Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131235 times)

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #345 on: January 20, 2011, 11:19:58 PM »
You sure know how to pretty things up.  Gorgeous house Joria. :)
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #346 on: January 22, 2011, 03:56:57 PM »
Life got really boring.  Get up, go to work for Summer.  Get up, find someway to take up time for Jude.  Get up, paint for Justin.  Get up and garden or get up and play music or get on the computer for Aurora and Winter.  Booooorrrrrriiiing!  Of course, baby Christmas did keep things livened up a wee bit when she wasn't busy reading every day.  Still, boring.  What made it worse was it was not only boring but it was depressing because everyone except Christmas was waiting for Aurora to die!  How horrible is that?!  Of course, our cheerful Aurora just went her merry way with a smile.  She finished her first masterpiece thereby guarantee a really fine tombstone when Grimmie finally showed up.  Everyone was wondering if she would make to the end before the end but she's our number one gal and she finished, "All My Thyme's", in time.

Something had to be done.
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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #347 on: January 22, 2011, 04:01:15 PM »
Eh? What has to be done? ???
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Offline Esther1981

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #348 on: January 22, 2011, 05:17:38 PM »
Congrats Aurora. Now that that has been said, die already!  ;D I swear I'm not this cold-hearted in RL!

Offline jessiethedog

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #349 on: January 22, 2011, 05:27:32 PM »
Congrats Aurora. Now that that has been said, die already!  ;D I swear I'm not this cold-hearted in RL!

Really? This and the way you made a *certain* man treat lots of women very badly in your dynasty...tut tut! :P

And aww! I just want Aurora to live forever... :(
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Offline Esther1981

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #350 on: January 22, 2011, 06:02:20 PM »
Really? This and the way you made a *certain* man treat lots of women very badly in your dynasty...tut tut! :P

And aww! I just want Aurora to live forever... :(
Hey Mortimer treated lots of women nicely! He gave them a baby and isn't that the best gift ever?  ;D ;D But if Aurora lives forever, the Thymes story would end!  :( And I promise I'm very soft-hearted in RL!

Offline jessiethedog

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #351 on: January 23, 2011, 11:54:02 AM »
Hey Mortimer treated lots of women nicely! He gave them a baby and isn't that the best gift ever?  ;D ;D But if Aurora lives forever, the Thymes story would end!  :( And I promise I'm very soft-hearted in RL!

Not if he's cheated on them! :P

Yes, I know that but she has been my favourite so far in this dynasty :( I'll just have to find another fave, I suppose.
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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #352 on: January 23, 2011, 04:34:35 PM »
Yes, my old time friends.  Something had to be done.  Oh, this is the one from the future speaking, and no, I won't tell you how far down the path I am.

Back to the subject on hand.  Aurora.  The entire family has been taken up with Aurora.  Just "normal", day to day things got done but over everything was a sense of doom and urgency. No one wanted to face a day without Aurora but still, "something had to be done".  So the two old biddies got together over some down time.......

"You know, I'm going to miss thyme's like this, Aurora.  You've been really good for my son and I've actually grown very fond of you.   Thank you for making us all so happy."

"I'll miss all of you too, Mom.  You've been more of a mother to me than my real mother ever was.  She was so cold hearted and cruel to everyone.  But, let's not talk of the dead because I'm sure to be one soon.  Mom, we have to do something about all this moping and waiting.  It's getting on my nerves.  Everyone keeps watching me and waiting for me to drop!  I never have a quiet moment alone without someone coming in to make sure I'm still here.  Justin is the worst, of course.  I love that man so much.  I would spend eternity with him if I could, but we both know that isn't going to happen."

"Yes, I'm pretty concerned about how he will handle it.  He does have the option of letting the legacy die by saving your life, you know."

"I know.  We've talked about it some.  The thing is, if he does that that Summer and Christmas are doomed, and I can't face that.  I'd rather give up my life so they can have an eternal one."

