Author Topic: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch26  (Read 21822 times)

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch 6
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2014, 08:18:53 AM »

Hawke: The cab went on circles and robbed me simoleonless. I wasn't familiar with this place even when I was a spirit; Misdirections are cruel and perverse. Somehow it seems like Sunlit Tides is a little too big even with everyone? I see empty lots everywhere so I didn't expect anyone to be walking around in this lazy town, and in this lazy morning. But did I just see a teenager walk off with a toddler?

From what I've experienced, curfew isn't over until some time around 7 in the morning. But it could be just me and my outdated information.

He found Alto's house, anyway. How? A trio of horse buddies were lounging in his front door. Never trust the cab driver. He has no idea what the guy can do for him.

There's a whole army of horses in this place.

Complaints, complaints. Hawke got out of the cab.

You guys can leave now.

Hawke rang the doorbell. He didn't know what he was here for but an order's an order.

Griffin Alto greeted him with a smile, which faded as soon as he felt Hawke's calloused hand.

Griffin: Good day, Lemons.
Hawke: What! Oh. Uh. That. Alto was being formal.
Griffin: Aren't you a little too early for today?
Hawke: What do you mean? What did he mean? Those horses and its leader told him nothing about this.
Griffin: Didn't we agree to meet during lunch for the papers?
Hawke: What papers? Well, about that. I got excited, that's all. Stuff happened so...
Griffin: You're excited about your debt?
Hawke: What debt!
Griffin: Where have you been, exactly?
Hawke: Nowhere. His eyes shifted from left to right and back again.
Griffin: Not so smiley today, are we?
Hawke: Are we leaving, or are we leaving?
Griffin: I'll get my car.

Hawke: He has a car! His mouth gaped.

His car. Oh. I suddenly feel sick. At least he had a car.

Griffin drove to the diner, it was near his house and it was cheap. Whatever they had to talk about, he decided it was nothing that called for anything fancy.

Funny thing was, Mango was there.

Hawke: Mango is everywhere.
Griffin: What?
Hawke: Nothing. Let's go inside.

Griffin left first, a quarter after one. Hawke left an hour later.

Griffin: Miss Lemons, you have a debt.
Hawke: What are you trying to say? I don't owe simbody anything!
Griffin: Miss Lemons, I have documents. You have documents, you might as well do some rummaging. He fixed his glasses.

He doesn't want to remember the rest. He decided to go to the gym.

Hawke: I should buff up and sell my meat per pound. He laughed bitterly. This is such a problematic body.

When Hawke arrived, the locals were already there. Some faces he recognized from work. He's only seen them and not really talked to them.

Hawke tripped a lot, it was embarrassing. Someone as athletic as this beautiful girl, seemingly rich girl had placed beside him. Then, as he would find out later, this beautiful girl's husband.

Hawke: Embarrassing. Really. He muttered.

And tripped.

Hawke: What do I do to save myself from shame?
Invisible Weirdo: You can work out for some four hours and swim for the rest of your nonathletic life.
Hawke: Good idea, for once.

He went about it for some four hours and more, but was too tired and sleepy to be doing any swimming, so he decided to call it a day.

He slept like a baby, dreaming about his next challenge: the barbell.

Hawke was way too ambitious.

He won't be fishing for some few days.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Airing out a Little Air
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2014, 09:37:39 PM »
Forgive me for this quick burst of fit.

So, I was excited about working on the installment for Part 2 of Simtimentalities when I found out that my screenshots are gone, ultimately leaving me devastated and frustrated, so I probably won't be touching this for a while. A lot of scenes I've already had plans for are gone. And I have no idea how to redo them, nor the patience, as I'm still in that mood. All of them gone, actually. I don't remember deleting anything, but that's probably because I have a goldfish memory.

I was excited because I wanted to show how Hawke's look has changed, and his interactions with a lot of Sims in the game, now I really don't know how I'll remake all that.  >:( :'(

Those were important for the development of the story too. Curse my goldfish memory.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

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Offline cainspath

  • Fluffy is my hair's first name.
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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch 7
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2014, 09:56:13 AM »
Taking a break from bad stress. Who's going to miss that long hair?

Continuing Simtimentalities

Hawke: Uh.. Uhh..
Invisible Weirdo: Nice hair you're sporting.
Hawke: I can't have a little privacy? He turns his back on the mirror and gets ready for bed. Anyway, thanks.
Invisible Weirdo: This is new. No drama? No nothing?
Hawke: I am tired. Of everything.
Invisible Weirdo: Wow, the start of a new soap opera?
Hawke: Don't even think about it.
Invisible Weirdo: You're not going to do anything about that funny hair of yours?
Hawke: I have, and look what it's gotten me.
Invisible Weirdo: You need-

Poncho: Poncho catwalks like a madman. What you need, is professional help. Poncho was suddenly nasal.
Hawke: Woah, woah. You ain't gonna. Keep your claws, Carver pauses, to yourself!
Poncho: Of course not, my nails are far too delicate to bother with your hair.
Hawke: You talk as if you're disgusted.
Poncho: Oh, that's because I am. He licks his paws.
Hawke: Right. I might need to do some dyeing. This green stands out and Mango scolds me at work.
Poncho: Mamia. You can't do anything about your hair.
Hawke: Of course I can. I'm going to have it dyed black. Or something.

Poncho: Smiley's hair is jet black. Until that romantic dawn you woke up, with the stars and-
Hawke: I get it. This is some funny possession manifestation.
Poncho: How rude, where have you gotten your manners?
Hawke: You, mostly. What can I say? This is the longest time I'm consciously alive.
Poncho: Care to tell your story?
Hawke: We're nothing chummy, Poncho.
Poncho: Oh! An interesting development! I will write this in my log!
Hawke: Log? Carver felt dumb'ed. It was the first time he called Poncho by his name. Cats can't write. Or can they?

Invisible Weirdo: You, have you money to be spending for a makeover?
Hawke: But of course! What do you think I've been doing?
Invisible Weirdo: You've been stealing Poncho's fish.
Hawke: Shhhhh- Have not!
Invisible Weirdo: Don't make me say it again.
Hawke: I dare you.
Invisible Weirdo: Poncho's been able to catch all sorts of fish. You? You're getting nothing but goldfish and toads.

In memory of Dora, the growth-stunted shark.

