Taking a break from bad stress. Who's going to miss that long hair?
Continuing SimtimentalitiesHawke: Uh.. Uhh..
Invisible Weirdo: Nice hair you're sporting.
Hawke: I can't have a little privacy?
He turns his back on the mirror and gets ready for bed. Anyway, thanks.
Invisible Weirdo: This is new. No drama? No nothing?
Hawke: I am tired. Of everything.
Invisible Weirdo: Wow, the start of a new soap opera?
Hawke: Don't even think about it.
Invisible Weirdo: You're not going to do anything about that funny hair of yours?
Hawke: I have, and look what it's gotten me.
Invisible Weirdo: You need-

Poncho catwalks like a madman. What you need, is professional help.
Poncho was suddenly nasal.Hawke: Woah, woah. You ain't gonna. Keep your claws,
Carver pauses, to yourself!
Poncho: Of course not, my nails are far too delicate to bother with
your hair.
Hawke: You talk as if you're disgusted.
Poncho: Oh, that's because I am.
He licks his paws.Hawke: Right. I might need to do some dyeing. This green stands out and Mango scolds me at work.
Poncho: Mamia. You can't do anything about your hair.
Hawke: Of course I can. I'm going to have it dyed black. Or something.

Poncho: Smiley's hair is jet black. Until that romantic dawn you woke up, with the stars and-
Hawke: I get it. This is some funny possession manifestation.
Poncho: How rude, where have you gotten your manners?
Hawke: You, mostly. What can I say? This is the longest time I'm consciously alive.
Poncho: Care to tell your story?
Hawke: We're nothing chummy, Poncho.
Poncho: Oh! An interesting development! I will write this in my log!
Hawke: Log?
Carver felt dumb'ed. It was the first time he called Poncho by his name. Cats can't write. Or can they?
Invisible Weirdo: You, have you money to be spending for a makeover?
Hawke: But of course! What do you think I've been doing?
Invisible Weirdo: You've been stealing Poncho's fish.
Hawke: Shhhhh- Have not!
Invisible Weirdo: Don't make me say it again.
Hawke: I dare you.
Invisible Weirdo: Poncho's been able to catch all sorts of fish. You? You're getting nothing but goldfish and toads.

