Author Topic: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (9.15.18)  (Read 139683 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Little Ms. (9/1/16)
« Reply #300 on: September 01, 2016, 06:25:02 PM »
Chapter 70: Little Ms.
This chapter is essentially toddler spam. Sorry, I'm not sorry.
To get things started - and while uploading the images - let's have a chitty chat about what a hectic ride this has been. These triplets have very unique personalities and the game is laughing at me with the traits it continues to give them.
Ah well.
So, as I'm crunching through Generation 6, the triplets have developed a unique personality and I love it. Anastasia is so serious all the time. Arietty is a sourpuss and rarely does anything but scowl, while little Ambriel is always so cheerful and smiling and giggly.
It's strange, as their traits would imply they should all be switched, but hey, I love them just as they are!
Annnd images uploaded.
"Took you look enough! You talk too much. Nag, nag, complain, complain!"
Majnun! Get out of here! This is not your story!
As we were.

Ambriel is just a doll and I loved taking pictures of her adorable, smiling face.

Cheerful Felix loves on the little Anastasia.

She's so beautiful, but she's always so serious!
Arietty gets some love from grandma Echo.

"Grandma with hair to match now..."
I know, I miss your darling red hair too.

You guys have no idea what a challenge it was with limited adults to have enough people to drive everyone around in the Mobile... Anyways, here's my squad:

I feel like there should be some epic music playing in the background.
"Bad boys, bad boys!"

So remember last chapter how I had Yolanda go after an opportunity by taking some random old fart out to dinner? Well the game glitched because I saved and exited in the middle of her eating with him, so it didn't count, and it was officially too late to eat at the Bistro, so I marched her little hiney over to the Diner where she wined and dined said old fart.
Ah, what we do for promotions...

"I hate sucking up to the man!"
Yup. Rebellious Political Aspirations? Not a good combination. KEEP SUCKING UP.

Everyone got their little pick-me-up in the Mobile before I went "full brigalia" (I love that phrase way too much. Too much Django for me) on the skills! With Dagan on the potty training duty and the playpen and walker, the girls were cycled through so that they were always skilling on something.

Arriety worked on her scowling talking first.

Coming along nicely.

Whoop. There it is.

Ambriel got to work on... awwww!

Walking and isn't she... awwwwwww!

I just need to say the phrase quickly before... AWWWW!

What was I saying?

Anastasia worked on her serious pooping face.
What? You apparently need a game-face for that. I don't blame her at all.

Why does it look like smiling hurts this child?

Because Ambriel has all the smiles.
ALL of them.
There can only be one.

Echo and Felix stole some time away from the world to just enjoy their time.

They flirted, talked, kissed. It was pretty adorable.

Sheera was... oh yeah! Out on the lawn causing fights.

Oh Sheera...

Back to Ambriel who's... AWWWW!

Little Ms. Serious-Face and her daddy continued to work on her potty training.

She's so adorable, especially next to daddy Dagan.

She's got that potty-training-game-face!

Little Ms. Sourpuss continues with her lemon-eating.

She looks like she's plotting to kill someone.

It was time for the rotation! Little Ms. Serious got to learn how to make serious faces talk.

Little Ms. Sourpuss learned how to walk... because how better to kill your targets than to be able to walk to them?

That's my first batch of photos for you! I have plenty more!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: To the Library (9/1/16)
« Reply #301 on: September 01, 2016, 07:05:27 PM »
Chapter 71: To the Library!
More toddler spam ensuing. Still not sorry.
Sheera, when she's not causing fights on the lawn, is quietly painting masterpieces in the art room.

I've seen this picture six bajillion times. Not one Fenris.
Dagan the repairman to the rescue! We need that shower to conceive Sheera's child!
"Uh... what?"

What? Haven't you realized everyone is conceived in that shower?
Oh please. You haven't showered since you made the triplets. Don't even talk to me about gross.

Back to Sheera, she's begun to work on another Not-Fenris painting.

That is a nice sassy Tinkerbell, though.
"She's my spirit-animal."
... I can see that. Definitely.

