Author Topic: What are your Sims 3 habits?  (Read 35517 times)

Offline Zaki

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2013, 05:08:30 PM »
I play with teenage girls too much. Probably because I am one.

I am on the website Chicken Smoothie! My username is Miyazaki.

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2013, 05:17:02 PM »
Maybe, people usually identify themselves when they play the game, for who they want to be or maybe that just their interest.
I have friend (not in this forum), a teenage girl that always loved playing older people instead playing a teenager Sim and the interesting part is she always playing male Sims instead female ::) I find that she's quite a tomboy to begin with.

I usually play with female Sims as my lead character in my game and usually my family based on matriarch but when it comes to marriage I prefer men who propose women.
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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2013, 08:09:43 PM »
Terrible compulsions:
1. I spend most of my time making objects *exactly the right color*, no matter how long it takes.
2. I eliminate symmetry and certain feng shui-related problems from my builds, the moment I spot them.
3. I constantly catch myself building houses for maximum efficiency instead of appearance, even when the goal was not efficiency. (Working on breaking that habit!)
4. I try pretty hard to grant as many wishes as I can, even if doing so is unnecessary or hard.

Stuff I just do:
A. When I feel like my house lot is complete and perfect (or too hideous to fix), I usually lose all interest in the save file and move on to a new one, even leaving the family behind.
B. I write lots of fiction based on my Sims.
C. I often play in an incomplete house, because I only build and decorate when I feel inspired and have a clear vision of the project.
D. I hate the "rubber" looking clothes (the ones with the specular layer) and won't let Sims I like wear them. (This eliminates most clothing choices from my game!)
E. I have more fun taking screenshots, than any other aspect of the game. Pretty much everything I do in the game revolves around "Will this make a good picture?" "Agnes, please move three inches to the left and do that again. Quickly, before the light changes!" If the moviemaking controls were less cumbersome...well, I can dream.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2013, 09:31:42 PM »
 Oh, I remember.

Instead working on my created Sims stories I'm more enjoyed to tell the tale of other townies from their biography and tell the rest which included the untold background story with my own style.

And the most reason why I loved taking screenshots in The Sims are:

There's a lot of animation that you get for storytelling even without using any pose player. Even one screenshot could tell so many tales depend of other writers’ perspective. That's the charms of screenshots taking, which also make this game so awesome and beautiful.

I also love Sims facial expressions, which add so much for storytelling. And the game never cease to: annoy me, amazed me, amuse me, etc. There always so many moments that you can get, which make so many unexpected things happened in our game and affect our way of storytelling.
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2013, 09:46:35 PM »
Instead working on my created Sims stories I'm more enjoyed to tell the tale of other townies from their biography and tell the rest which included the untold background story with my own style.

I more or less operate the same way. :) Whenever I have gotten a new expansion, I have used my favorite townies rather than my own original sims to test things out.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2013, 02:15:55 PM »
The reason why I couldn't continue my Legacy attempt in Sunlit Tides with George mostly was because the evil computer. The computer that I had before always lead me into problem and it took time just for loading  >:( plus I always get error 12 every time I save, every time I do makeover my game always crashed and my game saves often corrupted >:( So I gave up my Legacy attempt and deletes everything :(

It's too bad that I couldn't past Generation 4. The founder maybe ugly for you but the heiresses are pretty. The 4th are twins, their name are Raven the Evil and Ruby the Angel but in that attempt I only would choose an heir as the last Generation XD

I don’t have their pictures anymore this one was the thing that I had left from Roosevelt.

The good news, I have better computer now. So, the only problem that I had was only me and my interest. I’m not a type of person who loves to start over, for me once until the end.

Ooh, I have unhealthy addiction toward perfection. Most of painting and sculpture will not be placed until perfect quality that also includes harvest able item and other things.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline Turoskel

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2013, 03:09:22 PM »
It's interesting reading this and recognising things that I always do myself.

I have three bad habits that I have tried in vain to break.

1. Always using my self sim over and over again, even in challenge games if possible.
2. Always playing in Riverview, at times I feel I wasted my money on Monte Vista and Aurora Skies as I never use them.
3. Always marrying my self sim to Dallas Shallow. I tried marrying her to other people but it just didn't feel right, I'm a one man girl in real life and she's no different.

The last time I played sims 2 I had a family where I had named two of the children after my pet dogs, sadly one of my dogs died and I could no longer touch that family as it made me upset, in fact I stopped playing the game altogether. So I have an odd rule for myself to never name anybody after family, friends or pets in my game which is why I never created a version of my boyfriend, if I didn't have that rule he'd be in my game and Dallas would get the push  :P

Building drives me bonkers at times, I can't seem to do simple, I get carried away with decorating and having the nice things, I think I'm probably compensating for the fact I live in a very work in progress house, one day the room I'm sat in right now will be finished but until then I make do with giving my sims a finished home instead.

