do?  Thyme is slowly crawling on and folk are getting impatient to see what will happen next.  Not so much so for Jude and Summer who know what awaits them.  The focus has switched somewhat from seeing dynasty needs met, to seeing that Jude has the best rest of his life that he can.  Like Aurora before him, he has done all he can for the family, serving the needs of the dynasty no matter what his own wishes were.  Now it just might be his thyme to live the good life.

The visit to France was a bit of a bust.  There were really no opportunities to do adventures for Jude and the rest of the family feel rather banned from them in case a future heir wants to be an adventurer.  They did not even really enjoy the new casino that sprouted up thanks to the Urban Renewal Coalition.  Christmas had a great thyme in her Alice Fairyland Playhouse and playground, and got to spend some time bonding with family, but beyond that nothing much happened.  The house was tidied up and upgraded, some fish were caught and some gems found, but otherwise a rather ho-hum trip for France.

Homecoming meant time to age a bit to get Summer closer to elderhood.  It's all she lacks to become the third immortal.  Christmas also needs to age up although teen years can be a trial for everyone.  Of course, there was also maintaining the garden till everything was producing nothing but perfects and Jude had his nectar making to max.  Somethymes, thyme just drags on.

Christmas aged up well into a beautiful, but rather mature looking teen.  A big birthday party was planned and the grounds were all set up for a big bash.  While waiting for the guests to show up, Summer and Christmas had a "moment".....

It was so adorable watching them singing together that way.  More so since it's the only way they get to use that talent.  Despite all the preparations, none of the guests showed up.

 However, there still was quite a crowd..........

I wonder what that wish was?

Sparkle thyme!

Looks like that ballet really paid off.  The gnomes were definitely impressed.

And we have a winner!  She looks just like her mom.

At cake thyme, everyone had a slice and it looks like all the chairs were going to be taken.  Left out again, Jude was not a happy dad.

He got his cake but was left to eat it all alone.  Again.  Sometimes the immortals are so callous.

Christmas insisted she wanted a room make over.  No more Alice In Wonderland for her!  It didn't quite make it to "goth Lolita" but she said it was an acceptable improvement over the kid room.

Jude went back to the nectary room and achieved maxing out nectarology.  Why he loves doing this we'll never know!

He was singing and stomping until this happened.  Lucky for me I had my camera handy and got some good candid shots.  It was too funny!

Later, he took some time to have HIS "moment" with a very pretty young lady.

They really got into it, didn't they?  Well, he's a sweet guy but he never really grew up.  Hey, everyone likes a gumball now and then, don't they?

He actually didn't mind being left home this thyme.  That gum was good and who wanted to watch some townies do crazy things at the fest?  Winter and Justin did, for sure.  They hope to host a few performers later on when their family can participate.

Meanwhile, Dagnabbit was ranting on and on.  The gnome population was aging, all except for the vamps, and who was going to replace them and keep an eye on things?  There was only ONE baby and a bunch of elders.  Things were not looking good for the gnomish conspiracy.

No one seemed to pay any attention to him.  Guess they'd all heard it before.

Even the baby slept through it.

The next morning Jude popped a wish to visit China.  Christmas wanted some thyme to have fun before she had to start high school so off they went.  Guess I'll see you there next thyme!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #527 on: July 08, 2012, 03:26:03 PM »
Christmas's bedroom look beautiful! She is a very pretty teen.
Can't wait for the vacation in China. :)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #528 on: July 08, 2012, 06:12:02 PM »
I've finally finished reading all of this. What a brilliant dynasty, Joria! It's a shame it can't qualify for HoF, but that doesn't stop it from being an awesome story! :)

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #529 on: July 08, 2012, 06:48:14 PM »
@lovesims:  Thank you.  She really did come out pretty but Jon Lessen's genes seem to come through and gives them a rather square jaw line.  Thanks for nice words on the room.  I really have fun decorating, especially when I can use store stuff!

@fez:  Thanks so much!  I love writing the story but some time it drags.  Yours just moves along and is so much fun to read.

That goes for both of you!  I read most of the stories folks write but often am too sleepy to post.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #530 on: July 09, 2012, 12:38:40 PM »
*backstage person speaking*

Ok, soundcheck!  Do we have audio?  Check!  Ms. Thyme, are you ready in the kitchen?  Ready?  Cue cooking music!  Cue overly loud announcer!

"And now.....from her famous kitchen in Shang Simla, China.....the Cooking Channel is proud to present...."Cooking with Deathfish" by our 5 Star Chef,  Winter Thyme!"   

