Author Topic: All the Thyme Family  (Read 131346 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #180 on: December 02, 2010, 12:50:53 PM »
So sad, you really show all the sadness she could felt in horrible situation like this.
Now about house, love the floor you made in gaming room, it took a lot of patience to rotate and create so many circles but it looks great! But why do you have so big garden? And can you tell me what parts of dynasty rules you kept? I'm curious where the stories going so I'm looking for clues, he he, you keep me hooked up. Excellent job Joria!

Hi Anushka,  Thank you for the kind words.  I always appreciate knowing the story is read.

 So big a garden just because I personally love gardening, (and am too handicapped to ever be able to garden again in RL),  and it's something for her to do other than wander around.  It is providing all the life fruit, death flowers, (and it was really hard to keep increasing those plants!  Had to be vigilant and always revive the ones that get harvested so she had some to plant again, now has enough laid by in her personal inventory for all the immortals to be so those plants will now be allowed to go), and death fish.  Yes, you CAN farm death fish!  Before the coming of Late Night that ruined the ability to order omni plant seeds, I ordered them as often as I could so had a nice stash of them, (and still have a few unplanted).  Of course, once they are gone they are gone, and I will only be able to acquire more by having a spouse achieve the highest in gardening, which Aurora did for a couple more seeds!  You get several death fish back each time you feed an omni plant with the fish, so between actually fishing for them, and farming them, we have around one hundred of them in the refrigerator.  I only fed the omni plant with perfect death fish so the refrigerator is full of perfect death fish and perfect life fruit.  Of course, eventually they will die off and we will have to start fishing for them if the need arises.  My plan was for the need to not arise but I can see where that might not be possible thanks to the LN bug against ordering more omni seed.

One of my dynasty will be a nectar maker so I am farming a lot more life fruit to make that so valuable nectar formula.  We have also switched over many rows to the different grape varieties they got while in France.  Cameron and Winter went there on one trip for the sole purpose of buying nectar makers and getting the rare grapes, which they did.  Those few beginning grapes have now produced rows of grapes but they are still not at the perfect level yet.  Only as high as Excellent.  It takes a long time to bring a plant to the stage where the fruit is perfect.  So I"m constantly removing and replanting plants to get them to the highest level.  I still have to go to China to acquire cherries to plant for cherry trees.  It is the one fruit I still don't have and that trip is going to happen soon.

Once I have over one hundred of each variety of perfect fruit and vegetable, steak, hamburger, eggs and cheese in my refrigerator those plants are allowed to die and not get replanted.  My dynasty will always have perfect food to eat or make for challenges whether it is a spouse or Winter doing the cooking.  (She rarely cooks now)  The lesser quality is used for fertilizer and gets sold off.
As I acquire perfect fruit and vegetables, I pull out the less than perfect plants and replant with the perfect fruit or veggie, so eventually all I have is perfect things growing.  Winter's super max was gardening, even though her lifetime wish, which she accomplished was to be a 5 Star Chef.  Aurora also had that wish and has accomplished it as well as almost super maxing gardening.  Remember, a spouse can do anything and it doesn't count against the immortal max and supermax. 

The way I have been playing this dynasty in my head is to be so prepared from the early stages, there is almost nothing to do with the later immortals except have fun and build beautiful vacation houses in each country.  They will be completely prepared with food, both made and ready to make and at the highest quality.  Winter is the family cook and will be the only one preparing Ambrosia, and she is well stocked for the job.  She also gardens because she seems to like it a lot, and occasionally goes fishing when she needs to get out of the house.  Justin is the family portrait artist and sculptor.  So the immortals are all set for their immortality needs with only these two generations.  I need someone who can be handy, (since Cameron has passed away), to upgrade everything in the house.  This will probably be a spouse at first.

