Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131352 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2010, 12:52:48 PM »
Dear Diary, Where has the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing Justin home from the hospital, and here he is already a beautiful toddler.  He looks a lot like my Jon, so he's extra handsome to me.  (Even as an elder my Jon is still the best looking man around!)  Here's a few snap shots of Justin's birthday.

Jon set Justin down so he could go through the transformation.  How sad it must have made him to know he himself is that much closer to losing both of us.

Justin was looking so surprised at what was happening!

He finally got that special glow and I knew my boy had grown up some.

"Hey!  It's MY birthday and nobody is paying any attention to ME!"

Everyone was so busy having a good time they totally forgot all about the birthday boy.  It didn't both him very much though because he had so many new toys and things to explore.  Here he is learning how to get along with people.

That was all very well and good, but when he spotted the new books he had received the house was put on "hold".  He had reading to do!

Our son is so smart.  I just wonder who he will take after?  He's got his dad's good looks for sure, but will he be an artist like his dad, or a musician?  Or will he follow in my footsteps and want to take the hard journey to culinary excellence?  It seems all I have time to do is cook, fish and garden!  I have so little time with my family anymore.  I work hard so Justin can have a better life than Jon and I had.  But I question, is this enough love for him to develop well?  I guess only time will tell.

Here is my hungry boy sharing meal time with his dad and I.  Of course, I'm where I usually am, at the stove.

Jon started Justin's toddler picture right away.  Notice my poor attempt at painting on the other easel.  I've got to get SOME skill so I can continue painting Justin's pictures when Jon is gone.

My so smart son picked up language so quickly!  I had so little time before I had to go to work but he managed to learn to talk before I had to leave.

Sigh.  Have to go to work.  More later.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2010, 12:57:52 PM »
very nice, I can't wait to read more

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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2010, 05:14:17 PM »
*Reading all this I can't help but wonder why my ancestress received such a bad reputation as being a coldhearted witch?  Was it because so few people were there to see how much she loved her husband and son?  Didn't anyone see she had a great, caring heart?  She even befriended some of the most unfriendly sorts, such as Dmitri Ivanovich and all his family.  They were so unkind toward her.  Probably because they no longer could mooch off Jon's kindness and wealth.  Almost all her friends could have been considered, "best" friends.  Surely that must mean something.  Hmmmm,  her words go on in this next diary entry........*

Dear Diary,  the days are flying by and once again I find I am a bit overwhelmed by my work duties.  I am progressing nicely, and hopefully I will soon attain my goal of being a Five Star Chef.  What a proud day that will be!  But meanwhile, right after a good meal with the family, I have to leave and go off to work while my sweet baby boy must remain behind to learn and grow, almost on his own.

Justin has told me he wanted a green room, to match his favorite color.  I wish I had had more time, because while he seems perfectly happy in his new room, I am not terribly thrilled with it.  In the background is a huge block of ice.  Not part of his room, but where his daddy is trying hard to bring his skill to a really high level so he can sculpt Justin and me in perma-ice. 

Here's some older shots of Justin learning to play music on his xylophone!  I'm thinking he is definitely going to follow in his Dad's footsteps.

His Dad is hoping the same thing.  He interrupted Justin's musical attempts to give him a bottle when he caught him trying to eat the drumstick.

Jon is the very best of husbands, and the very best of fathers as well.  He took time from his busy day to teach Justin how to walk.

Allez oop!  Up you go! Time to stand up like a Man.

Come on.  You can do it!  Come to Daddy!

Good try!  Let's go again.  One foot in front of the other, like Daddy does.

After a few wobbly tries, he's got it!

There will be no holding him back now!

Jon was so proud of him.  He actually called me to tell me how smart our boy was.  He got walking down pat in just one session!

Have to go now, Diary.  Tomorrow is Justin's birthday and I've got to make all the party arrangements.  I wish I could slow down time, for more reasons than one, but it would be cruel to hold this smart and talented boy back.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline smuffy

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2010, 06:38:04 PM »
Really like your family Joria, especially they way you write about them. I can see why you don't want to get to the end of Jon.

Offline Anushka

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #34 on: October 08, 2010, 05:18:08 PM »
Joria, I can see how you attached yourself to this family. Moments like this are really beautiful. I hope both you and your founder will get that stone hard to save you from broken heart when inevitable come. 
And again, I love their house, excellent work!


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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #35 on: October 09, 2010, 01:55:30 AM »
Really like your family Joria, especially they way you write about them. I can see why you don't want to get to the end of Jon.

Yeah, you writing them in first-person makes it personal. Great job. And yeah, I can tell that you really like Jon ;D

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2010, 04:53:06 PM »
Dear Diary, It seems like my life flows from birthday to birthday, with nothing but work and the few necessities of life in between.  Jon and I get so little time to eat, sleep or ......well, you know.  Somehow our love remains despite the stress we're under.  Or maybe it's because of it.  I look forward to the day when we can just be friends and lovers again, and not have to be thinking about what we must do next to ensure Justin has immortality.  Not have to think about MY immortality and my loss of my beloved.  Yes, let's not think about that.  Such thoughts are guaranteed to bring our moods down.

