Although I've really enjoyed this expansion pack, I do think it's a shame they didn't put more thought into the utopia/dystopia concepts. In my opinion, the 'normal' timeline is pretty utopian in the first place compared with life in reality now. And there are very little differences between the three. The utopian one has nicer trees, some rainbows and everyone walks about like they're very happy; and the dystopian one has smoggy air, piles of rubbish, meteor strikes and all the sims have smell bad. I think it would have been a lot more interesting to really work with those concepts, like having sims with more positive traits in utopia, more negative traits in dystopia, and for the building interiors and all the furniture etc to be super efficient in one, and decayed and malfunctioning in the oth, the food to be amazing in one, horrible in the other. And even the landscape - it might have been nice to have the wasteland only there in dystopia, and then for it to be an ocean in utopia. I really think they could have developed it more.
The other thing about this expansion is of course that you can buy all the advanced technology items in the normal catalog in the present - so there's actually no real need to even go to the future after a while.