Hi there amandanoe, welcome to the forum.
Just quickly, there is one housekeeping note I'd like to say (before I forget
). Your thread title is vague. Would you mind editing it to something a little more descriptive? You can do that by clicking the Modify button on the upper right hand corner of your post.
It just helps passers-by know what you're having trouble with so that they know if they can be of help to you.
I'm on my iPad at the moment and it's running very low on battery so I can't give a very in depth answer at the moment, unfortunately. But have you tried a factory reset (
http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/forum/index.php/topic,7507.0.html )? It may fix your issue.
I'll try to post a better response in the morning, when my iPad is fully charged.