"And that is one of the reasons we love you so much.  You have always been willing to sacrifice your needs and wishes for the rest of us.  Soooo, what comes next?"

"I think we should have another family meeting.  Everyone get in the hot tub and get relaxed and then we can talk about another trip, the LAST trip.  Justin has been unhappy about buying us that darling little house next to the mummy fish pond in Egypt so we can pretend it's a trip to look over real estate.  While we're there we'll do a little tomb raiding, hang with some locals maybe, do the sights.  All the while I'll be preparing him and letting him know just how I feel.  I'll talk about my writing.  Like I've got writer's block and I'm tired of doing it or say something about wanting the current book to be the last book........what do you think?"

"Maybe bring along some death fish and life fruit and make him some ambrosia so we don't have to rush back.  Give him a lot of time to get it settled in his mind."

"Sounds good to me.  Let's get the ball rolling."

"Today's Jude's birthday so we can celebrate with him, then I can make eyes at Justin and we can go from there."

So dear friends, the die was cast and the two old gals had their plans all made.  Is this going to work?  How is Justin going to take the idea of still another trip?  Will he catch on that Aurora wants it to be the LAST trip?  Who would have thought that sweet lady could be so devious?  I guess I'll leave them to it.  Have at it ladies!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #353 on: January 23, 2011, 04:37:43 PM »
YAY another trip. Maybe some pictures of Christmas?
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline Asleep

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #354 on: January 23, 2011, 04:38:45 PM »
Yeah, more Christmas pictures! :D Is she a child yet?
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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #355 on: January 23, 2011, 05:58:34 PM »
Now, ladies.  You are getting ahead of me.  I promise I'm going to work on this thread all day today because tomorrow my Bishop Takes a Head Kick!  I have a serious love/hate relationship with these tournament things.  I start off in love, wind up in SERIOUS hate, and  end up with glad it's over but yes it was fun once the trauma was done.  lol  Sooooo, to continue......

It was Jude's birthday.  He seemed totally oblivious to it, but then, Jude has never been the brightest crayon in the box.  Just really cute and definitely had good gene's to add to the pool.  And he is a wonderful daddy.  Some folks have complained about how bad parents can be, and I guess that's true.  But Jude is definitely one of the best.  He's often there even when he is far away on the lot and Christmas JUST begins to think about being hungry or lonely.  I feel sorry for him because HE wants more kids.  Summer, on the other hand, remembers childbirth vividly, lol.

So....birthday time for Jude.......

"Awwwww.   Hey guys!  I didn't expect you to make any kind of fuss over this, ya know.  I mean, it's just another birthday."

"You know....blow horns, take pictures of the change,  eat cake.  Same old, same old.  Right?  Whooooaaaa!"

(horns blaring, people cheering and laughing)

"Phew.  Glad that's over.  I don't feel any different.  Do I look older?  Oh well.  Time for some serious cake eating!  Hey, Dad.  Do I look any buffer?  I mean seriously, man.  I've been working my buns off trying for a good six pack.  You know, if you want, I can train you and put some more muscles on.  What do you say?"

"Yeah.  Sounds good.  But I'd kinda like to wait a bit.  Aurora you know.  I want to spend more thyme with her right now."

"Ever notice how the gals seem to always have their heads together lately?  I mean, look.  They are over there and we're over here.  What's with the separate tables jazz?"

"I think it's female bonding or something.  Summer is going to miss her mom terribly and Winter loves Aurora and wants to support Summer so I think it's ok.  Kinda spooky though when the ladies get their heads together.  You always know SOMETHING is in the works."

"Yeah.  I know.  Kinda scary sometimes."

"You know, being as how it's your birthday, maybe I should do a sculpture of you?  Something cool in ice.  Hahahaha.  Looks like the ladies are about done.  Think I'll spend some time with my sweetheart first.  I hear Christmas calling for you anyway."

"Ok, Dad.  Maybe we can chill out later.  Hahahahaha.  Let's put it on ice for now."

