Author Topic: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (9.15.18)  (Read 139638 times)

Offline cainspath

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 8.1 & 8.2 2/13/14)
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2014, 07:26:25 AM »
I'm happy he ended up with Ima and see her grow up so beautiful! I hope to see those nooboos soon. Pink or green? Hmmm.
I'm going to miss Aiden.  :'(
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 8.1 & 8.2 2/13/14)
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2014, 10:12:31 AM »
After hearing the love story between Ima and Sam, I'm sold! I knew there was something I liked about Ima! She is so pretty, especially with her makeover. The nooboo(s) are going to be adorable!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 8.1 & 8.2 2/13/14)
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2014, 01:02:34 PM »

Sweet! I was rooting for Fatima.  ;D She's got gorgeous genetics, and that yellow dress suits her well.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Life of Dekit 2/15/14
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2014, 01:39:21 PM »
I'm happy he ended up with Ima and see her grow up so beautiful! I hope to see those nooboos soon. Pink or green? Hmmm.
I'm going to miss Aiden.  :'(
Aiden will be missed dearly indeed. He's already got a girlfriend (granted, she's an elder so there likely won't be any children from them), so I use that to remind myself that he's much happier out in the world, meeting people and choosing his own path. He's also in the Athletic career like his older sister and Bradan (used to be) which I found slightly endearing. As for the nooboo color, I'm not sure at the moment, I may be able to let you know later today (after this update) because I've been itching to play this family more and more. :)

After hearing the love story between Ima and Sam, I'm sold! I knew there was something I liked about Ima! She is so pretty, especially with her makeover. The nooboo(s) are going to be adorable!
I know, it's really quite sweet! It's ultimately why I had him pursue her the second time the second time around was simply because her family was falling apart, her house was in shambles and there she was just trying to make the best of it. Ariel lived in a mansion, she had a boyfriend and didn't seem to care for Sam at all, which was sad to me, but I got over it as soon as I realized that Ima was just the one for him - which I was worried wouldn't happen at all!

Sweet! I was rooting for Fatima.  ;D She's got gorgeous genetics, and that yellow dress suits her well.
It turns out she's all Dolan, really, she's the child of Finn and Sarah Dolan. Finn died shortly after having the two kids with Sarah (Ima and her older brother who is married to an Eames girl and already has a child with her - gorgeous genetics all over), so Sarah remarried Kearney O'Shea right as she grew into elderhood, which is the reason being Ima's last name.
Funny thing is, both Sarah and Finn are so light in color, but for some reason their kids always turned out to be very, very dark (Ima's brother is a very dark turquoise) but Ima is just as fair-skinned. It's interesting, but obviously I get way to into those little things.

Anywhooooo, this chapter will likely be short, and unfortunately I didn't even grab the traits as time went by. This chapter is from when I played a little last night prior to my boyfriend getting home and us going on our valentines night of ordering pizza and watching documentaries (I'm such a nerd, he must really love me).

Chapter 9: Life of Dekit
I think we're overdo for a little quality time with Dekit, so off to the mirror he went!

Something doesn't seem quite right here... hmmm...
"What's that suppose to mean?"
FACIAL HAIR! You need facial hair.

"Oh wow, yeah that is quite a difference."
Told you so! Now make the call, make the call, MAKE THE CALL!
And just as he did, graduation started - funnily enough, ONLY for Sam. Sam was the only one in the family that graduated. He was voted Most Likely to Achieve his Lifetime Wish, and they all went home.

I also grabbed several shots of Ima who looked amazing in her formal dress.

As well as one of the rest of the gang so I didn't seem to play favorites. Dekit got home though soon after and made the call.

"Hey babe, can you come over! I've got something for you!"
(Sure! I'll be right over!)
A lot of time passed that made Dekit grow uneasy. She hadn't called to cancel or anything, she was just not showing up.
The only other person in the yard with him was Ima, who was still looking incredibly classy in her formal-wear.

"Aww, thank you! You're truly kind."
Ohhh! And she's so sweet! Saaaammm, you picked a good one!
Sam from another room: "Definitely!"
Meanwhile Dekit struggled with his problems of getting a hold of Francisca.
I had him pull his phone out and try again, it was getting dark though, and my plans of having her move in for a sweet wedding ceremony on the lawn were slowly slipping away with time that passed.

I watched Johanna Dwyer-Lawless flip into maternity wear and finally did what all good watchers would do.

Try inviting her OUT rather than OVER.
"Ok... if you say so..."
While he did that, I stood mesmerized by small beauties, mostly Ima.

