Author Topic: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 13 - Animals, anyone?  (Read 23042 times)

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Introduction - Oh Dear God Not Again!
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2013, 09:40:19 PM »
Introduction - Oh Dear God Not Again!

Christopher Steel was standing outside of his lot, he had just gotten back from an early morning fishing trip. He heard something in the air around him. It sounded like his name was being whispered. The first thought that popped into his head was; Dear god... not another dynasty. Then he heard this.

Christopher Steel would you listen!

Chris: No I will not! I will not do another immortal dynasty!

This isn't an immortal dynasty, Christopher. It's a DecaDynasty. You don't have to do anything except get married and have a child. Then you can do whatever you want.

Chris: So, I just gotta get married and have a kid?

That's what I said.

Chris: Fine! I'll do it. Who am I marrying?

Whoever you wish... I have ideas, but only if you like her. But, if you're ever gonna get your hands on any girl, you need a new look.

Chris: What's wrong with my look!?

Just go to the mirror and dresser, Chris.

Chris: But-! Wait, why am I walking...

Hehehe. Welp, here is Chris' new look!

(I don't have a CAS picture) Chris decided that he wanted to shed a few pounds, so he went to the gym. He met a few lovely ladies while he was there.

But he had no real attraction to any of them. So he just went upstairs and failed at the treadmill. How do you fail at a treadmill, Chris?

Chris: It was going too fast!

When he was done at the gym, he was a little hungry. So he decided to go get some food at the local bistro. When he walked up, he saw the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

He just had to go up and say hello to her. The attraction was sudden and mutual.

Chris: I think I want her to be my wife.

What's her name?

Chris: I don't know yet.

Welp... He gave her some beautiful yellow flowers.

And when his relationship with her got higher, he tried the heat of the moment kiss...

Her reaction made him think she didn't like it...

But then...

She pulled him into another kiss! I think she likes him.

Chris: Zelda!


Chris: Her name! It's Zelda. Zelda Mae.

Good to know, Christopher. *facepalm* Chris invited her over to his house, to make his move.

Chris: Uhm... So... we've known each other for almost a whole day. And...
Zelda: Yes?
Chris: Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Zelda: I would love to!

Sims romance is so easy. Within the next minute.

Zelda: What are you doing?
Chris: Hang on a sec!

Zelda: What the heck Chris?

Chris: Zelda Mae, will you marry me?
Zelda: Oh my gosh!!

Chris: Well?

Zelda: Oh my god!! Yes!!

They married on the spot.

Derpy face 1, check.

Derpy face 2, check.

They are so in love. They waste no time celebrating. 

Are those chimes I hear? Hmm... I wonder...

Hello again! I hope you guys enjoy this new dynasty of mine! And by the way, I am not trying to copy anyone with him marrying Zelda, these two are just my two favorite townies in Sunset Valley. Next time, were those chimes? And, Zelda's makeover! Stay tuned!

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Re: Steele DecaDynasty Introduction - Oh Dear God Not Again!
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 10:29:31 AM »
Poor Chris, he just can't get away from these dynasties, can he? I'm looking forward reading more, it's seems like a lot of fun!
Looking forward to the nooboo(s), I know they'll be adorable!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 1 - A Brand New Life
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2013, 03:36:45 PM »
Hey guys! I'm back! Enjoy!

Chapter 1 - A Brand New Life

Welcome back y'all! For starters, here is Zelda's makeover.

I also made her a maternity outfit. So she still looks decent. Speaking of, Zelda are you nauseous?

Zelda: Little bit!

I think we all know what that means. Well anyway, while we wait for them to firgure it out. Here is a few pictures of their day to day lives.

Christopher joined the cooking career, because he likes to cook, and they need money. That night while Zelda was sleeping, she felt the urge to get up. Something felt... off.

Zelda: I'm pregnant! Oh god... I'm gonna be a mother...

To celebrate finding this out, she decides to throw a party!

She invited Geoffrey Landgraab, to find out the gender of the child. (I'm not revealing it though ;) ) And she tried to make friends with some of the NPC people. The only one there was the llama.

Before I show you the party pictures, look at her little baby bump!

Anyway, now onto the party.

I could have sworn that I took more than two pictures. Oh well. That night, Zelda told Chris that she was pregnant. Not just getting fat.

Zelda: Chris...

Zelda: We're gonna have a baby!!

He was more than excited.

Try to keep your eyes in your head there Chris. Zelda got larger by the minute it seemed.

Chris: Hello little baby! You're gonna be a little girl that looks just like Mummy, aren't ya?
Zelda: Chris, hun. It can't talk yet.
Chris: No, I'm pretty sure I could hear it.

The next morning Zelda was even bigger.

I find that picture amusing, because they're watching kids TV... Who are you calling Zelda?

Hey guys!! Sorry it's been a couple days! I've been trying to play ahead. Let me know what you think!