Yolanda downs another round of perfect Basil.

Gotta do what we can. Are you still sucking up to your boss?
Just keep your talk of "the man" to yourself.
Yolanda sighs. "They're just trying to keep us down..."
Yes, yes, and you'll forget you even have this trait once we finally get you to the top of this darned career and retire you.
"Oh, so now you're planning my retirement?"
Well for all I know, your daughter is well on her way to becoming an assassin...
"Arriety? Don't be ridiculous!"
You haven't seen her faces the way I have...

"Ah... point taken."

Meanwhile Ambriel is... awwwwwwww!

Look at what... awwwwwww!

I just can't imagine her any cuter than... awwwwwwwww!

Anastasia continues to be studious and serious.

That's her "singing" to her Imaginary Friend.
Aren't we having fun? Yes? No...?

I stopped in on Leif and Foxglove but they weren't home... yet Leif was at the pool. Turns out Leif's a...

How's it going, buddy?
"Well, I almost missed your voice, then I heard it again."
Aww, thanks. Don't get yourself killed doing those magic tricks... or do. Whatever floats your boat.
"Thanks, watcher!"
Heard you and Foxglove are expecting again. (Eyebrow wiggle).
Can I see your daughter?
Awww, why not?
"I'll make you a deal. If you can find her - you can see her!"
(Watcher grumbles about not being able to find her and storms off).

So, on to the title of this chapter! Felix, Echo and Dagan all trot the toddlers to the library for some skill prep time now that they're all done with basic skills. Dagan got the happy child, Echo got the future assassin, and Felix got Ms. Serious -- mostly because I love the contrast between happy Felix and serious Anastasia.

I just love Ambriel's face in that last one.

We'll end this chapter with Sheera as she arrives at the library to take everyone home in the mobile. Life is good.

Meanwhile, for those of you who like family members!

Mandie Nix, daughter of Reia Nix (Reid's sister).
And this gentleman is Arnold, Echo's brother.

That's all for now, folks.

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: We LOVE you, Felix (9/1/16)
« Reply #302 on: September 01, 2016, 08:32:24 PM »
Chapter 72: We LOVE You, Felix
Yolanda got a wonderful promotion! That puts her at level 5 in the Political career!

I really hope we can get rid of that ugly skirt soon...
"Me too, watcher. Me too."
I sent her over to the library to wrestle some campaign funds from some distantly related family members.

"You're a Nix? Me too! Have $10,000."
Welp, that's that.

Sheera took home all the family from the library and ended up calling up Sterling McAwful.
Sterling McWho?

Oh, you slime. You're dating Sheera. Don't stalk your ex.
"S'ok, watcher. Let him cry over her. He'll be crying over me next."
Whatever you say, darling.
He arrived and they started to chat things up until it was time for her to age up at midnight.

When suddenly.

He begged for more time to see his baby girl grow up.
We LOVE you, Felix.

"OH MY GOSH IT'S A COMPUTER. WATCHER! Look! Look! Look! It's a computer! Oh this is so cool! How neat!"

"This is the best news of my entire life!"
I thought that was eating cake for breakfast this morning.
"I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!" He paused, "NO... this is definitely better! I can hardly breathe!"
Derrick tilts his head. "Yeah... you PI types are weird."

What are you doing?
"Shh, I can't talk right now. I'm blending in. You can't see me right?"
Oh, for the love of -! The watcher sighs. No. Oh no, where did Felix go? He couldn't possibly be the bush RIGHT in the middle of the library!
Felix snickers, "I knew this was the best disguise!"

"Look at me! I'm a bush! I love being a bush! OH WAS THAT A BIRD?!"
"Oh, hey Aunt Reia! See anything suspicious out there?"
Reia laughs, "just some weirdo pretending to be a bush."
"I meant you, Felix."

PI Case Count: 21/35
Days left to Adult: 1
Have mercy. This lifetime wish is killing me.

"Watcher! I LOVE my job!"
That makes one of us...