Who soon had to make a much less pretty face.

"Oh dear, this is awful!"
But it means you're pregnant! You and Sam will be parents soon! This is great! Then I can get you back on track with your career.
"Do you honestly think I'll make it to surgeon?"
Heck yes you will! I'll make it happen, but for now, enjoy the baby!

Anyways, it's time to see what was holding Francisca up as she continued to say "Sure, I'll be right over!" and not show.

Graduation Robes, that would do it. She got stuck at the Civic Center.
"It was awful, there was no way out!"
"Then how did you get here?! I was so worried!"
"I heard someone shout from the sky 'ResetSim Francisca Kelly' and everything went black and I woke up at home! It was like a scary, awful dream!"
"I'm so glad you're safe!"

Funnily enough, Ara got asked on a date, of course I obliged her, as she's getting up there (age bar is officially maxed plus some) and she deserves to do whatever she wants. So guess who turned up to watch her son finally get to the next stage?

Why his mom of course!
"Hi sweetie! I'm totally not crashing your date - I'm on a date too!"
"Have fun you two! I want GRANDNOOBOOS you hear?!"
"Bye now!"

Time for a Dekit/Franny montage.

As for what happens after this I'm not entirely sure. I didn't even look at her traits or lifetime wish!
On to find that out, I guess... and more babies!

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 9 2/15/14)
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2014, 06:52:54 PM »
Yay! Dekit time! That hair looks really good on him. That hair fits only certain sims the right way. And the facial hair! That made all the difference! No, really, it did  ;D

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty (Chapter 9 2/15/14)
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2014, 07:53:49 PM »

Ima is so gorgeous! So gorgeous!

Also this got a laugh out of me: "I heard someone shout from the sky 'ResetSim Francisca Kelly'". Haha! I love the idea of a voice shouting down at them from the sky when a resetsim happens.  ;D

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Goodbye Ara 2/15/14
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2014, 08:06:14 PM »
Yay! Dekit time! That hair looks really good on him. That hair fits only certain sims the right way. And the facial hair! That made all the difference! No, really, it did  ;D
I agree with you about that hair, I bought it wanting more male hairstyles but very rarely use it. I suppose Dekit is just the right person for it's use though, but after putting that hair on him, he just looked too young. Maybe his cheeks were too chubby or something, so I threw some facial hair on him and wah-la! Dekit is a handsome devil!
Now I'm probably overkilling it, but I've been playing this file a lot and really enjoying it. This update was super hard to get through though (play wise) as so many crazy things happened. Including a mass reset! Haha.

Ima is so gorgeous! So gorgeous!

Also this got a laugh out of me: "I heard someone shout from the sky 'ResetSim Francisca Kelly'". Haha! I love the idea of a voice shouting down at them from the sky when a resetsim happens.  ;D
I know, I was trying to imagine what Sims must go through when they get reset and end up someplace totally different. Is it scary? Does it feel like they're dying? Do some Sims believe it's an out-of-body experience? I don't know, so I just went with it.
Ima is such a doll, she's going to have some gorgeous children. Not sure if she'll have more than one at the moment, but I kind of hope she does.

So, because I'm insane, here's chapter 10.

Chapter 10: Goodbye Ara
So Dekit and Franny came home to celebrate their marriage together in the shower. I didn't hear chimes, but I didn't push. Who knows, maybe she'll end up pregnant? Maybe not. Franny ended up with some nice traits and a lot of baggage. She's an Over Emotional, Good, Genius, Light Sleeper and Friendly Sim, maybe a little too friendly as she has 2 romantic interests on the side.

Either way, Sam and Ima moved into the house for some one-on-one tutoring in Logic for Sam's supermax and for Ima's logic skill gain.

It wasn't long before my screen panned.
Ara?! Nooo! You can't go yet!

The whole family came outside to mourn her. She gave us the first large tombstone of our dynasty.

She shook hands with the Grim and calmly left, her time had come, and she knew she had left her children with everything they needed. She had done her part.

She was a great wife, a great mother and most importantly - a great founder. She did everything she could for her children up until the end, and now she rests, side-by-side with the only man she can honestly say she ever truly loved.

Everyone in the family was heartbroken, but I had to say my heart went out to Ima the most - as she had been mourning for the past week with every death in her family, and just as that moodlet went away it came back for another death.

I debated breaking down and getting a moodlet manager for such occasions, as two days of sadness seemed very great for everyone. With time and the help of one another though, they can bring the moodlet down to a less-devastating one.
However, Ima had to take care of some other business first.

