Sixth heir:
Name: Anastasia Floros
Lifestate: Normal sim
Traits: Friendly, artistic, ambitious, heavy sleeper, family oriented
LTW: Lifestyle of the rich and famous
Spouse: Darren Dreamer
Unique maxed career: Painter
Two unique best friends: Jason Lancaster and Clark Bellamore
Three unique skill challenges completed: Painting - Proficient painter
Painting - Brush master
Painting - Master painter
Four unique opportunities completed: Broadwaycameo (celebrity opportunity)
Auktoriserad biografi (celebrity opportunity)
Utflykt (education career)
Håll koll på dansen (education career)
Name: Roxana Floros
Lifestate: Normal sim
Traits: Atlethic, loves the outdoors, easily impressed, excentric,
LTW: Lifestyle of the rich and famous
Hmm, looks like if I want to add Magda to the bloodline I'll have to make the 7th or 8th heir male, oh well I can do that easily.
Meh, black hair on Anastasia, time to bring out the dyes...
Such a shame that Lihua is so slow on getting happiness points since I want her tombstone for this town. Her husband is already an elder while I've kept her as an adult so she can get more points without needlessly courting death.
Oh boy, less than a week outside the household and Achaikos has decided to go steady with a vampirized Lina Lancaster.
I really can't wait for Nereus to finally die, he is upsetting the entire household by flirting constantly with Magda...
Ah finally the twins young adult birthday! Hmm, Anastasia looked so-so as a teen, but quite pretty when fully grown up! Roxana also grew up into a beatiful woman, but then I always thought she was very pretty.
Time to see if the selected husband is still single and hopefully without kids...
Time for Roxana to move out on her own, best of luck to you dear girl!
Nope, the selected spouse got a toddler in the house, looks like I'll have to look elsewhere then...
Welcome Darren Dreamer to the family!
Name: Darren Floros
Lifestate: Normal sim
Traits: Hates the outdoors, great kisser, natural cook, bookworm, artistic
LTW: Illustrious author
And of course the next person to die on the lot is an elderly paparazzi and not Nereis who is 61 days old...
Opportunities are so far proving to be a major problem, 6 days until she is an adult and none so far, better get a job to hopefully get some. Education looks good for that. Apollodoros has been in it for a while due to a wish of his so she should be able to get most
of the one she needs from that career.
Nereus finally died at 66 days old, he's the oldest sim to die so far in this dynasty.
I was getting a bit woried I might need to move someone out again to have room for a baby!
I admit I'm not worried yet but the masterpieces she needs for the skill challenge is coming in
really slowly, but she still has a long time to go before I can start panicking about it.
Kyros passed away one day after Nereus died at 53 days old, neither of those two had their
life extended in this town at all, so that is an indicator of just how long Nereus lived...
2 days, 3 deaths - Yuna passed away later on the same day her husband died.
Medium life stage, plenty of deaths happening. And here I was worried that I might not have room for a child, now I got room enough for the rest of this town.
And now we are up to 3 days 4 deaths since an old paparazzi passed away on the front door once again.
Wee, got the last opportunity and thus Anastacia can finally have her baby!
Welcome to the family little Cyrus, darling boy!