Forest has purchased his two properties: Wilsonoff Community Theater and the Consignment Shop. It's been upgraded to level 3, which only took adding some items to the store. I didn't do any redecorating or anything else special.
Forest has also registered as a self-employed Writer. He's behind on his career advancement because I neglected to have him register when he was a teenager. So, all of his money from his first books doesn't go toward his professional earnings. He's working on his 7th book, The Love of Scarlet and Antone. He's completed the Drama Novelist skill journal challenge. That just means he's written 5 Drama novels and will make more money for any Drama books in the future. His Lifetime Wish of Professional Author requires $4,000 per week in royalties. He's currently receiving $2,600 per week.
Bubblegum has gotten her Elder ice sculpture and photograph done. Her Elder portrait turned out grainy and I don't like it, so Nectarine will have to paint another one. Bubblegum has 4 Best Friends locked up and is working on the last 2. Ambrosia will come very shortly!