She's a cutie, I always find it so amazing how we can get such good rolls for some Sims and such bad trait rolls for others. It doesn't seem to matter how well you treat them or how well they were raised, you can just roll some of the crappiest traits.
Ah well, I do suppose it gives them character. Also I'm glad to see she's not that interested in your plumbing! Good news all around then!
Yeah, I really wish Rob had been the heir with the traits he rolled. Rory's traits are fairly useless, but at least they aren't bad. I'm happy for Riley to have gotten virtuoso though, as that sets up nicely for the dynasty requirements, at least. That alone is probably better than Rory's useless traits. The slob thing though... LOL. But hey, I have a maid so no harm done.
Great update. I haven't attempted any forum dynasty at all. I just play for fun, if you know what I mean I haven't even taken any screen shots of the houses I've built, and I've built loads. My most recent one is a double story ranch in Apooloosa Plains with the obligatory horse barn etc. I guess I can't be bothered with all the hassle of figuring out how to upload them etc. I start many games, get my main sim to the point where he/she has maxed skills and careers etc then maybe has one nooboo.... then bam! Bored, so I start another game... and so on. I have completed one family to the third generation and it was fun seeing the 'genetics' coming through but got bored again so they now reside in my huge saved file of sim families to be played again one day.
I think that's why I enjoy reading about other peoples dynasties, 'cos it's something I don't think I'll ever do.
I've built 3 so far that I am proud of, this being one of them. I have been playing long enough to have built far more, but I tend to just save my houses and reuse them when I start a new game. I have a really nice one with a barn in Appaloosa Plains as well! I agree the genetics are fun, I don't usually play with them myself, I get too attached and turn off aging. So my kids never grow, my parents never die, and I never really see any further generations.
So Riley is off to the mirror and dresser right away. I dress her in yellow for the witch color, and a light purple for her favorite color.
Then she heads downstairs to mingle with the family. She is pretty animated. Of course she talks about diamonds with Rory. And I wanted her to meet Rob as a child, because it's his birthday today as well. He got slightly behind because he spent a day or two as a werewolf.
And so we get our first ever teenager in the house.
Loved this boy, one last shot!
Wow he looks like a man.
Here he is after visiting the dresser and mirror. Amazing how much younger he looks with a different hairstyle. And I'm sure the white button up shirt wasn't helping, either, but that is gone now.
At this point the family pretty much eats birthday cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Riley, please don't grow up to have commitment issues...
I let Riley have the rest of the day off. She has a ton of work to do, but she doesn't have school yet and I have nobody to tutor her.
The youngest child has now outgrown the crib, and I am out of beds, so I have added one last room onto the house. It's a room for all the heirs. I don't want to have a massive house where they all have their own room. They don't care as far as I know, and this game already takes forever to load. And it makes it feel less like a house and more like a hotel. So I just did one room with a bunch of bunk beds. I will color their bedding accordingly as they are born. So here is what the room more or less looks like (since I took this shot, I deleted one of the bunk beds figuring the 7th heir will keep the queen bed). This way the spares have a place to sleep too, while they are here.
And here is how it looks from outside now.
Sorry about the quality of those two pics. As you can probably tell, the full moon is on it's way.
Riley: Hello!Riley: Aaaah! Moooom!And that would be her first ever encounter with a zombie.
So then I went to add a little landscaping to the back corner of the house...
And I noticed I hit the build mode button at JUST the right time. I was just looking around and noticed one of the zombies had been jumping on the trampoline!
So I left build mode to try to get a pic without the grid on (I forgot I could just turn it off). So when it unpaused this happened too fast for me to get a pic:
Ahahahaaa.. anyway.
I never took the sleeping bag out of Rob's inventory, and he has taken to sleeping in all sorts of strange places.
In the kitchen...
Or the foyer...
Rob has now lost sleeping bag privileges.
Here's a shot of Riley working on homework once she goes to school
She visits her old room and sits in the rocking chair for a while. She looked pretty peaceful at first, but then I noticed that she was clearly plotting something evil.
I encountered some sort of bug where Scout was stuck at 33 days old for a couple weeks. But once I noticed she was aging again, it was time:
Oh, I forgot to mention Rob grew up to gain the neurotic trait. This is going to go very well with his evil little sister. It appears he has decided to get her before she gets him.