"You know, kid, you've fit right in here.  Don't push your luck.  Puns are my job."

"Gotcha.  I'll chill on all that."  (walks off giggling at having had the last word)

Justin caught Aurora looking at him and knew what she was thinking.  Will she make it through to Summer's birthday?

"Hmmmm.  I wonder what the old folks are up to?  Wonder if Mom will make it to MY birthday and Christmas' birthday.  Might be a good thing we share the same day."

"Justin, honey.  I think we should talk."

"Ok, love.  Are you ok?  You feeling all right and all?"

"*sigh*  Yes, yes.  I'm fine."

"It really is starting to wear on my nerves with everyone watching to see if I've dropped dead yet, though.  We really need to talk."

"Ok, honey, whatever  you want.  You just tell me your heart's desire and I'll see you get it.  No matter what it is I'll take care of it for you."

"Justin, I'm old and still healthy.  Quit treating me like I'm going to break!  I'm a tough, strong, feisty old broad but I'm really starting to get creeped out."

"I love you, you old fart, and I KNOW how much you love me.  Hows abouta kiss, big guy?  Maybe THAT will show you how alive and well I am?"

"Heheh.  Any thyme, sweetheart.  Any thyme at all, as long as it's me that's the thyme of your life."

"You got it honey buns.  Just remember, that goes both ways.  I'd better be your ONLY happy thyme when it comes to lovin' thyme."

"Aurora, you are truly the only one for me."

"Hey, we're embarrassing the gnome.  Let's chat it up in the hot tub, ok?  (waggles eyebrows at him and leers)"

"You got it babe!  Last one in's a rotten egg!"

"Hey!  No fair using the port machine!"

"uhhhh, Aurora?  I thought this was going to be just the two of us?"

"We have some things to talk about honey and this is really the best place for a family confab.  Ok?  It will be just us two in a wee bit.  Remember, the other day, how I was struggling so hard on my book?  It's like nothing is going right."

"Yeah.  I remember.  The rest of you said something too, remember?"  (general agreement)

"I think you two should take another trip.  Maybe go back to Egypt and finish up some of your quests there or do some fishing or something.  What do you think Aurora?"

"You know, Mom, I was kind of burned out on trips but you might be right.  This could be the thing that breaks through that writer's block I have.  Justin, honey, can we afford it?"

"I told you lover, whatever is your heart's desire.  You know I pull in tons of money painting, the money trees are producing like gangbusters and you've brought in a nice chunk of change with your books.  Sure we can go.  Let's do it!"

"Sounds like you guys have it all figured out.  Ok, we've got stuff to do.  Right, kids?"

"Huh?  Oh!  Yeah!  Sure Mom.  Justin let's go see if Christmas is ok.  I've got to go to work soon anyway."

Later that night............

" know what you need to do, right?  I don't want him to have to stress over anything."

"Yes, Aurora.  I've got my ticket and I'll leave while you guys are asleep.  Everything will be ready for you for when YOU get back.
You won't even know I've been gone.  I'll make sure the house is all set up and ready.  This is pretty hard for all of us honey, but I want you to be at peace.  I'll follow your plans so you can rest easy."

"Thanks, Mom.  You don't know what a relief that is for me.  I can't imagine how he would carry on otherwise."

"Just rest easy sweetie.  (sounds tearful)  I'll always remember you like this you know.  It may have started out as my garden but it for sure has become yours.  Even the gnomes love you."

"I love you too, Mom.  Now, go ahead.  Leave."

"Maybe I should have opted for a place here..........   No, best this way.  A place where we've been so happy together."...............

to be continued........

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #356 on: January 23, 2011, 06:50:41 PM »
Suspense! SUSPENSE! :o
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Offline Esther1981

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #357 on: January 23, 2011, 10:33:49 PM »
Awesome updates Joria!

Offline kattiq

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #358 on: January 23, 2011, 10:56:59 PM »
Great update!

