Author Topic: Queen of the Dragons- FINAL CALL (9/6/2014)  (Read 75316 times)

Offline brainofivane

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 26 6/23/2014
« Reply #135 on: July 02, 2014, 09:56:40 PM »
Quick update: Sorry I haven't put up a new chapter.  Camp Nano started yesterday.  Been prepping for that.  Will do my best to have an update sometime this week, once I get my word count for Nano ^^

And here I thought this was a new chapter, then psyche! It's not. On the other hand, you're joining Camp Nano?! I wanna join... Can I still join? I tried to before but I never have any buddies... :( LOL. *Bohemian Rhapsody plays in the background*

Offline KhaineGB

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 26 6/23/2014
« Reply #136 on: July 02, 2014, 10:21:31 PM »
Have to admit, I totally hoped it was a new chapter too... >_>

Cruel woman, playing with our emotions like that! ;)

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 26 6/23/2014
« Reply #137 on: July 02, 2014, 11:57:11 PM »
Great update!  Love little Alduin Isidore!  Best of luck at Camp Nano, (though I know you'll do just fine).
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 26 6/23/2014
« Reply #138 on: July 03, 2014, 01:57:56 AM »
And here I thought this was a new chapter, then psyche! It's not. On the other hand, you're joining Camp Nano?! I wanna join... Can I still join? I tried to before but I never have any buddies... :( LOL. *Bohemian Rhapsody plays in the background*

lol!  I sent you a PM.  Sorry about that XD  Though always keep an eye on the first subject line because if I update, I always put it in there.

Have to admit, I totally hoped it was a new chapter too... >_>

Cruel woman, playing with our emotions like that! ;)

Sorry!  I humbly beg your pardon.

Great update!  Love little Alduin Isidore!  Best of luck at Camp Nano, (though I know you'll do just fine).

Thanks Tia!  Yeah, I'm pretty partial to little Alduin myself.  And I'm already having a blast with Camp Nano.  Found a new way to do planning that is seriously helping me.  The words are just flowing!

Also, to make up for the fact that I deceived everyone, though that wasn't my intention XD I have prepared an update!  Coming next!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 26 6/23/2014
« Reply #139 on: July 03, 2014, 01:58:14 AM »
A/N: This is a kind of small, shorter update.  Mostly a bit of a bridge chapter and thought I'd take the opportunity to show some of the extended family of the Wyverns.

Chapter 27: Omens and Family

Mom has insisted on working with me a little while each day in the self-defense department.  My mother may well be past middle aged, heading toward a senior citizen, but you’d never know it, the way she wipes the floor with me.  By the time we’re done, I’m starving and exhausted.  As I grab a plate of mom’s goopy carbonara from the fridge, I took a seat at the table.  Luna had gotten home from school about the same time.  She was already at the table, working on her homework.  She looked puzzled.

“What is it, sweetie?  Problems with your homework?  I’m sure your Granddad would be happy to help ya with it.”

“Oh, no, not a problem with this.  It’s advanced trig and it’s pretty simple.”  My daughter shrugged.  I was a bit bemused.  I’d been really good in school, but math had never been my strong suite.  Luna, however, was in the accelerated classes and already taking courses that were getting close to college level.

“What’s the matter then, sweetheart?  Everything ok?”

“Just had a weird dream last night,” she told me, looking down at her homework.  “Not a nightmare or anything, just a weird dream.”

“Oh?  What kind of dream?”  I did my best to sound nonchalant.  In this family, dreams were paid attention to.  Luna was too smart for her own good more often than not, but we at least tried to keep too much of any lingering unpleasantness from her.

“Weird, like I said.”  She was thoughtful as she set her pencil down, done with her homework already.  “Something about a handsome prince.  But then it got weird and I swear I saw Bridgeport again and what I think was a vampire, though he was also a prince.”  She shrugged.  “Like I said, weird.”

I had all I could do to give her a small grin.  But my heart wasn’t in it.  Why did Bridgeport keep coming back to haunt her?  She was so little… I knew she had seen what I had, what happened to my father.  And it still wouldn’t leave her.  That, along with my father’s dream and with this new revelation that that- monster had had children… it worries me.  But trying to guess the future is like trying to hold an entire river in your hand.  As my father keeps reminding me, we can only be vigilant and act accordingly.  It’s hard though, almost overwhelming at times.

A surefire way to soothe the worry is to spend time with my son.  He’s still so small.  Soon, he’ll grow up.  But for now, he’s my little burrito.

After a bottle and a fresh change, I just love picking him up and holding him close.  The distinct smell of baby powder soothes me.  His little coos and giggles helps as well.

