Author Topic: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (9.15.18)  (Read 139716 times)

Offline LivvieLove

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I'm so excited that you came back to the Nixes!!! *jumps up and down then squees

The gorgeous Foxglove and the adorable Leif--I just adored their interactions, their dialogues, their rapport.
Plantsims can't have children? But how did Leif become a real boy (a very, very cute one, at that).
Foxglove/Leif nooboos...I just can't wait.

But I imagine there will be an interlude featuring Felix, Echo, and Dagan in China, which should be absolutely crazy since Felix will be there!
I really love this zany family!

(And yes! Yolanda is lovely!)
I played this family for 7 hours straight today. XD I love this family so much. I move so slowly with this dynasty. Yeah, I could probably be done by now, but I really love all my little characters. Foxglove will be with us 'til she dies if I can help it. Foxglove and Leif really had me worried for a while but they finally got into the groove of it. I love them so much. Leif is my little rebellious Sim. I don't even think he has the trait (bad watcher, traits are hard XD), but he's always got some snark to give me.
Anyways, as for Plantsims. There's 2 ways to become a plantsim - either by eating a Forbidden Fruit or being born one (or random chance in a science experiment at the lab). When a plantsim "tries for baby" it only places a Forbidden Fruit seed in the inventory of the female sim. No pregnancy. Plantsim babies are clones of whoever "picked" them from the garden, so there's never going to be a proper genetic mix. So yeah, Foxglove could've grown a baby, but it wouldn't be her's and Leif's. It would just be hers.
So, now we've got a handsome clone of Olga (the gorgeous, GORGEOUS woman) and the GORGEOUS Foxglove making babies that can be a genetic mixture of both gorgeousness.

Anyways, yes! The next update will be Felix, Echo and Dagan in China! Much less exciting than Foxglove and Leif as they'll just be skilling.
As for Yolanda? I'm excited for her. Very. Very excited.
She might be appearing elsewhere soon too (shrugs innocently). That's how much I like her.

Offline oshizu

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Sorry to pester you again, but then how does a plantsim become a human?
And is a humanized plantsim's appearance randomized? (If yes, the RNG gods love you in Leif's case!) He's an absolute cherub!

I was surprised that Leif didn't retain his green hair which I'd thought would stay because I have no idea how it works, but he's an ex-plantsim, lol.
Does humanizing a plantsim require a trip to a science lab or is it as easy as going into CAS?

Lol, I look forward to seeing Yolanda with the Reapers... ;-)

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Offline LivvieLove

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  • "Sh! Be quiet! The nutters are out to get me."
Sorry to pester you again, but then how does a plantsim become a human?
And is a humanized plantsim's appearance randomized? (If yes, the RNG gods love you in Leif's case!) He's an absolute cherub!

I was surprised that Leif didn't retain his green hair which I'd thought would stay because I have no idea how it works, but he's an ex-plantsim, lol.
Does humanizing a plantsim require a trip to a science lab or is it as easy as going into CAS?

Lol, I look forward to seeing Yolanda with the Reapers... ;-)
Not pestering at all! Sorry! I forgot to mention that part! For a small fee the science center will cure plantsims and make them normal again. In this case, it was $3,000.
Now, plantsims are always a clone of who picked them, so when Leif got turned into a normal sim he took on Olga's coloring and features with normal skin color (because I think getting rid of plantsims just returns Sims to have "normal" skin as opposed to rainbow skin).
Basically the game treats plantsims like the child of a single parent or a genetic clone, so that's where the hair and eye color came from.
Hopefully I've explained this alright. It's early in the morning and I've gotten 5 hours of sleep.

Offline oshizu

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Thank you so much for the explanation. Now I understand why Leif turned out so lovely, not randomly but due to Olga's genes!

Offline KRae

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I'm so glad this is back. I don't think I've ever seen such big sim eyes as when Leif proposed. Oh Foxglove, I'm so glad you'll have children.