Hawke: That's not fair.
Invisible Weirdo: Now, you talk to me about fairness?
Hawke: I don't earn enough!
Invisible Weirdo: Sure, tell the monkey.
Hawke: I'm sleeping. Disperse.
Invisible Weirdo: What happened to your bed?
Hawke: I need some kaching-ching in my pocket. This, I can do with.

That's right. Hawke hasn't at all been able to earn enough, and now he thinks about spending the little he has for a makeover. Well at least Poncho's happy. He's no longer just "cat" or "hey, cat."

They both have their issues and they both need each other. For now.

Poncho: Where are you going?
Hawke: Getting rid of Smiley's premium girly clothes.
Poncho: Not work?
Hawke: It's Saturday. And it's a good day.
Poncho: You do know the salon's really far from here, no?
Hawke: Of course I do.
Poncho: You have enough for a cab?
Hawke: What are you saying? I'm going to jog my way there.
Poncho: Oh, no, heavens. You're crazy! The cab's going to take two to three hours from here and that's without traffic!
Hawke: There is no traffic. And why do you know?
Poncho: Smiley's a regular.
Hawke: Regular? He inched close to Poncho. Tell me! Where is she hiding the simoleons!
Poncho: I have no idea. Poncho quickly wiggled himself out and ran away.

Hawke: Rats! He tied his shoelace and started his jog to the salon.

Poncho ran to the ocean, Hawke's been stealing his fish, but it was fine, so long as he could eat the classy treats he's been getting.
Poncho: Stranger's got taste.
Voice: Well?
Poncho: Oh, you! Warn me when you're coming!
Voice: I can't. I'm you, remember.
Poncho: Right. I forgot.
Voice: You wanna know about him?
Poncho: You keep saying "him" and "him" it tires me.
Voice: That's because, well. Hawke's a male.
Poncho: Hawk! Gracious. A bird! Why! Why is a hawk in Smiley's body!
Voice: I'm ignoring that. And I have no idea. I'm you, remember?
Poncho: I cannot tolerate this, then!
Voice: You can't really do anything, though.
Poncho: Except know about the enemy's weaknesses.
Voice: Not exactly what I had in mind, but that's fine too. Devious.
Poncho: And sexy. That's me- Poncho Senor El Fuego La Fuego! Emphasis meant for my crackling hotness.
Voice: Where did that come from?
Poncho: I don't know, I just came up with it. Creative, aye? He raised his nonexistent brow.
Voice: I'm ignoring that. What do you plan to do?
Poncho: Oh, me? I'm just going to catch fish, it's fun.
Voice: What happened to "know about the enemy's weaknesses?"
Poncho: I don't know why you know his name, Hawke I presume, and that you know the impostor's identity at all, but as of now, I wish to be left in peace, with my fish!
Voice: Whatever you say, sassy cat.

Carver got home late that night, sweaty and smelly, but nonetheless satisfied with his new haircut.

Poncho: Ew, smelly!
Hawke: Tell me about it! Like my hair?
Poncho: So, what happened to the dye?
Hawke: What, it's back?
Poncho: Told you dyes won't work. Your hair ate it. Yummy.
Hawke: Rats. Then my jersey? Wait, how did you know! Are you some kind of an evil possession of that Invisible Weirdo?
Poncho: Invisible weirdo? You need a bath. Your own smell is making you crazy. Poncho retreated to the kitchen counter. It wasn't comfortable but it didn't itch. Cheap couch.

Carver made himself busy the Sunday that followed. He was going to do something about his regressing fishing skills.

Hawke: I'm sure I fished a lot.
Invisible Weirdo: You spent more time in gym than fishing. You spend even more time thinking about gym. You've become rather obsessed with working out, haven't you?
Hawke: Well, at least that leaves you no right to call me any degrading namesakes.
Invisible Weirdo: I never! You are insecure. K. Bye.

He was left to fish in peace, and he wasn't really improving. He's been thinking about purchasing fishing books, but he's afraid his few savings will go down the drain fast, especially with a debt coming around knocking.

Hawke: Curse you, Smiley!

Griffin's been calling him a lot too, to chat. It almost always had nothing to do with the debt Miss Smiley Lemons had to pay. Hawke had no friends, except Poncho, if he were a friend, so he rather liked the emotions he's been getting. Being a spirit for too long, he hasn't learned how to really feel.

He's foremost stubborn with his idea of hypothetical machismo. He goes to the gym and works out until midnight, sometimes just some few hours before carpool. Midnight exercise meant no Sims around, nobody to laugh at him or smell him. He could work out until he smelled, and he could shower without anyone needing to listen to horrible singing from the other side.

But some things, though not all, were well. He's gotten promoted countless times for his hard work. Funny how found out that he only needed to jog on that treadmill and smash the toilet some few times.

[I have no say in the matter of career hair. It's preset, it makes me sad. D: Talk about inconsistent  :-X]

And he has, secondly, no sense of danger.

He didn't come home one night and when he got there there the next morning, he found Poncho sitting outside the house.

Poncho: Oh, you thought about going home?
Hawke: Hey, kitty. Carver smelled. He reeked. But it wasn't from exercise.
Poncho: You've been coming home late a lot.
Hawke: Just some drinks with the guys.
Poncho: The guys? Do you know what you're getting yourself into?
Hawke: Companionship? That doesn't involve cats?
Poncho: Sober up, you. We'll talk tomorrow.
Hawke: I ain't- He dropped dead and asleep.
Poncho: Comical, but sad.

Poncho's going to leave cat trails around the house- it won't be soon until Hawke wakes up.

Poncho is love.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

  • Fluffy is my hair's first name.
  • Townie
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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch8
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2014, 07:53:43 AM »
I messed with the lifespan setting for my other game, forgot to restore it and then yay. I only realized when I was having people aging erratically. Mango, my woah-marker. Thanks, man. Thanks, really.

I Told You So

Poncho's realized Hawke's changing habits- he was becoming more and more like one of those childish Sims who only think of themselves. He doesn't know whether he could blame the poor soul or not. The one thing he was sure of, though, was due to Hawke's desire to get out of the shack that they were living in, he saved enough to invest and become a stockholder in the bookshop. Most of the money came from the fish Poncho caught. Some few from funny opportunities Hawke's been getting and some from his recent promotion. Hawke's become a wingman.

It's all thanks to that book. Poncho could hear him say. He can't even remember the title it. And he's just found out how much Hawke loves books- must explain why he spent their first big saving and left nothing to invest on the bookshop. Well, he can do what he wants. Poor soul tries to learn everything through a book.

