Valerie Sauveterre is familiar with never having enough of anything.
Her archaeologist mother disappeared during an expedition when Valerie was 15; her father, a quiet, reserved librarian, died a year later of what the doctors claimed to be pneumonia, but what Valerie knew was heartbreak. And so she found herself alone in the world, left with only a small amount of money-- which soon ran out.
Since then, Valerie's been working here and there, at any job she can find; her all-time low came when the only work she could find was as a taxi-dancer in a speakeasy in the Big City. One year of that was more than enough. In desperation, she took the $1800 she had in the bank and ran, moving to a smaller city.

She got lucky and found an office job that pays the bills, but lately... lately, she's been dreaming. Dreaming of golden sand, of charming little cafes, of fireworks in foreign skies. Her adventurous nature, suppressed for so long, has begun calling to her.
The question is, does she dare to spend her savings on her dreams?
Traits: Workaholic. Athletic. Brave. Friendly. Adventurous.
Skills: 4 Athletic, 2 Handiness
Job: Business career (currently)
LTW: Great Explorer
LTR: Strong stomach, Observant
MISC: Valerie has a small collection of fans-- the last birthday gift from her parents. She actually has more than $1800, so you can set her up in her own place; and of course, you can always familyfunds her if needed.

The men and women of the Sauveterre family have two traits in common: passion, and a tendency to over-do things. They pursue the hobbies and careers and activities with unending patience and enthusiasm... but in the process, they tend to forget about other aspects of life-- such as jobs, and cleaning, and making friends, and finding family.So far, Valerie is my favorite of the Sauveterre clan-- I have an ongoing interest in US popular culture between 1900-1930 or so, so I couldn't resist the temptation to make a heroine who was facing the same struggles as many fictional heroines in the books of that period.
And I couldn't resist giving her a black-and-white all over color scheme, to mimic the days of silent movies.
(Why, yes, I am eagerly looking forward to Roaring Heights!)