Once she cleaned herself up, she went out to take care of her husband, who wasn't doing too well himself.

They shared a cry and a loving embrace. They both knew there was something bigger coming for them though, so they looked to the future with hope.

"If I wasn't so upset, I would make fun of your melodramatic attitude, watcher."
Hey, you aren't the only one's upset over the loss of Ara, let me deal with my emotions how I so choose!
Sam simply nodded.

Franny and Dekit worked to attempt to comfort each other, but it only seemed to sooth Franny's emotions in the end while Dekit went to paint to sooth his.
Of course I took Franny over to alleviate something that's been bothering me for a while now.

1/2 relationships down, one more to go before I'll honestly let her off the hook for treating Dekit the way she has been.
When she got back from that I gave her a quick makeover. I meant to change her hair too, but I guess it kind of fits her anyways, no?

Dekit had been painting when I realized that he had a similar heart very close by that might understand his grieving a little better than Franny would.

The brother and sister got through to each other much better than anyone else.

For some other information, Franny wasn't the only one with baggage coming into the house - Ima too, had another relationship in her panel.

I was more forgiving of Ima than I was of Franny because Ima only had one, and her relationship was with a high-schooled boy that was obviously prior to Sam, because as she moved in she only had the "naughty" reputation. Franny had done some wild-flirting or SOMETHING that caused her to receive a cheater reputation right after marrying Dekit, and who in the world would have 2 men on the side? I grow more and more weary of their relationship everyday and the cold shoulder she had given Dekit prior to their marriage.
After Ima came home and was, creepily, followed by that boy, she spun into her maternity wear.

Sam immediately wished for a boy while Ima was happily remaining neutral as she played chess. We had yet another graduation today, but something crazy happened.

There was a protest outside of City Hall, while 9 people graduated (I know because story progression tells me when the town needs a graduation because X amount of people are ready, Sam's graduation day was one where 14 people needed to graduate! Now another 9! Crazy!), and not only that, but Liliana Eames went into labor outside of City Hall. Yes. Labor.

But instead of, you know, going to the hospital. She gave birth right there.

However, I thought everyone might enjoy this quick view of Tessa protesting, I've missed seeing her around!

Somehow Dekit and Ima were able to graduate. Ima was Valedictorian and Dekit was "Most Likely to Never Leave the House."
After they got out things got a little messy.

Well, I'll just say that a lot of Sims got to hear a great chant across the land that night.
ResetSim *

>I'm about to do an overhaul and add titles to my chapters. It's been bothering me for ages - ages, but I've been too lazy to actually sift through and add titles so it's not just Chapter 1, Chapter 2, so on. Also, I had over 200 script errors because of that ridiculous City Hall thing. I was tempted to reset all sims sooner, but I wanted to make sure I didn't bug up my city hall by doing that with graduation still going on. Oh sims, can't seem to organize much anyways.

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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Goodbye Ara 2/15/14
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2014, 10:56:22 PM »
Yay! Another chapter! I love getting chapters for this story. RIP Ara. I'm going to miss her. Franny is making me a bit weary with how she's reacting . . . at least Dekit has Izzy there for him. Ima and Sam are so cute together, even when they're grieving.

Offline cainspath

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Goodbye Ara 2/15/14
« Reply #38 on: February 16, 2014, 01:00:40 AM »
So, because I'm insane, here's chapter 10.

That lapse of insanity brought me joy.

I heard someone shout from the sky 'ResetSim Francisca Kelly'


Ohh, I can't wait to see their little nooboo. I'm hoping for nooboos. Twins are fun! Also, Francisca still looks like a teener o.o
At the end of the day, Life should ask you, "Do you want to save changes?"

How the misc-tery continues:
I, Iridessa: 3rd [What happens at home]

Why not try a misc-stery?
Blood of the Mayfair: 32nd [Hail Rain and Sunshine]

or a Reincarnation Project:
Hawke Revival: 26th [Hale Bonding]

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple the Fun? 2/16/14
« Reply #39 on: February 16, 2014, 06:44:47 PM »
Yay! Another chapter! I love getting chapters for this story. RIP Ara. I'm going to miss her. Franny is making me a bit weary with how she's reacting . . . at least Dekit has Izzy there for him. Ima and Sam are so cute together, even when they're grieving.
I already miss Ara quite a bit. Ima and Sam deserve the couple of the year award. They're adorable, and with this chapter... well, you'll see. Haha.

That lapse of insanity brought me joy.