*fade out to view of smiling chef"

"Good afternoon everyone!  Today we're going to show you how to make perfect Ambrosia!  Yes, that's right PERFECT Ambrosia, a secret long held by we 5 Star Chefs!  Are you ready?  Well grab that mixing bowl and spoon and let's head to the refrigerator."

"First off, you must have absolutely top notch perfect ingredients.  Grow your own Perfect Life Fruit or harvest from a perfect community garden.  You also will be needing some perfect onion and, of course, a perfect death fish.  Don't forget the salt and pepper either!"

"You must finely chop the onion first before carefully fileting the fish.  My friend, Julia, never quite got the hang of the fish although she did well with lobster."

"Any questions?  Yes, the ingredients must be most carefully chopped.  Pay close attention so as to not add bits of finger to the mix.  hahahha, a little cooking joke there."

"Next, season well.  Don't forget the secret spice.......what?  Oh, just add salt and pepper.  It's what the Colonel does for his chicken."

"Don't forget to taste before cooking.   mmmmmm, yes, that's just right."

"Continue stirring but if you want to store your ambrosia for replication further on, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT continue cooking!  Just stir it up, place the bowl down, then hurry to the replicator.  Once you see the green glow you know it's almost done and saved for the next batch of hungry immortals."

"All saved?  Good!  Now, off to the stove to continue cooking.  Make sure you check on it regularly and do remember to use gloves when removing the hot pan!"

"And there you have it!  A perfect dish of Ambrosia!"

"Till next time when we'll be making Deep Fried Bacon with Justin,  this is Winter Thyme wishing you Bon Appetite!"

*cue picture of disgusting food, and out.    Do we really have to eat this stuff afterwards?  What?  Only a certain group can have it?  Phew!*

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #531 on: July 09, 2012, 01:20:01 PM »
Dear Diary,  Well, here we are in Shang Simla once again.  Oh, how I have missed our beautiful vacation home here!

The setting couldn't be more idyllic and I for one am ready to just kick back and relax!

The house needed a bit of fixing up, but all in all it was in great shape.  Here's some pics of how it looks.

Top floor, unfinished for future generations:

Second floor bedrooms.  All bedrooms have a private bath attached.

Main floor living area:

Basement recreation and skill area, wip:

Even our "oh so cool", Lolita girl was impressed when she saw the house.

As for me and Christmas, our first morning was spent fishing!  We both love to fish and she is actually quite good at it.  Good thing too because all the adventures she's pulled up have to do with supplying fish for the Scholar's Garden!

Jude and Summer wasted no thyme in getting their relationship back on track.  Summer had so missed these romantic interludes with him.

Later on..........well, let's just leave them to their privacy, shall we?

In the evenings, we gathered together for a great jam session.  Christmas had gone into town to work out at the Academy and took a break to play alone while we jammed back home.

Christmas skilling piano:

Jude on the piano:

Justin on base:

Summer on guitar, of course:

And me banging away on the drums!

Thanks to that cooking show I got talked into, Justin and I both had great dishes of ambrosia.  This was almost a disaster because we had absolutely no deathfish in the fridge and nothing in the replicator either!  We NEEDED that ambrosia pronto, so after catching a fish in our pond all was well.

Christmas has been doing real well with her adventures and has even achieved her first visa level!  She's also working hard on her Sim Fu skills which will be greatly needed for tomb exploration.  I just wish I hadn't left Pangu's Axe at home!

Jude spent some time practicing Sim Fu and warming up for his first tournament. 

He won this first round quickly despite having a well known opponent.

The winning kick!

Well,tomorrow we'll see comes.  Me,  I'm taking a nap!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #532 on: July 09, 2012, 02:03:33 PM »
I love the cooking show! ;D
The house look fantastic, the landscaping is so beautiful.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #533 on: July 11, 2012, 02:13:22 PM »
Thank you, Lovesims.  It was fun watching her antics as she cooked so the next batch of ambrosia I caught the action.  Sims make such great faces some times.

Lazy Vacation Days?

Whoever said vacations were for relaxing?  I swear we do more work and get more tired while "having fun and relaxing" than we would if we just stayed home!  Still, a change of scenery is always nice and we did have our great moments.

And some scary ones as well as......

some painful ones.  Best leave these machines to Grandpa Justin.

