Thyme to move along, dear Diary. It seems that that dust up with the groupie stood my Cameron in good stead. Later on that same evening, Justin caught up with him outside the bistro.
"Cam, I think I've been a bit unfair"
"Awww, that's ok Justin. I totally understand."
"No, really. I want to apologize for my behaviour. It's just, well I'd been the center of Mom's attention, and no one can ever measure up to my dad, so it was hard on me to have a new man in the house. Especially a mortal. Errrrr, mom DID explain that to you, didn't she?"
"Yeah. It sucks but I'd rather have a short life time of her love than none at all. She's quite the lady, you know."
"Yes, I do know, and you seem to know it very well too. I saw that whole episode with the crazy lady. You stuck to your guns and never betrayed Mom. Cam, I just want to say you're ok in my books. And from now on let's be friends."
"Thanks Justin. I'd really like that, and it will make your mom really happy as well. Well, off to read up more on charisma! See ya later, dude!"
Cameron went on his way to do more studying. It really did his heart good to know that was one more stress off his and my shoulders!
*Yes. Goody for you. But are you going to love him and treat him well or now you've had your ego fix by having a young man fall in love with you, are you just going to use him to tend your garden and leave him alone and lonely? Voices from the future all want to know!*
Cameron really worked hard at the library and it seemed we had very little time to just be friends and lovers. I missed him a lot when I was off duty but with such a big legacy on my shoulders it was either working, fishing or gardening with precious little time for love. Still, we had our moments! (Ok, you can stop snickering at my dreamy look!) I really hadn't been paying attention to just how much time was passing, but later that night at the library.......
If it had not been for the Bunch family being there he would have had his birthday unremarked and all alone. Oh, my dear! I am SO SORRY I wasn't there to celebrate with you and have a grand party for you!
I must say though, he did age up well! And lo and behold, even his taste in clothing improved!
Meanwhile, back at the house, Aurora was hard at work writing a book! She'd heard about this contest, Nanosomething, and decided to give it a try. She needed something fun to do besides cook, cook, cook, (and garden), and this seemed like a great outlet. I never knew she had such talent!
Justin meanwhile, had been doing some serious thinking. He called Aurora away from her pc and told her he hoped she would consider having a child with him now. He really believed he was ready to settle down and become a father. And let's face it Diary, he knew it was one of his responsibilities if he was going to carry on the dynasty! Aurora loved him so much, and had secretly been wishing for a child herself, so she agreed.
"One thing, honey. Let's leave the weather out of this, ok?"
And on that happy note, I'll leave the couple to their privacy.