Ohh, I can't wait to see their little nooboo. I'm hoping for nooboos. Twins are fun! Also, Francisca still looks like a teener o.o
Haha little nooboo, maybe the title will give you a hint to the next chapter?

Chapter 11: Triple the Fun?
I finally ended up changing Franny's hairstyle. Things are a little still right now, and I was trying to get myself more attached to her but quite frankly it didn't work. It's very rare that I ever regret a relationship my Sims pursue, but this one seems to be the exception. Dekit tries, he really does, but Franny doesn't seem willing to meet him halfway. Honestly, I have a lot to think about when it comes to them, so I usually just leave them be.

On better new though, Sam and Ima are adorable and inseparable.

Though I had to split them apart for a while, after realizing that a single birth might lead to me having to either adopt another child into the family or have another pregnancy (which would stall Ima's career progress) I encouraged Ima into a time of brainwashing watching TV and listening to kids music.

"What," she paused, "is this?" Her eyes were wide.
Kids channel, love. Let's have twins, ok? So you can get on with your wonderful medical career.
"I'm not so -" She tilted her head at the TV, "wow, look at the dancing bunnies."
That's it, just a couple days of dancing bunnies, now let's check on everyone else while you watch, ok?
"Dancing... bunnies..."

"Woohoo! Yes! Yes! Yes! TWENTY!"
Woot! Now move on to the chemistry table.
"Awe, can't I enjoy this watcher?"
Nope. Mush! Mush!

"Erg, I can't believe this." Sam grumbled.
Careful love, don't singe yourself.
"Careful." He mocked. "Don't singe yourself. Pft, like you actually care."

Anyways, Dekit had been taken by his easel as of late, and even asked if Izzy would let him do Sam's portrait - I guess it's a twin thing.

Izzy has also spent a large amount of time away from the easel and in the garden. She's been keeping up with the plants and continuing to plant her mother's cash-crop of choice, Red Berry Beans.

"I'm going to be getting old here soon Watcher. I just want to leave the family safe and stable like mom did."
You're doing a wonderful job, sweetie. You've almost got your lifetime wish.
"You said I'd never complete it."
No, I believe I said we'd give it a try, I didn't say we wouldn't.
"Same difference? Anyways, what's Franny been up to? She doesn't seem to be keeping up with Dekit very well."
Don't remind me.

She was simply playing video games. Dekit had thrown himself into painting though, so I'm not entirely sure what she could be doing.
Sam's portrait was finished, and with great class. I set up the museum and put Ara's diploma and gardening certificate next to her portrait. I decided to add Sam's diploma, high school award and his logic certificate there for good measure.

Ima's stomach was growing, soon it will be time to meet the little one.

Izzy was also having an interesting time - her final birthday, which was both exciting and saddening.

I immediately sent her to get a makeover and she became the normal Izzy once again.

As soon as she was dressed and normal she went back to painting with her younger brother.


"Numb-a fiiiive!"
Keep it up! It's not easy to supermax this skill, but we can do it!
"I'm taking a break to see my wife..."
I wouldn't recommend-

"Ohmywatcher, ohmywatcher, ohmywatcher! The baby! The baby is coming! What do we do!? The baby is coming?! The baby is coming!"
-that. Yes, it's a baby... why don't you go to work early today, Mr. Doctor.
"But the baby!"
I've got it dear, you should probably go.
"Yeah? Yeah. Ok, ok."

Just breathe Ima, I'm right here with you. Let's move into the nursery. Dekit seems much calmer than your doctor husband.
"Ouh, owh! Here it comes!"
Oh dear, I wasn't expecting that... uh... hold on there dear.
"What's going on?! Where did the door go?!"
There's another door, I just... I had to make room for...

"Three?! Three?!"
Just keep breathing doll, please?
"Oh my..."

"Oh, he's beautiful!"
Reid, a loner and a virtuoso, and a candidate for heir, not bad.

"Oh, and two more beautiful girls? How did that happen?"

Rose, Loves the Outdoors and Eccentric, her older sister (if only older by a moment) is Reia who is Brave and a Genius. I believe both also qualify, let's take a look, shall we?

Reia's skin looks normal under certain lights, however it could also just be orange/pink. I won't know for sure until toddlerhood though.

Reid definitely has his daddy's skin. Absolutely potential to be heir.

Finally, Rose, she's definitely not a normal-skinned child. Perfect.

I guess I overestimated the power of the kids channel, she didn't even watch it for that long, but I guess it was enough. I had been hoping for twins, but triplets?! The house is full now, and it's back to being one hectic ride.

