Yes, extension packs. That is what they are called. Sorry. I have the following loaded: Fast Lane Stuff, High-End Loft Stuff, Late Night, Outdoor Living Stuff, Seasons, Supernatural, University Life, Ambitions, Generations, Island Paradise, Master Suite Stuff, Pets, Showtime, Town Life Stuff and World Adventure. As you can see, it is a lot of stuff. He got bored with the game and there was no way I was letting that much money in stuff just sit there. LOL That is why I am now currently addicted to the game.
So it may be the University Life doing it? I don't want to take that one off. My kids need a good education. ROFL
They have their rings when I save and quit and then when I restart it, the rings are gone. The first time I thought it was just a fluke and remarried them. The second time I restarted and he got another date call and saw the rings gone I thought maybe I wasn't doing enough with them during the game other than trying for babies and made sure they definitely had their rings before saving and quitting. But yesterday when I restarted, again, no rings. When I start today and there are no rings, I'm leaving them as housemates. That guy needs to get out of the house and work.