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #359 on: January 26, 2011, 02:51:22 PM »
Aurora and Justin made the trip to Egypt quickly and safely and were soon in their cozy little oasis abode.  Just, however, was not happy.  It just was not grand enough, cool enough, beautiful enough for his Aurora, and THIS time he'd brought along enough money to give her a home worthy of her.  It was a difficult choice, but he finally chose a lovely palace with a great pond, view and a home close by that could soon have some high class neighbors in it.  As he looked around he knew this palace was great, but not great enough.  He called the remodeling firm in the neighborhood and had them get to work.  Money was to be no issue.  Here is some of what they had done.

They had replaced some of the dull, sand colored tiles with the more vibrant deep blue that the wealthier noble families would have used in their palaces.  No art work except caligraphy, of course, but bright colors were more than acceptable.  Indeed, they were often sought after to break up the dull, desert, daylight tones.  After all, when you live in a land of sand, sand and more sand, bright vibrant colors were a delight to the eye.

The use of so many water features was a declaration of their wealth and well being.  Who else could afford to just send fountains of water into the air to cool it but the very rich, and their oasis had plenty of available water.

Of course, the paparazzi were an annoyance in every land they visited so a privacy fence was a must.  No matter how vast a property was they seemed to find a way in unless it was fenced in and locked to all but the family, so new entrances were made and cooled with trees and fountains.  It was a peaceful and beautiful way to enter a home that just happened to be a palace.

Even the towers were made over with bright pediments added and small rooms in the base.  Unfortunately, the necessary curving stairs were not available so the only floor able to be used in the towers was the very bottom.  The poolside tower got a rest room/dressing room at the basement level with a small seating area above on the first floor.  A good place to sit in the cool air and watch the folks swimming, or just have some time alone.  Each tower room had it's own features. 

Here's the renovated first floor of the palace:

As you can see by the incomplete tile surround in the lounge area, the home is still not quite finished.

Aurora really loved her new home but she and Justin had different plans for being in Egypt.  He wanted to give her her heart's desires and make sure he'd have no regrets left when she passed, but she intended to have some fun and adventure, and maybe get a few things settled with him.  She had so enjoyed the few times she did some tomb raiding in the past and she certainly was brave enough and strong enough to take on whatever came her way, including some annoyed/angry mummies!  She talked Justin into going with her to challenge Queen Hatshepsut's tomb.  They had to find a specific relic in the Servants Quarters and she figured it would be a snap and maybe ease Justin into letting her do something a wee bit more difficult.

Nothing like a good night's rest in a dead queen's tomb to set the tone for the day!  Unfortunately, they were so busy exploring and finding out all the secrets of the tomb, not to mention some fun time whoo hooing in that great bedroom, they neglected to take any other shots of the real action!  Totally missed Justin taking down an irate mummy!

Now she knew she could handle herself in a "small" tomb, Aurora decided to go all out and tackle the Great Pyramid.  This one was going to be a doozy!  She made sure Justin was tucked in safe and warm and snuck out to try the pyramid on her own!

 *Uh, oh, Aurora!  Is this a good idea?  Well, since I know how she made out I guess it was ok.  Back to reading.....*

"There, my oh-so-protective, love.  Sleep sweet and I'll be back before you know it."

Sometimes Aurora has more courage than common sense.  She had no sooner started to explore the Great Pyramid when she immediately found herself in trouble. 

"Dang!  I totally forgot to disarm the traps!   Oooooo.....I don't feel so gooooo.....zzzzz"

"Aurora!  Darn that woman!  Now I'm going to have to go find her and just hope she's ok!"

"C'mon, baby, wakey wakey!  If this is what you really want to do we'll do it together."

"Mmmmmmm..............huh?............Justin?   What happened?  Oh, drat!  Guess I messed up on that one, huh?  Ok, guess we do this together because no way I'm not going to finish this tomb!  I really want to be able to say we conquered it."

And so they did, once again being way too busy fighting mummies, exploring endless rooms, disabling countless traps to finally have this to show they did it.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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