Author Topic: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Graveyard Please  (Read 9352 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Graveyard Please
« on: January 12, 2014, 02:08:32 AM »
This is my second attempt at the Oids. I am trying them in Riverview again. I am doing a few things differently, but first of all the settings

1) I am just using summer as the season, set at 28 days, and I have disabled all weather (Hail, Rain, Snow and Fog).
2) I have set the Lunar Cycle to a single Phase, Third Quarter.
3) I have enabled pets, witches, horses and celebrities.
4) I have disabled Vampires, Fairies and Werewolves.

Other things
1) I am going for an outdoor living route and have set up a series of square/rectangular 'fields' on the land. The way I afforded that will become clear in my first story posts. Each of the fields will be usable/accessible by just one of the immortals.
2) One/both of Loves the Heat and Loves the Outdoors are becoming family traits.
3) Family members are using the tents that came with island life to sleep in, as well as the Tardasian All In One Bathrooms.
4) I am just doing the portraits for my museum. I probably will still have a supermaxed sculptor skill/self employment sculptor sim and a supermaxed self-employed photographer sim, just portraits for the museum
5) I am telling a story this time. Pictures are proving difficult for me, due to my computer, but I'm getting there with them.
6) My mantra this time can be defined as the KISS principle - Keep it Simple, Silly.

Important Posts/Chapters
Immortal Stats and Family Details
Chapter 1 - Foundations
Chapter 2 - The Founder Gets a Hubby
Chapter 3 - The Founder Gets Friends
Chapter 4 - The Founder Gets an Heir
Chapter 5 - The Founder Gets Cuteness Overload

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Immortal Stats and Family Details
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2014, 02:23:54 AM »
Current Family
* Ann Oid - FOUNDER - Fishing - immortal
* Anita Lobos - Painting, Science, mother of Marisa, wife of Destr - elder
* Amber Oid - GENERATION 2 (witch) - Alchemy - adult
* Remington Oid (nee Jones) - Painting, father of Generation 3, husband of Amber - adult
* Destr Lobos (nee Oid) - Amber's Imaginary Friend Turned Real, father of Marisa, husband of Anita - adult
* Tabl Oid - GENERATION 3 - Writing - young adult
* Marisa Lobos - Anita and Destr's daughter, planned wife of Tabl - teen (at Le Fromage Private Arts School)

Former Members of the Family (Deceased [sims or pets] or adopted out [pets])
* Jon Oid (nee Lessen) (witch) - Gardening, Painting, Alchemy (retired - Rock Star) - died of old age at either 98 or 99
* Hannah Jones - Childcare, Painting, Writing, Journalist (retired - Star News Anchor) - died of old age at 91
* Aiden Jones - Cooking, Gardening, Chef (retired - 5 Star Chef) - died of old age at 100

Targeted Immortal Stats
Founder - Ann Oid (f); IMMORTALISED Wednesday Week 7
Husband - Jon Oid (deceased)
Heir - Amber Oid
Other Children - None
Traits - Loves the Outdoors, Great Kisser, Loves the Heat, Born Saleswoman, Angler
Life Time Wish - Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium
3 Unique Life Time Rewards - Discount Diner, Speedy Cleaner, Moodlet Manager
Other Life Time Rewards - Simmunity
Unique Maxed Employment - Self Employed Angler (Level 10 - Legendary Piscator)
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Fishing (Level 10)
Skill Challenges - Amateur Ichthyologist; Professional Fisherman
Other Skills - Social Networking (1), Athletics (5), Alchemy (1)
Property - Ann's Felis Cattis Park (Cat Jungle) - 3 Stars
Business - Ann's Grocery Store (Green Grocers) - Full Owner
6 Best Friends - Aiden Jones, Hannah Jones, Shantell Sousa, Shon Levesque, Anita Lobos, Jeremiah Lyman.
6 Black Ops - Save the Herding - Celebrity, Best Food in Town - Celebrity, Business Model - Celebrity, Make a Dream - Celebrity, Networking is Key - Celebrity, Celebrity Body - Celebrity.
Museum Pieces (Portraits) - Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Ann was a lot of fun to play, even though I had chosen to make her into my immortal angler. Things kind of fell into place nicely for her. I chose from the get go that I'd give her celebrity ops so I didn't have to transfer her into a rabbit hole career. Best Food In Town was the worst of the black ops for me to complete, because it had a few steps to it.