Whenever Hawke wasn't home and he didn't feel like fishing, Poncho would visit the Kahale or the Hale's, depending on his mood.

Sometimes he would gossip with the local wild horse.

Why is there a battalion of wild horses in Sunlit Tides? Oh, well. They're better company than the other cats.

The two of them rarely stayed at home. Hawke would busy himself with gym or fishing. He was determined to get on the top. With training and some education, he would get enough credits to become an astronaut. He'll most likely be the technician, rather than the scientist. Or the trainer for the literal anti-gravity yoga. Eitherway, the idea of exploring extraterrestrial was fun and exciting. Sometimes he would think about Poncho, too. Well, he was growing thoughtful, at least.

Poncho, on the other hand would busy himself with the usual- his daily regimen of lying down, fishing, and then looking for gossip. Sometimes, he would wait for Hawke to come home. He wasn't anything loyal, or so he says.
I'm no dog. With that pride, and sentimentality, fun things could happen.

Hawke's gotten used to a material Sim body. In a way, he was getting used to being in Smiley's body. But he still thinks all of these were unfair, he'll either be in a guy's body or ultimately be freed after this fish hunt. He's had his trials and failures, not unique to him.

Hawke: I knew it, this is all a scam. There is no deathfish!
Invisible Weirdo: Why do you complain so much?
Hawke: Because I have nothing else to do.

Invisible Weirdo: You're fishing, aren't you?
Hawke: It's quiet.
Invisible Weirdo: Didn't you like the quiet? You always shoo me off.
Hawke: I'm nothing like my martyr great-grandfather. Meh.
Invisible Weirdo: Why isn't anyone trying to contact you?
Hawke: I have no idea. I've no idea there was a place like this, even. To think I've been wandering around, too.
Invisible Weirdo: You're not so fond of your family, are you?
Hawke: Oh, it hasn't been obvious until now? I sorta miss Aveline, though. She's an awesome sister. But I couldn't speak then, just yet, so I haven't told her. He paused. Never got the chance to.
Invisible Weirdo: You probably won't, the pestering voice didn't say it out loud, but instead, this is the first time you've been explicit about it.
Hawke: Heh. I'm fishing.

And there it was! An angelfish!

Hawke: Not what I needed but something I can use, perhaps. I'll do my research later.
Invisible Weirdo: You don't have any left to buy that expensive bait book.
Hawke: Who said I was going to buy any book? There's the Simternet.
Invisible Weirdo: Poncho is so wrong about you being a bookworm, then.
Hawke: Hey, hey. If I had slot machine sounds in my pocket I'd buy all the books I can. But I don't. You of all weirdo's should know that.
Invisible Weirdo: Still rude, as you're always.
Hawke: Thanks.

Hawke's been adapting unhealthy habits: He works out and pushes Smiley's body too hard, not minding and recognizing the limits of a Simbody. He ate healthy, but he didn't sleep when he should, or eat at the right time. It was out of proportion, really.

He's been able to meet with some coworkers outside of work. His tolerance for others seems to have increased. But he sure didn't like being greeted by Mary-Sue when Daniel invited everyone for Spooky Day. And Poncho's reaction to Hawke's creativity was so violent that it will be censored.

Yep, that's Daniel right there.

Hawke: Everyone seems to like this hotdog suit so much, no?
Mary-Sue: Ex-ca-yuuus-meh?
Hawke: Me. In your house. Anytime now. I don't have an umbrella, if you haven't realized.

That left her devastated. Hawke just laughed at the drama Mary-Sue started and ended herself. She wasn't going to get any reaction or a cat-fight from Hawke. Never hit girls. Never hit anyone unless in immediate threat.

It wasn't at all fun, so he left. Mary-Sue was suspicious about Daniel having invited a sea-green haired girl concealed behind a mask. She was intimidated. Smiley was beautiful, and Hawke refuses to acknowledge that. But then again, Mary-Sue didn't even see the face behind the mask.

What was he left to do? Gym. It was the one thing that cheered him up- the sweat, the pump, the exhilarating feeling.

Hawke: This is what you call being alive.

But Isidora started crying.

Hawke: Okay. He thought to himself. Awkward. I guess it's that time of the day. But brr! It's called out!

It was almost midnight, and he was going to the graveyard to fish. And nothing. Of course he'd catch nothing. He had no idea how to operate a computer and he was too embarrassed to say it.

Hawke: I want to cry.
Invisible Weirdo: You know, Poncho's probably waiting for you.

Apparently, he really was. That or Poncho just wanted to watch the stars. From Hawke's window, in Smiley-now-Hawke's room.

Hawke: I left him food and a clean litter box.
Invisible Weirdo: How about your little deal?
Hawke: I wish to fish in peace.
Invisible Weirdo: I want to scream at you and tell you he told me the same thing! But it didn't say anything. It was it gets for messing and confusing the two. Did you research?
Hawke: I have.
Invisible Weirdo: You lie.
Hawke: You lie!
Invisible Weirdo: You lie! They were challenging each other's level of sarcasm. See the mockery?
Hawke: Disperse.
Invisible Weirdo: Are you sure about that? Last time I checked, I know things you don't.
Hawke: Which you aren't telling me, obviously.
Invisible Weirdo: I like incentives. You know. Carrots and sticks.
Hawke: Don't use metaphors on me.
Invisible Weirdo: I do what I wanna do, Hawke.
Hawke: I knew it! You were sent by my mother, weren't you!
Invisible Weirdo: Oh please, your level of maturity can't comprehend the things that are really happening.

In that argument, Hawke caught a fish.

Hawke: Ha! Eat my dust!
Invisible Weirdo: Well, congratulations. You just lost your life.
Hawke: What the-. Psh. Whatever. I'm going home.

He liked the feel of cold air brushing against his cheeks in that rush.

Nobody knows where Hawke got the clothes he changed into. But he jogged his way home. Funny, how he arrived just a minute earlier than the service car.

Yes, he has family, so he would be talking about them from time to time. Nothing major, though. For now.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

  • Fluffy is my hair's first name.
  • Townie
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Re: Reincarnation Project: I Told You So- Poncho's Reveal
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2014, 08:33:06 PM »
Poncho's Reveal

Poncho: Ola, amigos! It brings me joy that I will be the one to narrate things. Expect them to be impartial, although they are solely from my perspective.