"This... computer... is... SO COOL!"
You know this case you're doing is for the woman who you rejected for that date, right?
"Well, this will be awkward. Ahem. Hello there, Miss, who I've never met before nor rejected for a date, what seems to be the problem?"
"Oh Felix! I'm so glad you're here! Do you see this?"
"It's your finger, Miss."
"Yes! It's my ring-finger! It's empty."
Choose your words carefully if you want to marry Echo.
"I can't find my ring!"
"Oh! I can do that! I LOVE finding things! That's my job, did you know?"
"That's... sort of why I called you?"

Find anything?
"No. This magnifying glass is really dirty though."
Maybe you should clean it?
"Oh! I'll add that to my list of things to do!"

"Oh! She's totally in the dark about me proposing! This is great! I LOVE surprises!"
"Oh Felix! What could you POSSIBLY be doing?!"
Nice enthusiasm Echo, just keep stroking his ego.
"Ok... so... Echo..." Felix's eyes go big. "WHAT'S MY LINE?!"
Your line? Are you SERIOUS?
"'Will you marry me?'" Echo whispers.
"NO! That's MY line! I'm supposed to ask YOU."
(Watcher facepalms). Felix. Just propose right now, or so help me I will-
"Echo, willyoumarryme?"

"Echo! My favorite person! You're here! What are you doing here?! I've missed you so-" Felix's eyes bug out of his head. "OHMYGOSHYOU'REANADULT."
Slow down there Felix. You're going to choke her.
"How can I slow down?! She's perfect!"

"What is it? Is it good news? I LOVE good news!"
"It IS good news! I'm pregnant!"
And this is the part where Felix's eyebrows rocketed off into the sky and orbited around the sun from surprise. Not like you don't remember me announcing that your 'Try for Baby' was successful, mate.
"Is this for real?!"
"Yes! It's very real!"

Aaaand he's back.
Dagan starts crying.
I hope Echo gets back soon...
"Please don't cry! Daddy doesn't love crying!"

"I LOVE my job!"

"You bought a BED for the house! Why?!"
Foxglove and Leif both wanted to pillowfight. Apparently you need pillows to pillowfight with. The watcher sighs. Ah, semantics.
"But... you bought... a BED!"
Yeah...? What's the problem?
"There is none... I just... I LOVE beds!"
What was that...?
"I said... I LOVE BEDS!"

"Hi sweetie. Don't inhale too many of those paint fumes, kay?"
(Sucks in deep breath of paint fumes) "YES MA'AM!"
Echo puts her head into her hands.
"Yes! I did it watcher! I did-" (Felix collapses from paint fumes).
Walk it off, buddy. We've got more to do.

"Yeah! This is fantastic. I LOVE MARTIAL ARTS!"

Felix? Earth to Felix!
"Lindsey and I look so alike."
You... actually do. I think you found your spirit animal...
"Spirit animal? Or Sprite animal? Both are factual. I LOVE Lindsey!"

You were a pain in my butt, and you will be missed greatly.

Offline oshizu

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: We LOVE You, Felix (9/1/16)
« Reply #303 on: September 02, 2016, 05:26:29 AM »
The triples are each unique and each devastatingly adorable!
Ambriel's smiles are killing me! Awwwww.

Felix, considering this is a short dynasty, you got a lot of screen time,  lol. But yes, we LOVE you. The Nixes will not be the same without your enthusiasm. Rest in Peace.

Offline Nienor

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: We LOVE You, Felix (9/1/16)
« Reply #304 on: September 02, 2016, 05:29:33 AM »
We do LOVE you Felix, even/especially with your enormous nose (which you so kindly chose not to pass on  :D).
RIP Felix (and Daric Ordhen's nose)
It was nice to see Leif again too, although I am slightly worried about what happened to his mouth/nose?
The triplets are adorable! - especially Ambriel, although Anastasia is lovely too. I can't wait until they become YAs, so we can see them in their full beauty.
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: We LOVE You, Felix (9/1/16)
« Reply #305 on: September 03, 2016, 12:04:14 AM »
R.I.P Felix. You will be forever missed. The triplets are so adorable!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: We LOVE You, Felix (9/1/16)
« Reply #306 on: September 04, 2016, 12:13:17 PM »
I will miss Felix.   He was truly delightful!
Oh, and I've decided Anastasia is my spirit animal (or sprite animal).