Generation 2 - Amber Oid (f); Adult
Husband - Remington Oid (Nee Jones)
Heir - Tabl Oid
Other Children - None
Traits - Loves the Heat, Friendly, Loves the Outdoors, Gatherer, Cat Person
Life Time Wish - Alchemy Artisan
3 Unique Life Time Rewards - Flying Vacuum, Bookshop Bargainer, The Philosopher's Stone
Other Life Time Rewards - Magic Hands,
Unique Maxed Employment - Self Employed Alchemist (Level 10 - Alchemy Artisan), now in Fortune Teller Career for Ops (Level 7 - Spiritual Guide)
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Alchemy (10/10)
Skill Challenges - Excellent Elixirs (150 potions made), Master Alchemist (all recipes discovered), Alchemist's Anonymous (50 potions thrown at others).
Other Skills - Athletics (2)
Property - Amber's Elixir Wonderland (Elixir Consignment Store) - Three Stars
Business - Amber's Fortune Telling Wagon (Fortune Teller's Hut) - Fully Owned
6 Best Friends - , , , , , .
6 Black Ops - When Dreams Come True - Special, Scavenger Hunt - Rare Elements - Primary School, Alchemic Mastery - Alchemy Skill, Stay Late - Fortune Teller Career, Horror Scopes? Oh Horoscopes - Fortune Telling Career, Surprise Cameo - Celebrity.
Museum Pieces (Portraits) - Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, ?
Black Ops were interesting, I was pleased I was able to get the one to make her imaginary friend real and the scavenger hunt primary school op. I triggered Alchemic Mastery by buying the graveyard, putting down the vault of antiquity and the arbitorium and doing the steps of that op.
This is the furthest I've even gotten in the fortune telling career, so it is interesting.
I discovered that while children can choose the 'flying vacuum' they can't use it and they can't get it multiple times. The flying vacuums I have in the Oids are therefore all courtesy of mortals.
Generation 3 - Tabl Oid (m); Young Adult
Wife - none yet
Heir - none yet
Other Children - None Expected
Traits - artistic, easily impressed, loves the outdoors, Book Worm, Computer Whiz
Life Time Wish - Professional Author
3 Unique Life Time Rewards - Acclaimed Author, No Bills Ever, ?.
Other Life Time Rewards
Unique Maxed Employment - Self Employed Writer (Level 4, Paperback Pauper)
Unique Supermaxed Skill -  Writing (7/10)
Skill Challenges - Speed Writer (7137/30000 in royalties), Prolific Writer (9/20 books written), Specialist Writer (5/5 books written in Non Fiction Genre)
Other Skills - ?
Property - Tabl's Reading Room - Level 3
Business - Tabl's Book Store - Fully Owned
6 Best Friends - , , , , , .
6 Black Ops - The Boiler Room - High School, A Fishy Science Experiment - High School, ?, ?, ?, ?.
Museum Pieces (Portraits) - Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, ?, ?
I kind of cheated with A Fishy Science Experiment. His grandmother (Ann) gave him a deathfish which she had caught, and the science lab accepted that.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2014, 02:49:56 AM »
Chapter One - Foundations

The place is Riverview. The Watcher had just finished setting up the options and placing some additional lots in Riverview and was now bringing his Founder into being, when ...

"Why is my hair so big?"
The Watcher sighed, and continued his work, choosing the facial features of his masterpiece.

"Watcher, why is my skin pale green?
Why is my hair greenish blue?"

Gritting his teeth, the Watcher continued on with his work. Everyday, formal wear, sleepwear.

"Watcher, don't you dare force me to sleep in that. I do not want those paparazzi to see me completing my skill in those."

[Watcher's Note - to cut down on the amount of screaming from my Founder, I have decided not to post the image of her in her pjs.]

The Watcher completed the clothing selection regardless of the complaints of his creation and eventually got to selecting traits.

"What would be good is if you made me flirty, great at kissing, charismatic, with some star quality and perhaps a social butterfly, don't you agree, Watcher, and I'm not sure what you should make my LTW."