I am very organized in some ways, to the point of taking more time to do a simple thing than most would.  For instance I go through my fruit and veggies one by one so that I know what quality each is, and only the top gets replanted or put in the refrigerator.  Of course, I had to start very low, but as things improved the lowest was sold off or used for fertilizer and the highest became more plants or part of a stash in the refrigerator.  It is why it is taking me so long to accomplish what others have done in less than half the time.  My own real life is a disaster of mess with my husband and child being so disorganized, (they can never find anything once it has left their hands!), so my Sims life is carefully controlled and organized, at least as much as they allow it with their free will!  To give an example, my child is scheduled to go sing for the state officials at the capitol today.  She will be doing a solo of Mozart's Alleluia from the Exultate Jubilate Mass, and sing other songs as well.  This is a school thing.  She left for school with my husband this morning, (he is to be a chaperone for the kids there), only to return in a dither because she could not find her music!!!, and Mozart is not one that can be easily spontaneously transposed to be in her range.  They both hunted around the house for several minutes while the bus waited for them, (she is the only soloist), and finally found it in her dresser drawer!  Now WHY would music be in a drawer full of clothing?  Mine certainly would not be there ever, and if by chance it was, there would have been a very good reason for it and I would remember where it was and be prepared beforehand.  (She sings a high soprano and we have her on You Tube at FanMom4Olivia if you want to hear her sing. Some songs are good but we left the early ones on so people can see her progress.)

As to what part of the dynasty rules I kept, I think I have kept them all but would have to go back and re-read them to make sure!  Metro does a good job of updating them so maybe I should do that once again.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #181 on: December 02, 2010, 02:04:11 PM »
Hi!  It's a mos time for my birfday so I wanna show you how cutes I was afor I growed up.  Here's me.  I was sad my Poppa was gone to Mr. Grim but hey, I a kid so has fun.  Dese all me habbing fun!

Dear Diary,  I REALLY must keep Summer out of you!  It's almost time for her to age up to a child.  Maybe that will take away my great sadness.  Even the bubble machine is no fun without Cameron.  Who knew I would care for him as much as I cared for Jon?  I bought a piece of land for our spouses graves now, although Cameron is laid to rest at his favorite hangout.  He loved it there so much I thought it appropriate.  I guess I should get a photo of it for our album.

I think Cameron's death really touched Aurora as well, although she did not show it as much as Justin and I did but I found her spending more happy time with Summer.  I think she has put her fear aside and really wants a relationship with her daughter after all.

As for Justin, I'm a bit concerned as he seems to be trying to find a different way to deal with his grief.  I'll have to spend more time with him and encourage Aurora to do so as well.

A few days later it was Summer's birthday.  Justin planned a huge blowout party for her, even to hiring a mixologist.  He told me his time at the bar was just to find out what they do, and yes, it did help him over his grief but will not become a habit with him.  I must say I was greatly relieved!

Birthday, day arrived bright and sunny as are all days here.  Summer was looking adorable as usual when Justin brought her up to our party level.

She turned out to be quite the strong young lady, didn't she?  But Grammy is definitely going to suggest a trip to the mirror and dresser!  Still, she had a lot of fun at her party even though all the guests stayed downstairs and only the family was there to actually see her age up!  Do you see her resemblance to Jon?  Definitely has his hair color and eyes.

Drat!  Time for work.  Maybe one day I'll actually retire.  See you later!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #182 on: December 02, 2010, 03:06:23 PM »
Aahh, Joria. A beautiful mix of sad and happy and hope. For me, the worst part of this Dynasty thing is not being able to have as many Sim kids as I or my Sims want to.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #183 on: December 02, 2010, 05:37:59 PM »
I too miss being able to just have children as you wish.  It's hard to hold it down to just one child.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #184 on: December 02, 2010, 05:39:43 PM »
I always feel so guilty when someone pops up a wish for another child and I have to cancel the wish. You have a lovely way with words Joria.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #185 on: December 02, 2010, 07:04:08 PM »
Happy birthday, Summer! ;D
Formerly Simstar3

Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #186 on: December 03, 2010, 01:31:36 PM »
Attention friends.  I am going to have to remove earlier photos.  Your input requested.

