Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131229 times)


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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #480 on: October 10, 2011, 09:59:44 PM »
This is great fun to read! I like your writing style. Very glad to see them back!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #481 on: October 10, 2011, 10:09:23 PM »
Oh, Joria, it's so good to see the Thymes again!  I've missed them.  You have a real knack for making us care about your characters and I'm glad you're carrying on with the saga.
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #482 on: October 11, 2011, 01:23:15 AM »
It was really hard to get back into the swing of things once I learned it will never make the HoF.  However, I pulled up my big girl socks and went into my files and just started laughing at them, so here they are.  Unfortunately, for brevity, I had to cut more than two thirds of the pictures I took of the robbery!  Thanks for the encouragement.  The story continues:

Christmas Thyme's Testimony

So, I'd had this really bad day at school.  There was this kid and he just would NOT stop bugging me and just being mean.  I HATE mean kids!  Anyway, I knew my chemistry teacher loved me and would approve, so I decided to do a little experiments of my own.  Could I find a way for better living through chemistry?  In other words, could I stop that creep kid from bugging me with Stink Potion?  I went down to the lab and started my research., I'm pretty sure this isn't the right one.  Maybe THIS one.....

Add a little essence of skunk.......

I think.........maybe.......

YES!  YES!  YES!!!!!   Oooooh, the POWER,  (maniacal laughter)

What?  Oh, NO officer!  I would NEVER use this on anyone. *hope he doesn't see my crossed fingers*

Anyway,  I was done with chemistry but still had a lot of homework to do, so I raced upstairs past our family gallery and museum.  I'm a really good student you know, so I wanted to make sure I did all my homework to the best of my ability.

As usual, as I ran past the gallery, I kept looking over at it.  It was so awe inspiring to see all the achievements of my family right there, and to see how they looked in their youth and childhood.  It was tempting to stop in the fun room and play, but I kept on.  I could see the museum and collection room right ahead of me and all looked fine.

On second glance it seemed like something was missing.  I knew Grams and Gramps had decided to move some stuff around and better organize our gallery, so I thought the couple of pictures I couldn't see had just been moved by them.  Like, there is a light and my Mom's picture is supposed to be under it, but wasn't.  Yet the next one was right where it belonged.

I shrugged it off though and just went upstairs and concentrated on what was important.  Homework!

Then it dawned on me, SOME of the pictures were there but some weren't!  It was too weird,  just didn't feel right,  and I was just about to go tell Grams when I was told I had to go bed and everyone else went to bed as well.  I guess, after that, I just forgot, and that's all I have to say because I went to sleep and didn't wake up till all the noise!

"Thank you, young lady.  You can go tell your grandmother to come in tomorrow for more questioning.  Ok?  Here's a lollipop.  You did very well.  Good bye."

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  I really have no clue what happened to the paintings and some of the certificates I had on the walls.  When I move things around in the house I put the items in the family inventory to save going back and forth and I had just finished putting everything in place after a serious remodel of the house.  Not only were family portraits missing but all the art work painted by Jon Lessen, the founding father spouse, and all the paintings done by Justin as well.  No, I take that back, MOST were missing, but not all.  There was a burglar and more on that with the next update.  Since I cannot have this dynasty in the HoF I am not going to play it more loosely and by my modified rules.  For one thing I will not have those horrible high rise buildings in Riverview.  I have remodeled the town quite a bit now, since this problem, and have replaced those buildings with ones of my own and a few amenities like a few subways.  (Not a lot, they really are only good for getting tips).  I plan on a few more remodels because I REALLY, really want to do a large Alice in Wonderland place for Christmas and children who will follow and that just might wind up being a small park or one of the venues.  My Sims will eat ambrosia after they have met the standard criteria, max/super max/black ops/LTW/BF's, all unique.  Only heirs of the blood can become immortals.   However, once a Sim has maxed and/or supermaxed a skill and become an immortal, any other Sim who has already reached immortality , can then also max out those skills.  Sometimes those elders get really bored.  They will not be allowed to max a skill that has yet to be maxed by a new immortal heir, and it won't be a matter of working really hard toward that goal, but more a matter of not having to lock things up.   If they have several spares, once the spares age up to adult they will have the choice of moving out and starting their own family on their own, or staying in the house and dying naturally.  I really liked how the Characters filled a whole town!  Life span will be on long.

