So I started a small practice file for the Baby challenge when... well... I noticed something very *odd* with my nooboos.

My *borg* baby nooboos! All three of them with the gloved right hand and the half covering on the left. Even though I had them in the hospital, with father in attendance and played with them for a day, none of them even remotely *liked* their parents. I had a better relationship bar with the college mascot who I'd shooed off the lot moments after he came.
Out of dreaded curiosity I decided to cake one up right away to see what happened with a toddler...

Ummm.... yeah. And she still refused to have any growing relationship with her parents aside from the slimmest of green bars. (don't mind her face, I was playing with the slider bars on her parents, her face is the only *normal* thing about my gogo booted toddler)
The only CC I have are a few cars and some clothing, none of which I used for this test and the rest of the game seems to be running fine aside from the no opportunities glitch from ITF. Has anyone seen this before? Or Am I looking at a total wipe and reboot to see if I can clear out these buggy nooboos.