In other news, Mom and Dad have been spending a lot of time together lately.  Mom’s birthday will be in a few days and I think she feels a little self-conscious.  Dad’s the younger of the two, though not by much.  But Mom worries a little that he won’t look at her the same way once she’s ‘old’.  Dad thinks she’s being silly.  And he tells her that at regular intervals.  Most would think he’d be accommodating, pay her sweet compliments.  But Dad knows my Mom better than that. 

That, and he was always better at acting than talking.  And he was always really good at talking, too.

Rather than have a family party like we normally did, Mom wanted to be alone, though Dad vetoed that.  So she and he spent the evening of her birthday out on the deck, just talking.

Then it was time.

Mom was not happy with the gray hair.  Not at all.  She called me upstairs and she and I fixed that, with the help of a little Miss Clairol.

And as they got ready for bed, Dad proved to her that she was as beautiful to him as she had been the first day he saw her.

Like I’ve said before, being an empath is rather interesting in this house.  I’ve gotten used to it by now.  And it’s rather sweet.  Though sometimes, a mute button would be helpful.  Still, it makes me smile.

Today we had a rather abbreviated Snowflake Day with the extended family.  Falkor and Faye came, of course.  Falkor’s next in line to be the superintendent at the school.  Faye is close to leading the entire police department.  It would have gone to Dad, but he didn’t want it.

Can’t forget my cousins.  Rickie and Katherine.

They have little ones of their own as well.  Here’s a snap shot of our little ambassador Luna welcoming her second cousins.  Donald and Abigail are Rickie’s.  Katherine’s little ones are a bit young yet to be out in the snow.  They stayed home with the babysitter which is why it was quite the abbreviated Snowflake Day celebration.

Hm… I think I’m feeling a bit old myself.  Hard to believe that I have a daughter in elementary school and another one that will be a toddler soon enough.  Definitely odd.

Draco greeted his brother warmly.  “Good to see you, little brother.”

“It’s good to see you, too.  Really good.  We-uh… we were really worried about you.  Faye and I would have come as soon as we heard, but we were told not to.”

“It’s good that you didn’t.  It uh… it was touch and go there.”

“I know.  Faye told me… all of it.”

Draco looked surprised for a moment.

“She did, did she?”

“Yes she did.  If there’s anything we can do, you know where we live.  I’m only a phone call away.”

“I know little brother.  Thank you.”

Faye waited to until she could get Draco alone.  “You got the email right?” she asked him quietly.

“I did.  Thanks for letting me know.  Has there been any other word?”

She shook her head in regret.  “None.  I’m not sure how hard the locals have been searching, but they’ve found no sign of their spawn, though there’s word that someone else has taken over Slayer’s empire, but we don’t have any information on who.”

Draco sighed.  “I was afraid of that.  Thanks Faye.  Look, I told you before, I’ll be putting my papers in soon enough.  Will you still keep me updated though?”

“Of course.”

Uncle Falkor and the rest of the family headed out early that evening.  That night, it was time for my little boy to become a toddler.  I carried him to the cake.

After leaning down to blow out the single candle, I set him down so the sparkles could surround him.

Then, before our eyes, my little boy became a toddler.

He’s such a looker, isn’t he?  And he has a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Mom and Dad swear that he is much like I was… I think he gives me a run for my money, even.


Offline brainofivane

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #140 on: July 03, 2014, 03:36:48 AM »
Weeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does crazy dance* Can't even explain how thrilled I was to see this update.

I loved seeing Falkor and his kids. I think I have a crush on Rickie. Haha... I was wondering how they were, so it's a delight to actually see what has become of his family. :)

Draco and Sophia are so sweet. *gushes* Love seeing them together and she still looks pretty great as an elder.

I like the build up of the story. Behind all the family togetherness, there's this underlying tension on what's ahead... especially with Luna's dreams. A vampire prince... dundundun...

And of course the toddler cuteness that is Alduin! *lots of giggles* *weirdly beginning to imagine what the future may hold for the little kid* LOL! Yehi! Yehi!


Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #141 on: July 03, 2014, 04:27:32 PM »
Little Alduin is so cute! Especially those adorable red eyes. Is yellow his favorite color? I'm loving his yellow outfits. As for the story, I really can't wait to find out what is going to happen next!

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Offline KhaineGB

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #142 on: July 03, 2014, 04:36:36 PM »
*whisper*...fus roh dah...

Offline notjustabook

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #143 on: July 03, 2014, 04:50:30 PM »
*whisper*...fus roh dah...

*wide-eyed* Dovahkiin?!

Joke aside, I can't wait to see what comes next ^_^ Sounds exciting with this vampire prince!