But before anything, I feel that I'm becoming slightly neurotic if not uber, because these days I've been feeling that the shelter will take me any time. Yes, I can feel them breathing down my neck, and it's uncomfortable. Very much so.

Now that's done, I'll tell you the trouble/s the impostor/friend has gotten himself into. Sigh. He sure has a lot to learn.

He didn't at all go inside the house the night I smelled death in his pocket. It was the fish, I'm sure of it. But he hasn't told me anything after he got home from work and the days after that. He feeds me, sure. Talks to me, yes. But that's all to it. I remember some two nights when he got out of the house and told me he's going to celebrate. According to him, he's become a squadron leader. I don't know what that means and I couldn't care less, so long as I get my posh treats.

Another thing is he quit fishing. Maybe he took a break, I don't know. I just know he goes home reeking of alcohol almost every night, and I'm left to wonder if his boss ever senses his exuding alcoholic stench at work, not that he doesn't bathe- he does. He's adamant about bathing.

Then one day he asks me to sit on his lap. I was beyond dumbfounded. I truly wondered what got to him that day.

Hawke: Poncho.
Poncho: Brush me.

He did.

Hawke: Well, can I talk now?
Poncho: Proceed.
Hawke: You won't mind if I stayed longer, would you?
Poncho: In Smiley? I do mind.
Hawke: I'd like to stay a little longer, if telling you helps.
Poncho: Why do you think this interests me?

I could feel his ego and vanity flushed away somewhere. This was not the hawk I knew.

Hawke: Oh, I don't know. I'm just telling you. I'll be sure to eat that fish when I'm ready to leave. I'd always thought being my old self was the best thing. I didn't know I'm missing so much from being alive.
Poncho: You mean going out to drink every night? Every?
Hawke: That's another story, for another day.
Poncho: What do you mean another story. It ain't another story. You're in her body. You should at least feel responsible for it!
Hawke: Woah, woah! That's it.

He stood up without warning. I knew it- it was a farce. He can't be trusted.

Then I know nothing.

My log ends here.

But it doesn't end there. He's been hanging out with Griffin, and his military cohorts. Then one day, at the gym, while tinkering things he shouldn't even touch, he starts feeling funny.

He runs, because it was what instinct told him to do.

Invisible Weirdo: That's a good green.
Hawke: What the- Why are you even here?
Invisible Weirdo: I'm everywhere.
Hawke: Right, leave a sick sim alone. You pestering me is the last thing I want right now.
Invisible Weirdo: Quite hormonal, aren't you? Interesting development.
Hawke: What are you saying?
Invisible Weirdo: Feeling dizzy in the morning? Craving for funny food? Ask Poncho. Better yet, get a book. Educate yourself, bookworm.
Hawke: Psh. Leave me alone.

He went home and got himself a book.

Hawke: Why does she even have this kind of book with her?
Invisible Weirdo: Don't ask me. Just read.

Then Poncho came.

Hawke: Cat.
Poncho: Rude. He turned his back on Hawke when he sensed something. You!
Hawke: What, so we're having a conversation?
Poncho: You! Unforgivable! How can you... Oh cat of all cats! I never thought you would... I'm at loss for words.
Hawke: I have something to say.
Poncho: You need not tell me. I already know.
Hawke: That's convenient. Then what is it?
Poncho: What are you saying, what is it? Don't you already know? Hawke just looked at him. Oh, dear. You're hopeless. You know nothing about this. You're pregnant.
Hawke: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Not what I expected but that's a good joke!
Poncho: Do you even realize that you're not male? Of course you have a good chance of getting impregnated. Dear, oh, dear. I can't believe you're this ignorant.

Hawke was speechless.

Poncho: See? I told you so.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

  • Fluffy is my hair's first name.
  • Townie
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  • Posts: 174
  • Occasionally bipolar; always multipolar.
Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch10
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2014, 12:20:42 AM »
Trouble and Unexpected Birth

Hawke laughed everything off, until someone came crashing at the door.

Griffin: Smiley!
Hawke: What are you doing here?
Griffin: You don't have to say that. I know.
Hawke: You know... what?
Griffin: You don't need to pretend. I'm responsible for it. I shouldn't have.
Invisible Weirdo: You really don't remember anything, Hawke?
Hawke: I don't.
Griffin: While that is a matter of syntax and grammar, I'll leave it to another day. Listen. The nooboo-
Hawke: Woah! Hold up.
Griffin: You haven't been to work, have you? I know. I know after that night, I brought you home, ask your cat. But darn. Cats can't talk.
Invisible Weirdo: Poncho can. I wonder why he didn't tell you. And I wonder why you never wondered how you got home by yourself.
Hawke: Talk slower.
Griffin: You know I'm engaged to Tenika and I've spent an awful lot of time wooing her father for her hand. I can't-
Hawke: You can go along and marry. I'm don't need anything from you.
Griffin: That's not it. I'm going to break it off with her. I can't have either of you be the brunt of all the scandal this is going to ensue.
Hawke: I think you were the only one who knows until you came over here to tell me. Seriously speaking. You can leave now.
Griffin: The Kahale's were at the party! Listen-

Hawke pushed Griffin to the door. At least he knows who's the father.

Poncho: Doesn't it bother you?
Hawke: You can't imagine. I can't even be angry. It's all so messed up.

Hawke forced his senses back and called Daniel. Daniel should know what to do. What gave him that idea, he doesn't know.

Poncho: What are you going to do about that nooboo?
Hawke: Do you understand what you're implying?
Poncho: I'm just asking.
Hawke: No matter. Whether I'm in this body or my old, this child's still my child.
Poncho: I didn't expect you to be mature. Funny.
Hawke: It's not. None of this is funny.
Poncho: Do you know, that if that child turns out to be a girl, you die?
Hawke: What is this now.
Poncho: I'm just saying. You haven't accomplished anything. You're just a squadron leader, at the top of his athletic career.
Hawke: I can feed this child with my salary.
Poncho: That's not the point. You don't understand what this is about.
Hawke: Really, enlighten me.

Poncho left. He wasn't going to go through this. It was annoying to be the only one that understands.

There was a knock.

Hawke: Dan!
Daniel: Yo, Lemons.
Hawke: Come on. I got some food. They ate.