Also symmetry, It's an obsessive compulsion with me in life and sims, I could not get a pair of curtains to go on a left side diagonal wall the same as they did on the right side earlier today, it just would not go on the same spot of the grid so now I have to try and ignore the fact one is a tiny bit too far over or go insane. I'd love to be able to build or decorate a little more randomly but it all has to be just so, perfectly aligned and symmetrical  ::)

Love your screenshots Eldridge, they really show off the sims emotions well, nice array of beards too  ;D

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2013, 04:06:23 PM »
Also symmetry, It's an obsessive compulsion with me in life and sims, I could not get a pair of curtains to go on a left side diagonal wall the same as they did on the right side earlier today, it just would not go on the same spot of the grid so now I have to try and ignore the fact one is a tiny bit too far over or go insane. I'd love to be able to build or decorate a little more randomly but it all has to be just so, perfectly aligned and symmetrical  ::)

This is basically me.  :o

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2013, 04:33:39 PM »
I agree with the Trip and Azzoka observations.  I seem to have at least someone in each story I create being utterly faithless. 
I prefer female Sims.
I don't try enough careers.  I tend to stick to just a few or avoid having my Sims get careers.
I get too distracted by new ideas to stick to what I'm currently working on.  At the moment, I have six different stories, a contest, and a challenge I'm writing.  Realistically, I'm probably within moments of just deleting everything and starting with a clean slate.  If I only did one story at a time, I could probably actually finish one of them  ;=)

Offline Eldridge

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2013, 04:41:10 PM »
Always playing in Riverview, at times I feel I wasted my money on Monte Vista and Aurora Skies as I never use them.

Despite the other worlds that I have I feel the same like you. I usually play over Sunset Valley again just want to see my favourite townies.

Also symmetry, It's an obsessive compulsion with me in life and sims, I could not get a pair of curtains to go on a left side diagonal wall the same as they did on the right side earlier today, it just would not go on the same spot of the grid so now I have to try and ignore the fact one is a tiny bit too far over or go insane. I'd love to be able to build or decorate a little more randomly but it all has to be just so, perfectly aligned and symmetrical  ::)

This also my problem.

Love your screenshots Eldridge, they really show off the sims emotions well, nice array of beards too  ;D

Thank you, Turoskel. I really loved taking screenshots anyway beside playing ;D

I prefer female Sims.

You forget to add the sexy part, Pippin. I can see that your Sims sleeping wear are kinda inappropriate to a child to see ::) and certain specific Sims to be sure like Bianca Crumplebottom, Blair Wainwright with such traits that appeal you :P
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline CSquared2

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #40 on: November 28, 2013, 10:19:37 AM »
This topic has made me realize just how many things I do over and over.   :o

I play both male and female sims, but while my female sims have a great diversity of appearance, my male sims usually look the same.  For them, I also prefer the narrow head, facial hair, body hair and all of them are on the low side of body weight, muscle size and muscle tone.  While my female sims can be of any color, my male sims usually have a skin tone similar to my own.

Once I make a sim I really love, I play him or her over and over and over in different towns.

I dislike the "unnatural" stuff, so I rarely play supernaturals or make anyone's hair/skin/eyes any color that doesn't seem realistic.

My sims usually marry the first person who finds them vaguely attractive.

My sims usually accept the first career they wish for.  They never skip work.

I also edit the color and pattern of virtually every object I buy.  I can spend hours after a birthday editing outfits, even if (like swimwear) my sim will never use them.  I think this again is a preference for realism.  There are too many bright colors and odd patterns in the game, but with some creativity, lots of them can be turned into more realistic versions of themselves.

In deference to the time before I used mods, I prefer small families, usually one and done when it comes to kids.  I wait until the couple are adults before having a baby so there aren't so many generations clogging up the home at one time.

I micromanage adults, but younger sims are on their own except for instructions to eat, bathe and sleep.

Sometimes I think I must be very bored with this game, doing the same things over and over, but I'm not.  I'd play 24/7 if I could.  Ever since, in Sims 2, the game could refresh itself by having your sims die and the next generation move into their place, there's never been a stopping point for me.   ;D

I was just playing and I remembered another one: during the day, I always Play, Feed, Snuggle baby, in that order.  It comes from the days in Sims 1 when baby would throw up on you and there seemed to be less chance of that if you played, then fed.  At night, I always Feed, Snuggle to get the parents back to bed and allow them to get enough sleep.  Old habits die hard.

Offline catherinelizabeth

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2013, 12:08:40 PM »
- All woman family (Usually a grandmother, mother and two teenage daughters) but I like them to have male babies.
- Similar faces with large eyes, a beauty mark, small nose and full lips.
- If the family has daughters, the older one is usually a genius bookworm who wants to become a doctor, whilst the younger one is rebellious and flirty.
- Similar home layout.
- Towels and toilet roll in the bathroom.
- Infidelity

Offline Zaki

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2013, 01:09:32 PM »
Whenever I start playing, I pause the game and check what every one of my Sims is doing.

I am on the website Chicken Smoothie! My username is Miyazaki.

Offline simfulicious

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2013, 01:38:59 PM »
Whenever I start playing, I pause the game and check what every one of my Sims is doing.

I do this, too, but I don't think of it as a habit, but more as being a smart player.  I wouldn't want something bad to happen to my precious simmies because I can't remember what they were doing when I turned them off last.

My habits:

1.  I definitely make the same sims, only difference is I will change their hair style and color.  I have my favorite eyes and mouth that I will generally use all the time.
2.  Pause is my friend. 
3.  I have a habit of starting, and then quitting the file a couple days later because of glitches, or something happening that I didn't like.  This translates to me always doing the same things in the game, over and over.  I'm ready to try some new stuff!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: What are your Sims 3 habits?
« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2013, 02:13:03 PM »
I'm actually in the midst of a project where I'm forcing myself away from some of my Sim habits and preferences.  It's challenging, but I'm finding that I'm rather taken with some of the results.  It seems like, every time I get a new world or expansion, I have plans of utilizing certain features, then I just ignore them and go back to my comfort zone.  (Audible sigh)

