Author Topic: What are your Sims 3 habits?  (Read 35788 times)

Offline Stormi71

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2013, 04:17:48 PM »
I love reading everyone's habits. In my newest game, I decided to break a lot of my habits as far as CAS and building/decorating. I'm also playing with different traits than normal, and my current Sim is, errr, rather naughty, whereas my Sims are always faithful, generally. It's quite liberating to break those habits.

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2013, 05:04:09 PM »
I also use the same traits and LTW's over and over again so I'm doing a sort of legacy where I'm doing as many different LTW's as I possibly can! I'm learning a lot about the game and having much more fun with it than I used to!

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Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #47 on: November 30, 2013, 05:04:27 PM »
For me I always keep habits that give me advantage and try to leave alone habits that give me disadvantage.

Pausing a lot - needed to keep peace on my household, eliminated unwanted activities, can use for capturing so many screenshots

Stay on principle - I'm a Hopeless Romantic Player. Even my Sims traits are have commitment issue, flirty and something that would affect their love story I always take control when they want to do something suspicious and unwanted. Pause, cancel, and give new order, phew. In my hand even a cheater must love their partner for eternity.

Big Tombstone, always happy – I always try my best to makes my Sims are happy. Changing their fate from what biography stated and gathers as much Lifetime Happiness Point that I could before they’re died.

Quite rigid about new love – If I found Sims that already destined with each other like what I saw in TS1 or TS2 and I love them, I will keep them together no matter what, if I hate them it’s quite the opposite, I will always try to break them out. Their future must be secured!

Analyze what’s the advantage and what’s the disadvantage just like when I play RPG/Strategy games. Errr, maybe this is my habit too when playing The Sims 3?
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Offline Avery4u

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2013, 08:07:51 PM »
I always use store content, but I always use blonde hair, even if they are old! I use hair from a set, but it always has to be the same set!

Avery :)
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2013, 06:46:51 AM »
I always turn radio on and listening Simlish song. When I play Sims for the first time I always avoid Simlish song because it's so weird. So, I always use Custom Music. But, now I always listening Simlish songs. The genre that I love: Pop, Disco, R & B, Songwriter and etc etc (I don’t remember them all)
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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2013, 07:30:30 AM »
When I get a new world, I like to start with a single sim who goes into the architectural design career and works on maxing the photography skill. Being an arch designer lets me get into everyone's houses and check them out plus an opportunity to use all the new cool build/buy items that come with a world. Out of necessity, this career offers me the opportunity to meet most of the town as well and learn their traits.
Spending time in each home thinking about the furnishings gives me a chance to appreciate all the details and thoughtful touches employed by the EA staff to make each home special. Riverview has been my overall favorite for attention to detail: Hunter Cottoneye's home/bunker is certainly not your typical house, and the Remington house on the hill is my favorite all time home in all the worlds. It has quirky architecture, secret passages to the library in the back and the separate entrance and stairways for the ghosts.  The one truly special (to me) touch is that the kitchen was designed to look like a later add-on to the home. The style on the house side of the kitchen is noticeably different from the style of the main portion. That was such an interesting touch that the real EA designer must have known wouldn't be noticed by everyone, but he/she did it anyway.  This would be an interesting topic in itself to start - what are people's favorite pre-built homes and why?
Another habit when starting a new world is to keep the camera low and horizontal on my sim as he or she (it varies) travel around the town - no using town view and speed 3 the whole time while they travel from point a to point b. I follow along with them to appreciate the town itself -  the layout and all the artistic decisions made by the EA designers. In the Into the Future future world, I found the view from the older section at the top of the hill to be almost breathtaking to the new city below, and traveling the winding road with the switchbacks down to the lower elevation was as rewarding as if driving it in real life. 
Having a single sim to start with is also a habit. I tend to micromanage sims, and when there is a large family, there is no time to notice the individual expressions, interactions, and the details of a new world. With a single sim, I can take in the whole experience using normal speed and not stress about keeping up with skilling rates and keeping needs satisfied.

Offline Zaki

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2013, 04:51:47 PM »

I do this, too, but I don't think of it as a habit, but more as being a smart player.  I wouldn't want something bad to happen to my precious simmies because I can't remember what they were doing when I turned them off last.

Yeah, but whenever I play with my sister, she bugs me because I pause the game too much.  ;D

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Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2013, 09:56:17 PM »
Ah, yeah... I always relate the Sims that I encounter (townies) with people that I know. Either it's from TV series, Movies, Cartoon based on their looks or their traits. That’s maybe the reason I love townies more than my own created Sims. Just look Gobias Koffi based on real people on cancelled show. I love Lang Gwydd because he resembles Turtle, they are not exactly similar but yet there it is.
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Offline Sherry

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #53 on: December 03, 2013, 02:04:57 AM »
Any town I firstly played, I would choose a single or double sim to start with. It's easier to manage.