Offline LivvieLove

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I'm so glad this is back. I don't think I've ever seen such big sim eyes as when Leif proposed. Oh Foxglove, I'm so glad you'll have children.
Thank you!
Yes! I just got busy carrying on my other story and then I decided I would boot up this one and ended up playing for seven or eight hours straight. XD I'm going after as many points as I can...
It doesn't help that Foxglove is super adorable. I need her and Leif's babies... Time to go do that NOW. XD

Offline oshizu

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Yes, hurry, hurry!

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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: The Watcher Took Notes! (8/22/16)
« Reply #247 on: August 22, 2016, 01:15:03 PM »
Heads up, I've got 180ish pictures and nothing really important to say about them. These next few chapters will likely be very boring and I apologize. I'm going to try to spice it up as much as I can! Thanks and lots of love!

Chapter 53: The Watcher Took Notes!
Alright everyone (clears throat). I've been slacking as a Watcher, so I've wanted to make up for it. Actions mean more than words, so here we go! Here's all the traits of everyone currently born in the household, and what they accomplished in the next 180 pictures!

Felix Nix (our generation 4 heir): Hot-Headed, Loves the Heat, Excitable, Perceptive, Artistic.
Felix maxed: Charisma, Fishing, Street Art, Logic, Painting, Photography, and Cooking. He got to level 7 of the Advanced Technology skill too as well as level 2 of the Gardening skill and level 1 of the Martial Arts skill (mostly for a wish).
Echo Nix (wife of Felix): Loves to Swim, Loves the Cold, Frugal, Light Sleeper, Nurturing.
Echo maxed: Gardening, Mixology, Fishing, Logic, Photography, Handiness, and Writing. She got to level 7 of the Alchemy skill and created 30+ potions (15 Bliss elixirs, mostly for her to use to try and Supermax Alchemy later, and 15+ Friendship Elixirs). She also completed her LTW when we returned home and bought a Bar for her.
Dagan Nix (our generation 5 heir, teenager): Dog Person, Loves the Heat, Heavy Sleeper, Couch Potato.
Dagan maxed: Cooking, Handiness, Painting, Photography, Writing, Gardening, and Logic. He made it to level 5 of the Fishing skill ala tutoring from papa Felix. He completed his LTW, oh and he got to prank half the town...
Foxglove Nix (Felix's sister, generation 4 GORGEOUS spare): Adventurous, Star Quality, Loner, Virtuoso, Couch Potato.
She didn't go on vacation, but I would like to note that she's still gorgeous.
Leif Nix (Foxglove's husband, Ex-PlantSim and son of lovely Olga): Good Sense of Humor, Supernatural Fan, Good, Athletic, Loves the Cold.
Also didn't go on vacation, but he at least helped make a baby with my glorious Foxglove. Good on you Leif, for giving up your heritage for the sake of carrying Foxglove's line.
Sheera Nix (our generation 5 spare, infant): Perceptive, Easily Impressed.
Sheera is a baby. No vacation. Silly Echo gave birth to her four minutes after midnight so I'm stuck waiting two days for her to age into toddler and another two days for her to become a child. She will likely not be able to accumulate any points unless I get creative.
And hey, who says I'm not creative?

Finally, as of now in my file, the Nixes own 12 (all) Rabbit Holes (that can be owned), and all properties, but only 7 are fully upgraded. I'm just being lazy about upgrading the rest and will get to it within the next five generations.

Anyways, shall we begin?
We left off with Foxglove and Leif getting home from their vacation and (gasp) Leif became a real boy!

"What-chya reading, Felix?"
"Oh, that pregnancy book for baby Sheera."
Foxglove looks at him in disbelief. "Sheera's already been born though."
"Better late than never!"
Dagan sits in silence and ignores his aunt and father.
Dagan, be careful not to turn your head too sharply to your left, you may cut your father by accident.

Those cheekbones, though...