Daniel: You didn't invite me for that. You never invite anyone over.
Hawke: Right. I got a bump.
Daniel: Bump?
Hawke: The one Mary-Sue's having.
Daniel: You're kidding?
Hawke: Do I look like I am?
Daniel: It's hard to take seriously. Who's the father?
Hawke: Alto.
Daniel: You're really kidding! You're kidding! Hawke just stared at him. Oh, you're not.
Invisible Weirdo: Do you want this to be a scandal?
Hawke: Shut up.
Daniel: Hey, I'm sorry. I just found it hard to believe.
Hawke: Not you. Anyway, I need to talk to Sue. I don't know what to do with this. I've never been a girl.
Daniel: I know. You're one of the boys. It's really hard to take seriously.
Hawke: Done rubbing it on my face?
Daniel: Anyway, I can't really invite you over. Sue's left me.
Hawke: Left? You're still wearing your wedding ring.
Daniel: Because I'm still hung up? I can't be?
Hawke: But she's pregnant.
Daniel: I don't know. It could be just a phase, we fought and the next day I find everything gone. I can give you her number, if anything.
Invisible Weirdo: Don't you remember how impeccably rude you were to her that one and only time you met?
Hawke: No, it's alright. You go win her back. I can just call my mother. He lied.
Daniel: Right. Well. It was becoming awkward for both of them. I should leave. Thanks for the meal. Call when you need me.
Hawke: Thanks.

Hawke: Where's Poncho?
Invisible Weirdo: Busy stalking a cardinal.

Fast forward to Labor Day.

Griffin insisted came uninvited.

Griffin: Smiley!
Invisible Weirdo: Why, hello, Silvan Lemons. Aren't you adorable!
Hawke: Taxi!

There won't be a conversation between them.

But Griffin can't let it pass. He wanted to at least hold his son. He wasn't allowed in the delivery room, Hawke had insisted in refusing him any form of contact with his son.

Griffin can't be discouraged. He camped outside the house, which Poncho found amusing.

Poncho: This one's trouble.

I had wanted to marry Griffin and Lemons. But there's just no spark, so I had him move out some time later. Off to finding a new love!
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch11
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2014, 09:56:54 PM »
Another Trouble

Griffin: I'm being refused my own son, Cy. You can't expect me to march to work happy and eager. I need this break. I need time.
Cy: It's clear to me that whoever this woman you've impregnated doesn't want you in her life. You can't afford to do anything rash. Everyone at the company's breathing down your neck!
Griffin: But. I don't know. Fine. Tomorrow.

He checked his mail and got a letter informing him of Smiley's remaining balance.

Griffin: Right. I forgot there was that, too. Client. How wonderful.

It wasn't going to stop him from trying to see Silvan.

Griffin: Oh, hello.
Poncho: How warm, but of course you can only hear me go "Nya! Nyan!" or is it "Meow?" I am not familiar at all with this region. I've not met a cat in my lifetime!

Griffin: Your owner here? He peeked through the humongous window. Guess not. I'm inviting myself in.

When he made sure that the uncooperative mother wasn't there, he went to the bedroom.

Griffin: While I'm glad it's unlocked, I'm disappointed that Smiley would just leave our son alone in the house, with this cat.
Poncho: Hey, I heard that! And the hawk isn't anywhere. He's in the bathroom. Olala, I can only sigh.

Griffin didn't waste time and snuggled Silvan. He's entertaining the treacherous idea of kidnapping his son.

Griffin: But custody rights. This is going to be the scandal of the season! He didn't seem worried about Tenika. He loves her, but his son and his image are at stake.

He got his phone and called his lawyer.

Hawke came in to see Silvan and knocked Griffin off his feet.

Hawke: Oh, your fault for standing by the door. There wasn't a bit of remorse in his voice until he saw Griffin was carrying Silvan. Sil! Oh, no you don't. Out! Out!
Griffin: Wait, I want to talk. Please!
Hawke: Talk? You trespassed in my house and you expect me to want to talk?
Griffin: But you're denying me my son!
Invisible Weirdo: That's right, Hawke. Why are you denying the poor man his own son?
Hawke: You weren't the one who went through hours of pain. Leave.
Invisible Weirdo: That's all there is to it?
Hawke: I don't need a man in my life. Leave! Hawke was ready to brawl. Griffin was only half toned as Hawke but that's not the issue. He wasn't going into a physical fight with his son's mother.
Invisible Weirdo: You know, this is becoming very confusing. You should just start assuming your "she-ness."
Hawke: No way.
Griffin: What?
Hawke: Leave! I'll call the police!
Invisible Weirdo: Now that's more like it!

Griffin scrambled to the door, without failing to sneak a kiss on Silvan's forehead.

Hawke: Never come back!

But Hawke can't trust anything. He needed help. Daniel gave him an address.

Hawke: That horse. Why did it lead me to this man in the first place. Is my mother trying to make a mess out of my life? Hawke muttered as the cab went rushing to the address.

Kiwi Hale greeted him, waiting outside. He seems to be expecting Hawke's arrival.

Kiwi: Come on in.
Hawke: I wonder what trouble I'm getting into now.

At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

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Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch11
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2014, 11:58:53 PM »
I can't wait to get to the nooboos! But as it is, I currently have a full house. (Yes, I cried from joy and the realization of the difficulty I'll be facing) This is by-far the most fun, although a little stressful, family I've played.

I recently installed story progression to entertain me while I play. And there are particular sims who have very active social lives. Heh.


I'm agitated. Kiwi Hale invited me inside and told me to prepare for a wedding. My immediate reaction was violent. Why did I even trust Danny. Why did I trust that horse from ages ago. Everyone's pointing and leading me to trouble after trouble. My mother must be behind all of these.

And then I changed my mind when Kiwi explained. He's a total stranger. And from what I know and found out, he's hooked up with Mary-Sue. Danny, that fox. I should have known. But I wondered what pushed this youngster into following Danny's orders. Orders, were they? I didn't bother ask. I had my hands full.

I got ready for this wedding. I didn't have any idea who the groom's going to be. I was simply assured that this man will surely fend away Griffin Alto and his crazy ideas. As if this wasn't a crazy idea. As if trusting a baseless assurance wasn't a crazy idea.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I detested living for all the insecurities and complexities it offered, then I started loving if for the same reasons. Now I'm back to hating it, less, but with more doubt. I'm starting to doubt myself.

I'm wondering if I'm still what you called a male, I gave birth. I gave birth! I don't know what to say to that. I don't know.

I can hear Sil laugh at me in my mind. The little monster is rather adorable, and I don't have to be a girl to say that.

Crisis. I wish to die. This must be what they call midlife crisis- I just had my birthday some days ago.

