Raising toddlers is fun for the whole family!
Chartreuse has things to say to her Daddy:
Periwinkle has something to say to Mommy:
And she loves to read with Grandad:
She's a pretty little girl:
But she's cranky when she first wakes up:
Two mortal men have things to discuss:
Periwinkle and Chartreuse talk about their birthday party over one last game of blocks as toddlers:
Grandad helps Chartreuse with the candles:
A little help for Periwinkle from Mommy:
Now we have two young girls, both are very pretty:
I may have given a hint in the pictures that I'm getting tired of the black and white theme of the house. I'm now making it official. I'm tired of the black and white. Periwinkle and Chartreuse's new room and bathroom is carried through with the pink that was in their nursery. Pink isn't one of my favorite colors, personally, but it's girly and easy on the eyes after the stark white. The girls got to move upstairs, too, so now they're up with the grown ups. Well, except for Carina and Christopher, who are still in their original bedroom on the ground floor.
I plan for Periwinkle to be the family Sculptor. There aren't many traits to help her accomplish that besides the Savvy Sculptor trait and it hasn't been available yet. I gave her the Perfectionist trait upon aging up to child. I again rolled a random trait for Chartreuse and she came up with Insane! Just like Indigo! I'm not going to choose Lifetime Wishes for them until they reach Young Adult.
In other news, Christopher is now 101 days old. He paints and has been caring for the toddlers a lot. Now that they're children, I'm not sure what he will do. He's living a lot longer than I expected. Indigo is at level 8 of the Science career and plays guitar for a change of pace. She doesn't have many friends, but that will change as she plays for tips. Nectarine is working diligently on her profession as an Artist. She's up to level 5. She's had 4 opportunities since she's become an adult. I have a couple from childhood saved just in case, but I don't think she'll need them. She's got enough skills to trigger another 2 opportunities, I'm sure.
Nectarine and Indigo aged up to Adult on the same day as Periwinkle and Chartreuse. Nectarine and Periwinkle already have their new portraits done, along with some photographs. No ice sculptures yet, but Kenny is working his way toward it until Periwinkle can take over. Kenny then aged up to Adult the very next day. Carina has a nearly perfect garden and a nice grove of money trees. She cooks a lot more now that the family is so big. Life as an immortal isn't too bad so far.