We had really been enjoying our time with Justin.  He was such a bright, intelligent toddler who brought great joy to our hearts.  There were those quiet moments when I could find a second to sit and snuggle him close and read with him.  Once he had learned his words he often would read to me instead.  I could see a very bright future ahead for him, but I wasn't sure where.  What would he become?  He already showed signs of being a virtuoso and artist.  What would be next?

The day finally came when we knew it was thyme for him to become a child.  We knew he would be a joy and full of surprises for us, but we would so miss his charming little coos and gurgles and the way he didn't always pronounce his words quite right.  So adorable!  I wonder how many toddlers said "pisgetti" instead of "spaghetti", or "rackamacheese" for "macaroni and cheese"?  And how will Jon and I be able to bear sending him away off to school each day?  (heavy sigh)  Still, we know it's all for his best.

On a bright sunny day, we called in a bunch of our friends and neighbors and the party began.  Jon held his boy close, knowing it was the last time he'd be able to do this.

Justin blowing out the candles.

Jon reluctantly put Justin down and stepped back from him.

He just couldn't bear to see him age up.

Justin can't seem to understand why his dad isn't holding him anymore.  He has been the center of Jon's world for so long.

In the midst of all this joy and fun, I got the sad news my bff has lost her lifetime spouse.  She has been my mentor for so long, offering me help and advice as I grew in the culinary ranks.  Now it was my turn to console her and cheer her up.  I dreaded the day it would be my turn to be consoled.

As evening drew on, Justin discovered his new toys in the backyard.  I'll just let these pictures speak for themselves!

The joy of being a child!  I'll just leave you with that, dear Diary.  See you tomorrow!

Author's note:  Rackamacheese and pisghetti were actual words my kids used when they were little.  They stuck with me and so I had to add them to my pixel family.
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2010, 08:27:44 AM »
Lovely update, Is it just me or does everyone feel bad for the mortals in the immortal dynasty

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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2010, 12:19:31 PM »
I feel worse for the immortals.  Imagine living for all eternity with that burden of guilt and loneliness.  Sure, they can remarry at some point, for a brief while anyway, but then once again they get to see someone they love die.  I think once the first immortal has grieved over her love, and is ok with living with the heir, he/she avoids getting attached to the immortal the heirs marry.  I think it would be too much to bear otherwise.  Unless they were totally cold hearted it would torment them each time someone married happily, was used, and then basically cast away.  The amount of angst and despair that would build up in the house with each additional death/immortality would be overwhelming.  Everyone would walk around with a big cloud over their head and the moments of true joy would be few and far between.  I think the only way they could stand it would be if they made friends with the ghosts of the departed and made a comfortable place for them in the home, and that in itself could be a major trauma.  Those ghosts can be awful to live with, depending on their mood and how well loved they were by all the family before death.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2010, 05:15:10 PM »
Birthdays!  Birthdays!  Birthdays!  Really it seems as if this is all this family does!  Certainly we have very little family time otherwise.  Now it was my turn.  I finally became and adult.  First, I had to tell Justin what lay in store for him.  Not all of it, but I felt he was wise enough that I could prepare him even at this early age.

"Son, I have something I need to share with you.  I can't tell you all of it till you are a bit older, but ......."

"You know how Daddy is getting older, right?  And you know that some day, he won't be with us any longer?......"

"Yeah?....But that won't be for a long time yet.  Right?"

"I mean....he IS going to be here for a long, long, time yet.  Right?"

"Well, honey, we sure hope so.  But you know, we never know when Mr. Grim is going to come to visit and one of us will have to leave with him forever."

"But that isn't what I want to talk about.  I just wanted you to know that when that happens, and it probably won't be for a long, long, time, it will NEVER happen to you or me.  Ok?  Mr. Grim simply won't ever be able to take you away from me, or me away from you."

"Oh!  Phew!  I thought maybe you were going to tell me something really bad!  So, you and me forever?  Right?"

"Yes, darling.  We go on forever.  You and me."

And with that, Justin went to share some special time with his father.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline ratchie

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #40 on: October 13, 2010, 05:39:17 PM »
Aww, how sweet. It makes you wonder how you would handle immortality if it really happened. I don't think I would like it.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2010, 08:18:36 PM »
"So, you and me forever? Right"...awww I just loved that part. I'm a single mother of a boy and that's how I feel. Ohhhh I just had to go and hug and kiss him (to his utter horror) ;D

Offline Isys

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #42 on: October 14, 2010, 09:19:23 AM »
Love the story, extremely touching hope to see more from you.

Offline Anushka

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2010, 10:43:15 AM »
Wonderfull updates Joria! Love how story develops and how child bring in love and joy. And that landscaping is great! Really enjoy reading and looking at pictures, great job!

Offline AriaGirl77

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2010, 10:52:06 AM »
Ok, I have a feeling you're gonna make ME cry soon!  And I seriously don't cry for anything.  lol