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple the Fun? 2/16/14
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2014, 06:52:19 PM »
I love Rose's coloring. Good luck with the triplets!
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple the Fun? 2/16/14
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2014, 06:58:13 PM »

Well, Franny may not be paying much attention to Dekit, but man is she adorable! That close up shot of her face really shows off her features, and I love the shape of her eyes. Huzzah for many rainboos! When it rains, it pours?  ;D

Offline SadieHamming

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple the Fun? 2/16/14
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2014, 07:05:40 PM »
What have you gotten yourself into?!?!  ;D Triplets! Good luck! They all look to be rainboos, which is really awesome. I can't wait to see them as toddlers.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Triple the Fun? 2/16/14
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2014, 10:24:24 PM »
I love Rose's coloring. Good luck with the triplets!
I really do too, but when I look at the rules (and the rule I've placed for myself) it looks as though Reid is the heir (as he was first born with the rainbow skin). I'm tempted to make Rose the heir, but I'm going to stick by my rules, who knows what will happen when it comes time for them to grow up!

Well, Franny may not be paying much attention to Dekit, but man is she adorable! That close up shot of her face really shows off her features, and I love the shape of her eyes. Huzzah for many rainboos! When it rains, it pours?  ;D
She really is gorgeous, I just feel like I'm caught in a hard place with Dekit and her, they both now seem uninterested in their relationship, and I very rarely break Sims up unless they are the near cause of it themselves. I may have to put them through counseling haha. I'm kind of happy I got triplets, and sad in a way. Now Dekit and Franny really couldn't try for a baby even if they wanted to, at least, not until Izzy dies and I don't want to imagine that day just yet.

What have you gotten yourself into?!?!  ;D Triplets! Good luck! They all look to be rainboos, which is really awesome. I can't wait to see them as toddlers.
I'll need that good luck! I mean, it won't be too bad, I just feel bad that the triplets really filled up the household. I almost had Izzy adopt a child of her own and thought about a child for Dekit and Franny, but now it just... it's all gone! No more room! I just finished the Baby Boomer challenge and must say that this feels vaguely like a cake-walk after that. We'll see what I'm saying when the toddler stage comes around, haha.

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Re: In the "Nix" of Time: A Short Dynasty: Couples Counseling 2/17/14
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2014, 01:13:28 AM »
Anyways, I can't stay away from this family for too long, they are far too fun!

Chapter 12: Couples Counseling
Ima began adjusting to motherhood like a fish to water.

Er, more like a fish on land, you ok there Ima?
"I think I broke him!"
No, no, he's just hungry and needs a good snuggle.
"Are you sure?"
Trust me on this Ima, I may not be a mother in real life, but I've mothered MANY Sim children in my day. You should ask Howl and Sophie about that one.
"Who are they?"
My Baby Boomer couple, they had to have as many children as physically possible with other restrictions in a certain time-period. They had over 10 children.
Ima's eyes bugged out of her head. "Th-th-that many?! How?! Dear watcher!"
They were both happy and well at the end, so do you trust my judgement now?
"Yeah... definitely."
Then snuggle!

See, like a fish to water, an awkward fish - but a fish nonetheless.
"Oh, I love you dear! Who's mommy's little boy! This isn't so hard now, right?"
You've got it doll, every new mom worries about her actions, I can only imagine how you must be coping with the fact that you have triplets.
"Me too."

On the other side of Dragon Valley, I sent a certain couple I've been worried about to seek some therapy.

One-on-one time alone with nature and no one to bother them - well, except for me, but I have privileges.
So, lets get to work on your-
Dekit held up his hand as they kissed.
Alright... I'll leave you to that.

The romantic interactions were flying and the wishes started to roll. They just needed a break from their duties to spend some quality time together. Things weren't perfect, but they didn't have to be - they both knew they loved each other and that's all that mattered.

Let's flip to Izzy for an important announcement:

"Huh? What? Important announcement?"
Your... promotion?
"I got a what-now?"
Sweetie, you were promoted. You're one promotion away from your lifetime wish, and at the rate you get promotions - tomorrow should be the day.
"That's nice, dear, but can you show me how to use this new-fangled contraption? I can't figure out how to call a taxi to get home."
Should I be worried about you dear? You have a car you know.
"Oh, right, of course I do. Ta-now!"
Note to self: Have Izzy tested for memory loss.

Sam got his first promotion as he got off work, I made sure he ran straight home to see his family. Apparently, doctors don't have to wear shoes, or appropriate pants, but whatever.