I have a choice of always using the thumbnails, which means I have to keep the originals on my pc which I really don't like to do, or I have to clear up storage space on photobucket.  I prefer the larger pictures which makes it easier to see and follow the story line so I've chosen to remove the pictures from the earliest threads here in order to have enough storage on photobucket to keep on writing the story.  However, if you readers prefer, I would continue to use the thumbnails and leaving the photos for the earlier parts of the story.  Really, it would only affect new readers, which would be sad, but I can't afford the fee for the increased storage.  I won't remove the photos until I hear from you guys so let me know if I should keep them and use thumbnails, or just let them go and continue to use photo bucket.  I've got updates waiting to post.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #187 on: December 03, 2010, 01:38:33 PM »
I am perfectly fine with you deleting pictures from earlier in the story. Your narrative is that good that the story will be perfectly fine without the pictures.

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Offline Lilygirl

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #188 on: December 03, 2010, 02:05:12 PM »
Joria, as sad as it is to see the pictures go, you have to do what you have to do. I'm sure there are other free picture hosting sites you could use if that's something you want to look into. I would also recommend, if/when you find one, to clear it with Pam and Metro. Please keep the story going!
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline Joria

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #189 on: December 03, 2010, 03:22:04 PM »
Dear Diary, Thyme moves on and there is only so much grieving a family can do.  We will always miss Cameron as he was a joy to all in our family and had a huge inpact on our lives.  With Summer growing so rapidly it was thyme to focus more on her.  I knew she was going to be our next immortal so carefully nurturing her and bringing her to her full potential had to be our main raison d'etre in life. 

She looked so much like her grandfather, Jon Lessen I was quite taken aback at first.  However, what may have been handsome in a man, was not so attractive in a child, so a quick trip to the mirror and a wardrobe change put things to rights.  No matter how she looked on the outside, I knew it would not change the inner beauty of this child on the inside, but a cute hairdo never hurt anyone and would perhaps give her an extra boost of self-confidence.  Not that she needed that!

Here is a photo of her in the painting Justin did after she aged up.

Our main concern in the family was her relationship with her mother, or lack of it.  Although she often wished she could be best friends with Aurora, it was a struggle for both of them.  Aurora had, for such a long time, put aside her natural feelings for her child in order to protect them both from the pain of death, but now she had witnessed Cameron's demise, she knew it was the wrong way to go.  She knew her child needed a strong foundation of love so she would have the strength to carry on after Aurora passed.  They both began to work on their relationship.

As you can see, it wasn't easy!  At least they were sitting together in companionable silence if not exactly hugging and chatting!  However it was enough to send our angel off to bed in a happy mood.

What an angel!  She always was a sweet and obedient child, but one who knew her own mind for sure.  Later that night the family got together to discuss what her future might be.

YES!  What better place for a serious discussion than in the warmth and relaxation of the family hot tub?  It kept our bodies warm and our tempers cool!  We decided to ease the tension in the relationship, the young family would go on a trip to China.  We knew it would be a risk but felt some fun and relaxation in a stress free environment might just be the ticket to improving things all the way around.  Being a suddenly single lady, I decided it would be best if I stayed home and held down the fort.  There was a lot of gardening that had been neglected and a few other things I wanted to catch up on, and Aurora and Justin never really had a great honeymoon.  We knew the adventure would be just what Summer needed too and maybe she could even work on a novel and begin to get that skill built up.

The next day Summer was up bright and early and thinking of the fun things she was going to do in her playground now she was old enough to use the equipment!  Little did she know her day was about to get really exciting!  Off the travelers went but to my great disappointment, they didn't bring back many photos of the wonderful sights they saw!  However, one thing really worked out well for them!

