This topic has made me realize just how many things I do over and over.

I play both male and female sims, but while my female sims have a great diversity of appearance, my male sims usually look the same. For them, I also prefer the narrow head, facial hair, body hair and all of them are on the low side of body weight, muscle size and muscle tone. While my female sims can be of any color, my male sims usually have a skin tone similar to my own.
Once I make a sim I really love, I play him or her over and over and over in different towns.
I dislike the "unnatural" stuff, so I rarely play supernaturals or make anyone's hair/skin/eyes any color that doesn't seem realistic.
My sims usually marry the first person who finds them vaguely attractive.
My sims usually accept the first career they wish for. They never skip work.
I also edit the color and pattern of virtually every object I buy. I can spend hours after a birthday editing outfits, even if (like swimwear) my sim will never use them. I think this again is a preference for realism. There are too many bright colors and odd patterns in the game, but with some creativity, lots of them can be turned into more realistic versions of themselves.
In deference to the time before I used mods, I prefer small families, usually one and done when it comes to kids. I wait until the couple are adults before having a baby so there aren't so many generations clogging up the home at one time.
I micromanage adults, but younger sims are on their own except for instructions to eat, bathe and sleep.
Sometimes I think I must be very bored with this game, doing the same things over and over, but I'm not. I'd play 24/7 if I could. Ever since, in Sims 2, the game could refresh itself by having your sims die and the next generation move into their place, there's never been a stopping point for me.

I was just playing and I remembered another one: during the day, I always Play, Feed, Snuggle baby, in that order. It comes from the days in Sims 1 when baby would throw up on you and there seemed to be less chance of that if you played, then fed. At night, I always Feed, Snuggle to get the parents back to bed and allow them to get enough sleep. Old habits die hard.