As in France, the Urban Renewal folks had decided to add some spice and nightlife to Shang Simla.
Justin felt like we were FINALLY having a great vacation......

at least until I asked him to dance with me.  Suddenly he wanted to go home.  Sigh.  My son still does not like to dance with his mom.....

Christmas, on the other hand, was having a blast!  That girl really can "get down"!  Sore bottom was all forgotten now.

Later on we discovered the "hot spot" had turned into a hangout for all the elders of the town.  Not a young person in sight!  Too funny watching all my cronies "boogie".

Traditionally, our vacation thymes have been really hard work thymes.  Like this.......

and this........

or better yet, this.......

Yes, it's a hard job but someone has to do it!   ;D

Even Jude took some time away from his nectar making to time travel.  Came back with some pretty fancy duds.  He absolutely refuses to change his clothes now, except when he has Sim Fu.

You might not believe this but this kind of "work" was actually fun and relaxing for me.  I love being outdoors in my garden!

Justin's favorite was painting.  He painted every second he could and even turned out three masterpieces.........

Recognize that face?  Yes, it's Jude's portrait for our spouses' gallery.  His will hang in the nectary back home since that was obviously his favorite place to be and thing to do.  He's supermaxed all but the final Vizard of Vine part.

Jude and Christmas had hoped to do some father/daughter bonding while on the trip.  They both worked hard next to each other practicing the fine art of Sim Fu.  Unfortunately, I don't think it brought them as close together as they had hoped......

Christmas had some pretty awesome attacks of her own!

Unfortunately, Jude prevailed, leaving Christmas steaming but well in control as she graciously accepted her defeat.

That was pretty much the last straw.  I started to really worry about my gnomes and garden back home and Justin really wanted to get to work on an ice sculpture of Christmas.  Plus, we had a lot of gemstones to deal with.  We packed up, almost relieved our "vacation" was over, and headed home.

I'll catch you up when we get back, Dear Diary.  Too bumpy a flight to write more now.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #534 on: July 12, 2012, 07:57:08 AM »
That was a fun vacation.  Your sims have some fancy moves with simfu! Great update. ;D

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #535 on: July 13, 2012, 05:58:25 PM »
Today I did something unusual.  I read my story from page one on.  How weird!  I've been working on this tale for a year or so and that just strikes me as bizarre.  You'd think I'd get on with it.  Of course there have been several computer crashes, changes of pc's, rl family issues, blah, blah, blah.
Right now the Thyme's are in the "rinse and repeat" stage so not much to say about them.  I'm really surprised at my tenacity in keeping with them, but really, as a family they are a lot of fun and usually full of surprises.

It saddens me to see I have lost the tombstones for Jon Lessen, Aurora Shallow-Thyme and Cameron but I'm not going to let that stop me.  I've basically decided I'm not fond of ghosts for this rather "normal" family so any tombstones will either be in inventory or the graveyard.  Once they are gone, they are gone.  The family tree is strange also.  Winter apparently was never marries, (no Jon in the tree), Justin just sprang to life miraculously and never married, (no Aurora), but he did have a daughter, Summer who IS married and has a daughter, Christmas who doesn't seem to be related to anyone except her mom and dad.  If this was for the HOF it would be a game breaker for sure.

At the moment, Winter Thyme spends most of her days either in the garden, playing her drums, or eating fried ice cream.  Justin does the same except has a few other pastimes.  Since they are both very thin I let them eat.  Along with losing the tombs I also lost many of the gems so Justin is working on that.  Summer has met all her obligations for immortality except she needs to age up.  She has quit her job and just moonlights in the subway or sits and writes book after book.  She's allowed because Christmas has reached her LTW of becoming an Author and has maxed writing and Logic.  Christmas is learning guitar for fun since that has been supermaxed by her mom, is going to school, and checking out the male population.  She needs to supermax her writing or logic, can't decide which.  We've lost martial arts as a possible max/supermax for future generations because I didn't stop Christmas in thyme and she has maxed Sim Fu.  sigh  Jude is trying to do everything as usual.  He is determined to learn everything he can before he passes on and right now only has a few more bottles of nectar before he makes Vizard of Vine.  He's met his LTW, not that it matters for a mortal but it means a cool tombstone for him.

If any of you have teenagers who are into anime and manga, you will know what I mean when I say she is our Lolita.  She prefers the gothic Lolita style although I would prefer she went with the Princess Lolita.  For those who don't, it's a way to be cute and innocent, yet sexy at the same time and you wear very fluffy, Victorian looking clothing.  My teen loves the style for her best friend but wouldn't be caught dead in it.  She's very into cosplay but NOT the Lolita look.