YES!  Their mutual love of writing finally brought them together.  Aurora stayed at camp to keep an eye on Summer and they both spent a lot of time typing, chatting, playing chess and just getting to know each other.  Justin spent his time gathering gems and minerals for the family treasure and worked on several quests to increase his visa level.

I just wish Justin had been more aware of his many photo ops!  There was the time Summer caught a big koi fish to bring home to her Grammy, or her making many young friends in the village, or when they all went on a day trip to see the Terracotta Army!  Oh well, at least, after this last night there, they all came home happy, relaxed and ready to start a whole new life.

Well, dear Diary, I'll leave you there and take a break.  Tomorrow is a new day and Summer has school to begin a new adventure!

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Asleep

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #190 on: December 03, 2010, 06:44:39 PM »
So Summer and Aurora are friends now?
Formerly Simstar3

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #191 on: December 03, 2010, 06:52:34 PM »
So Summer and Aurora are friends now?

At the point I left off, only acquaintances but working toward friends regularly.  Summer has a wish to make her a best friend.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline ratchie

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #192 on: December 04, 2010, 05:50:44 AM »
Summers room is beautiful my six year old daughter would love it.
I hope Summers wish comes true and she and her mum can become best friends. They should make the most of the time they have together.

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #193 on: December 04, 2010, 01:32:14 PM »
You made them matching T-shirts and laptops! So cute! It is sad when family members are not getting along for no clear reason, but those pics of them trying to bond on couch are great!
About gardening, we share that passion too, but my RL limitation is my adorable toddler who was amused in garden for full 30 minutes on good days, so I had to find alternative and now all my Sim characters are growing perfect plants, all available. I keep 5 of each in treasure chest, and the rest in fridge. Then I find out that my master chef made every meal perfect even with nice ingredients so I'm not compulsive about stocking fridge. Now I have around 250 perfect rare French grapes for nectar maker in another chest and harvesting more), and garden filled with omniplants (I can still order seeds) life fruits, money trees, and some grapes and steaks etc. But my gardener is also a family painter so she has other things to do during a day. I also grow death fish on omniplant and saved fishing for third generation that way! And as for organised family, you made laugh so loud. We all look for other half to make a perfect union. My husband is pretty much the same, so he ask me where is his tool (each piece, cable, instrument, everything) and he sometimes look at it and can't see it, whatever he is looking for. So I keep his tools and spare parts and all that mess organized! You're granddaughter is adorable! I watched few videos on youtube and saw that there are many more to see! 

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Re: All the Thyme Family
« Reply #194 on: December 05, 2010, 04:40:31 AM »
@Ratchie.  Thanks so much!  I love making rooms for children in rl and Sims.  Sims is more affordable, lol.  Summer has everything a child could ever want or need.  She has that animals playground set off her room and she is the only one who can access it unless she invites a guest.  Today I was going to post more about what they are doing and got way laid by game play. lol  Second trip to China and whole family went so it was a busy time but a lot of fun.  I wish I could skip the next few birthdays and go right to China so I can show off my palace there. 

@ Anushka.  Thank you Anushka!  (Especially for watching the video of my pride and joy.)  OMG, men are so predictable!  Mine does the same thing.  Looks right at an item he needs and says, "hon.....have you seen my.....".  Cracks me up.  A favorite phrase here is, "if it was a snake you would be dead", because it is always right in front of him.  Same with her.  The worst was the day she had to go sing, (the one in the choir robes), and couldn't find her music.  She didn't need it but her accompanist did!  Your gardening sounds a lot like mine!  When I had toddlers and wanted to garden, I gave them a garden of their own along with a bucket, a little shovel, and some "seeds", (sometimes the seeds were raisins, lol).  They also had water they could use.  Yes, after a short while it was mud from head to toe but it did give me a chance to get MY gardening done while I chatted with the so busy toddler.  Afterwards we shared a bubble bath, then milk and a snack and off for a nap.

I really meant to post more today but wound up busy having fun playing.  Hopefully tomorrow.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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