But the thing I usually did and wish I could do it lesser is taking photos and controlling.
I always took a lot of photos either because it's weird or because the sim makes funny expressions.
I'm also a controlling freak with my sim, I check them one by one with one I hadn't assigned with anything, and I usually just follow whatever they wish...
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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2013, 07:46:56 PM »
I also tend to play townie sims in accordance to their bios. It gives me some form of direction to take them. And for some families that are really popular, I try to build up any generally ignored family members, and focus on them.

Making brand new sims, unless I have a firm idea in mind for their backgrounds, they all are normal skin toned POCs in general, mixed in particular. If I had to guess why, I'd say because if I'm going to spend any time looking at characters, I should be able to see myself in them, which I don't really get in mainstream media without it being gross. And even then, when I do make an occult sim that has an odd skin color (like anything on the rainbow slider), I mix them up in CAS with a few generations of realistic skin tones so that it looks more naturally occurring, if that makes sense.

When I play a new file, I'll start with one sim, female, and randomize a few traits and play. I always try to achieve their lifetime wish. Most of my sims are artists or cooks because if I leave them alone, someone goes for the paint so might as well stick with it and Cooking because they have to eat more than mac and cheese. I've started on gardening and fishing now.

I'm slowly moving away from default clothes because a lot of my sims have similar clothing choices and it's grating to see several sims in the same exact outfit. Also, female sims tend to wear a lot of shorts because I make them wear boots more often than not and The Sims 3 doesn't allow pants to tuck in, which is one of the main things I was happy about in the previews for The Sims 4.

If I have the male sim and it looks right on them, they get facial hair. All the guys are hairy from the neck down once they hit Young Adult. My female sims don't get long hair very often and their busts stay within reasonable sizes.

I used to make all my sims with a slightly square head, but I'm currently practicing with round faces. It's kinda weird trying to match the face to the rest of their body. None of my sims are really skinny, they tend on average for their lifestyles, but I have had fat sims slim down because they ran everywhere not far enough to drive

I'm also trying to explore other towns but I keep defaulting to Moonlight Falls, Midnight Hollow, and Bridgeport; Sunset Valley if they're moving out of those three towns.
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #55 on: December 06, 2013, 02:43:50 PM »
Once upon a time, when the first time that I play The Sims 3. I created my family and myself in the Sims version. I always kill my Simself and the family live happily ever after without me. So, since that day I rarely and almost never create my Simself that included in my game.
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Offline Audren

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #56 on: December 06, 2013, 03:59:50 PM »
Once upon a time, when the first time that I play The Sims 3. I created my family and myself in the Sims version. I always kill my Simself and the family live happily ever after without me. So, since that day I rarely and almost never create my Simself that included in my game.

I highly use my Simself, either, (The Mole being the obvious exception) but when I do, he always seems to end up miserable, often by my own doing. I'm not entirely sure what to make of that.  :P

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2013, 04:21:51 PM »
I don't use my simself when I play. Only if I'm playtesting a build or something like that will I put her in.

I just don't find my simself to be as interesting to play as other sims, probably because I know too much about "myself" there is no mystery to figure out.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #58 on: December 06, 2013, 04:30:26 PM »
I use my Simselves as the production crew that is "behind the scenes" though they occasionally make appearances.  I wouldn't feel comfortable having a Simself actually taking part in the story as I'm not sure I could make me seem interesting enough to be a significant character.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #59 on: December 06, 2013, 05:44:06 PM »
I highly use my Simself, either, (The Mole being the obvious exception) but when I do, he always seems to end up miserable, often by my own doing. I'm not entirely sure what to make of that.  :P

Or maybe that has something to do with subconscious mind? Psychological related? Again, this is prove that I am too much reading books :P

I don't use my simself when I play. Only if I'm playtesting a build or something like that will I put her in.
I just don't find my simself to be as interesting to play as other sims, probably because I know too much about "myself" there is no mystery to figure out.

I usually use Townies instead when I play testing things out. Yes, maybe if we look something like that. But, there also people who love playing as their selves and seem enjoyed it.

About know too much… Maybe, that part is true.

I use my Simselves as the production crew that is "behind the scenes" though they occasionally make appearances.  I wouldn't feel comfortable having a Simself actually taking part in the story as I'm not sure I could make me seem interesting enough to be a significant character.

You sound like Rosa, Pippin ^^
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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