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #144 on: July 03, 2014, 06:11:42 PM »
Handsome prince, Bridgeport, and a vampire. Kind of an interesting combo there. I'm curious to see what it all eventually means. :)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #145 on: July 06, 2014, 04:26:50 PM »
Weeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does crazy dance* Can't even explain how thrilled I was to see this update.

I loved seeing Falkor and his kids. I think I have a crush on Rickie. Haha... I was wondering how they were, so it's a delight to actually see what has become of his family. :)

Draco and Sophia are so sweet. *gushes* Love seeing them together and she still looks pretty great as an elder.

I like the build up of the story. Behind all the family togetherness, there's this underlying tension on what's ahead... especially with Luna's dreams. A vampire prince... dundundun...

And of course the toddler cuteness that is Alduin! *lots of giggles* *weirdly beginning to imagine what the future may hold for the little kid* LOL! Yehi! Yehi!


LOL!  Thank you for the compliment ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Yeah, I need to be a better Watcher and try to keep an eye on the extended Wyvern Clan.  They have become more numerous even yet XD Where I'm currently at, Falkor has become a great-grandfather already XD  I really need to change some settings on Woohooer and Story Progression lol!  The amount of teen pregnancies, even without me messing with things is still fairly high XD

Little Alduin is so cute! Especially those adorable red eyes. Is yellow his favorite color? I'm loving his yellow outfits. As for the story, I really can't wait to find out what is going to happen next!

I am sooooo happy that the red eyes have stayed in the family.  It literally, at this point, is what marks them as different!  I love it!  And yes, his favorite color is Yellow.  I think he looks super cute in it!

*whisper*...fus roh dah...
*wide-eyed* Dovahkiin?!

Joke aside, I can't wait to see what comes next ^_^ Sounds exciting with this vampire prince!

Lol!  Nice guys.  I haven't actually played Skyrim myself, but I enjoy watching my husband play it (I tend not to play games other than the Sims much).  So I find it hilarious that you guys seem to enjoy Alduin's name so much lol.

Handsome prince, Bridgeport, and a vampire. Kind of an interesting combo there. I'm curious to see what it all eventually means. :)

*grins* I hope you guys like what I have planned. 

Speaking of plans... I hope to have an update at some point in the next week.  Camp Nano is going well for me, but it does suck up a lot of my creativity.  The other thing that is delaying updates at this point is that I haven't had much time to play, though I am ahead in the game.  But I also have an interlude I need to do as well.  Hoping to get that planned and the screenshots for it done soon as well. 

As you know, I am trying to keep things to gameplay as much as possible, though certain parts will be expanded upon, using poseplayer and what not as I go.  So thank you guys for your patience!  I will have something up for you soon!

Offline notjustabook

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #146 on: July 07, 2014, 04:36:53 AM »
Lol!  Nice guys.  I haven't actually played Skyrim myself, but I enjoy watching my husband play it (I tend not to play games other than the Sims much).  So I find it hilarious that you guys seem to enjoy Alduin's name so much lol.

Ahaha, don't mind me, I'm just a massive nerd when it comes to Skyrim :P Made most of my friend circle play it through my sheer nerdy excitement over the game :P
So yes, the name pleases me greatly.

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #147 on: July 07, 2014, 09:41:01 AM »
I too love Skyrim (thus my own immortal dynasty being based on a Daedric Prince), and so I love that his name is Alduin. It's so awesome. :)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #148 on: July 21, 2014, 05:10:40 PM »
Ahaha, don't mind me, I'm just a massive nerd when it comes to Skyrim :P Made most of my friend circle play it through my sheer nerdy excitement over the game :P
So yes, the name pleases me greatly.
I too love Skyrim (thus my own immortal dynasty being based on a Daedric Prince), and so I love that his name is Alduin. It's so awesome. :)

Hehehe, yeah.  I just don't play many games aside from the Sims.  Though I thoroughly enjoy watching others play.  I seem to get more out of watching than I do playing.

I am also letting everyone know that I hope to have something soon.  I've been exhausted lately.  My insomnia is worse than ever and it's hard to concentrate on Sims and Camp Nano and all the other things I've been doing as well XD But I hope to get an update and to play soon!

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Queen of the Dragons- Chapter 27 7/3/2014
« Reply #149 on: July 21, 2014, 05:32:55 PM »
I am also letting everyone know that I hope to have something soon.  I've been exhausted lately.  My insomnia is worse than ever and it's hard to concentrate on Sims and Camp Nano and all the other things I've been doing as well XD But I hope to get an update and to play soon!

Hang in there! I feel your pain. :P