"Hey, these are the new and improved scrubs."
Uh huh, aren't you just a donor though?
"I'm a Bed-Pan Cleaner, thank you very much, now if you'll excuse me, I want to kiss my wife."

"How's my woman and our baby?"
"Uh, honey, it's 'babies.'"
"Babies? As in plural?"
"Mhm. Three."
Sam put a finger in his ear and wiggled it. "Sorry, dear, I think I misunderstood you. Did you say three?"
"Yes, three."
"I think I'm going to pass out."
Again, I'm still genuinely surprised, Mr. Doctor, as to why your promotions are coming so quickly.
After Sam came out of shock, he went to greet all three of his babies.

"Hello my Rose, aren't you just the most precious thing... asides from your siblings, of course."
Nice save there buddy. Wouldn't want you to be giving your children complexes before they're even toddlers.

"There's my boy! Hello Reid! I'm your daddy!"

"Oh, hello Reia! You and your sister are going to be gorgeous! Just like your mom! All the boys at school will love you! Yes they will!"
Uh... Sam, are you ok?
"And daddy will have to upgrade his chemical weaponry! Yes he will!"
Uh, I think you've had enough of that potions table for now there Sam.
"Nope, I've got to prepare now. Beautiful daughters means war on the rest of mankind whom are all savage beasts."
Ima came in the room. "You used to be a savage beast once you know."
"Exactly! I know exactly what they're thinking! It's not going to happen! Never!"

Well for now, your daughters have their own weapons, why don't you help change their diapers, Mr. Doctor.

Sam and Ima figured that with three babies that have constant needs, it was best to stay as close-by as possible. So Sam worked on improving Ima's logic skill by tutoring her in their nursery.

Dekit and Franny came home much happier and more in love than ever from their trip through nature, and tomorrow was going to be a busy day - for Dekit at least. He would be home alone with triplets while Ima joined Sam at the hospital; Izzy was aiming to get her promotion to level 9 in the Science career, and Franny had styling to do (she does have the fashion phenomenon lifetime wish).

For funsies, and because Franny had to, Natalia Sackholme-Cromos wanted a makeover. Here's what Sam's backup plan looked like:

Erhmygoodness that nose...

Well, that's a little better. Franny definitely has some skills behind a makeover station.

Izzy's lifetime wish has been completed. I'm going to keep her in the Science career to max it out, but I'm just happy to have fulfilled my Izzy's lifetime wish.
"I'm happy too!"
You should be love, you should be.

To finish this update, I had to add another box on top of the fancy upgraded box Ara and Bradan built with their tiberium.

It's mostly the same except now there's a top floor with fancy upgraded stuff too!
On the top floor is now Sam and Ima's master/en-suite. Izzy's master and en-suite. Dekit and Franny's master and en-suite - oh and an Alchemy room. There's also two empty rooms for whenever the need arises and we need more skilling space.
Sam and Ima's room (featuring base game stuff, because I wanted to theme up my rooms, there's also a chess table and a potion table for their logic needs):

Izzy's Room (done up in Master Suite stuff, Izzy's favorite color was pink so I obliged her and gave her an easel):

Dekit and Franny's room (featuring a mixture of Ambitions and store stuff, as Ambitions doesn't have a bathroom set, their skilling stuff takes up most of the downstairs area, so I decided to leave their bedroom open):

The Alchemy Room for future use:

Back downstairs I simply moved some things around and recolored a lot of stuff. Except the Kitchen and Dining Room, those were left completely alone.
The revamped living room (you know, totally re-done, just moved the stereo to the other wall and moved the desk to another room, total renovation, no?):

Here are the back three rooms which used to be the spare bedroom, master bedroom, and nursery:

They've been adjusted to a working area for Dekit and Franny, a REAL nursery with no extra stuff in it, and a kids bedroom for when the twins grow up.

For clarification purposes, or reminders, or whatever.
Sam and Ima have the lifetime wish of becoming World Renowned Surgeons.
Dekit wants to master the Painting and Writing skills.
Franny has the Fashion Phenomenon lifetime wish.
And Izzy completed her lifetime wish of becoming a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder.
I have also determined that Reid is the heir, as he was the first born with rainbow skin, I was kind of hoping for one of the girls to be the heir, but I'm trying to follow the rules here and they technically say it's the same for every generation, and I determined that to be the first child born with Rainbow Skin, which is Reid in this case. Anywho, it'll be great! Thanks for sticking around my crazy multiple updates! Ta-ta for now!