Dragon Valley. A place of magic, mystical powers, and mystery.
A home to the noble humans and graceful elves.
And this is the Drake School of Life and Learning.
Unbeknownst to those scholars within, they will be playing host to a line of legacy heirs,
and on a plain, empty field below the school, we find the founder of this legacy.Chysm: Umm, excuse me? I don't mean to interrupt the monologue, but I think there's been a mistake.
Pippin: What do you mean?

Chysm: Well, I've been looking at legacy stories online, and they always involve glorious houses and wealth. I don't seem to have that. I don't even have walls!
Pippin: Oh, did I forget to mention that you'd be stuck on an empty field with no home and barely any money? Must have slipped my mind...

Chysm: Well, at least I still have my violin and guitar.

Pippin: Oh yeah, I guess I missed those.

Chysm: What? Seriously?!?
Pippin: Well, you have the $1,000 to start with, so you could get a guitar or violin if you really want to. I did get you two things to help you get started, though.
Chysm: Oh, okay.

Pippin: See? A mailbox and a trashcan!
Chysm: (sigh) My family's in town, right? I think I'll just go live with them until I've raised the money to buy a house.
Pippin: Not really an option. I think you missed something in the rules again.

Chysm: And I don't think I like you anymore.
Pippin: Hey, we are equal partners in this.
Chysm: So, you'll be going without a house until I get one?
Pippin: Oh, I meant I'd be taking screenshots and writing your story.
Chysm: I don't think you know what "equal" means.
And thus, our intrepid heroine begins her long journey to wealth, success, and having the next heir.
Chysm: You're sure I can't just go live with mom and dad again?
Pippin: Positive.