Author Topic: Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!  (Read 6647 times)

Offline Jagid

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Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:18:54 AM »
These are two brand-new young-adult Sims made in CAS. They have no mods or cheats.

Week 1 (Present)
Day 1
·   08:00: Housemates Joe and Amy buy a lot for 1,200 Simloean in Appaloosa Plains. They buy a Wellsian Time Portal. It is in Buy Mode under Sort by Function, Vehicles, Miscellaneous Vehicles. Amy starts inspecting the portal. Joe uses his cell phone to travel to China.
·   08:32: Joe travels to China and buys an incense holder then returns home.  Because Joe's trip happens while Emit was talking to Amy, she will not have to collect power cells and the portal will be fully functional as soon as Joe loads up back in their home town.
·   08:46: Joe and Amy travel to the future.

Week 1 (Future)
Day 1
·   08:00: Joe and Amy arrive in Oasis Landing.
·   08:11: Joe places his incense holder next to the nearby stereo, lights it, and does some dancing while he waits for Amy to finish talking to Emit.
·   08:37: Amy arrives and I take Holo Disk sprites from nearby coffee tables and place them into each of their inventories. Joe queues one social with Amy. It is Holo Disk, Sprite Chat.
·   08:51: Joe and Amy reach Advanced Technology level one and sprint to the nearest Dream Pods and dream about Advanced Technology. I pause the game once the blue shield appears above each of their pods indicating they are dreaming. On each Sim I click Influence Dream then whatever option is straight up (Fill Sonic Shower With Bubbles, Jetpack to the Moon!, Read the Manual First, EDIT: Ones to the right seem to work too). I do this ten times with each Sim. I immediately cancel their dream sessions, which applies the Thrilled About the Future! moodlet without waiting for them to sleep.
·   09:25: Joe and Amy run back to their incense room and spam more Holo Disk, Sprite Chat socials. I have them take turns loading eight socials, although I don't know if that matters. Keep your eyes peeled for the Improve Advanced Technology wishes. Fulfilling wishes makes your Sims happier which makes skill progression even faster. Oh, and the Lifetime Happiness Points are nice too!
·   12:45: Joe and Amy are now Best Friends and each have attained to level 10 of the Advanced Technology skill. They retrieve their incense holder, swipe all the future devices that aren't nailed down, and Travel Back Home using the Time Portal.

Week 1 (Present)
Day 1
·   08:47: Joe and Amy arrive back home in the present and go get jobs.

·   They have reached Advanced Technology 10 by breakfast time on day one in the present.
·   They have done the same and only used up one morning in the future.
·   They are now best-friend housemates and can start going steady, get engaged, and get married right away. By doing this in-game and not making them married in CAS you will get the Faithful then later the Eternally Faithful moodlet after a couple and a few weeks.
·   They have a about a couple thousand Lifetime Happiness Points.

Can you beat that?

Edit 1/28/14: A brief note. The goal of the challenge is to find the fastest way to Advanced Technology level 10. In real game-play situations I always have my new Sims take a Charisma class first. I also usually have Sims that are going to marry each other increase their Celebrity to at least level two. Then when you do things similar to above they also level up Charisma and Celebrity at the same time.

Offline Joria

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Re: Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 04:35:00 PM »
Wow!  Now, did you also wind up making them filthy rich at the same time?  I'm truly impressed with such creative thinking. 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Jagid

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Re: Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 04:38:20 PM »
 ;D Thanks!

Offline Jagid

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Re: Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2014, 02:45:51 PM »
Hmm. I was just now thinking about what Joria said about making them filthy rich.

Have one of them jetpack over to the City Hall and "Check Lotto Records." Do it more than once if necessary, they'll eventually find some relevant records. Then send them home to the present and have that Sim "Buy Winning Lotto Tickets" at the grocery store all day until the drawing at 6 p.m. I've won as much as 300,000 simoleans!

Hmm. You can also earn 20,000+ Lifetime Happiness points if you have them read the inscription on the "Renowned Philanthropist" statue and adopt the goal to have them make the statue of you. Once you have enough money you go to the present Town Hall and "Donate to Plan the Future Fund" five times at 10,000 simoleans per time for 50,000 total donations. Then you get another +15 moodlet whenever you're in the future and you can give people money to make them your friends faster. Plus there's a nifty statue of your Sim!

Also, since they now have a level 10 skill they can impress celebrities and become celebrities themselves. Then you start getting discounts at stores and manufacturers send you free stuff. I've received and immediately sold the Margaret Vaguester car and made 105,000 simoleans just for being famous!

Edit: My Sims just won a 3,000,000 simolean jackpot!!!

Offline Jagid

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Re: Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2014, 02:30:32 PM »
Added a new note with today's date to the initial post.

Offline undrhil

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Re: Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2014, 07:58:58 PM »
At level 10 Advanced Tech, your Sim can Reset the Time Stream.  So, go to Oasis Landing, sell *everything in the community center for all the simoleans you can get.  Come back to the present.  Reset the Time Stream.  Go to Oasis Landing, sell everything again.  Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat. 

Much more predictable than the lottory.  :P

Offline Jagid

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Re: Challenge: Level to Advanced Technology 10 Faster Than My Sims!
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2014, 08:07:03 PM »
Yeah I've demolished the place several times since my original post. I always feel a little guilty for some reason, but the cash always calms the guilt! LOL!!  :P

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