Leif comes home and the autonomous romantic socials are flying with Foxglove.
See, I told you she's gorgeous, Leif. If you had stopped trying to have an opinion earlier on then this could've been you... like... a day ago game-time.
"Shh. I'm hugging my wife."

"Aww, your hair is red! You're so cute!"
"Tell me something I don't already know."
Dagan finally expresses his opinion, for once.


Moving right along. Echo calls and gathers three tickets to China for nine days, as per the allotted amount of time per Sim.

They all roll their random "arrival" wishes ("Meet a Local" "Go to X" "Buy Y") and I oblige them. We need a happy start for maximum skill gain.

Everyone returns home and hops in the Motive Mobile before the house magically gains one addition to the exterior. The first of many.

"Oh, is that a bar?"
That it is, Echo love. That it is.

"Sweet! Now to crawl my way to level 10!"
Don't remind me...
Felix began to work on his Street Art to knock that wish out (to Max it).

Dagan resumes the hunt for Fenris works on his painting skill.

Blah blah blah.

Stiiiiillll crawling!
"Just keep crawling... just keep crawling... just keep crawling, crawling. What do we do? We-" (sighs) "-crawl... crawl."

Then I line myself up, ready to get that screenshot of her maxing this skill like 'Yes! You can do this watcher!' and then at the last minute the camera shifts slightly and flies up in the air.
(Poker face)

So we began the motions of her creating a lot of great quality+ Skill Gain drinks (because nobody has time to wait for Echo to get her act together make perfect drinks).
Just telling it like it is. We'd be spending all nine days trying, no thanks. You're worth more than that.
"Aww... that's actually sweet of you, watcher."
No, I mean, I can earn more points from you if we don't waste your silly time trying to make perfect drinks. Now MUSH.
Echo grumbles. "I see why they call you the 'Queen of Mush' now..."
Precisely. Have you seen you and Felix? SO CUTE!

"Oh! Echo! My favorite person! Hi Echo! Look! I'm spray painting our lawn that isn't actually a lawn!"
"Hi sweetie. Don't inhale too many of those fumes, kay?"
(Sucks in deep breath of paint fumes) "YES MA'AM!"
Echo puts her head into her hands.

"Who are you talking to?"
The watcher sniffles. No one. I'm not overly attached to Fenris. Nope. I don't have a problem. Clicking noises are heard until she finds what she's looking for, happy sighing can be heard.

WHERE ARE YOU?! (Sobbing sounds)
Unable to take anymore heartbreak, the watcher sends Dagan to see if he will roll the wish to max Writing.

In other, Dragon Age related news (perhaps because I'm on a kick?):

Echo looks like Aveline when she's playing chess. Must be the jawline and chin.
"Huh? Aveline?"

Don't worry, I loved her. Now, I'll need three goats and a sheaf of wheat.
It's a courtship thing. Don't worry.
"You're a strange one..."
Thank you!

(Half-heartedly waves a foam finger) More skilling. Yay.

"Yes! I did it watcher! I did-" (Felix collapses from paint fumes).
Walk it off, buddy. We've got more to do.

Dagan maxed the writing skill after not rolling the wish to max it, so therefore I just took his picture.

You may have cheekbones that can kill, but you're one handsome dude, Dagan.

Felix got an opportunity to catch some fish for money.
Like this family needs more money.

I also thought some fresh air away from spray painting for a day and a half straight would help.
"I. LOVE. FISHING-Oh CRAP! I scared the fish... COME BACK!"

So there we have it. That's like... what... 25 out of 180ish pictures?
More to come! Hopefully less boring.
Probably not. But hopefully. XD

Offline oshizu

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No, it is definitely not boring! (Although I have to admit that I miss Foxglove and Leif already, hehe)
Echo is gorgeous (I love what she's wearing!), Felix is hilarious as always, and Dagan needs to find that darn Fenris painting, heaven help him!
Echo looked so utterly delighted to see the bar! Dagan always looks so serious--is he always so serious?

