Author Topic: World of Sims and the Married Couple  (Read 14755 times)

Offline malteser60

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2010, 08:28:38 AM »
My boyfriend and I are big gamers and we pretty much play games during most of our free time (if we're not out on our MTBs). However my boyfriend is not interested at all in the sims. He calls it sims geek! Cheeky so and so! He likes games to have a purpose and not as open ended as the sims. He typically plays through a game once (this is on xbox 360), then, if he really enjoyed it, plays through it again to get the achievements. He burns through games, I've never seen anybody finish games as fast as he does. He will go through about 3 or 4 a month. Unless it's COD that is, and then he'll be playing that on live for about half a year!

Myself, I love most types of games. Sims for me is the constant, background game. One that has held my interest since it first came out. I generally have two or three games on the go. So right now, there's the sims, and that will stay there for the next few years to come I think. I've just started Bioshock (on xbox 360). I have an old star wars pc game (rpg) that I can't remember the name of that I have also started. Also at some point need to continue with Silent Hill on the pc. After Bioshock on the xbox I have to decided whether to play Oblivion or Dragonage. But through all the other games the sims is always there, keeping my interest going, thinking up of different houses to design, and off course posting on this website (well, I tend to lurk more than post!).

Edit: Yay, this is my 100th post!

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2010, 01:39:23 PM »
I played WoW before trying out other MMO's, and then ending up with Sims 3.  ;D I'm going back to it when Cataclysm comes out, which'll be...I hope soon... >:( It's nice to meet other fans of WoW. I thought I was alone!

Nope, Applejack and I are veterans of WoW too!
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Offline tiff_jewels

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2010, 03:14:28 PM »
So most retired WOW couples grow up to play Sims.  ;)  I'm surrounded.

Offline Joria

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2010, 04:04:28 PM »
I never played WoW but have a lot of friends on Fiesta who moved from WoW.  Fiesta is a less intense version like WoW.  You get the guild things going, (I'm guild master on three servers), and make a lot of friends.  It's just gotten to be a pita for me at the moment because Sims3 came out.  I got frustrated with Sims2 because really all I could do, and did do was build and make characters using some of the ten thousand, (I kid you not), cc items I downloaded.  No wonder my game ran slow, eh?  So I gave up on Sims2 and moved to Fiesta.  Then 3 came out and it's been sayonara Fiesta.  Turned my guild over to some good friends and now all I play is Sims3.

Hubbie is basically well trained living with a gamer.  He knows when I am in a battle we do NOT say, "what's for dinner, hon?"  With Sims I don't have the option of saying, "wait!  I'm gonna get killed!", but can just hit the pause button and be a good wifey.  He does not play Sims or any of my favorite mmorpgs or rpgs.  He ONLY plays Jewel Quest.  BORING!  His job is so intense he says he doesn't want to have to think just zone out and let the jewels fall. lol  He is very interested in my game though and loves the houses and characters I make and totally understands when I am sobbing my heart out because a legacy elder has died.  He'll even stop playing JQ or doing his job, (he often works from home since his job is totally on a computer), just to look at a new landscape or clever building trick I've learned from you guys.  In a way it's sad for me to not have him also participate in Sims.  I think once he got into it he would enjoy it and it would be another bond between us and a way we could play together.  I'm the only one in my family, besides my 14, almost 15 yr old great-granddaughter who plays, and she is more into doing photo shopping than playing Sims.  If it wasn't for you guys I'd have very few people I can share Sim adventures with so I was really happy when I found this forum!  Oh, have I told you what the latest Inventor Gnome is doing?.......
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline tiff_jewels

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2010, 03:16:37 PM »
We often have battles over the dinner scenario at our home.  It hasn't helped that we have thrown in remodelling at the same time.  At this time the only kitchen I truly have is in Sims.  On the bright side, it is amazing how much weight you lose if only cooking in Sims 3.

Today I received a phone call from my hubby at work.  He is suffering from a cold.  The unfortunate thing is he is training a new guy and we are down to having to pick up food about once every 2 or 3 days since we simply do not have the room for groceries to be stored or place about at this time.  A result of this situation is the necessity of him having to pick up a few things on the way home.

I made the list as small as possible and as easy as possible since I'm unable to drive in England yet due to the regulations of the country.  I asked him what I could do to help him feel better outside of not getting groceries since at the very least our dog has to be able to eat.  He groaned for a moment, paused and replied, "You could load up Sims for me so I can finish the roof on my house."

Offline Joria

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2010, 04:27:50 PM »
We often have battles over the dinner scenario at our home.  It hasn't helped that we have thrown in remodelling at the same time.  At this time the only kitchen I truly have is in Sims.  On the bright side, it is amazing how much weight you lose if only cooking in Sims 3.

Today I received a phone call from my hubby at work.  He is suffering from a cold.  The unfortunate thing is he is training a new guy and we are down to having to pick up food about once every 2 or 3 days since we simply do not have the room for groceries to be stored or place about at this time.  A result of this situation is the necessity of him having to pick up a few things on the way home.

