Author Topic: Glitched out Nooboos  (Read 3150 times)

Offline MissTrips

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Glitched out Nooboos
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:59:54 AM »
So I started a small practice file for the Baby challenge when... well... I noticed something very *odd* with my nooboos.

My *borg* baby nooboos!  All three of them with the gloved right hand and the half covering on the left.  Even though I had them in the hospital, with father in attendance and played with them for a day, none of them even remotely *liked* their parents.  I had a better relationship bar with the college  mascot who I'd shooed off the lot moments after he came.

Out of dreaded curiosity I decided to cake one up right away to see what happened with a toddler...

Ummm.... yeah.  And she still refused to have any growing relationship with her parents aside from the slimmest of green bars.  (don't mind her face, I was playing with the slider bars on her parents, her face is the only *normal* thing about my gogo booted toddler)

The only CC I have are a few cars and some clothing, none of which I used for this test and the rest of the game seems to be running fine aside from the no opportunities glitch from ITF.  Has anyone seen this before?  Or Am I looking at a total wipe and reboot to see if I can clear out these buggy nooboos.
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Offline _Annika_

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Re: Glitched out Nooboos
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2014, 07:54:38 AM »
The relationship bar is a glitch that happens when you have the baby at the hospital. Try with home-births. I'm not too sure about the graphical glitches. Eep!

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Offline sharktopus

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Re: Glitched out Nooboos
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 07:55:39 AM »
Yeah, those boots are bad cc. I've had them in my game a couple of times before. They usually upload from sims or households from the exchange.

This should help:

Offline MissTrips

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Re: Glitched out Nooboos
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 09:55:38 AM »
Ahhh.  Thanks Shark, at least it's something findable!  I did download a few sims from the exchange a month or so back and one of them did have the gogo boots, but I didn't know that was a CC, since there's a game version.  I'll hunt them down and get rid of them!

And thanks Annika, I'll try the home birth route and see if their relationships improve.
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Re: Glitched out Nooboos
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2014, 05:09:28 AM »
Ahhh.  Thanks Shark, at least it's something findable!  I did download a few sims from the exchange a month or so back and one of them did have the gogo boots, but I didn't know that was a CC, since there's a game version.  I'll hunt them down and get rid of them!

You've just discovered the hard way why we advise everyone to be very cautious about downloading items from the exchange.  You never know what you're going to get in the file you download.  Personally, I don't use the Exchange at all.  There's nothing on there that's worth the possible headache it might bring. 

Yeah, those boots are bad cc. I've had them in my game a couple of times before. They usually upload from sims or households from the exchange.

This should help:

Thanks for that information!  I'm sure it will be quite helpful.  :)

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