In memory of Dora, the growth-stunted shark.Hawke: That's not fair.
Invisible Weirdo: Now, you talk to me about fairness?
Hawke: I don't earn enough!
Invisible Weirdo: Sure, tell the monkey.
Hawke: I'm sleeping. Disperse.
Invisible Weirdo: What happened to your bed?
Hawke: I need some kaching-ching in my pocket. This, I can do with.
That's right. Hawke hasn't at all been able to earn enough, and now he thinks about spending the little he has for a makeover. Well at least Poncho's happy. He's no longer just "cat" or "hey, cat."
They both have their issues and they both need each other. For now.Poncho: Where are you going?
Hawke: Getting rid of Smiley's premium girly clothes.
Poncho: Not work?
Hawke: It's Saturday. And it's a good day.
Poncho: You do know the salon's really far from here, no?
Hawke: Of course I do.
Poncho: You have enough for a cab?
Hawke: What are you saying? I'm going to jog my way there.
Poncho: Oh, no, heavens. You're crazy! The cab's going to take two to three hours from here and that's without traffic!
Hawke: There is
no traffic. And why do you know?
Poncho: Smiley's a regular.
Hawke: Regular?
He inched close to Poncho. Tell me! Where is she hiding the simoleons!
Poncho: I have no idea.
Poncho quickly wiggled himself out and ran away.
Hawke: Rats!
He tied his shoelace and started his jog to the salon.Poncho ran to the ocean, Hawke's been stealing his fish, but it was fine, so long as he could eat the classy treats he's been getting.Poncho: Stranger's got taste.
Voice: Well?
Poncho: Oh, you! Warn me when you're coming!
Voice: I can't. I'm you, remember.
Poncho: Right. I forgot.
Voice: You wanna know about him?
Poncho: You keep saying "him" and "him" it tires me.
Voice: That's because, well. Hawke's a male.
Poncho: Hawk! Gracious. A bird! Why! Why is a hawk in Smiley's body!
Voice: I'm ignoring that. And I have no idea. I'm you, remember?
Poncho: I cannot tolerate this, then!
Voice: You can't really do anything, though.
Poncho: Except know about the enemy's weaknesses.
Voice: Not exactly what I had in mind, but that's fine too. Devious.
Poncho: And sexy. That's me- Poncho Senor El Fuego La Fuego! Emphasis meant for my crackling hotness.
Voice: Where did that come from?
Poncho: I don't know, I just came up with it. Creative, aye?
He raised his nonexistent brow.Voice: I'm ignoring that. What do you plan to do?
Poncho: Oh, me? I'm just going to catch fish, it's fun.
Voice: What happened to "know about the enemy's weaknesses?"
Poncho: I don't know why you know his name, Hawke I presume, and that you know the impostor's identity at all, but as of now, I wish to be left in peace, with my fish!
Voice: Whatever you say, sassy cat.
Carver got home late that night, sweaty and smelly, but nonetheless satisfied with his new haircut.
Poncho: Ew, smelly!
Hawke: Tell me about it! Like my hair?
Poncho: So, what happened to the dye?
Hawke: What, it's back?
Poncho: Told you dyes won't work. Your hair ate it. Yummy.
Hawke: Rats. Then my jersey? Wait, how did you know! Are you some kind of an evil possession of that Invisible Weirdo?
Poncho: Invisible weirdo? You need a bath. Your own smell is making you crazy.
Poncho retreated to the kitchen counter. It wasn't comfortable but it didn't itch. Cheap couch.
Carver made himself busy the Sunday that followed. He was going to do something about his regressing fishing skills.Hawke: I'm sure I fished a lot.
Invisible Weirdo: You spent more time in gym than fishing. You spend even more time thinking about gym. You've become rather obsessed with working out, haven't you?
Hawke: Well, at least that leaves you no right to call me any degrading namesakes.
Invisible Weirdo: I never! You are insecure. K. Bye.
He was left to fish in peace, and he wasn't really improving. He's been thinking about purchasing fishing books, but he's afraid his few savings will go down the drain fast, especially with a debt coming around knocking.Hawke: Curse you, Smiley!
Griffin's been calling him a lot too, to chat. It almost always had nothing to do with the debt Miss Smiley Lemons had to pay. Hawke had no friends, except Poncho, if he were a friend, so he rather liked the emotions he's been getting. Being a spirit for too long, he hasn't learned how to really feel.
He's foremost stubborn with his idea of hypothetical machismo. He goes to the gym and works out until midnight, sometimes just some few hours before carpool. Midnight exercise meant no Sims around, nobody to laugh at him or smell him. He could work out until he smelled, and he could shower without anyone needing to listen to horrible singing from the other side.

But some things, though not all, were well. He's gotten promoted countless times for his hard work. Funny how found out that he only needed to jog on that treadmill and smash the toilet some few times.

[I have no say in the matter of career hair. It's preset, it makes me sad. D: Talk about inconsistent
And he has, secondly, no sense of danger.
He didn't come home one night and when he got there there the next morning, he found Poncho sitting outside the house.Poncho: Oh, you thought about going home?
Hawke: Hey, kitty.
Carver smelled. He reeked. But it wasn't from exercise.Poncho: You've been coming home late a lot.
Hawke: Just some drinks with the guys.
Poncho: The guys? Do you know what you're getting yourself into?
Hawke: Companionship? That doesn't involve cats?
Poncho: Sober up, you. We'll talk tomorrow.
Hawke: I ain't-
He dropped dead and asleep.Poncho: Comical, but sad.
Poncho's going to leave cat trails around the house- it won't be soon until Hawke wakes up.
Poncho is love.