Bit by bit I'm allowing the enormous garden to shrink.  I can't just let it all go.  I'm too much of a rl gardener to do that, but ultimately it will mostly go, leaving just enough to keep Winter busy.  In it's place I'm thinking of a barn, but not till Christmas has her heir who will be an equestrian.  Maybe.  I'd kind of like to do a singer again.  The family is also forming a band of immortals which should be rather humorous since they all will be elderly looking.  How does "Deep Fried Pickles" sound for a name?

Young Again potion was quite a temptation!  The immortals would so love to be YA again!  However, this is forbidden until the last immortal becomes immortal.  Age Freeze also looks good.
I've basically decided enough with the constant having to make ambrosia.  Once the person ages up and becomes immortal, via ambrosia, they can then drink the Age Freeze potion so I never have to worry about cooking that dish again, at least until the next immortal comes along!  They have to have that first dish of ambrosia though. 

Ok, thyme for me to play.  Hope you enjoyed this clarification of things and really hope there will be some action I can post for all my faithful readers.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #536 on: July 13, 2012, 06:10:48 PM »
I know what you mean about those young again potions, they are super tempting for elder Immortals.  Now that it's your rules, the only one stopping you, is you :D

That looked like an awesome vacation, I haven't spent much time playing world adventures yet, and I love seeing other peoples pictures of sim vacations still.

Christmas Thyme is so cute with her goth lolita look, it takes a cute girl to pull off those outfits, and Christmas is that girl!  I love her hair by the way.

Sorry about your family tree, they do like to get a wonky and weird eventually.
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #537 on: July 14, 2012, 02:34:04 AM »
Thank you Juxt.  Tomorrow,  "It's SO Unfair!"   
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #538 on: July 14, 2012, 11:44:26 AM »
*Voice from the future here.  Guess I can't really call myself an "ancestor", since I've yet to be born.
I've been reading about the antics of this strange family of mine and am beginning to wonder just how strange they are.  For instance, they have an entire colony of little people living with them.  Somtimes they interact but most thyme they each just go their own way.  To my family, they are very real.  Some of them are a bit spooky/creepy, some of them are adorable, but all of them are fun to watch.  The family itself seems to take an inordinate amount of vacations. Like the other day after receiving an anonymous phone call........*

Dear Diary,  Well, we're home and can finally relax!  Then entire colony of little people, I think the call themselves gnomes, were here to greet us with open arms.  They seemed really happy to have us home.  Strange creatures they are, not appearing to do the normal things but darling nonetheless.

I felt so happy to be back in my garden.  I could see it had somehow been cared for in our absence but there were still a lot of things to do with it.  Oh, how I dread the day when it must all go!  There are so many happy memories here.  Long talks with my son, a proposal, blooming romances.  So many good memories.

Jude immediately came and checked out his juice grapes.  He'd worked long and hard to bring them to perfection and he knew he had many, many bottles of nectar yet to go.  It was important to him to make sure they were in good condition and producing a good vintage.  He wasn't happy to see the empty rows but really, we must downsize the garden!  He won't be here to take care of it forever.

Justin, meanwhile had made sure his teen age portrait of Christmas was hung in the immortals gallery.  It was a masterpiece!  He also hung Jude's portrait in the nectary, where Jude spent a good many days making nectar!  It just seemed right that that room would be his spouse's room.  Justin had painted both of them while on our vacation.  I think the beautiful surroundings just relaxed him to the point where everything he painted was a masterpiece.

Well, our cab is here so it's time to fly!  Yes, we're off on another vacation!  Just we adults this thyme.  I'm sure Christmas will be fine being home alone.  I sure wish we had had a chance to let her know the ground rules before we left.  Oh well!  Must go........

It's Sooooo UNFAIR!

"Pietro?  Hi.  Yeah, it's me, Chrissy.  You absolutely won't believe what's happened.  Like I am totally freaked!!!"

"Wassup?  You ok, dude?"

"Pietro, honestly for the last time.  I am NOT a dude.  As if you'd notice anyway.  Ok, yeah, I'm fine but it's really creepy.  So, like I come home, right?  No one is here!  I mean no one!  Well, except for those weirdos in the yard.  Yeah, the little ones.  Creepers if you ask me!  Anyway I finally found this note on my pc telling me the family is off for a two day vacay! So, I'm like, really?  Really people, like you just up and leave me here ALONE without even asking if I want to like come with?"