Since these are drastic rule changes, if a moderator wants to move this to Miscellaneous stories instead of Dynasty that's ok with me.  Just please let me know so I don't frantically look for my story.

Thanks everyone for reading.  Now it's thyme for me to get some rest.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #483 on: October 12, 2011, 04:06:50 PM »
This is going to be a very long post.  There are 25 screenies out of the over 100 I took during this episode.  Without further ado:

"So, Mz. Thyme, this is how it all went down according to your best memory?"

"Yes, officer.  It really was quite bizarre.  I had just gotten home from fishing and thought I noticed a shadowy figure running ahead of me into our house.  I thought nothing of it because, as you know, we keep things pretty well locked up.  However, when I entered our home the first thing I noticed was how lovely our home always smells.  You noticed that too, did you?"

"Well, then it dawned on me!  There was a burglar in the house.  She was hopping up and down and screaming, "Oh, no, oh, no!  Make it stop!"  I hadn't really noticed before, because of the incense you know, but the burglar alarm was just blaring away enough to wake the dead, not to mention our whole household!"

"Well, she was really freaking out, and,  I'm rather ashamed to admit it, I started to freak out too!  That horrible alarm!  It just.......wouldn't......stop!"

"Get a grip, mam!  It's all over with now.  Calm yourself and continue with your information.".....

"Thank you, officer.  Now, where was I?  Oh, yes.  Right about this thyme, after several minutes of joint freaking out, one of your fine policemen arrived.  I can't tell you how relieved I was!  Finally!  Someone was going to turn off that horrible alarm!"

"You can imagine my surprise when instead he just started having a talk with the burglar!  The noise!  The horrible noise!  Anyway, I had said it was loud enough to wake the dead but I should have said loud enough to wake the "darling", because it woke up our Christmas.  She really does not like getting awakened!"

"A huge fight ensued at that point, which was very upsetting. I did not want Chrissy to have to witness such violence, and even worse, no matter how much I mentioned it, no one was turning off the alarm!"

"At this point in thyme, my grandson-in-law, Jude, got woken up by the noise.  Summer was sleeping through it, of course.  Nothing much wakes that girl up after a hard night playing guitar!"

"By this point, Chrissy was overcome with the wonderful aroma of our famous incense.  All the way from Egypt you know!  Jude had every intention of going right to that burglar alarm and turn it off for me.  He's very dear to us all and so thoughtful of all the elders here."

"Unfortunately, he's not the brightest crayon in the box and is easily distracted by things.  Like incense.  Did I say it came all the way from Egypt?  Yes?  Well, Jude just walked right past that huge dust up completely oblivious to not only the battle but also to my repeated requests for someone to turn off the alarm!"

"Summer told me that right around then she finally woke up, thinking maybe she heard the alarm.  What was her first clue!!!?  I tell you when that girl sleeps, she SLEEPS!, even when she's finally up on her feet."

"Ok, so let's fast forward a bit.  Now the entire family is up.  I'm hopeful that my wonderful son've heard of him, of course?  The famous artist, faithful husband and man about town?  No? Hmmm.   Well, anyway, Justin got up and my hopes soared.  Finally!  Someone to turn off the alarm!  But no.....hopes dashed again as the power of the incense took over once more."

"So here you have the two strong men of the house and they are BOTH overwhelmed by my incense!  Well!  I gave them the "look" and told them to get busy turning off the alarm.  Apparently my look was powerful enough it caught the officer's attention and he promised me he would hurry and do it in just a second.  He was the only one unaffected by either my incense OR the alarm!  You really must commend that nice young man!"

"Now in wandered Summer.  One of the FEW people who immediately was focused on the matter at hand, turning off the alarm!  Chrissy was having a temper tantrum because of the alarm keeping her awake when she had school the next day and the two men of the house were still in an incense induced coma!  I really have to try a different brand of scent!"

"Jude was starting to shake off the effects of the incense and finally noticed there was something amiss.  The alarm was still shrieking!  Here's the way it looked right then......yes, that's a good picture of it officer.  Your artist did a good job......"