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: We LOVE You, Felix (9/1/16)
« Reply #307 on: September 04, 2016, 03:14:04 PM »
The triples are each unique and each devastatingly adorable!
Ambriel's smiles are killing me! Awwwww.

Felix, considering this is a short dynasty, you got a lot of screen time,  lol. But yes, we LOVE you. The Nixes will not be the same without your enthusiasm. Rest in Peace.
Ambriel has those giggly smiles that just make me say "awwww!"
Felix got a LOT of screen time, and while I loved him, I'm very ready to move on and I probably won't give any other generations the same love I did him. At that point though I just really wanted to see if the PI career could be done and the LTW could be maxed. It can. I'm never doing it again, but it can be done.
Honestly that man had more enthusiasm than most of my other characters combined. He reminds me of Caboose from Red Vs. Blue.

We do LOVE you Felix, even/especially with your enormous nose (which you so kindly chose not to pass on  :D).
RIP Felix (and Daric Ordhen's nose)
It was nice to see Leif again too, although I am slightly worried about what happened to his mouth/nose?
The triplets are adorable! - especially Ambriel, although Anastasia is lovely too. I can't wait until they become YAs, so we can see them in their full beauty.
I've had like... 50 more pictures from my last binge in this game to where the kids started their childhood, but I just haven't really sat down to write the chapters yet. Anyways, the girls are so gorgeous.
Oh that nose. I'm so glad it's gone. XD Gone for good. Felix's greatest achievement will be not passing down his nose. Forget the 30+ PI cases and all the maxed and supermaxed skills - the withholding of the nose is what did it.
Leif aged up and I've noticed sometimes when YA age up to Adults their noses do weird things. Liam Reaper and his mother Kaida have this problem (stares at Amelia Lovegood - it's her genetics that cause this issue). My default replacement skin mod helps take away some of the worst offenses, but it can't fix them all.

R.I.P Felix. You will be forever missed. The triplets are so adorable!
I know! I spam you with far too many pictures of them. ::) I'll miss Felix, but not too much. XD I'm glad to be moving on too.
It did feel like his father just died though.
Ah, life of a short dynasty.

I will miss Felix.   He was truly delightful!
Oh, and I've decided Anastasia is my spirit animal (or sprite animal).
I'll miss Felix too. Not too much, but - but enough that I'll notice his absence. ::)
Anastasia is fantastic. She's so serious! I love it! The girls are so unique in their personalities. They grow up to be quite beautiful too! I can't wait for everyone to see!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: No to the Fourth Power (9/4/16)
« Reply #308 on: September 04, 2016, 06:32:12 PM »
Chapter 73: No to the Fourth Power
Life goes on in the Nix household.
Kewl, the Lawn Gnome - affectionately named by @oshizu has grown into an old-man gnome while Hipp jumps awkwardly for joy behind him.

The triplets are inside, getting to know each other a little better while their incredible, gorgeous watcher sets up the next thing for them to do. Today is technically their birthday after midnight, but I decide to hold off on caking them up right away until they've accomplished more with the xylophone. These girls are going to be mindless skilling machines.

Just kidding, they have too much personality for that.
Don't mind the lighting. It's a full moon on the night that Felix died. It's also Sheera's birthday too, which I'm bouncing in my seat for.

The girls begin their progress with the xylophone, and with Felix gone it now makes a perfect number of adults to train the girls.

There's a bit of a rotation going on so Dagan and Yolanda can be friends with all of their children. The playpen and walker are so helpful, but it takes away the friendship gain from the actual training of toddler skills. Bummer, but I guess we can't win them all.

Night rolls around and everyone runs to cheer Sheera on - save for the triplets, who could care less.

