Author Topic: Conflict Display Case? Invisible Relics  (Read 3925 times)

Offline deelink

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Conflict Display Case? Invisible Relics
« on: March 05, 2014, 04:23:59 PM »
Hi guys!

It's 5th generation Smyth family, large holiday home in Egypt. We have raided all the tombs, got all the relics. During their last visit, I got Carter to go upstairs to their large 2 level attic that housed all their relics and collections so he bask in their awesomeness, and they were not there!!!
I couldn't believe it! They have been robbed! Every relic on a shelf, was fine. It was only what was on the Carter Display case
I looked online where it said "delete the display case, then undo the delete and hopefully they will come back"
Nope. They were still gone.
I did notice that the cost of the display case was more expensive that usual, like the relics were still on there just invisible. When I hover my mouse over one of them, I do notice a little sign say "Horus of the Sky" so it's it can read that the relic is defs there.

So what can I do? I went and using Delphys Dashboard I deleted every conflict I had in my CC. But nothing.
I reset all objects using Nraas Master Controller. Our relics are still gone ;(

Any advice??

I have been looking for a solution or a method of working this out on the net and just can't seem to figure it out!

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Re: Conflict Display Case? Invisible Relics
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 05:40:46 PM »
Welcome to our Forum.

My first thought would be to exit the game and restart.  Did you try that?  Hopefully before you did the other things.
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Re: Conflict Display Case? Invisible Relics
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2014, 12:17:08 AM »
I did try that Pam and thank you for the warm welcome :)

I Ustinov recently went back to Egypt in the hope that maybe after the big purge the relics would be there but alas they are still gone :(

Why is it happening? Where can I go to get more information? Will I have to restart my entire Egypt world? How do I do that? For dummies please I'm really bad at this :(

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Re: Conflict Display Case? Invisible Relics
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2014, 12:50:32 AM »
I haven't heard of anything like this, actually.  Not specifically relics, anyway.  It could be that your file is bugged/corrupt and I don't think anything could be done to fix it.  We do have members who are more technical than I am who might be able to come up with some suggestions.  I'm sorry I'm not more help.
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Offline deelink

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Re: Conflict Display Case? Invisible Relics
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2014, 04:28:42 PM »
I just figured it out! So I hope this works for someone else.

Simple go back home when you discover your relics missing. You more than likely have a display case conflict like you have downloaded a cc object that also acts like a display case.
Save and exit the game once your sims are home
Open up delphys dashboard and delete all your conflicts. Please don't delete the ones that say ddbuild0, ddbuild01, 2 or 3. I think that's what they are called. They start with D and are number up to 3. If you delete these build files you will not be able to run your game! Eek! If you have a lot of cc like me you will no doubt have stuff conflicting with them. Just delete the highlighted objects that look like they have lots of numbers and letters if they do not come up labelled. Done? Awesome!
Go back to your game and play. Once you or your sims want to go back on a vacation, go!
Then go back to your relic collection. Still missing? I know it sucks.
But don't worry! Just put the display case in your family inventory and you will see you relics come off them, ditch your display case use either a shelf or one of your cc display cases and you can put your relics back in your collection rooms and attics :)

Yay! Happy simmimg!