I made the list as small as possible and as easy as possible since I'm unable to drive in England yet due to the regulations of the country.  I asked him what I could do to help him feel better outside of not getting groceries since at the very least our dog has to be able to eat.  He groaned for a moment, paused and replied, "You could load up Sims for me so I can finish the roof on my house."

Now THAT is a true Simming hubby!  Sorry for his illness and I totally understand the remodel mess you are going through.  The expense increases  exponentially because of having to do carry out food or buy daily with things that don't require cooking.  We've been in remodel mode for years and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline tiff_jewels

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2010, 09:51:08 PM »
As I have promised I have a new story to share.  Today was the new release of Barnacle Bay.  Earlier I snuck on to the main site and looked in to what would be needed to get the expansion.  I had difficulties in the past trying to purchase games through the Sims store.  I decided to give it a try and without telling my hubby was able to purchase the Sims points I needed and got Barnacle Bay.

Later on I discussed it with hubby who winced when I told him of the points needed to get the game.  At that point, once he understood there was no way to give me his points and that I didn't have enough,  he agreed to let me purchase the points.  Of course I replied, "Good!  I've already done it." It is a great thing he has such a wonderful nature and a great sense of humor.  He purchased his version later that night.

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2010, 06:29:17 PM »
Hey, other WoW players!!!  Very cool.  My BF and I play WoW, but I've been burned out lately.  Will be able to get back into it when Cataclysm comes out.  He also plays Sims 3 sometimes, and he is a tee-totaler when it comes to cheats.  He will not use cheats at all.  Anyway, we both enjoy both games and can find hours of nothing to talk about with both.

Offline Merrier

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2010, 09:49:36 PM »
Hello. :) First post after much lurking - long before registering for the forum.

We're a full on gaming couple. We met in a combination of Ultima Online and a gaming forum. I've always played Sims more than he has, but he plays in spurts. We've generally spent a lot of time in MMORPGs together. We played the orginal Everquest, WoW beta and live for a while, then years of Everquest 2. That's just a small number of our MMOs.

Anyway, back to Sims. *laugh* I was surprised to wake up the morning Barnacle Bay released to find him downloading it before I even knew it was officially out.

This is an awesome forum and guide. Kudos to you all.

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2010, 05:02:42 AM »
Welcome to our Forum, Merrier.  Thanks for the kind words.  I'm glad you've joined us.  :)
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Offline tiff_jewels

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2010, 07:44:13 AM »
Hello. :) First post after much lurking - long before registering for the forum.

We're a full on gaming couple. We met in a combination of Ultima Online and a gaming forum. I've always played Sims more than he has, but he plays in spurts. We've generally spent a lot of time in MMORPGs together. We played the orginal Everquest, WoW beta and live for a while, then years of Everquest 2. That's just a small number of our MMOs.

Anyway, back to Sims. *laugh* I was surprised to wake up the morning Barnacle Bay released to find him downloading it before I even knew it was officially out.

This is an awesome forum and guide. Kudos to you all.

Hiya Merrier.  Hubby and I met in Eve Online and now currently play Everquest 2 ourselves.  It is great to see someone else in EQ2 amid the sea of WoW players.

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2010, 08:24:56 AM »
I just realized that I haven't mentioned that my hubby is a recent Sims 3 player.  He started a couple of months ago and is almost addicted as I am.  He works a lot of hours, though, and doesn't get much time to play.  His Sim, Mickey Moose, married Blair Wainwright and they have one son named Apollo.  He calls it The Blair Moose project.  ;D
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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2010, 08:00:33 PM »
I just realized that I haven't mentioned that my hubby is a recent Sims 3 player.  He started a couple of months ago and is almost addicted as I am.  He works a lot of hours, though, and doesn't get much time to play.  His Sim, Mickey Moose, married Blair Wainwright and they have one son named Apollo.  He calls it The Blair Moose project.  ;D
Haha, that's hilarious Pam!


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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2010, 07:02:12 AM »

I was also wondering if the game is just mainly played by women. Does anyone know what the stats are?
My daughter and I share the game when she is down south with me. But my husband doesn't play.
I think he is getting cheesed off with all the time it takes up though. Yesterday (Sunday) I played from 2pm -6pm and then from 7.30 until past midnight. If the goes away on business I sometimes take a day off work to play, especially if it is a Friday then I can go on through the night. I still find it amazing that I don't notice where all the time has gone. I used to keep a clock on my desk just so that I could stay in touch with reality- but I am afraid it didn't work. I looked at the Sims clock and thought that was the time LOL. Sometimes I get the egg timer and set it for and hour, then go and do some other activity like house chores and then go back to the Sims and reward my self with another hours play.

If I am bored while I am at work I like to plan the events that will happen in my Sims lives. It makes the day go away! Did anyone hear of the couple in Thailand (I think ?) They got so involved in raising their virtual baby at an internet cafe that their own baby died. No I haven't lost touch with reality that much.

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Re: World of Sims and the Married Couple
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2010, 04:36:51 PM »
We have quite a lot of male players here on the forum.  Our Moderator staff is 50/50.
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