The Watcher selected the five traits and his Founder screamed at him as she undertook a number of actions that went with the chosen traits.

"What do you mean I Love the Outdoors? Love the Heat? Nope, I hate both of those." Fishing? Me? I don't think so ... I love to eat fish, but not catch it. Next you are going to want me to sell it. Oh great, a born saleswoman. At least you made me a great kisser, just don't expect me to kiss any fish, I just want to wrap these lips around a cute man!"

"Nice set of Life Time Wishes, I like Zoologist, choose Zoologist, please Watcher, please?"

With a final click of his mouse, the Watcher chose his Founder's Life Time Wish and listened as his Founder screamed, "No, not presenting a perfect aquarium no no no. I am annoyed, Watcher, absolutely annoyed."

With a grin, the Watcher replied, "indeed you are, my dear founder. Forum, I present the founder of the Oid Dynasty, Ann Oid."


Offline Deklitch

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Chapter 2
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2014, 07:45:40 AM »
Chapter Two - The Founder Gets A Hubby

"Hello Ann, how are you today? Still angry with me?"

"I suppose fish aren't too bad, you could have me getting all hot and sweaty, and having me do athletics as my supermax. So yeah, I'm happy enough with fishing as a supermax, and I got over my issues with you. But I am curious, why do I love the heat? Why do I love the outdoors? Why ..."

Noticing that Ann had stopped with her questions, the Watcher stopped checking out Carls Forum and paid his attention to his Founder. Her eyes were locked on a house across the road and a man in the front yard.

"Is that really Jon Lessen?"

"Why, yes Ann, I suppose it is."

"THE Jon Lessen, the musician?"

"Yes Ann, it is."

Ann makes a high pitched squealing noise and continues to gaze longingly in the direction of her hoped-for love interest.

"I am his biggest fan, Watcher, please please please let me go across and meet him and,"

"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer Lucky Perkins or Hunter Cotteneye?"


"As you wish, Ann, remember, he's a great kisser, just like you."

"I know, and he is cute in black."

"Go over and have fun."

"I will, Watcher, and please, have something here for me to sleep in when I return."

The watcher set up a tent and a cheapish toilet and shower and basin with a couple of walls for the items to hang off, while Ann went over to talk with the object of her lust. She stormed back after a little while, not long after Jon rushed outside to his vehicle and sped off.

"He rejected my advances, and didn't like my kissing."

"Did you eat garlic, Ann?"

"No Watcher, I did not. He said he had something to do."

*Looking around with a miffed expression on her face*

"What on earth do you call this, Watcher?"

"Your house, Ann, do you like it?"

"No, I do not, Watcher. Where do I eat?"

"You eat out, there is enough money for a meal or two at the diner in town. You'll have to try Jon again later, and this time, keep away from the garlic. Your money is very low, and without his resources, you won't be able to achieve our plans."

"Our plans? Watcher, you mean your plans. I want a house with a swimming pool, servants, spa bath, and Jon Lessen."

"While you were telling me off, I managed to find Jon for you, Ann, do you want to continue with your tirade, or do you want to know where he is?"

"Where is he, Watcher?"

"He is sitting at a picnic table near the grocery store."

"I need a taxi. I will get him, Watcher."

"Good. Your future depends upon it."

Ann went to Jon and this time instead of heading right into the kissing, she spoke to him about his life, and got to know him a bit. Then she went into flirting, received a bit of flirting in return, when she tried for a heat of the moment kiss, he not only accepted it, he reciprocated. After that, she took him out to dinner at Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner. Theirs was a whirlwind romance, from strangers to acquaintences to friends, to good friends, to best friends, to romantic interests, to boyfriend/girlfriend, to engaged and finally to married. They were married in a private ceremony on the pavers outside of Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, with the paparazzi in attendance (Jon had become a one star celebrity) and at the end of the wedding ceremony, Ann too was a celebrity, leap frogging her more famous husband and became a two star celebrity. The Ivanovs, having heard of the wedding through the local rag, sent wedding presents to the happy couple. Jon's very expensive car that he was driving in was sold, as was most of his inventory and they went to their field in his band vehicle.

