Author Topic: Missing relics?  (Read 6420 times)


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Missing relics?
« on: September 14, 2010, 05:06:38 AM »
 Hey guys!

I've been playing World Adventures, and I've explored every inch of China. I've completed the old vases relic collection, but for some odd reason, the chineese tomb relics collection is half completed...

I have revisited the tombs, were I was supposed to find the respective relics. For some odd reason the tombs "reset" and the loot replenishes. I opened all the chests again just to find more trash items, like coins and pottery rubble. It very highly unlikely that I've missed a single room...

Looks like the artifact merchant is my best bet for now...

Has anyone been in my situation?  I've explored everything and I still can't complete the chineese tomb collection.

Thanks in advance!

Offline pallyndrome

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Re: Missing relics?
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 05:18:04 AM »
I was in nearly the exact situation. What I did was compared my list of chinese tomb symbols with the list found on this page of the guide:

That way, I found out which symbols I was missing. Then, I looked up on google, and on Carl's guide, how to find those specific symbols. I sent my sim back and it was usually quite easy to follow specific instructions to find the one room I'd missed. There are some cool walkthroughs on the internet for each tomb, let me know if you can't find them and I'll find the links again, and I also found this page of the guide helpful:

I have now found all my chinese symbols and I am off to find all the french ones I'm missing - an alarming amount.

Let me know if you need more help.

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Re: Missing relics?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 05:44:24 AM »
Each time you go on trip in a foreign country, some tomb contents "reset", it's normal.
It's a good deal to visit each tomb on each trip because every doors are already opened and most traps are disarmed.

BUT some item never regenerate :
- sigil relic (like the ones you are missing)
- some keys
- Pangu Axe

So, Only one characters per save can complete Pangu Axe quest and sigil relic.

If you use only one character as tomb raider in order to complete Sigil collection, the explanation is simple : you have missed them.
Some Sigil are very tricky to find, hidden behind secret doors (sometimes secret doors in a secret room).

The list pallyndrome linked you will allow you to locate corresponding tomb, and you will have to inspect walls near the end of each ones.

I just finish Egypt's collection (13 sigils to find) and the one from Abu Simbel is really the "most" difficult one to find in all 3 countries.

If you need help for a specific tomb, ask it ^^


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Re: Missing relics?
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2010, 10:35:54 AM »
I just want to say that I managed to find the rest of the relics! Now my collection is complete! I gained everything China has to offer and I moved on to Egypt!

Due to the maximum martial arts skill and the axe, tomb raiding is easy. I make sure I find every tomb's sigil before I leave.



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Re: Missing relics?
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 10:39:49 AM »
Good luck for your Egyptian raiding ^^

The most interesting country in my humble opinion. :D