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Re: Steele DecaDynasty Chapter 1 - A Brand New Life
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2013, 12:53:35 PM »
I love her makeover, she looks so pretty! I like how you did(not) reveal the baby(ies)'s gender. ;)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steele DecaDynasty Chapter 1 - A Brand New Life
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2013, 02:14:57 PM »
I love her makeover, she looks so pretty! I like how you did(not) reveal the baby(ies)'s gender. ;)
Thanks! And I can neither confirm nor deny anything.
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Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 2 - A New Addition Part 1
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2013, 04:22:42 PM »
Chapter 2 - A New Addition Part 1

Hello all! You're probably wondering who Zelda is calling, huh? Well, now you can find out!

She was calling the pet adoption thingy! Here is their new pet, Cimannon.

He's a little boy kitten!

Cimannon: Put me down you strange looking creature.
Zelda: Ahh! It talks!
Cimannon: Ahh! It talks!

Cimannon: Okay, you're not so bad.
Zelda: It talks...

Now here is the adorable kitten montage!

And that marks the end of this update! Sorry it was so short y'all!

Hey guys! Sorry it was so short, but I'm a bit pressed for time. Tell me what you think!

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Re: Steele DecaDynasty Chapter 2 - A New Addition Part 1
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2013, 09:10:20 AM »
The cat is adorable! Good luck with the dynasty.

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steele DecaDynasty Chapter 2 - A New Addition Part 1
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2013, 03:54:24 PM »
The cat is adorable! Good luck with the dynasty.
Thanks! And I love him, he always has an evil look on his face ;D He is like the perfect cat and he is amazing ;D Thanks for reading!

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 3 - A New Addition Part 2
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2013, 04:07:01 PM »
Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long! I have another update for ya!

Chapter 3 - A New Addition Part 2

Hello everyone! Well, last time we left off with the always adorable Cimannon. Now we start with the most important addition to the family yet.

Zelda: *screams* CHRISTOPHER!!

Zelda, dear. He's at work.

Zelda: *muffled swears*

Zelda: Well then get him home already!

I can't. You need money desperately.

After a few hours, the sparkles of light hit, and it was a relief.

People of the forum, welcome Journey Steel!

I think I got her mid-blink. *whispers* Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. *louder again* Oh, anyway moving on. What are you both doing in there?

Well, tell me what you think! Let's see how fast people figure out the naming theme. It shouldn't be that hard though ::) Thanks for reading! (I don't remember her traits, I'll write them in when I go in game next)

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 3 - A New Addition Part 2
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 08:29:53 AM »
Jorney is a lovely name, the naming theme would be...? Hm, not too sure maybe the next nooboo will make it clearer. I hope.gor Zeldas hair and Chris' eyes! That would be a perfect combination.
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 3 - A New Addition Part 2
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2013, 12:27:43 PM »
Jorney is a lovely name, the naming theme would be...? Hm, not too sure maybe the next nooboo will make it clearer. I hope.gor Zeldas hair and Chris' eyes! That would be a perfect combination.
I'm fairly sure the next nooboo shall make it clearer. And I agree that would be adorable! The next update should be today sometime :)

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 3 - A New Addition Part 2
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 06:00:41 PM »
I never done Decadynasty but I'd love to but it was too scary for me as someone told me Decadynasty is just like a living hell and  having two stories at once can be tough, but I'm glad that you're doing it well. Why Zelda is so pretty? Are you using mods on her skin? She actually looks like the one and I saw something different with Chris. I prefer to have natural skin that EA give to me though; I only use the eyes, because eyes are my favourite part.

Journey, that’s a unusual name for a girl do you plan her to going somewhere and travelling when she’s older?

Good job, Artsy! :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 3 - A New Addition Part 2
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2013, 07:55:38 PM »
I never done Decadynasty but I'd love to but it was too scary for me as someone told me Decadynasty is just like a living hell and  having two stories at once can be tough, but I'm glad that you're doing it well. Why Zelda is so pretty? Are you using mods on her skin? She actually looks like the one and I saw something different with Chris. I prefer to have natural skin that EA give to me though; I only use the eyes, because eyes are my favourite part.

Journey, that’s a unusual name for a girl do you plan her to going somewhere and travelling when she’s older?

Good job, Artsy! :)
I had a custom skin at first, but I took it away after a little bit. She is just naturally pretty :D I always use the custom default eyes. And that's not it ;)

Offline Lunarpixels

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Re: Steel DecaDynasty Chapter 4 - Life Is A Journey
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2013, 08:17:44 PM »
Chapter 4 - Life Is A Journey

Hello guys! To start us off, I'm going to post some adorable pictures of our new parents with Journey.

Christopher is a good Daddy. Whenever he isn't working, he's spending time with Journey. Hey Zelda, why are you eating so many apples?

Zelda: I just had a random craving.

Are you feeling okay?

Zelda: Yeah... Just a bit nauseous.

Now time for more adorable kitty appreciation!

What's up Zelda? I had you playing with the cat. Why are you just standing there...?

Zelda: Oh, no reason.

Oh my god you're pregnant again! I had no idea...

Zelda: *rolls eyes* I'm gonna go tell Chris.

As you can see, he's a bit excited. Oh, look how cute Journey is sleeping...

Look how big Zelda is!

Zelda: I feel like a boat...



Aaaand that's all we have time for today! Next time, the new nooboo!

Welp, hope y'all like it! Tell me what you think!

