Yep, also the 'disable autonomy for selected sim' is the option I use,since turning off autonomy does it for the whole household, taking away the challenge, but I play games as the devs intended, and don't cheat, so disabling default settings like story progression, autonomy, etc, is right up there with cheating to me. I have read all the expansion manuals, ones that have em, so I know all the options, etc. Read nearly every mini guide on this site as well
I am new, but not ignorant
Pretty much any cheats, or modifying the game in any way to make it easier is a no no to me, I enjoy challenging myself. I have messed around with testingcheatsenabled, tested out different cars and how much time they save, stuff like that, but I always save first and discard when I am done messing around, or make it a different save all together, as my 'mess around and test things game'
For instance if this game had difficulty levels, having autonomy off and aging turned up more than the default, would be one of the 'easier' modes. I beat games on the highest settings, feels great afterwards like yeah I did it! When I beat a game on easy....meh doesn't feel so great =p
Lol reminded myself of ninja gaiden black, on xbox, that was a brutal game. Especially on the highest setting. I literally cried at times in anger and frustration, but when I beat it, oh man