Sheera ages up into a STUNNING young adult and adds... uh... I can't remember which trait it added. All of her traits are: Mean Spirited, Perceptive, Easily Impressed, Loves the Outdoors and Never Nude.

Sheera is so pretty that a zombie decides to crash the party.

No, but really, how did you even get in here?!

I jump back to check on the triplets only to discover the most creepy thing ever. To start with, when I took the triplets to the library I took those silly Imaginary Friend dolls out of their inventory so they could focus on their reading books without trying to yank out that stupid doll in between each book. So I placed them in the storage room with all the others. I don't know why this surprised me, but...


HOW CREEPY IS IT THAT THEY MOVED ON THEIR OWN? It's official. These things are super... freaking... creepy!

So I promptly put those things back in the storage room and hope they'll "die" when the kids age up like all the others have in previous generations. The toddlers are unmoved by the creepy situation.

Seriously, why does Arriety always look like she's going to kill someone?
Oh! Candid moment of randomness! Look who's actually smiling!

Even though Felix's passing was tragic, it actually works well in favor of me getting another generation of Quinn's lips. Sheera got to work on that task immediately.

Or rather, only after Dagan gave Sterling McJerk-Face the stare down.

"Can I punch his face in?"
Not until he gives me a baby with Quinn's lips.
"I'm watching you, buddy."
Anyways, Sheera was put to work with chimes the first time.

So, I went back to looking at my little triplets when I came back to find Sterling and Sheera autonomously flirting for hours straight.
I don't like him. I don't really know what to do, yet it seems Sheera likes him.
"Shush, watcher."
I really wish you WOULDN'T like him and what happened to that nice outfit I gave you?

"I dunno."
The watcher sighs, well, can we at least take the girls out for a spin in the mobile before time to age them up?
"Can do!"

Here's the squad + Sterling:

"Oh? Can't I be part of the squad?"
No. That's an absolute and final no. No with extra no sprinkles. No to the fourth power times infinity. There aren't enough Darth Vaders in the world to shout 'NO' at you. I mean very literally-
"Ok. Ok. I get it."
I wasn't done yet-
"Yes you were, watcher."
Shush, Sheera. You're turning into your mother.

The girls finished their xylophone training and it was time to age them up when catastrophe struck. Anastasia went first, everything was grand. I took Arriety up and she blew out her candles and then didn't age up. I got another cake and tried three more times. I tried triggering the age transaction. Nothing. Finally gave in, took Ambriel to the cake and aged her up and got her made over while I reset Arriety which finally let her age up but it turned her into a PUDDING FACE.
I about sobbed. Thankfully I knew in advance (from looking ahead ::) ) That Arriety and Ambriel were twins, so I basically cloned Ambriel over onto Arriety and wah-la. Fixed it. It was a mess.
I'll save that for another chapter as we're too close to the screenshot limit. For now, here's a picture of Meira O'Connell-Del, the daughter of Foxglove and Leif.

Can't say I would've picked that haircolor with her skintone, but hey - that's genetics for you.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple As, Triple Bs (9/4/16)
« Reply #309 on: September 04, 2016, 06:55:07 PM »
Chapter 74: Triple As, Triple Bs
Yup, this is a chapter solely for the triplet's birthdays and a few other sparse things here and there.
"Me deciding to take on Alchemy as my LTW is not a sparse thing!"

Sheera, you clearly have no idea what it means to be a watcher. Your LTW is VERY sparse compared to your fathers. Nothing will ever beat your father's LTW debacle. In fact, your LTW is a walk in the park.
Sheera rolls her eyes. "You're lame."
Yes. Yes I am.

Anyways, so we started with Anastasia - the one who didn't give me any problems.

Obligatory, adorable picture of toddler making face to blow out candle - check.

Annnnd she gains the Grumpy trait. We got a winner here, everyone!

A very cute winner.

Try... something out of something for Arriety.

Can't remember. Still didn't work.
But where would we be without the obligatory, adorable puffer-fish-face picture?

She's now Loves the Cold, Absent-Minded, and Easily Impressed.

