What better way could a Sim possibly celebrate her adult birthday than to take her twin teen daughters to China to work on completing her lifetime wish?![](http://i.imgur.com/w4tBWFQ.jpg)
Pippin: And they instantly launch into a Charlie's Angel-esque moment.
Mal: Look, Pippin! I'm improving my Visa status!
Pippin: Umm, I don't think that's how Visa status works...
Mal: Well, then should I join Tessa in the catacombs?
Pippin: Well, she's actually already done in the catacombs. Maybe Jessie is on task.
Jessie: Well, could you maybe just text me the measurements for the living room then? What? Oh, of course I called because I miss you.
Pippin: Ah, she's househunting again.
Pippin: And Mal continues to be distracted.
Mal: Hey, small child, maybe you could be my new twin?!?!?
Pippin: And Tessa is fishing.
Tessa: I
will catch you, magical mergnomes!!
Pippin: I wonder if Jessie is still househunting.
Pippin: Wait...what is going on here?
Jessie: If mom's going to build me a vacation home, she needs that level three Visa.
Jessie: Hmm, why does this dive pool lead to the waiting room of a doctor's office?
Pippin: Umm, Mal? What are you doing?
Mal: Driving!
Pippin: No, I mean, where did you get this car?
Mal: I found it!
Pippin: Umm...you never bought this car, it wasn't a celebrity gift as you have no celebrity star power, it wasn't a gift, you're not a kleptomaniac...
Mal: Purple!
Pippin: What?
Mal: I thought we were just saying random things.
Tessa: Wait, so you're telling me none of these pieces are midget gnomes? Then what's the point of this game?
And with Mal hanging a miniscule percentage away from completing her level three Visa, their vacation ended and they returned home.![](http://i.imgur.com/62F30LV.jpg)
Mal: Garbage garbage garbage.
Pippin: What are you doing?
Mal: I learned how to trash talk!
Pippin: (sigh)
Tessa: My kingdom continues to grow!
Pippin: Yes, it does indeed. In fact, while exploring a tunnel she dug into, Tessa discovered an underground village of gnomes. They were hard to understand, but she was pretty sure they were either going to make her their queen...or eat her. Meantime, Jessie was popping interesting wishes.
Pippin: Yep. She wanted to kiss both of them.
Jessie: They are rather lovely houses.
Pippin: Yes, but I prefer the genes from Bianca Crumplebottom's son.
Jessie: Ah, the boy with the adequate house. He's good at playing hard to want.
Pippin: I think you mean "hard to get."
Jessie: No, I think I had it right.
Pippin: And we're getting to the point that Mal needs to sit the girls down and have "the talk" with them.
Mal: Girls, you'll have to build your own houses soon. Make them out of bricks. Wolves are allergic to bricks. And avoid spindles. Whatever those are.
Pippin: I'm not sure Mal really knows what she's supposed to tell them.
Jessie: You're telling us out lifetime wishes and opening the voting?
Pippin: Yes, Jessie. Thank you for being on the same page as the rest of us.
Tessa: Whoa! Magic gnome from the sky talking to us! Jergnome told me there was a magic sky gnome.
Pippin: Okay, maybe not the same page as
all the rest of us. We'll begin with you, Tessa.
Tessa: See? The magic sky gnome is right here, in our house!
Jessie: Yes, dear. Of course he is.
Pippin: Tessa will be continuing her overseas exploration as she ended up getting the private museum lifetime wish.
Jessie: Please tell me I didn't get something lame?
Pippin: No, Jessie, you got the grand explorer lifetime wish. You'll need to move to Isla Paradiso and discover all the islands if you win the voting.
Jessie: Wait, you're undermining all my househunting? And what do you mean if? How about
when I win?
Pippin: Umm...well...I guess we'll see. So, we have the gnome-crazed Tessa staying in Moonlight Falls, but traveling extensively, or the self-confident Jessie taking the legacy to Isla Paradiso to go island hopping. Who is your favorite?
Voting has closed.