jessiethedog - The Great Sunflower of Mystery is floating in the air from the basement view, but from the ground level it's exactly in the right place. What's funny is that there is only one floating sunflower, in that same area I have about half a dozen planted.
ratchie - Well NOW you tell me! Epsilon has been making things since he was a teen and then selling them in the consignment shop every few days. I had no idea those things appreciate in value!
Pam - She's alllll mine! hee hee!
Anushka - Yeah, travel scares me. I've had way too many Legacy families end up bugged beyond repair due to travel. I did take them on one trip back when Gamma was a child, but I'm too afraid to go at this point. I've done too much work to screw it up now!
Is there blue in the neighborhood? Well yes, there is. When Epsilon was born I had Alpha pollinate a few of the local females and so now there are several Adult blue "neighbors". I'm hoping that at least some of them have children because I think I'm done trying to get blue back in the house. The problem with Alpha's meathod is that over time he has so many kids, and at this point some of the first children he had outside the house are still living; I'm guessing they're glitched. I keep getting messages that they're gonna die soon, but then they don't. When I invite them over, they never show. And if I try to visit their house they never come answer the door. So something is obviously messed up with the townies. One of Alpha's first love interests is still around, and bugged. All of this makes me concerned about the population of the town. If you have enough that won't die then new Sims won't be born, and eventually you'll have very few young Sims and a whole bunch of Elders. So I've decided not to continue with my blue efforts because I'm afraid that my younger Immortals will run out of marriage options. It seems that they will continue to think that Alpha's children are close enough relations to be inappropriate romantic partners, and if Alpha's kids don't have kids of their own then the chances of having someone blue for my younger immortals to marry is looking pretty slim.
The good news is that some of Alpha's kids HAVE had kids of their own, but so far, no blues.