Finally we had Ambriel, who's birthday went ten-zillion times smoother than her sister's.
Yet the watcher is a horrible person who was having a meltdown at this point so she didn't get any adorable toddler-puffy-faced-photos.

Ambriel is Unlucky, Loves the Heat, and a Light Sleeper.

Anyways, Yolanda got another promotion.

<Insert adorable Yolanda face here>

Sheera got to work on maxing her Alchemy career and also turning over the store a few times to make some spare cash.

Psh. Spare cash. Like we need it.

Finally, Echo worked her broken-heart off in the garden.

Life, while finally speeding up, is good.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple As, Triple Bs (9/4/16)
« Reply #310 on: September 05, 2016, 11:37:46 AM »
Anastasia's like a tiny, stern, librarian  :=)  I love it!
Can't believe how much age-up trouble you had.  I imagine if it had happened to me, I would have just left myself stuck with the eternal toddler.
Sheera's beautiful, by the way.  I didn't mean to neglect her, but toddlers are very distracting!

Offline Nienor

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple As, Triple Bs (9/4/16)
« Reply #311 on: September 05, 2016, 12:24:37 PM »
Poor Sterling  :'( Please tell him that I like him, so he won't get depressed. And anyway, the next gen. of Quinn's lips (hopefully) will have him as his/her father, making him a very important part of this legacy.
Meira is extremely lovely, I think her bright pink skin only makes her distinctive! (Even though she would be anyway with that amazing hair).
The triplets are all beautiful, Arriety was definitely worth the stress - very well done for fixing(ish) that!
If you're bored, try my Perfect Genetics Legacy thingy.
Deidre McMillan's (DV Maid) Perfect Genetics Dynasty
If you're not, go and read the Silmarillion, until you are bored, then read my story.

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple As, Triple Bs (9/4/16)
« Reply #312 on: September 05, 2016, 09:19:52 PM »
I'm back from vacation and all caught up. The skin, hair, and eyes you're using are amazing.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple As, Triple Bs (9/4/16)
« Reply #313 on: September 06, 2016, 01:03:59 AM »
Anastasia's like a tiny, stern, librarian  :=)  I love it!
Can't believe how much age-up trouble you had.  I imagine if it had happened to me, I would have just left myself stuck with the eternal toddler.
Sheera's beautiful, by the way.  I didn't mean to neglect her, but toddlers are very distracting!
She is! I think of you when playing her. She's adorable - and still so serious!
Yeah, well I'm amazed my game is still chugging along at this rate. I've got 700+ mods in my game right now, on generation 6 on a short Dynasty where people are being killed and born all the time... so needless to say that I only have a few minor issues is awesome.
Fortunately, the age-up issue was one of my worst so far (which, comparatively, isn't that bad).
Sheera is gorgeous and dangerous. Especially pregnant Sheera... heh, but we'll get to that.
Turns out her and Sterling make a great pair anyways. ::) Who knew?

Poor Sterling  :'( Please tell him that I like him, so he won't get depressed. And anyway, the next gen. of Quinn's lips (hopefully) will have him as his/her father, making him a very important part of this legacy.
Meira is extremely lovely, I think her bright pink skin only makes her distinctive! (Even though she would be anyway with that amazing hair).
The triplets are all beautiful, Arriety was definitely worth the stress - very well done for fixing(ish) that!
I was a little hard on Sterling, but he's redeemed himself. He now has my favor - for now. No more wishing to get back with his ex though!
Currently he's the only Sim to tolerate Sheera insulting him and his family... ::)
Meira is lovely, I do love her. She's unique, but I'm just not used to the clashing pinks/reds. I prefer more contrasting colors, I think.
The triplets are so gorgeous. I just can't get over it. Yolanda was the best decision ever. I'm so glad Dagan came along for the ride.

