Author Topic: Collecting skill challenges  (Read 4551 times)


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Collecting skill challenges
« on: September 12, 2010, 06:28:51 PM »
Hey there.

I have been trying to achieve the collecting skill challenges and I have a question about it.

In order to help me get all the gems, metals and rocks, I wrote the list of all the existing ones and then whenever I found a new type, I marked it on the list. The problem is accordingly to the list I've found all the gems (total of 23), metals (total of 15, including compendium, supernovium and woohooium) and space rocks (total of 33), but on the skill journal, the metals collected are on 79% (although the metal collector challenge is unlocked) and the space rocks analised are on 52%, and just one out of the two challenges had been unlocked.

Did this happened to any of you? Are there more metals and rocks to collect??

(I'm sorry for my bad english)


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Re: Collecting skill challenges
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2010, 06:45:56 PM »
Hi V.R.

I haven't done all the collecting challenges.  The metals one is easy, all you need is 5 different metals for that - there are a lot more than 5 types of metals in the game, I'm not sure how many altogether.  The gem one is also pretty easy, that one's 10 gems.  If you have World Adventures and Ambitions, there are a lot more than 10 gems.  As for the space rocks, I've never tried to complete those challenges.  Hopefully someone who has done those challenges will read your post and respond.

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Re: Collecting skill challenges
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2010, 07:01:56 PM »

thank you for the reply.

I'm just missing the Awesomest Rock Collector in the Universe challenge, and I'm having a hard time with it because it seems that I already found all the space rocks in the game (at least I've found all the rocks on the list of Carls Sims 3 Guide) and the Awesomest Rock Collector in the Universe is still locked. When I found the last one on the list, it just unlocked the Amateur Rock Finder challenge. So I'm confused.. I don't know if I'm supposed to find more types of rocks or if the game is messed up.

Also, I've found all the metals listed on the guide but the journal says that I've found 79%.. :S    The metal challenge is unlocked, but I don't understand why it says 79% since I've got all the metals (I know this because I still have them, didn't sell).

By the way, I've got the World Adventures and Ambitions Expansions.

