Author Topic: What's your current project?  (Read 136493 times)

Offline Turoskel

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2013, 03:23:41 PM »
After spending so long playing my immortal dynasty when I finished it I felt totally lost for a few days then my copy of ITF arrived and gave me something to play about with, I checked out the three worlds, had an alien baby and got bored  :P

So now I'm trying a life states dynasty, when that first started I had hardly any expansions so it wasn't really possible, off the top of my head I think I had five ghosts to choose from plus human, well my maths is bad but even I know that only makes six, but now I have enough life states to finish it, assuming I get that far.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2013, 04:48:19 PM »
I've started a life state dynasty as I love supernatural sims - playing my immortal dynasty for ages has deprived me of that for so long now - and I had great fun creating the mansion in Lucky Palms.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2013, 02:09:21 AM »
Well, I have a habit of biting off more than I can chew so I've ended up with a ton of Sims projects! My main one at the moment is my Newman 4x4 Dynasty as it's very fun to play and the story is very popular, the most popular I've ever had on here, so I like to update it regularly. I also have a Random Town Jump project that is starting to get off the ground. And then I have a whole load of stories I've started and then never got around to updating or ones I've not touched for months.

Other than that, I mostly spend my time making Sims. At the moment I'm in the process of creating the full cast of Downton Abbey into Sims and that will be followed by Hunger Games characters. I also partake in the CAS and building contests whenever I can but that doesn't really count as a 'project'.

I guess my MAIN project is just my general life, trying to balance Sims with homework, pets, friends, family, cleaning my room and everything else! My life isn't all that busy, yet I still don't be able to find time!
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Offline Stormi71

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2013, 05:25:27 PM »
I'm super excited as I just installed Seasons, thanks to the Origin sales on today! Bit disappointed that Pets isn't $1, but then when I saw other stuff was on sale for up to 60% off, got really excited. Then I had to decide which EP to treat myself to. So my current project will now be checking out all the seasons stuff!

Offline Eldridge

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2013, 05:31:35 PM »
@Storm: That's good to hear! I hope that you’re having fun! Seasons have a lot of interesting things that might interest you. I love festival and of course the weather of each season ^^

I'm currently working on the next chapter. Writing on story makes me calm and not just spamming word around the forum ::) I just need a few words and a few images just to complete one. It’ll be today or tomorrow.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Luna

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2013, 10:43:49 PM »
I'm working on the next chapter for my story. But, currently I have a writer block :(
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For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Eldridge

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2013, 05:12:18 AM »
My next project is to continue what has left behind for 6 months. I need to finish this for my own reason. I still prepare for the story though; I hope that I would have much time. This is also a good idea for waiting the materials that I needed from friend :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Offline Sherry

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2013, 06:39:51 AM »
I am working on my legacy story and my research data that had yet to be analysed by SPSS. Mostly what I do now is thinking on ideas how to put picture into words or thinking the other way around meanwhile I'm typing the data into SPSS data view while trying to figure out how to use the program, really...

Life not so good for me right now  :P
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My current Goth project Goth Affairs
A Blood Red Dynasty My first try in dynasty

Offline Luna

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2013, 07:09:41 AM »
Ah, SPSS ::) If you don't know you can ask around whom expert on THAT thing or searching via internet, Sherry. There's a lot of good example and step by step tutorial to use that program. No wonder that your title was Stressful student. Well good luck on that, hope that you'll survive the other day and will alive to able tell the tale :P

To keep stay on topic:

Me? Still working on my project but still no idea at all! Being writer is hard ::) I wonder for who always come out with new idea almost every day, where do they get that kind of ideas? I need to get inspiration somewhere else ::)
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

My story:
For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline Eldridge

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2013, 07:26:58 AM »
@Luna: Just looking at this like behind of the scenes for us writer. Why it looks so tragic XD ?

Don't you feel embarrassed to say something like that? Geez :P

Usually I got my inspiration from looking everyday moments, listening music, watching movie, reading books, meeting friend, personal experience etc etc etc. Really, inspiration can be from anywhere. The first thing I do just write what comes up in my mind, really anything that pop out then I just save in my Ms. Word and let the right screenshots tell the rest of the tale if Sims version.

But, the important for me just get the right feel when I decide to write my own story. If I get that feeling the rest will be easier XD

I also get trouble for working on the case 9. I still don’t understand what I should write. There’s 3 POV to consider. POV 1, POV 2 and the last is Both of POV. The problem for me right now is the string that makes them connected together even they are different person is quite a challenge (-_-)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Variosities

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2013, 05:41:12 PM »
I took advantage of Origin's Black Friday Sale and bought University Life. I wanted to get Hidden Springs, too, but there was a glitch with ordering more than one item at a time.

Now I'm going to start my Foster Family project. I'll create two adults and start adopting and raising children. All the children will go to college, and then move out. When the original adults are elders, I'll keep a child or two to replace them.

I'm interested in seeing how long it takes for my family to take over the town.

I wanted to try this with Riverview, but the consignment shop doesn't work there. If I can get Hidden Springs tonight, I'll try it. Otherwise I'll be living in Sunset Valley, as usual.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2013, 05:48:41 PM »
I'm building a house with a friend. We do a little each and then email the sims3pack file between us. It is a very fun way to build and I have so much inspiration and new ideas ;D

I would suggest it to anyone since it's a great way to do something together with your simming friends.

Offline Jamie

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2013, 06:05:42 PM »
I'm building a house with a friend. We do a little each and then email the sims3pack file between us. It is a very fun way to build and I have so much inspiration and new ideas ;D

I would suggest it to anyone since it's a great way to do something together with your simming friends.

That sounds so fun! I wish I had a friend who liked to play too because I'd definitely do this!

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2013, 06:10:01 PM »
Well, my friend is actually someone I met online at the official forum. I don't have any real live friends that enjoy the sims, but I have found that sharing an interest is a great way to make new connections. Maybe you could find someone who'd like to try this?

Offline Jamie

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Re: What's your current project?
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2013, 07:15:12 PM »
Very true. I just bought Dragon Valley (it's on sale for $8!) so I'm really excited to go check that out. I'm going to try to get to know a lot of the townies before starting some type of legacy there. It looks beautiful and I've heard really good things about it.