I'm back from vacation and all caught up. The skin, hair, and eyes you're using are amazing.
Welcome back! I did notice your absence, but I'm glad you're still reading! =D Thank you! I use an old Lemonleaf skin from ages ago. I can never find it online anymore and I'm too afraid to try anything else. Skins I'm just so picky on. ::) I use Miniie's Bright Eyes as my default replacements and I've recently discovered this amazing place for all kinds of Sims 3 hairs found here. The arrow to move from page to page is on the right side of the circular picture on the black bar, for those curious. ::)
I went a wee bit CC crazy, but ever since I got this external harddrive it makes swapping mods out for each save a breeze.
Anyways, again, I'm glad you're back! ;D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Midlife Crises (9/6/16)
« Reply #314 on: September 06, 2016, 01:34:32 AM »
Chapter 75: Midlife Crises
So Yolanda was struggling with a minor issue.

You'll be fine. Just come home and change your outfit. The watcher files her nails. It's funny how this game thinks it can beat me with the bugs that crop up. I'm so veteran at this game that the game tries throwing petty invisibility Sims at me to see if I'll crack. Nope. Not me.
"Says the woman talking to her computer screen."
Shush, Echo. Shush.
"Hey look, watcher! I'm all better!"

Told you so.
Anyways, Yolanda's at level 6 in her career and things seem to be looking up - she hasn't even aged up to Adult yet... but she doesn't work for another four more days and she only works 3 days in a row after that. That's just... frustrating, but I'm hopeful.

The squad heads out for another ride in the Motive Mobile.
Dagan and Yolanda start making out when I leave them alone for two minutes.

The triplets are on a very carefully monitored skilling schedule. I'm not taking a vacation with them. They're going to earn their skills and get through life and hopefully I can survive a few more generations coasting!

They're working on getting to level 3 of the blocks skill, which will give them a boost in the handiness skill as teens. They've read all toddler books and they've played the xylophone to level 3 as well, so they've got a really decent head-start in life. I'll take what I can get. I originally planned on sending them on a vacation but... we'll just see how I'm feeling. If I want to farm more skill points I can probably do it, but I'm really itching to keep crunching through this challenge too.

So Sheera begins working on her alchemy potions to match her lifetime wish.

Echo has long held onto a wish to learn all the potions - seeing as it's her last big wish she's got, I'm granting it to her.

Yolanda was sent to the library to collect Political Campaign funds from distant relatives.

Just kidding, the Nixes didn't arrive until later. She only ran into non-relatives and they were stingy little meanies.

The filthy potties were upsetting the girls 'chi' as great-great-great grandpa Bradan would call it.
Daddy Dagan to the rescue.

He finished that up just in time to age up to full adult as gracefully as one can.

Which is to say, not very much.
(The watcher internally cries).
First of all, you have no wrinkles. Your hair is... awful, but we'll fix it. You're not moving ANYWHERE, and if you think you're divorcing your wife who you're CRAZY about you're even more insane than the God of Madness. The watcher takes in a big breath. You'll flirt with someone over my dead body. We already have the Bat-Mobile and finally, you don't even have a JOB!
Why, gods, why?!
(Maniacal laughter fills the room).

Yolanda also aged up that night on the side of the road during her misadventures.

BOOM. Midlife Crisis. You and Dagan just have to do everything together.
Sheera was busy throwing up at the exact same time.

This poor unfortunate soul caught my eye shortly after.

The girls needed to change out their tabcasts and Echo's potion blew up on her. Sheera had a wish to go to the spa.
Wish granted.

(Watcher lays her head on the desk) I love you guys, but you guys drive me nuts.
"You were already nuts. We just found you like that."

I sent Yolanda and Dagan to the hospital to fix their Midlife Crises.

And then they were returned to their normal looks.

Poor Lindsey is missing her Spirit-Person Felix.
Do spirit animals take spirit-people? Is that a thing? It is now.

Not to mention all those creepy dolls... (shivers).

Finally, here's some closeups of the girls who are busy at work.

Serious Anastaisa. "This block thing is so boring."

Serial Killer Arietty. "This block is the color of blood."
You concern me, child.

Sweet Ambriel. "Can we just talk about how amazing these blocks are?"

Ah, the triplets.