I sent out our first newsletter, ever, to all 1,300+ members. I know some of you are regulars, but I wanted to let everyone who's registered know how much progress we've made. Please disregard if you already know how things are going. I just thought it might be fun to fill in the folks who've vanished over the months (year?) about all the improvements we've made around here, and that we're done covering Ambitions and twiddling our thumbs on the guide front waiting on Late Night.
The Uh Oh Edit: Yeah, I better prepare myself for dozens of unsent mail messages coming to my inbox over the next day. At any rate, let me know what you guys thought of our first newsletter!
On the bright side, while I didn't have a link to unsubscribe available in the email, I'm only going to send these out when we have significant improvements guide or forum-wise. TommyT's next big article will probably fit the bill, but I'll likely wait even longer and make sure it's chock full of new content-goodness. The fact is that all 1,300 people registered here (some were spammers), and obviously care about the Sims 3 (if not a nasty spammer), so I don't feel bad throwing these out once in a while now that I know how it's done.
So check your inboxes!