They got back to see that the Watcher had been busy. They did not see a house, just 8 tents, and a whole series of fenced off areas of the field, each one designed as a different skilling station - sculpting, painting, alchemy, cooking, gardening, fishing, logic and athletics. There was also what appeared to be a communal eating area,and each of the fenced off areas had a cheap stereo and chocolate fountain in it. There was also a long two storey wall that had steps leading up to it. Each of them got keys - Jon had keys to all of the skilling areas, while Ann only got keys to the fishing area.An octagonal room with a rectangular corridor was on the land as well, and looking through the windows into that, room, Ann and Jon could see baby and kids furniture and toys. There were also a series of brain enhancing machines and three all in one bathrooms.

"You got your man, Ann?"

Jon looked around, trembling, "What, who was that?"

"That was the Watcher, as you can see, he's not very good at building."

"This is your house, you do love the outdoors and the heat, after all, Ann. So, this is an easy way to do that, and to stop myself from building too much."

"As you wish, Watcher."

"Ann, you can go off and sleep or whatever, I need to borrow Jon, don't worry, he'll come back to you."

The Watcher moved Jon to the brain enhancement machines, and a short time later returned a changed (and Watcher thought better) man ready to paint Ann's Young Adult portrait.

Jon had a number of days off work (due to his recent marriage, and he spent them cooking and gardening and doing alchemy while Ann spent her days locked up away from danger, fishing.

Offline Tiamet

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Updated 13/1/2014
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2014, 09:49:00 AM »
Way to go, Dek!  I love Ann, she obviously knows what she wants.  Best of luck to you!
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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Updated 13/1/2014
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2014, 04:29:30 PM »
Very clever! Ann Oid. My grandson thought I was losing it when I laughed like a loon. LOL

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Updated 13/1/2014
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2014, 07:22:24 PM »
I was reading your last attempt, but this is maybe the best founder name ever! Especially with the sort of luck you've had in the past.

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Watcher Update 21/1/2013
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2014, 07:37:13 AM »
Thanks Tiamet, Krae and Judewright.

Work is busier here than I was anticipating, and while I get the chance to play this dynasty, I haven't had the chance to update the story, or even load the pictures that are ready to go. Hopefully that will be happening by the end of the week (story update and picture upload).

Thanks Tiamet, Krae and Judewright.

Work is busier here than I was anticipating, and while I get the chance to play this dynasty, I haven't had the chance to update the story, or even load the pictures that are ready to go. Hopefully that will be happening by the end of the week (story update and picture upload).

We had some unwanted excitement towards the end of last week. Intruders entered our house last Thursday night/Friday morning while we were at home asleep. They didn't take anything or hurt any of us, sleep has been difficult since then, and I seem to be jumping at any sound. We read in the paper a day or so ago that two of the three intruders had been caught by the police and that made things a lot more pleasant for us, and here is my latest update.

Chapter 3 - The Founder Gets Guests

One morning, Ann wakes up early and heads to her private fishing spot on the Oid property. The watcher is quite surprised to hear her whistling, and even more surprised when she talks to him, without complaining.

Ann - "Good Morning Watcher, how are you today?"
Me - "Good thanks Ann, and yourself?"
Ann - "I'm quite good."
Me - "Are you still unhappy with me?"
Ann - "No, not really. I don't mind fishing all that much, really. Agnes from Sunset Valley has experience in these things, and she was telling me that a fishing hole on your own property is the best thing for an immortal who wants to supermax fishing."
Me - "That is true, but I do have a question."
Ann - "What is it, Watcher?"
Me - "Why haven't you stocked your pond yet?"
Ann - "What do you mean, stocked?"
Me - "A fellow Watcher, Saltpastillen, told me that stocking the pond with fish of various kinds, especially alley catfish, angelfish and death fish is a great way to meet the requirements of a fishing supermax and a self employed angler career. You get 10 of the fish in question, put them in the pond, and then fish away. Death fish appear in your pond 24 hours a day."
Ann - "Wonderful, thanks Watcher, I wish you had told me that before. I'm off to the Riverview Fish Hatchery to catch fish from there. I can't catch Angelfish or Death fish yet, but I can catch alley catfish, especially if I have some cheese."