Also, because I don't play Sims 3, I'm confused about why they are in China doing things they could do at home.
Why aren't they running around sampling all the authentic Chinese cuisine, feeding bamboo leaves to a baby panda, visiting the spring where Ranma 1/2 first turned into a girl, and so on?
Is there an advantage to skilling on vacation instead of at home (obviously, there must be, but I don't understand why).

Is Felix the P.I. officially retired now?
Haha, so many questions. Looking forward to seeing the remaining (uh, let's see...180-25) 155 shots! Oooh, that's like six whole chapters! wooooo

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: The Watcher Took Notes (8/22/16)
« Reply #249 on: August 22, 2016, 02:15:22 PM »
No, it is definitely not boring! (Although I have to admit that I miss Foxglove and Leif already, hehe)
Echo is gorgeous (I love what she's wearing!), Felix is hilarious as always, and Dagan needs to find that darn Fenris painting, heaven help him!
Echo looked so utterly delighted to see the bar! Dagan always looks so serious--is he always so serious?

Also, because I don't play Sims 3, I'm confused about why they are in China doing things they could do at home.
Why aren't they running around sampling all the authentic Chinese cuisine, feeding bamboo leaves to a baby panda, visiting the spring where Ranma 1/2 first turned into a girl, and so on?
Is there an advantage to skilling on vacation instead of at home (obviously, there must be, but I don't understand why).

Is Felix the P.I. officially retired now?
Haha, so many questions. Looking forward to seeing the remaining (uh, let's see...180-25) 155 shots! Oooh, that's like six whole chapters! wooooo
You and me both! Echo gets a makeover! Just wait! She's gorgeous!
As for Dagan being serious? It's so hard to tell. He's just so unique and quiet!
In the Sims 3 vacation time does not actually go on the clock, so if I go there for 9 days, they're not aging. This is a huge benefit for things like short-dynasties where sims live an average of 27 days. So 9 extra days that aren't counted, so therefore that's 9 days they can skill off the clock. And they do do some of those things, just watch. ::)
Felix is not retired, he's just not taking anymore cases. He can still receive his weekly stipend, I believe. =D
Anyways, off to work on the next chapter! XD

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Strong, Silent Type (8/22/16)
« Reply #250 on: August 22, 2016, 03:24:40 PM »
Chapter 54: Strong, Silent Type
Hey there, handsome!

Find my Fenris, yet?
Dagan remains silent.

So in the market there's this wonderful singer who's giving us something new to look at...

Fenris! Fenris! Fenris! Fen-

(sighs) Aww....

At least you maxed your painting skill... but wait! NO!

"Do you mind? I'm trying to complete an opportunity here, watcher."
Well then... this is awkward.

(Sighs) Not Fenris... Fine. Let's just speed this along briefly.

Congratulations, Dagan!
He nods.

Time to work on handiness then?
Dagan nods.

Are you a mute?
The watcher sits, perplexed.

Hey, Aveline, Echo!

How goes the logic?


Everything ok?
"Yeah! This is fantastic. I LOVE MARTIAL ARTS!"


Go ahead and stop then, we can work on your Charisma now.
"There's no one to talk to!"
Crap... aww... uhm... oh! Talk to this! You won't gain Charisma, but you'll gain Advanced Technology!

"Oh, you're so awesome! I LOVE you! I'm going to call you Lindsey!"

Back at home, Dagan began working on his logics too.

So what-chya thinking about?

Are you winning?
Alright then...

Echo finally got her chance to get her makeover to include all my new hairs.

You're so gorgeous!
"Thank you!"
Shall we take up some alchemy for those glorious friend potions?
"Let's do it!"
Oh thank the maker you're being agreeable today.
"...Today." She smiled.

Here's an extra picture for emphasis on how pretty she is.

Ah, family bonding.