"Neither the burglar nor I could stand it ANYMORE!  We both started yelling, (and please forgive the bad language), someone turn off the blinking alarm!"

"Finally we were all on the same page!  Everyone was focused.  The alarm was going to be turned off, right?  Justin was definitely on his way to do just that I swear.....I do think your officer and the burglar had no call to be so rude though.  I mean, really to call us all a bit mental.  Not nice at all.  As if their little fracas was the important factor of the evening!"

"Suddenly, Chrissy noticed that strange person was a burglar!  Poor child was really terrorized at this point, while her mother obviously was still sleep walking."

"I must admit I was a little slow on the uptake myself what with the alarm and all.  It took me awhile to grasp the fact there was a burglar.  Justin, poor dear, once again succumbed to the influence of the incense and wasn't going to turn off the alarm after all.  He just wanted to get closer to the scent."

"Christmas was a bit rude at this point.  "Well, Gramps.  Are you FINALLY going to turn that alarm off for me or what?"  I must admit she really has mastered "the look" though.  Oh, I feel for her future husband and children!"

"Summer woke up and noticed there was an awful noise and began to freak out over the sound.  Justin finally got focused again and swore this thyme he really was going to turn it off.  Chrissy just began to sulk and complain about a headache from all the noise and incense."

"My brave Summer obviously couldn't stand all this.  She was immune to the incense so took off running toward the alarm!  My hopes rose once again!  Go, Summer!  I KNEW she would be the one to deal with it.  She's so responsible you know."

"Again failed by my family!  She just wanted to get closer for her freak out!  The burglar at this time had been subdued and couldn't wait to "get out of the looney bin", as she so colorfully put it.  The officer was just amused by it all."

"That was it.  Silence descended upon us all like the voice of doom.  We were all stunned.  It was over.  Burglar went off to prison, officer checked for missing items....and....."

"Chrissy went off to bed to get what rest she could before school.  But does this explain our missing art work?"

"Well, mam,  it doesn't.  With everyone so busy what with incense, alarms, and burglars, we just have no way to tell where your art and artifacts went.  I'm sorry mam.  I know they meant a lot to you and your family.  I guess you'll just have to start all over again."

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Thanks so much to Gheez for her wonderful patterns!  The bird and vine one is one of the ones that transfers nicely in uploads.

So there you have it.  I still don't know what happened to the pictures.  So I leave it up to you.  Do I continue with this line as it is where it is, or do I start over once again?

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline ratchie

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #484 on: October 12, 2011, 04:35:11 PM »
I think you should continue telling the tale of the Thyme's maybe as a legacy,maybe they could move to a new town and continue with their story.
Then if you want and have the time perhaps start a new dynasty or perhaps a decadynasty. I can see so many houses in the world of the townie Sims that need your building skills.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #485 on: October 12, 2011, 10:24:36 PM »
I will read anything you write :) anf a town full of your buildings will be fantastic!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #486 on: October 13, 2011, 03:17:23 AM »
@Ratchie:  A new town?  That's a really fine idea.  I'd have to pack them and their house along though as I really don't want to have to rebuild that huge monster.  Besides, I'm rather fond of it.  I've considered continuing as a dynasty but a non-HoF one.  I like the idea of the ambrosia but maybe doing one where it's fountain instead would work.  Although there are currently literally hundreds of deathfish in their frig!  Really, RV is not that great a place to have a dynasty to begin with, except for Jon Lessen of course.

@ lovesims:  Thank you!  That was very kind of you to say that.  I really needed the boost.  I'm sort of fooling around with a very modified apocalypse story but it is difficult for me to deal with dark and dreary.  Today I obliterated most of the buildings and trees in Twinbrook and built my not so dreary bunker.  I think I have a good story line to go with it if I can stand doing it.  It will take a long time because as things improve the town will have to be rebuilt and filled with new Sims and I will use buildings and Sims our forum members have created to do that.  With their permission of course.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #487 on: October 13, 2011, 04:30:08 AM »
If you move your family with the house just be careful with the tombstones, I'm not sure but I think if you put it in a sims or the family invetory you loose family realations. I think you must leave them on the ground. Leto have made a topic about it I can't remember where.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #488 on: October 13, 2011, 12:35:45 PM »
Oh no!  So you would have to leave them behind?  How sad.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #489 on: October 13, 2011, 04:29:06 PM »
Joria, I have really enjoyed reading your story and I feel your pain.  I am not sure if I can play mine or not, will have to see.  Your family is so amazing and it seems you get pulled into the stories.  I hope you will continue one way or another. :)
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #490 on: October 19, 2011, 01:12:40 PM »
WRITER speaks up:

Hi.  Sooooo,  I'm supposedly called WRITER.  So observant of my Sims to give me that name.  There's not been that much going on in my little family.   Christmas is being athletic and eats her dinner like a good girl,

Winter works in her garden, (no duh!) and takes a lot of naps as elders often do,

Jude obsesses over the grape harvest hoping to be able to do "Vizard of Vine", (but he almost never makes nectar at this point!),

Summer was off playing in the subway and unavailable for a picture and Justin worked along with his mom and Jude.

You may notice he's smiling.  That's because he's thinking about the chance he may once again meet his beloved Aurora, and now that the rules are all broken, he just might slip her some ambrosia.  How you ask?  Winter, still grieving over her lost loves, (yes, there were two), bought Cameron's Rest, one of the clubs and also the Jon Lessen house!  Cameron is not resting so well it would seem,

but maybe he just hasn't figured out how to make his ghostly body play his favorite guitar.  Come to think of it, neither Jon Lessen or Aurora are particulary resting.  When Winter bought Jon's house she had decided to turn it into an Exclusive lounge and memorial to all the long gone members of the family.  (Spouses)  It didn't take much to make it into a lounge as Jon seemed to have a lot of stuff on his lot already.  It was just a matter of setting up the memorial and placing the dearly departed in their final resting place.  Only they aren't resting!

Stage for family and others to perform in public.

Dance floor and one of the several bars.

And the not so resting family members!

By the time I was over my shock at seeing them, Jon had already hopped into a car and went off to work!   

They all have names now.  The gnomes that is.  Louis and Jacques usually are keeping a close eye on the grapes, Bibi is just a baby so he's usually playing with his toy or looking for destructive bugs in the garden, Natasha, Svetlana, Nadya, Elizabeta, Boris and Yuri normally keep an eye on the cars, (why vampire gnomes like cars is beyond me), Yu and Li like terrorizing the bears, Snuggles and Cuddles, (can't remember the third bears name), and our resident pharoah just walks like an Egyptian and thinks he's King Tut-tut.  There are so many gnomes keeping track of them all is very difficult.  Gloin likes to think he's king but Gruennor has other ideas about that and Gimli tries hard to keep them in line.

Meanwhile, the gnomes are up to something. 

I've never seen them spontaneously do this before so I'll be keeping my eye on them.  I wonder what they are up to?

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #491 on: November 01, 2011, 03:16:42 AM »
That there is early signs of a gnomish revololution! I'm sure of it! Beware! LOL

I'm sorry to hear that some of your art went AWOL, that's terrible, but I loved the way you dealt with it in the story, very creative. Burglar alarms can appartently be very tricky :D
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #492 on: December 19, 2011, 11:04:25 PM »
Another unforseen tragedy has hit the Thyme family.  I have lost all my folders of screenies I took.  The once that hurt the worst was losing my gnome folder because those little darlings were definitely up to something.  They kept having these meetings where they would all gather spontaneously, without any input from me.  I just watched.  They'd change poses and I swear they were talking to each other.  A baby gnome was born, which was nice.  I think they were all hatching a plot to take over the Thymes and send them somewhere.  So this attempt at a Legacy is officially at an end now.  I just don't have the heart or energy to try to resurrect it all.

However, look for a new Thyme adventure in a new town and let's hope all those gnomes will be there too. 

Pam, please remove this story now.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #493 on: December 20, 2011, 06:22:59 AM »
I'm sorry to hear that. It will be wonderful if you begin a new story! ;D

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #494 on: December 21, 2011, 04:10:39 PM »
I'm so sorry Joria. I loved the Thymes. Hopefully you'll have better luck the next thyme.

