Author Topic: The Floros 4x4 dynasty - second try - 7th heir done - almost moving time again  (Read 6389 times)

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Floros 4x4 dynasty - second try - 6th heir done - 3 days, 4 deaths
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2014, 03:11:59 AM »
It has been a while since I last played, but I'm back and I intend to finish with Lucky Palms at least before my next break.
I will be back with the file as soon as the launcher finishes it's update.
Everything is going well, if a bit slowly since Cyrus will have lots to do in his childhood and teen days since he's main career and skill challenges will come from photography, extra career in his young adulthood will be taken on to ensure opportunities.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Floros 4x4 dynasty - second try - 6th heir done - 3 days, 4 deaths
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2014, 12:05:21 PM »
Seventh heir:
Name: Cyrus Floros
Lifestate: Normal sim
Traits: Artistic, loves the outdoors, photographical eye, gatherer, ambitious,
LTW: Renaissance sim

Unique career maxed: Photographer
Two unique best friends: Gillian Irstav and Maya Åskull
3 unique skill challenges completed: Photography - Architectural eye
Photography - Photog
Drums - Money maker
4 unique opportunities completed: Sfinxen (photography skill opportunity)
Fototävling (photography skill opportunity)
Dåliga sjukhuskompisar (medical career opportunity)
Utrustningsbehov (medical career opportunity)

Black hair again? Oh I give up, I'll let him keep it...

Lihua passed away today, now while it happened I hadn't played the file for a few weeks and thus forgot how old she was but she was almost as old as her ex-husband.

Ah, happy elder birthday Anastasia!

Sweet, photography career maxed with two career booster elixirs. All I need to do it tutor Cyrus up to an A and then have him attend his prom later this saturday.
Only career and one skill challenges completed, but then again that is around what I expected of him so everything is going well. 4 preliminary photos for the collections, but I might replace those when/if he travels after all he still needs 16 more unique objects to take photos off. I'll wait for an opportunity though.

The only thing of interest at the prom was the fact that he got a romantice interest in a male classmate, they will be ending it the next day...

Ah double birthday, it seems Darren had his elder birthday while his son was coming home
from his prom.

He sort of grew into both his nose and his lips, he isn't particularly handsome but he looks decent at least. You can really see his resemblance to his mother.
To my surprise for once the game actually picked good default outfit for both everyday and formal wear, I'm keeping those.

With 8 days left until he turns into an adult all that is missing is 2 best friends (easy to get once I got everything else), 1 more skill challenge and 3 opportunities.
Opportunities will be slowest by previous experiences.

Never mind trouble with opportunities, got all he needed done within a week. Now just to keep
playing for tips in the subway and make two friends.

It is saturday and the next workday that Cyrus needs to complete that last opportunity is on monday...
Oh well plenty time to get that last skill challenge done and make one more friend.

With Cyrus almost finished with his requirements it is time to check over the moving requirements.
I got 3 out of 4 collections sorted out, the 3 I got will definitely move past the value requirement, I got the 4 career rewards needed, 3 out of 4 tombstones - the 4th should be there hopefully long before the move. Still working on real estate but that one should provide no trouble - I'm just pacing my self better for this town than my first try which I wound up with almost 2 millions in cash before the automatic sale of real estate...

Ah bummer, there one of the best friends died, oh well time to go and get one more...

At 53 days old, the day before his granddaughters was born Darren passed away.
He'll be missed.

Welcome to the family Kleopatra, darling girl!
Welcome as well to her twin sister Euthalia!

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