"Lindsey! Look at my beautiful wife! She's my favorite person! I LOVE her!"
"Sweetie, I love you but I don't want to get this potion wrong."
"Hey look, it's Dagan! HI SON! I LOVE my son! Oh and I have a daughter at home named Sheera. I LOVE Sheera!"

Dagan looks up and sighs before going back to playing chess.
Welp, someone didn't inherit his father's excitable nature...

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Dagan is Scarred (8/22/16)
« Reply #251 on: August 22, 2016, 03:46:29 PM »
Chapter 55: Dagan is Scarred
Felix received a phone call.

"Really?! Are you sure?!"

"That much?! For real?"

"Just press one for more options? AWESOME!"
Felix... I think you're talking to a robot...
"So? She was a very nice robot. I LOVE talking to people, what difference does it make? Besides, Lindsey is a Sprite, and I talk to her all the time!"
...You do you.

(Logic intensifies).

"Can I help you?"
Dagan sighs and looks back at the chess board.

"Must you get so close to my face?"

"Well, when you put it that way..."

"Painting... painting... painting... I LOVE PAINTING."

I can see that. Did you paint my Fenris yet? BAH You painted the WRONG size!
The watcher sighs heavily. Where are you, my Fenris?

(Logic intensifies).

"Could you stop?"
... (Heavy sigh) I'm BORED.

(Many eternities later)

(Sighs) I guess.

This was a good idea. He's adorable.

" stink juice potion..."



These two are definitely related.

"Almost got it."

He sighs.
"Got it."

"Now can you go bother someone else?"

"ECHO! Look at Lindsey! Isn't she-OH DID YOU GET NEW HAIR? YOU'RE SO PRETTY. I LOVE YOU." (Rolls a wish to woohoo immediately).

Go for it. You both deserve a break.

Sorry, forgot their bedroom didn't have a door...
Yeah... Why don't you just... go the market and get your mind off of that...

"'Get your mind off of that.' As if. That's burned in forever, so will this stench be on the marketplace."

Well, the good news is he's a really handsome guy.


If I knew what that would've done to you... I would've done it sooner. You should really talk more. I'm so bored.
"You're cruel and unusual."
(Stares at Majnun) I... am not going to disagree with that statement.

Meanwhile, Felix and Echo are basically Ima and Sam all over again and it's too adorable.

"I love you, Echo."
"I love you too, Felix."

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Selective, We'll Call it(8/22/16)
« Reply #252 on: August 22, 2016, 04:13:46 PM »
Let's see if I can fit this into one chapter... XD

Chapter 56: Selective, We'll Call It Selective
Echo has been churning out potions like it's nobody's business.

And while she's doing that, my lovely boys have already done basically all that I want them to do, so I figured they could chat.

"So dad, I like comic books."
"Really son? I LOVE comic books! Let's nerd out together! I LOVE nerding out!"

Echo had a few more potions to make, so I had Felix start training Dagan in fishing rather than watching them autonomously talk about Comic books over... and over... and over...
Of course...
"Anyways, son, always remember to put the bait on the hook before casting your line. I tried doing it after once and it only resulted in me getting worms on my face and then I was missing my pants and I got lost."

"Well, father, that's more information than I will ever need to know. Thanks."
"You're welcome, so now about the way you should throw your rod..."

Echo finished her potions and we returned home to life back on the normal pace!
Oh, and to FOXGLOVE.
"Aw, thanks Watcher, I didn't even know you guys left..."
Yeah, that's the beautiful part of stopping time to go on vacation!

You need to be a mom.
"I'm not sure about that..."



After that was all taken care of I had Foxglove run a very important errand now that it was after 3 in the afternoon.

"Hello? Yes. I'm looking for your sister."
"She's inside."
"Cool, thanks."

"Hi, I'm Foxglove, I'm going to be your aunt-in-law here soon. You're really pretty and us pretty people have to stay together, according to the watcher. Let's be friends?"
"Uhm... we just met."
"Oh, right. WATCHER?"
Here you go, dear. (Moves friendship potion over from Echo).

