I have to say I'm having a blast playing this dynasty so far
I have come to the conclusion that if a sim is in a rabbit hole they can still get skill opportunities, even with ITF installed. So, sticking to rabbit hole jobs seems to be the way to go with this dynasty at least until they fix it in a patch. Celebrity opportunities still occur but I'm keeping those until I become desperate (Erik gets one a day now).
I think a good strategy is to get your teen heir a part-time job since they can accept skill challenges while at work. (I've had this happen twice for my spares so). This will increase the chance of the heir getting a skill opportunity since there are no job opportunities for part time jobs.
On a related note, I think the special opportunities (ex. the community bbq at a park) are still working since one of my sims got one of those while cooking lunch at home. I would love to hear if someone else had any skill opportunity news.
To get rid of that annoying stir crazy moodlet Emelie and Sylvester sneak off to the gym next door and skinny dip in the hot tub at night. Their sleeping patterns have become erratic since they became elders, especially Emelie's who seems to have gone a bit bonkers. She naps from 2 pm and wakes up at 2 am - and since I've been busy managing everyone else she now has a routine that is hard to break (why are sims routines so hard to break?)
Eileen is 4 days to elder with no happiness points, it's a good thing we don't need her gravestone. She is also a hot mess of traits and her wishes are all over the place. Since she is carrying the heir I'm determined to make her pregnancy a blissfully happy one, so when she wants to go fishing and have a date with Erik I oblige her. Erik is less than impressed with the outing.
Despite wishing to learn fishing Eileen still takes time out of her day to shower love on herself.
Eileen: And the award for best dynasty spouse goes to....ME! Hey, Erik! Why aren't you applauding?
(Divas, gotta love them)
Despite taking a break she still manages to catch 2 fish while Erik gets zilch, poor guy is broken up about it too.
To bad she likes to litter...The date was a smashing success, "we should do it again". Really Erik? I think you are just humoring your pregnant wife.
Eileen seems very happy with being two in one, for a loner that is. She wants a boy, Erik a girl. I'm going to leave it up to the sim Gods to decide. Incidentally, Sylvester always rolled wishes to have a girl too, while Emelie always wanted a boy, history has a way of repeating itself.
Eileen came with the animal rescuer LTW and since I don't know if I'll get her enough happiness points to change I decided to adopt a cat. Her name is Dinah and she's an elder so I see this more as a mercy adoption than anything else. She's adventurous and likes to sniff everyone in the house. She doesn't have any hunting skill and I doubt she'll get any, she's just a house cat who'll hopefully give Sylvester something to do with his days.
We throw another family party because I want to get a look at Sylvester's and Emelie's grandchildren. Poor Dinah spends the entire party reacting neutrally to Lillian and in the end I have to reset her because she drops every interaction and ques up more react neutrally interactions. She never does them either so her motives go dangerously low. Next time Lillian is coming over I'm sending Dinah to the park.
Eileen spends the party ready the families most favorite book: What to expect when you are expecting. This book is never in the book case because someone is always sneaking it into their inventory. I swear when Majken was living at home she read it at least 4 times!
Mats takes his two nephews out back for a hopscotch tournament. Leonard is the boy with brown hair and Andres is the boy with black hair (I think he gets it from Lennon Sosa who is his grandfather and also still around since he's a fairy).
Hans ages up and gets some facial hair. I think that makes him really handsome. He also gets voted most likely to save the world and wants to become a doctor like his big brother. His ladylove also graduated so he's going to ask her out on a date soon.
Eileen actually has level six in writing and has started to write a sci-fi book, which has the added benefit of keeping her away from most of the others in the house.
With some nice wishes full filled her pregnancy results in a little boy called Nils. He's friendly and perceptive.
Eileen lays him to rest under the watchful eyes of her biggest idol (I couldn't resist since Eileen seems to have quite a love for Katy Perry )
Out of all the sims in the house Sylvester seems happiest to welcome the new heir. He only needs 2 more grandchildren to reach the magical number 5.
Mats ages up with wild hair and looks from Sylvester's side of the family. He also has the animal rescuer wish since he's been rolling it ever since Dinah joined the house. I'm thinking we could do an animal halfway house thing with adopting kittens and then giving them up to new homes, because even if Emelie and Sylvester won't live forever I'm looking forward to a more calm pace around the house and having 5 animals running around is not calm. (Besides I'm terrible with playing with animals since I never seem to meet their needs enough).
Nils aged up with his mother's hair and Emelie's brown eyes - it will be interesting to see more as he gets older.