Nightfall of that day came. I found this funny looking dress in one of the rooms that Kiwi insisted on me using. "The house has a lot of rooms," he says. Fine. I don't care how many rooms you have. I just want to get this over with.

Ugh, so much hate.

And so much confusion.

Back to the dress, it was glowing and had nauseating moonlight effect. White. Heavy. Like the drapes in the theater house. No way I'm going to wear that. I ran back to my house to get Smiley's black dress. I'm mourning; of course I'd want to wear black.

Then Kiwi drove me to a nearby park, in his ill-colored Tofunda. Yes, I'm full of hate, so I offer nothing but my hateful words.

Poncho in the background: He's relapsed to his old self. Poor hawk, poor hawk.

Then I got married. I wanted to tear off my clothes and hair and run crazy. I should have known!

That Daniel Pleasant even came! It wasn't at all pleasant for me. As to why he was making faces, I'd rather not know.

As if that wasn't enough, Sil chose the same day to suddenly go triple monster on me- he had his birthday, sat in silence beside Papaya Cruz as I got married.

To whom? Don't tell me you haven't guessed! It's the devil himself- Kiwi Hale! I wonder what Danny did to make Kiwi sign up for this.

I wasn't open to the idea of holding another man's hands. I'm going to get my due for this.

Hawke: Quite the amused cat, aren't we, Poncho?
Poncho: I'm rather sad, actually. I'm saying goodbye to that horrible house. Learn to live with it, hawk. Sometimes, the odds just aren't to your favor.

Griffin hadn't come. I didn't expect him to.

Poncho: Such nice, shiny shoes.

Right, did I forget to say the horses came to mock me, too?

Much thanks, mum. Much thanks.

Where Griffin was, I have no idea. I'm glad he hadn't got wind of the wedding.

I had no lot to get married on. I don't know if editing the lot is legal, but I did it anyway. I deleted everything after the ceremony. Yep, I didn't get reimbursement.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch13
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2014, 08:32:07 AM »

I'm guessing you wanna know the life of a married couple? Well, let me tell you it's horrible! I'm getting into trouble after trouble, and the only thing I'm happy about having Poncho around. I could talk to him and he responds, Sil doesn't. Good thing this Kiwi Hale has a soft spot for everything tiny- including my boy.

During the ceremony, I felt that Silvan wanted a go on the potty chair, I ran to the house and left Kiwi with his mouth open. He couldn't leave the guests alone.

I made sure to do some walkie-training. I forgot to change. Hawke seems to have forgotten to get rid of the shoes too, high heels they were.

And Kiwi snatched him away for some alone time.

What they did, I had Poncho watch over. Kiwi is conceited- more than me, so I decided not to look him in the eye after the ceremony. I'm still in a whirlwind and I'm going to have Daniel come over soon. This big house has nothing but toilets and toilets, and I'll have Daniel sleep in on of them. Someday, someday. I'll make sure to attach some photos in some log soon.

Sleepless nights into this marriage, I've decided I want another child. Whim, maybe? I'm getting older and Poncho's whispering funny things in my sleep, like I need another body to pursue this mission of liberation. Seeing that I can't use Sil's body. And no, I would not kick my son out of his body. My child is my child and he is his own. Poncho can be a devil sometimes. I don't understand if we're friends and he's telling the truth- that he really wants to help me, or he's messing with my life and is in the process of ensnaring me into some complex web of lies. But the latter is rather complicated, too complicated for a cat, so I'm going with the first one.

I talked to Kiwi about it.

Hawke: Kiwi.
Kiwi: Yes, pumpkin?
Hawke: Puke. You have got to be kidding me. This, again? I told you to stop that. It bothers me.
Kiwi: What, we are husband and wife, no? Which reminds me, why do you insist on sleeping in the other room?
Hawke: Erm. You forced this marriage on me. At least, Hale was a better last name.
Kiwi: Daniel said you wanted this. And I've been eyeing you for some time, should you know.
Hawke: What! What is it with everyone deciding for me? First my mother, then- Rich kids. I hate rich people like you, you do whatever you want. Brat.
Kiwi: Hey, hey. Kiwi held his hand, Sorry. I admit it, I'm a brat. Sorry.  Fine, I won't ask you, nor pester you. Then he realized, which I'm doing right now, he said as he raised his hand away from Hawke's. What was it you wanted to say?

Hawke: I want a child.
Kiwi: He choked. Are you playing with me? You came up with that little argument for this? And choked some more. There were leftovers. Kiwi couldn't wait through it and just talked.
Hawke: In vitro.
Kiwi: What?
Hawke: In vitro. I want to make sure my child's a girl.
Kiwi: You can't do that. We're married.
Hawke: I can. Didn't I say, I want a girl. And I don't want to go through that process again.
Kiwi: What, is this about Sil? You... Did his father do something to you? He was worried.
Hawke: No. What are you coming about. Leave his dead father alone. Some bright idea came to Hawke. I'm going to tell you everything soon. Just. This once. Hawke knew Kiwi couldn't resist a request from Smiley Lemons. Puppy love.
Kiwi: Fine. Fine. Goodbye, inheritance.
Hawke: You're overreacting.
Kiwi: I know. He smirked. Boyish smile.

And a little pop in Hawke's heart.

And the joy and trauma of pregnancy is the same for all, Hawke's no exception.

Poncho: What are you going to do if your child turns out to be not quite what you expected?
Hawke: I'm going to sue the hospital.
Poncho: You signed an agreement.
Hawke: I did not.
Poncho: Stop feigning ignorance. That doesn't work anymore, with my anyway.
Hawke: I don't know! It's not like I'll hate this child just because I went through half a trimester for a back ache and have a boy! And I'd like some private time with the toilet.

Hawke: Dreadful; here came labor day:

Kiwi: Where are we going?
Hawke: Hospital.
Kiwi: I'm driving! You're in labor!
Hawke: I'm sane.

Hawke: A boy. Fates don't seem to favor me. Blast it!
Invisible Weirdo: Welcome to Sunlit Tides, Synth Hale!

Invisible Weirdo: And some funny newly introduced therapy that the hospital offered.

Hawke: And another form of it, because Kiwi's been magnetized by the sculpting station.

He's quite the father, guy got an initiative. I give him that. Sighed Hawke.

Hawke hasn't seen how doting Kiwi is,

He's the only one who ever cleans the litter box on will.

Nor how Sil reacted to his little brother.

