Author Topic: Return to the Post-Present Opportunity, now what?  (Read 5748 times)

Offline Joria

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Return to the Post-Present Opportunity, now what?
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:55:45 AM »
New file, new Sim.  Was told to meet my descendants.  Did it.  Was told to go back to the present.  Did that.  Part of it was the infamous, (to me), "Get your personality and household to a finished state and then rejoin me in the future".  I still don't know what this means!  What exactly am I supposed to do?

Here is what I've done.  Made a second plumbot, got married, got rid of a pet, (can't take it with me so why leave it home alone?), got richer.  I traveled back to the future and just like the last time Emit just chats but the opportunity does not complete.  I figure I must have done something wrong, or missed something I needed to do, but am stymied.  Please, anyone who has finished this, let me know what you did.  This is my 10th try at it and fourth file.  Every other one became corrupted.

I do not run mods, I do not use CC, I DO clean my cache files and keep things updated.  My LTW is Making Most of My Time.  I have a statue of myself as a philanthropist.  I'm best friends with Emit.  Does the "final state" mean complete my and everyone elses LTW?
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Offline AnnDruvez

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Re: Return to the Post-Present Opportunity, now what?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 02:57:12 AM »
Okay, first, I haven't had this problem myself. I did look it up, though, because I was curious. According to the EA forum, someone else had a similar problem. The person in question was selecting a purchased home instead of base camp on arriving in the future. When she selected the base camp instead, however, she was able to complete the opportunity as normal.

So, I suppose the question is: Did you purchase a house in the future and did you stay at base camp or that purchased house when you tried to complete the opportunity?

Reference (aka the post on the EA Sims 3 forum):
A 1920s era house needing heat, AC, new floors, new drywall on the walls and ceilings, new bathroom fixtures, new kitchen cabinets, new water heaters.... The roof is sound, but why didn't I just buy an empty lot?

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Re: Return to the Post-Present Opportunity, now what?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2014, 03:06:08 AM »

If this is the same question/issue you've already posted, I need to merge this with the other post.  Is it the same or a different issue?
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Offline Joria

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Re: Return to the Post-Present Opportunity, now what?
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2014, 04:01:18 AM »
@Ann:  Thank you very much!  That was exactly what I did and it did indeed cause the problem.  There is a solution, however.  Go back into the future and when the screen comes up asking to select where you will live do NOT choose the house you bought!  Choose base camp, causing you to lose your home and everything in it, but it finishes the opportunity and you are clear to continue.

@Pam:  Yes, it is basically the same question.  Different file and different Sims chosen so it was a clear, brand new situation.  In the other file I was stuck not being able to come back to the present.  The game froze in transit.  However it would be good to meld it since a solution was found both in the EA forum and by me stumbling around trying different approaches.
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