Meanwhile, Jon is in the gardening area, planting various seeds.
Jon - "Watcher, I need help."
Me - "What do you mean?"
Jon - "You expect me to garden, cook, paint, do alchemy and keep up with my career in the music industry. It is too much for a single sim. I need help."
Me - "So, what do you suggest?"
Jon - "Get a husband and wife, with no children, and an interest in cooking, painting and helping in the raising of the children. Send one of them off to the culinary career. Let the other one do whatever career they want."
Me - "What do you mean, Children?"
Jon - "your previous Founders have talked to Ann. They have told her that you like a second couple and you like them to have a child."
Me - "But I'm keeping things simple this time."
Jon - "Do it, or I quit."
Me - "But you can't quit, the rules require you to remain in the household until you die of a natural death."
Jon - "Exactly, another story to the graveyard."
Me - "You wouldn't."
Jon - "Try me!"
Me - "Fine, don't get your pixels in a knot, I'll find you a couple, a couple that is married with no children, one interested in cooking. Got it, the Crosbys."
Jon - "Odin doesn't like children. Try again."
Me - "I'm sure you don't mean any of the ghosts around the town, none of them still count as married, not even the ones who were married when they lived."
Jon - "I mean Hannah and Aiden Jones, Watcher, that big house of theirs on the hill, with Hannah's dead family members. Bring them here Aiden is into gardening and so forth, and Hannah is family orientated."
Me - *Checking the forum for their traits and LTWs* - "Hannah wants to be surrounded by family which won't be happening, and Aiden wants to be a Chess Legend, which also won't be happening."
Jon - "Change their LTWs then, you changed me to 'Rock Star', after all."
Me - "They have to become friends with you and Ann, first."
Jon - "Stalk them then, that is how you had me and Ann meet up, you stalked me."
Me - "As you wish. Aha, Hannah is there."

Ann met with Hannah and the two ladies spoke about the male sims in their lives, and became friends quickly, Ann then invited Hannah and Aiden to the Oid's field and they moved in, securing more friends for Ann. Even as Hannah and Aiden were introduced to the Watcher and the Cerebralizing Brain Enhancing Machine 2.0, Ann returned to her fishing and Jon to his alchemy. Both Hannah and Aiden emerged as different sims: Aiden - loved the heat and outdoors, had a green thumb, was a natural cook and a gatherer, while Hannah loved the heat, was good, family orientated, nurturing and artistic. In time, they changed their lifetime wish - Hannah wanted to be a professional author, while Aiden wanted to be a culinary librarian. Hannah kept her job as a journalist, Aiden changed to the culinary career and Jon and Ann as well as Aiden and Hannah woke to see a new yard was built by the Watcher, a tent, an all in one bathroom and a street light all in a yard painted red and covered in heart shapes.

Me - "One pair at a time, into that tent and give us Generation 2 and spouse."

First of all Ann and Jon and then Hannah and Aiden did as their watcher commanded. It wasn't long before both ladies were nauseous from unknown causes, and Ann ate watermelons and Hannah, apples. Aiden meanwhile was taken by aliens, and on his return gained weight from an unknown cause.

Right through her pregnancy, Ann continued to fish, she had now discovered the joys of live bait in fishing, and was becoming known in the waterways around Riverview. Hannah had been given time off work for her pregnancy and she spent the time working at her writing to get a regular royalty income. Aiden waddled to the stoves and the fridge as he cooked before heading to work.

One day while Jon was at the elixir store, Ann stopped mid fishing action and indicated that the baby was coming. I sent her to the hospital and ...

You'll need to wait to the next chapter for the outcome.

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Watcher Update 21/1/2013
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2014, 04:25:42 PM »
Waiting patiently...

Seems like things are going well in the dynasty at least, Dek.
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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Chapter 4
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2014, 07:21:03 AM »
Chapter 4 The Founder Gets an Heir

... Ann emerged out of the hospital a few hours later a small bundle wrapped in a pink cloth in her hands. Jon was at her side as they headed towards the taxi that would take them home.

Me - "What's her name, Ann?"

Ann - "Amber! Don't you just love her! Her lovely rainbow pink skin, her perfectly formed fingers and toes, her eyes."