"Sucks.  Parents can be so derpy."

"No kidding, right?  Anyway, here I am, all by myself.  So, like I'm thinking maybe I should get everyone together and do a party or something?  I mean like, nothing big.  Just hang and chill, have fun.  We got a new ice cream maker.  Yeah, I'll cook up something.  You guys are always hungry!  Tomorrow.  Pool party.  Wear swimsuits.  Sound cool?"

"Yeah, sounds good but won't the rents be like all, you know....po'd or something?  Mine would have a total cow."

"I don't think so.  I mean, they just left me here on my own so they must trust me.  They know I hang with a cool crew.  Ok, you round everyone up for me, 'k?  I need to do a few chores so they won't flip when they come home.  Yeah.  Cool.  See ya."

Well, dear Diary, that's how it all began.  I mean, really, leaving me home alone?  What did they expect?  So, I'm a pretty good kid, responsible and yadda yadda.  I did my chores and all.......

and that's when I started to get creeped out.  This "thing" was watching me.  I mean like stalking me!

Too creepy for me, especially since it was getting a bit late.  I'd planned on an all nighter anyway so went inside and started on my latest book.  You know how Nana Winter is always on us "heirs" about supermaxing stuff.

Still, even in the privacy of my own room I felt like someone was there, watching....

Well, I did do the all nighter, checked with the crew and started to get ready for the biggest, bestest teen blast EVAH!

Everybody came!  I mean EVERYBODY!  We were definitely going to paaaartaaaay!  I finished up the dogs and was starting to make the rounds when the old biddy down the streak got her knickers in a knot and called the cops on us!  BUSTED and we hadn't even had time to do ANYTHING!  I didn't even get an pics of my buds or the oh-so-rude-I'm-Mr. Police-in-charge dude!
So like everyone split pronto.  No way they wanted any trouble and I figured,ok, it's still cool.  I got everything tidied up, not that we'd had much time to make any kind of mess, (except the ice cream machine), and was happily waiting for the family to return.  Well!  As far as I'm concerned they could have just stayed on their darned old trip because all they did was yell at me!  IT'S SO UNFAIR!

I tried to explain to Nana Winter but......

Chill out lady!  Ok, I didn't say that to her but I sure thought it!  She was all ticked because of some fish I didn't try to catch!  Not to mention all the other things she dreamed up!  Sheesh!  I even groveled a bit.....ok, not too much.  Those creepazoids in the background were doing something weird. 

The more I explained the worse it got.  She absolutely would not listen at all!

Finally she "made her decision".  I was like grounded for life!

 * ::)two days dearie, two days*

 It just was so unfair!  We didn't do anything wrong.  What's worse, now my Nana hates me for life, and I have all these chores to do!  Why do I have to do all the work around here?

*ok, relationship needs repairing but hates?  No way, sweetie, and one batch of laundry to get in her good graces, really is it too much to ask?*

So I decided I would run away from home.  Not so easy to do but I figured I could use the time machine in the basement.  Maybe go back in time and have the whole thing not happen.  Good plan, right?  WRONG!

After thinking about it like, forever,  I finally made up my mind and made the jump.............

STUPID THING!  It turned me around, upside down, ALMOST killed me and then spit me out wearing this!

When Dad did it he came back all cool looking.  Me?  I look like Jane of the Jungle or something.  Hmmmm.  Actually, it's kind of cool.  hmmmm, yeah, with just a little fixing here and there, maybe add a few things it could make an awesome cosplay!  Well!  I know what I'm doing for the next few grounded days!  I think I'll call Pietro and see what he says.....

AUTHOR'S NOTE:   To the teens reading.  You know, we parents and grands do love you guys a lot.  Sometimes we seem unfair, mostly because you have just scared us half to death, and we respond with sterness, or even anger, when really what we want to do is wrap you in satin and keep you safe forever.  It's hard to let you grow, even though we want you to, and know you need to.  So, give your parents a hug, and understand the groundings and taking away things really is because they care.

To the parents reading:  They do, somehow grow up.  We make mistakes with them because no one ever gave us the "How to Raise Kids" manual!  There is going to be tough times, but oh so many great times.  And one day you may be lucky enough to look at your fifty year old son or daughter and realize you didn't do so badly after all. 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #539 on: July 14, 2012, 12:52:53 PM »
I've enjoyed this chapter a lot. I'm a grandma myself and understand, or let's say, try and understand teens. :P
Those gnomes are up to something lol! Awesome update.