Hi, everyone. this is first time I'm writing something in Carl's forum ^^
To ask this, I was really kinda shocked how well this homepage was made.
So many things I didn't know which I pretty sure about things.
(Like Gym bug.. it freaked me out.. since I always sent my sim to gym... to raise athletic skill... lol)
I have question..
How sims share food recipe? Does it require one sim to have 'Natural Cook' trait or something else?
I have a sim who achieved criminal career's Emperor of Evil and old enough to die soon.
( I don't like sims living forever, so even though I can make ambrosia, I don't like to use it)
so, I like to let her daughter to learn cooking, and gardening, etc through tutoring.
It went well, but one thing is that,, I don't want to buy all that recipe books again for daughter to learn..
I found out that 'sharing recipe' interface exist, but just don't know how to activate..
They can talk about cooking, and else, but don't pop up that interface at all...
so, I want some neat answer about this. thanks for reading all this..
p.s) I think many people will already know about this, but Carl's Photograph sections didn't talk about this,
so let me just mention this.
If you complete 'Shutter Nut'-which complete 5 photo collection, You can use camera to take pictures with no charge.
(like about $45 to take best optined picture would be no more charge.)
Check this with your sims