Banana and Mario Tried for Baby right after they got married and I heard the chimes, so they were successful. They quickly took a honeymoon to Shang Simla before she started showing. I brought along a couple of Banana's nectar makers so she could work on her journal challenges during their 6 day trip. By the time they came back home, she had completed everything but the Vizard of Vine and it won't be far behind.
One of the purposes of this trip was to let Mario get enough happiness points to change his Lifetime Wish. He started out with Descendant of da Vinci and that just won't do at all. I'm not going to spend that much time with him and he's already an Adult, so there's very little chance he would get it. He took up photography while in Shang Simla and got all the way to level 8, so he will be able to take over for Oliver. He had a lot of wishes and soon reached 10,000 happiness points. I changed his Lifetime Wish to Jack of All Trades. I think I can get him to level 5 in 4 careers before he dies. And it will make it easier to handle him if he's at work every day.
On the last night of their vacation, Banana and Mario enjoyed some of her nectar together. Funny for us, but embarrassing for Mario, he showed that he can't really hold his nectar.
Banana and Mario Drinking NectarHehe. I didn't do it on purpose, I promise! Don't you love his mint green leisure suit and sneakers?
They were home only a couple of hours when Banana found out she's pregnant!