"There. Besties. Now come home with me."
Yolanda's father was walking in as Foxglove and Yolanda were leaving.
"See ya later, gramps. I'm stealing yo' kid."
"You've got two others. It'll be fine."
"Oh, that's fine then."

Dagan sighs. "Where is she?"

"Did you get in a fight with a wardrobe and lose?"
Mess this up and I kill you.
"I mean, hi, I'm Dagan."
"Sorry, I was too busy ducking from the knives sticking out where your cheekbones should be."
Dagan smiles. "You. I like you. Let's be friends. HEY, MOM!"

"There. Friends. Apparently we're supposed to get married."
"Yeah, I don't feel anything for you either."
It's either her or her sister. She's closer to you in age.
"Well, you know what that means?"
You'll date Yolanda?
"Time to meet her sister."
(Head falls on desk).
"Hey, I like to know my options."
Oh, so NOW you're picky.
"Selective. We'll call it selective."
So, picky?

"Hi, I'm Julie."
Dagan says nothing.
"Do you want to come in?"
Dagan walks inside.

The watcher grumbles. I TOLD you. Nobody listens to -ME- though...

Dagan waves the watcher away, yet I do not listen.

"Ugh! Go pick on my dad!"

This was enlightening.

Now this actually IS enlightening! Congratulations Echo!

"Phew! All done with that nonsense! How's my son doing?"
Oh good! I'm going to go check.

All seems to be going well here.

"I got a girlfriend!"
Yay! You know what that means?
"Celebratory Pillow-Fight?"
NO! Random death!
"Wait... what?"

If you look closely, you can see the soul of Yolanda's little sister being crushed as her pet is taken.

"Well, crap. What do I do?"
What Nixes do best.

"There... there... uh... death... happens... and stuff?"
"Thanks, babe, I feel better."
Wow, that actually worked?
"Wow, that actually worked! Let's go pillow-fight now! It's tradition."

"Hey this is pretty fun!"
"Take THAT."

Selective. Pfft.

Offline oshizu

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Selective, We'll Call It (8/22/16)
« Reply #253 on: August 22, 2016, 04:52:37 PM »
Thanks for explaining about vacation.
I had a moment of panic there where I feared he'd pick the "other sister."

So nooboos all around now? Please let Dagan become a husband and father before Majnun whisks Yolanda away, lol.
And Dagan is very very cute when he smiles.

Can't wait to see the Foxglove/Leif nooboos!

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Selective, We'll Call It (8/22/16)
« Reply #254 on: August 22, 2016, 04:58:33 PM »
Thanks for explaining about vacation.
I had a moment of panic there where I feared he'd pick the "other sister."

So nooboos all around now? Please let Dagan become a husband and father before Majnun whisks Yolanda away, lol.
And Dagan is very very cute when he smiles.

Can't wait to see the Foxglove/Leif nooboos!
You and me both on him picking Julie instead. I had this mantra I was repeating like "it's ok. If he likes her at least she's on the rainbow skin. Try not to cry too hard. Please. Don't... DON'T PICK JULIE."
Then it turns out that he liked them both equally (which wasn't much at all) so I'm happy to say he at least rolled withes for Yolanda. I'm affectionately going to call her Lala, much like my adorable Lala in the Reapers (really, Ed had to go and name his kid Lakisha ::) it's a pretty name and I like it, but it doesn't quite fit my Lala as well as Lala does).
As for Yolanda being whisked away? She already has been. (Devious grin). Thankfully this is separate universes, so I can enjoy her and Dagan babies before she goes and has... ahem... (whistling).
She won't be a big character in the Reapers though. It was just fate that I found her (no, not that Fate XD) right after mpart and I decided something else and everything fell into place and... hopefully the chapter/s with her in it will be coming up soon, but there's no hurry on them because they aren't plot-crucial, just for-fun with my favorite Keepers. ::)

I'm diving back in to see if I can find out Foxglove and Leif babies! =D