Jon, while creating an apple out of thin air - "I sense power in her, she is definitely her daddy's little girl."

Me/Ann - "What?"

Jon - "Check Ann's relationship panel, you should see a yellow box around Amber's portrait as well as mine."

Me, hurriedly going to check - *SIGH* "She's a witch, Ann."

Ann - "Well, we can all hope that she won't be changing anyone into a newt."

Jon - "There are no newts in Sims 3. A toad is a possibility, but not a newt."

Taxi Driver - "Folks, we're at your ... what do you call this."

Jon - "Our watcher is a bit limited when it comes to building. We all love him dearly, but he is limited. We call this the err umm."

Ann - "I call it home base. It is great, I can sleep in a tent, walk a short distance away and fish in a pond at home in a fenced in field and I can enjoy music all day."

Jon - "Yeah, but you love the heat and the outdoors."

Ann - "True, but ..."

Amber - "Waagh"

Jon/Ann - "aaaah nooboo"

A two story octagon had been built on the Oid property. The lower ground floor had been set up for nooboos and toddlers with two swings, cots, walkers, high chairs, other baby toys and furniture as well as two rocking chairs. A computer was also set up on a table for Hannah to do her writing while she looked after Amber and her own son during her time off work. Upstairs (via the brilliant tube elevators from ITF) is a bedroom/dining room/bathing area for the children and teens of the dynasty. Two double bunks, two tables (with four chairs) a fridge, two benches with dishwasher and compactor beneath and chocolate fountain and snow cone maker, cheap computer (no chess) set up inside and two all in one bathroom (Tardasian brand) for the toileting needs of the dynasty children and teens.

Amber was set up in her swing by Ann, and Jon and Aiden made themselves scarce, claiming they had work (it wasn't until after they had gone that Ann and Hannah realised that neither worked until the evening, and it was but midday. So Hannah returned to her writing, even though her 'Fatman and Little Boy' comic (obviously about Cuisinator Archetype and his sidekick (and son) Piscator Archetype) was a flop, her reading audience loved her Elephant in the Room series and her Miss Fire and Betty Yeti one shots (both originating as minor heroes in the Elephant in the Room series) were both Best Sellers. She was writing the first book in what she hoped would be a new series of an edgier hero 'The Dude' which was praised by critic Peter P Kent as 'a more realistic, grittier hero for the youngsters of today, definitely not their parents' superheroes'.

Ann had returned to the Octagon to check on Amber when Hannah felt her contractions start, and had her nooboo in the room in front of Ann and Amber. Thanks to her diet of apples during her pregnancy, Hannah had a little boy that she called Remington, a little boy who was assigned the trait of 'athletic' by the game, and received 'artistic' by the watcher. He was a nod of the head by Hannah and Aiden to Hannah's family. He was set up in the swing next to Amber and the pair of them swung back and forth while Hannah returned to the creation of her comic books.

Ann returned to her fishing, her pond was now stocked with alley catfish and angelfish and tonight she planned to head out to get deathfish. She overheard Hunter Cotteneye boasting about the deathfish in the confluence of the rivers behind the graveyard, apparently he had caught some pretty big ones there. Ann would go and find out if the rumours were true or not tonight.

When Jon eventually got home, just before he had to head out for his actual work hours, he checked the mail, and brought a package to Ann.

Jon - I never knew your mother was named Bernice.

Ann - Bernice wasn't her name, her name was Andr.

Jon - Well, my mother's name wasn't named Bernice, so you must have one.

Ann - I should know what my mother's name is, dear. Why do you want to know

Jon - Well, there was a mysterious package in the mail, it was addressed to Amber Oid and it was from her Grandma.

Ann - Maybe it was sent to us by mistake?

Jon - It is addressed to Amber Oid at our address. No mistake.

Ann - Well, what is it?

Jon opens the package and reveals an unusual looking doll.

Ann - what an unusual gift, we'll have to see if Amber likes it or not.

Next Up - The Founder Has Cuteness Overload

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (Bad/Good)
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2014, 06:54:24 AM »
Intermission - BREAKING NEWS

News Anchor - We take a break in your regularly scheduled Immortal Dynasty to bring you some breaking news.
We join our man on the spot for some important news on the Oid, Jones and Lobos families. Charles?

