LOL, Felix and his PI stake-outs---dude, you really have gotten way too much time in the spotlight! You are the King of Squeaky Wheels!
On the other hand, I really adored Dagan's adorable facial expressions as he adorably put his ear to Yolanda's big belly.
Dagan's intensity was initially a little scary, I must confess, but I love the quiet little smiles and stuff he makes around Yolanda. Go Generation Five!
The triplets will be lot of work, but Sheera will be helpful, you hope!
They will be gorgeous, each and every one! Yay! *throws pompoms high into the air
Way, way, WAY too much. XD
Dagan has a LOT of adorable faces he makes. He's just the quiet guy who smiles to himself and likes to spend time with his wife. Honestly the reason we haven't heard much about him is because he
hasn't given me any trouble. He learned his skills with no issue. He desires to paint with no issue. He maxed like... 8 skills as a teen, I mean he's fantastic. He's one of two people in the household with the handiness skill maxed so he repairs everything that's broken. He didn't kick up a fuss and even fell in love with the girl I set him up with (despite him not actually finding her attractive at first). Dagan honestly isn't featured much because he's done so much that there's very little left for him to do. He's yet to learn fishing, and I may have him take that up, but honestly how exciting would it be for me to just take pictures of him fishing all the time? Not very.
He's already best friends with basically everyone in the household and he just doesn't have much to say. I've honestly not even been pushing him to learn any new skills or take on new jobs for the whole sake of him already doing so much. Echo rolled a wish (work 10K happiness points, no less) to see him become a doctor, but honestly... Why? Sam and Ima already did that together and it was fun and all, but they were never home.
If Dagan isn't home, who will hunt for my Fenris painting? XD
Anyways, ramble ramble about Dagan over. I feel bad that he's not featured more, but it's honestly the biggest compliment I could give him that he's three days into YA and already done
I've seen the triplets aged up. Let's just say I'm
very happy that I picked Yolanda. Anastasia is the one with the unique genetics while her sisters Arietty and Ambriel are identical.