DiscoveryMiraj groaned as he got out of bed. It was Monday, so school was starting again. He knew he was going to confront his father about the article after school. He didn't want to talk about it with VJ around. He walked into the kitchen to find his father making breakfast, waffles.
"Morning." Miraj sayed as he yawned.
"Morning to you as well." His father replied.
Miraj sat down and he and his father ate the waffles. Soon, VJ joined them (he always slept in) and started chewing with his mouth open. Gross.
Soon, they cleaned up, and the plates were in the dishwasher. Miraj went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. It seemed like a normal morning, but Miraj didn't feel right. Why was that article so important? He finished brushing his teeth and sat down on the couch until he heard the school bus come. He and VJ boarded the bus.
School went by really fast. One thing Miraj noticed was that his classmate, Mortimer, looked sad. Mortimer's best friend, Bella, kept trying to talk to him, but Mortimer wouldn't respond.
Another classmate of his, Kayylynn, was looking rather sad as well. Something was happening..
Miraj exited the school bus as it dropped by their house, it was time to confront his father about the article. He opened the door, his father was watching TV. Miraj sat down on the couch next to him.

"Hi there, buddy!" His father said. "How was school?"

"It was good, but..I need to ask you something." Miraj replied.
"Sure, what is it?" His father asked.
"Have you heard of..the SimGalaxy?" Miraj asked.
His father's eyes immediately widened. "Where did you hear about that?" He said.
"That article you read yesterday..I read it when you weren't looking. I'm sorry! I just wanted to know why you wanted to hide it from me." Miraj responded.
His father sighed. "I'll tell you when you're older." He said. "Why don't you go do your homework?" His father started to get up from the couch.
Miraj didn't know why he said what he was about to say this, but somehow, he couldn't resist.
"Mom was on there, wasn't she?" He immediately said.
His father turned pale. "Fine. She was, happy now?"
"Why did you lie to me? You said she left and you didn't know where she went!" Miraj angrily said.
"Because she left because of me!" His father yelled. His eyes watered. "That's why she left. We had an arguement about something you wouldn't understand, so when she saw the ad for that spaceship..she just packed her bags on the launch day..and left."
There was a moment of silence.
Finally, his father broke it. "I'm sorry, for yelling at you Miraj. You had every right to be angry. I just.." His voice trailed off.
"It's okay dad. How did you know she went on the SimGalaxy?"
"She actually left a note. She said she was never coming back. She would go wherever that spaceship was going." A tear streamed down his father's cheek. "She didn't say anything that was a form of goodbye. I didn't want you to grow up knowing that your mother left you."
Miraj hugged his father. "It's okay dad. It's okay. Are we going to go on that rescue ship?"

"Yes, we are. We're going to find Paula." His father said.
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in," Blair responded.
Stiles walked in.
"Hi," He said.

"Hi." Blair replied as she stared at the wall.
"You've been here all morning." Stiles said.
"I know, I'm just so upset that my parents are making me come along on that rocket. I don't want to leave you guys behind." Blair sighed.
"Well, Tamara told us that there have been a lot of complaints about many people's friends the council is holding a lottery for more additional passengers, since there is more than enough space and supplies for more people." Stiles said. "Emma has already entered us."

"Are you serious?!" Blair squealed. She gave Stiles a hug. When they broke apart, they started holding hands.
"Are you happy?" Stiles grinned.
"Very." Blair replied. She and Stiles both knew what was next.

They kissed.

Erin's alarm clock rang. Morning already? She was still very tired. That girl, Holly, should still be asleep on her couch. She should start making breakfeast anyway.

As she cooked, she heard Holly's footsteps behind her.
"Morning." Holly said.
"Good morning to you." Erin said as she turned around. "Did you pack any clothes?"
Holly's face turned pale. "No, I left so quickly..I didn't have time to."
"Hm." Erin said. "You can borrow some of mine for the day. After school you should go clothes shopping."
"I'm not going to school." Holly said. "My parents will be looking there."
"Well, education is important. Did you even think this 'running away' thing through? You're just going to have to blend in at school."
"What if.." Then Holly remembered. Her parents will be at their jobs all day. They would get fired if they missed a second of work. "Nevermind, I think I can handle it."
Erin smiled. "Good," she said. "Now go put some new clothes on. You can use some of mine."

Erin's clothes were rather simple. A green long-sleeved shirt and some jeans. Holly still had to wear her yellow shoes, so they didn't match. But that was the least of her concern now. She would go shopping after school. Holly took out a hair tie and tied her hair in a ponytail. She looked in the mirror, she looked like an entirely different person.

"I'm ready." Holly walked back into the kitchen.
"Good, so is breakfast." Erin said.
They sat down and started to eat.

"So, you're the captain of the spaceship?"
"Assistant captain," Erin corrected. "Mr. Bunch is the captain."
"Oh, I know some of his kids. Ethan is in my grade and Lisa is in the grade below." She rolled her eyes at the thought of Lisa. Lisa and her boyfriend, VJ Alvi were always causing trouble.
"Huh, I didn't know Jack had kids." Erin said sarcastically.
Holly laughed. "Yes, he has four of them!"
"Ah, no wonder he's always talking about complaining about someone named Darlene, also someone named Arlo, and someone named Lisa!"
They both laughed, it was a cheesy joke, but still it was funny. Erin and Holly talked so much that they lost track of time.
Holly looked at the clock, it was seven thirty. The bus would be coming soon.
"I got to go get ready." Holly said.
"Wait," Erin said, stopping her. "If you want to stay here for the rest of the week, you're more then welcome too." Erin smiled.
"Really? Thank you so much!" Holly said.
A few minutes later, Holly left on the bus. Erin now had to go to work, but she was happy. She had never had a real friend before.