Charles - I am here in sleepy little Riverview where local rock star and celebrity, Jon Oid (nee Lessen) has died at the age of 99 days. His death has devastated the household and his son in law, Remington Oid (nee Jones) has spoken to me, saying "the family is deeply saddened by our loss. Jon was almost finished in painting the elder portrait of Ann, and his presence in the garden, music yard and at the painting easels will be missed by us all, especially Ann and Amber. We ask for some privacy at this sad time."

Newsroom - That is indeed sad news, how is the household going to cope with that?

Charles - Someone else from the family will need to paint the founder's elder portrait. Of those available, either of the two young men, Destr or Remington would be best, I think, and from what the teachers at their local school say, Remington has already done quite a bit of painting. The loss of Jon is a problem, but not a major or insurmountable problem for the household.

Newsroom - Thank you Charles. That's all for now.

Ann rose sadly from the couch and turned off the tv. Amber rose as well, and gave her mother a hug,

Amber - I miss him as well, mum.

Ann - I started off as his fan, and he became so much more.

Amber - I know, mum. Remington will do a good job of your portrait, and mine.

Ann - Of course he will. One positive thing that comes out of the death of Jon is that we can begin to think of third generation.

Amber - We need to make sure you are fine for your immortal meal, first.

Ann - indeed.


Ann - And that is Best Friend Number 6. Aiden, Hannah, Shantell Sousa, Shon Levesque, Jeremiah Lyman and Anita Lobos. Three household members and three paparazzi, they are useful for something, it seems. WATCHER, I AM READY!

Watcher - Fine, Aiden, start preparing the ambrosia for Ann and ...

Aiden - Of course *rushes off before the Watcher finishes talking.

Watcher - stop at the bowl stage. He will stop in time, to allow your ambrosia to get replicated, won't he?

Ann - of course he will, you worry too much, Watcher.

*A Short time later*

Aiden - one plate of ambrosia, freshly cooked.

Watcher - you didn't stop it to get it replicated.

Aiden - no, can't this be replicated?

Watcher - no, it can't.

Ann - it doesn't matter, let me eat it.

Watcher - Ann, go to the building at the back corner of your land and go to the top floor. Your ambrosia is on the table up there, in front of your chair.

Ann - ok, Watcher.

Ann Oid follows her instructions, goes up and eats and becomes immortal.

Founder - Ann Oid; IMMORTALISED Wednesday Week 7
Husband - Jon Oid
Heir - Amber Oid
Other Children - None
Traits - Loves the Outdoors, Great Kisser, Loves the Heat, Born Saleswoman, Angler
Life Time Wish - Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium
3 Unique Life Time Rewards - Discount Diner, Speedy Cleaner, Moodlet Manager
Other Life Time Rewards - Simmunity
Unique Maxed Employment - Self Employed Angler (Level 10 - Legendary Piscator)
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Fishing (Level 10)
Skill Challenges - Amateur Ichthyologist; Professional Fisherman
Other Skills - Social Networking (1), Athletics (5), Alchemy (1)
Property - Ann's Felis Cattis Park (Cat Jungle) - 3 Stars
Business - Ann's Grocery Store (Green Grocers) - Full Owner
6 Best Friends - Aiden Jones, Hannah Jones, Shantell Sousa, Shon Levesque, Anita Lobos, Jeremiah Lyman.
6 Black Ops - Save the Herding, Best Food in Town, Business Model, Make a Dream, Networking is Key, Celebrity Body.
Museum Pieces (Portraits) - Young Adult, Adult, Elder

Ann Oid posing in front of her museum pieces.


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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Important Announcement (Bad/Good)
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2014, 02:46:47 AM »
Ann's gravity defying hair makes me happy. I wish you a lot of luck with this attempt!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: Oid Immortal Dynasty Version 2.0 - Important Announcement (Bad/Good)
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2014, 04:45:22 PM »
Thanks all.

I'm having all kinds of 'fun' with this file at the moment.

This morning, I'm getting 'Error 12' when I'm trying to save/save as/save and quit/save and return to main menu. So I've just gone to quit without saving and will try again after work I clean the caches regularly. I think the computer isn't coping. :(