Poncho: What do you say, little monster?
No response.
Poncho: Cat got your tongue?
Still no response.
Poncho: Well, at least you haven't inherited your, erm, mother's insanity.

Poncho went to his new-found routine: scratching every side of the wall with a window.

And during the day, sleeping under the heat.

The narrations are becoming random. I'm realizing how hard (for me anyway) it is to deal with a guy in a girl's body is. Oh, what fun!

And I don't have a lot of photos of Sil facing the camera.  :P
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch13
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2014, 08:38:59 AM »
Yay, I found one! Just me or Sil's Griffin through and through?

Woah. I noticed the violet eyes just now.  :o
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch14
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2014, 09:46:52 AM »
I'm out of ideas and I don't know why the game refuses to give me a girl. And yes, when I look at the Jobs Tab I see Lv8. Okay. That works too. But before I finally got the heir that I wanted, I almost died. I quote Barrett-Browning, "Let me count the ways."

A New Friend

When Silvan was born, a toy came in the mail, from the Lotsy Family claiming to be my relatives. Smiley's maybe. And who'd told them? That's not the issue. I was wondering why one didn't come up when Synth was born. Must be because I'm all rich now, I mean Smiley.

He's confused as to what to call himself. Or, is it herself now?

Poncho: Hello, munchkin. I brought you a gift. A horned back! You know what that is, no?
Sil: Mmm. He brought a fist into his mouth.
Poncho: Wow. That's quite a mouthful. You'll understand what I'm saying when you're older. And I'm pretty sure it's coming around soon.

Sil: Mmm. Sil walked away humming. He was going to sing to Vesper, his friend from the Lotsy's
Poncho: Why am I underappreciated in this house! Poncho had walls for scratching.

Synth's birthday came first. Little guy was catching up to his brother.

Kiwi: Yo, sweet thing.
Hawke: Don't "sweet thing" me. Look here, rather, blow the candles with us!
Kiwi: You're oozing with attraction for me.
Hawke: You wish.
Kiwi: Well, what can you say about this in vitro thing?
Hawke: Oh, stop. Don't say things like that. Synth can hear you.
Kiwi: He's going to be a looker, like me.

Hawke: Dear, Watcher. Poncho! Call the police, we got ourselves a narcissist!
Invisible Weirdo: Admit it, you do feel those bumps and skips.
Poncho: Admit it, you're no longer a man. Technically, you aren't. When are you going to accept that?
Invisible Weirdo: Biologically, and physiologically, you aren't!
Hawke: Ugh, I'm surrounded by antagonists.
Invisible Weirdo and Poncho in synch: You got it!

Sil was busy playing with Vesper. He doesn't understand what was happening.

[Synth is the cuddliest!]

My boys get along well. Quite well, it's suspicious.

I've gotten up in the ladder. I've become a Top Gun! Kiwi stole a shot of me in uniform. Embarrassing. Regardless, I'm only one step from officially becoming an astronaut!

While Hawke was busy with other things, Kiwi's busier. He's doing good with self-employment, and nanny'ing the boys.

Kiwi: I wonder when your mother will start to appreciate me! Am I not man enough? Should I join the military with her? He mused as he helped Synth fix his wobbly little legs.
Poncho: Poor you. Nothing that you do will ever make that hawk look at you. Poncho tried to click his tongue, and inevitably failed. What, it always worked while hunting!

Sil found his way and looked at his little brother, who wasn't so little at this point. He seemed amused. Of course he's amused, he's done and Synth was going to spend lots of time trying to. And he's a little sad, too. He won't have anyone to play with; Vesper didn't exactly respond, so he responds for her everytime.

Sil's birthday came next and Kiwi invited his cousins and friends.

[Say hello, Sil! Oh, so he doesn't want to]

Daniel was there, but we had no opportunity to talk. The visitors kept themselves busy as we all disappeared to our holes. Then left when they got bored.

[Kiwi walked out because he was stir crazy, grinding sculpting like for ages.]

Poncho: But the boy. The boy is playing out in the open.

And laughs in hiding.

Vesper coming to life like that made him the happiest in his birthday. And not everyone can relate.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- A Little Spoiler
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2014, 10:09:42 AM »
A little spoiler. I'm still cleaning out my screenshots and I just wanted to troll. Thank you for your kindness.




Hawke ran out of toner, or did s/he?  ;D

I love how they turned out! For those curious, the names are Indian synonyms of bitter gourd.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch15
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2014, 11:00:20 PM »
I'm not quite the romantic (in its usual sense) so sorry if this feels awkward or ill-narrated. Also, as I've seen from other authors, I should have been taking shots of when they're getting those huge reward points, I don't because I don't find those photos erm. Anyway I'll be sure to do that in the next generation, those photos.

Last Promotion, Last Shot

Hawke and Kiwi have been getting along well lately. And of course, Hawke refused any form of contact except hateful hurls or side-comments. Kiwi put up with it- they had Synth, in vitro or not. And he loved the woman she married, he just needed to put in extra effort.

In eating, well, usually, in eating.

Hawke: Get rid of that annoying face.
Kiwi: This? You're falling for me, aren't you?
Hawke: You're sleeping in the kitchen.
Kiwi: There are plenty other rooms. Kiwi was smug. He liked this casual exchanges, it didn't matter that it almost always bordered a fight. Hey there, buddy. An attempt to get closer.
Hawke: Back off. You're getting your time with him later. Had it been another guy, a fight would have happened.
Kiwi: You sure are resistant. I wonder until when.
Hawke: Until I stand over your grave.
Invisible Weirdo: Quite the contrary. He'll be the one weeping first.
Hawke: Who said I'm weeping?
Kiwi: What?
Hawke: Nevermind. Alone time? Leave?
Kiwi: Suit yourself.

Kiwi took Sil out. It was late, but heck, he's his dad.

Kiwi: Yo, kiddo. Get into your astro-suit. We're playing outside.
Sil: But mum-
Kiwi: She wants me out of her sight.

Kiwi waited outside.

Sil: Did you fight? Sil said as he buckled the belt.
Kiwi: Nope. It's the usual. You know how hostile your mum is to me. I'd never know why.
Sil: Well, me too. But sometimes she looks at you fine. That got Kiwi excited.
Kiwi: Woah, really?
Sil: You're such a kid, sometimes.
Kiwi: I can't help it. I love her.
Sil: She probably feels the same. I should know. She's my mum. You know how women can be.
Kiwi: Maybe you don't really know her. I don't know her. It's more probable that she hates me. Know what, sometimes I wonder if you're really your age?
Sil: Believable. Questionable. Oh well, where to?
Kiwi: That's some support you're giving me. Diner. I'd like some double quarter cheese burger.
Sil: With some fries and sundae!
Kiwi: You're not telling her this. Kiwi gave Sil a stern look.
Sil: Of course. They shook hands. This is an agreement between gentlemen.
Invisible Weirdo: Such boys.
Sil: What?
Kiwi: What?
Sil: No, nothing.

They went to the theater first. Then ate. Silvan had the fun he doesn't get in school. There was nobody in school he liked except the nurse. Only the nurse made sense to him. Vesper didn't like school, so she doesn't go with him. Sometimes he'd take out his little notebook and did sketches, of how Vesper would look like. Of what his little brother and he could do. He sketched fun things, happy things. Things he can't do for real.

Kiwi: What are you telling your mum?
Sil: Are you teaching me to lie? He sneered, the Draco Malfoy way.
Kiwi: Of course not! I'm just asking you what you'll tell her.
Sil: It's a secret.
Kiwi: Sheesh. You should stop inheriting your mother's cynicism.
Sil: I can't. That's how genes work.
Kiwi: Smarty-pants, aren't you?
Sil: Well, I got that from you. He smiled Kiwi's boyish smile.
Kiwi: That's it, we're going home.
Sil: I thought we'd never! They giggled. Awkward.

Kiwi drove around and Silvan fell asleep. Kiwi wondered who Sil's father was. His wife never did talk about him, and he never asked.

Kiwi: It's not important now. He ruffled Sil's hair and drove home.

When they got home, each got a cold serve of scolding.

Kiwi: "What father in his right mind would bring a ten year-old out for movies this late!" Kiwi hears in playback as he slips into dreamland.
Sil: "I smell sugar. You had sugar." He wondered what kind of senses his mother had to know that stuff. Rocket science, he mumbled

Forgiving, though cynical Hawke was, he tried his best at parenting. Even if he never reached Silvan's age before he died. He never experienced his parents' scolding and hugs beyond his toddler years.

Sil read about a shady project by The Facility. He appreciated his mother's work then, being in the military and having a hand in the science facility. He didn't understand most of it, except that he read "Imaginary friend" and "Real" and some incomprehensible squibbles about a rainbow gem.

Sil: Dad gave me one. "Can't use this," he says.
Invisible Weirdo: What makes you think so?
Sil: Vesper?
Invisible Weirdo: I'm flattered, but no. Anyway, gotta go. Your mother will catch me.
Sil: Woah, wait!

Vesper followed him around everywhere in the house. And Hawke was paying the bills.

Hawke: Sil? What are you doing?
Sil: Nothing, mum. Just, erm. I gotta go do homework.
Hawke: I'll help.
Sil: Uh, you don't have to. I can do it.
Hawke: I know, genius. Hawke pinched Sil's cheeks. Now let me help.
Sil: Alright, mum. Hawke rather liked being called "mum."

Kiwi was busy with his sculpting career.

Synth with the box.

On other days, the boys would keep busy trying to talk to each other.

And when nobody seems to be looking, Hawke and Poncho spent time together.

Invisible Weirdo: I don't know why but they seem closer now. Honestly, that's what free will tells them to do.

And then a birthday. Time sure flies by fast, but Hawke's progressing slower.

[This is what I hate about reduced work days]

Hawke and Sil play hopscotch when they've nothing to do, when Kiwi was busy and couldn't be disturbed, and when Synth didn't want to be bothered.

And when it was the kids who had no time for their parents,

Kiwi: Hey.
Hawke: Hey. What are you doing here. It wasn't a question.
Kiwi: I finally have some alone time with my wife and this is what I get.
Hawke: No, you don't. I'm busy. Busy contemplating.
Kiwi: Congrats on that promotion.
Hawke: Oh, you noticed.
Kiwi: I'm not as narcissistic as you claim me to be.
Hawke: Thanks. Has Daniel called? I heard he's frequenting the gym but I haven't seen him. Doesn't answer calls either.

Kiwi: Erm, had he, and should he, I think he'd call you. I sorta did horrible things to him, remember.
Hawke: He's busy flirting around town, seems to have forgotten Mary-Sue and his son fast. I'm worried that my sons will marry his daughters.
Kiwi: You speak badly of him. Is there something wrong?
Hawke: Hey, hey. You're getting a little too comfortable.
Kiwi: He's not Sil's-
Hawke: Woah. No, you didn't! No way he's Silvan's father.
Kiwi: Well?
Hawke: What well.
Kiwi: I'm stumped. You hate me. You tell me nothing. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. And dreadful it may seem, if you want out in this marriage then-
Hawke: A little too convenient, no? I won't. I don't. If you're worried.
Kiwi: That doesn't exactly assure me anything.
Hawke: Uh. Right. The second time Kiwi is in an awkward position.
Kiwi: Heck. He whispered and leaned over to kiss his wife.

Meanwhile, Sil got a mail from The Facility. And they were asking for 4,500 Simoleons.

Sil: Dad should have this much.
Invisible Weirdo: A little too dependent, aren't we?
Sil: Abusive, too. But I don't know where to get that much. And I want to meet the real Vesper.
Invisible Weirdo: Why are you talking to yourself?
Sil: Vesper's not myself. I'm pretty sure you're not just in my head, either.

Ah, the generations and offsprings that will be plagued by this voice.

And by some Sim humor, Daniels' son with Mary-Sue is named Garrett. And he looks like this, he has the same eyes  :-X:

At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch15
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2014, 02:02:12 PM »
Poor Kiwi, I feel bad for the fellow.
Can't figure out why his wife married him if she doesn't seem to care for him... she keeps her distance and refuses to open up and here he is, trying to be the best he can be.
I really love where this is going, but you should really let poor Kiwi in on this..

Offline cainspath

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Re: Reincarnation Project: Hawke Revival- Ch15
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2014, 02:48:56 AM »
Poor Kiwi, I feel bad for the fellow.
Can't figure out why his wife married him if she doesn't seem to care for him... she keeps her distance and refuses to open up and here he is, trying to be the best he can be.
I really love where this is going, but you should really let poor Kiwi in on this..

Thank you! Believe me, I'm doing my best.  :'( I'm rather in love with Kiwi (I've moved on with my crush with Theo) myself. HAHA.
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]